For as long as Tatiana had been alive, humans were at war with the Asari. She never knew a universe where her species wasn't always on the wrong side of a losing war, fleeing from colony to colony as Justicars swept across their territory, throwing men into labor camps and plucking their favorites from among the women. Just like the Protheans in days long passed, all of human civilization had been distilled into one single goal: survival in the face of a crushing, overwhelming presence. In another reality, Tatiana would've had a much different life. Her flawless bone structure and noteworthy beauty would've been the kind of thing that elevated her to an interstellar supermodel in a more peaceful world, yearned after because of her lean, muscular frame that spoke of a sleek, joyful ride. Her hair would've been allowed to grow long and luxurious in that peaceful fantasy, instead of being chopped to a short pixie cut so as to fit underneath an Alliance military helmet. And she would've been pampered by every species she met - treated with gifts, favors, and praise.
But unfortunately for her, she lived in this reality, and in this reality she was nothing more than a novice soldier, seen as just another pair of hands to hold a weapon. Her very first mission out of basic training was one of note - a full-blown assault on one of the Asari's royal cruisers. An Ascendant class starship that was all but guaranteed to host an important matriarch, perhaps one of the elder Justicars, a high-ranking ambassador to one of the other species, or maybe even the empress herself. It was the sort of mission that most young people fresh out of training would've jumped at the chance to tackle, and Tatiana was no different. She, like so many others, never contemplated the fact that the only reason they were asked to take part in the assault was because the Alliance was doing so poorly that there were no other options.
The evening of the attack she was harshly reminded of just what role her species was to play in the galaxy. To call it a slaughter would've been an understatement. When the Alliance ship flanked the royal Asari Ascendant ship, the thing instantly fired shuttles that crashed into the bulkhead of the human vessel like meteors. Each one opened up split-seconds later only to reveal elite squads of Asari commandos, who proceeded to rip through the human ranks without losing a single woman. Tatiana had clenched her weapon with an iron grip, trembling and doing her best to fire at the forces that crashed into the ship without mercy or pause - and she even managed to plink a few rounds against one of their biotic barriers, but it did nothing to stop them. In the subsequent minutes that followed, the poor girl was forced to watch as the Alliance men were carved through with the brutal efficiency that the matriarchs held their commandos to, only to be then rounded up - loaded into a containment vessel alongside every other fitting woman on the human ship.
The last thing she saw from the window of the containment ship, surrounded by other girls her age or even a bit younger, was a vibrant blue blast screaming from the front of the Ascendant ship, obliterating the human vessel and turning it into nothing but interstellar debris. From that point? It didn't matter to poor Tatiana just how well the humans would do in the war, or how long they'd manage to endure in the face of overwhelming Asari oppression.
For her, the battle was already over - as was any semblance of life as it should have been.
For the next two weeks, Tatiana had been kept in anticipation of her fate while the other human women she'd been taken alongside grew less and less in number. Half of them were stolen away from their cells the same night they were captured, and the halls of the Asari royal ship were filled with the sounds of lust - moaning and depravity that didn't sound nearly as afraid as Tatiana thought they would. To that end, the other girls she was held alongside were more than happy to fill in the gaps in her knowledge and her fear - each whispered word somehow making the waiting even worse.
"I've heard they do something to you, make you want it."
"My old commander said she stumbled on one of their breeding facilities, and there were hundreds of women just…pregnant, and broken."
"They…they are pretty. I wonder what it would be like…"
Of those three women that said those things, all of them had been taken by various Asari over the course of the next week, and the last one was unable to contain her enthusiasm for Asari by the time it happened. The population of Tatiana's cell grew smaller and smaller as members of the crew claimed treats for themselves, and each time they did so, a small crew of Asari would stand in front of their cage and discuss things in a language that none of the humans could understand. The only thing the slender human knew was that every Asari that came around the cage had expressed an interest in her, only for one of the wardens to very sternly slap their hands every time she was pointed towards. The young woman was wracked with fear and confusion on a daily basis, but she understood one thing: she was being saved for something.
She finally learned what it was after the conclusion of the second week, when she was blindfolded by her captors and led from the ship. Forced to march naked behind a squad of Asari commandos, Tatiana couldn't help but stumble, bump into things, trip over her own feet - though for as callous and cold as the Asari had been, none of them ever expressed a violent anger towards her. As if she was a prize too pretty to be bruised, they would always catch her in biotic fields and drag her along, and the most any of them ever violated her personal space was one that ran an appreciative hand over her ass - only to be swiftly corrected by her commanding officer. As such, the march out of her cell to an unknown destination was only uncomfortable because of the blindfold and Tatiana's naked state, stripped of her uniform and forced to pad bare-assed in whatever direction she was pointed towards. Eventually, she was forced onto her knees onto a comfortable cushion, and when the blindfold was unceremoniously ripped from her head, she gave a strangled gasp from the back of her throat.
From the tiny cell on the Ascendant ship, Tatiana was now kneeling at what could only be the seat of power on the Asari homeworld. Before her stood a throne with spires and spikes that stretched out in all directions for twenty feet at its highest point, and seated squarely at the base was an Asari that was breathtaking in her authority and beauty. An obvious matriarch, the blue-skinned woman had a wizened look to her that was enough to suggest she was thousands of years old - nearly as ancient as the Asari could get while still maintaining their beauty. She was dressed in fine silks that shifted in color from pink to violet with every motion, and she sat with one leg crossed over the other, both stuffed into knee-high boots that were inlaid with gems and finery. Draped over the silk clothing that hugged every inch of her remarkable form was a fur coat that was lavish and luxurious - including large, draped sleeves with cuffs sporting complex embroidery, and a massive collar that framed her head like a lion's mane. Though she didn't wear a crown, that coat was testament enough to her value within Thessia. A garment of such audacious and resplendent wealth that only one of the most powerful women on the planet could afford to own it. That coat, alongside her regal bearing and the unadulterated look of superiority on her face made something shockingly clear to Tatiana.
There was no doubt about it - even to the naive and youthful mind of the captured soldier - this was the Asari empress. The one that ordered hostilities against humans in the first place.
The single most hated woman in the galaxy, if you were to ask any of the species that she'd put her boots to the throat of. And now, she turned her attention to Tatiana…as well as those that were kneeling beside her. Tatiana only noticed now as the empress' eyes passed over the group laid out before her - she wasn't the only human kneeling in front of her. There were a half-dozen other girls there, all stripped naked and forced into a submission posture, none of which Tatiana recognized. They girls exchanged nervous, sobbing glances before the empress finally spoke, lifting a hand and drawing the attention of all the humans to her.
"Welcome to Thessia, young ladies." She cooed in a soft and teasing tone, her smile starting as sincere but slowly twisting into something more sinister. "I suppose none of the various crews that apprehended you thought any of you were worth talking to, so let me be the first to greet you here at your new home."
All the humans shivered as the empress rose, and Tatiana in particular felt her eyes go wide upon the sight. The empress was…beautiful, in a haunting, terrifying way, moving with an ancient grace and carrying with her an unearthly power. Her lavish fur coat chased behind her with every step, dragging at her heels just enough to look like the tail was hovering mere microns above the floor, the sign of her wealth in a constant cascade behind her. Tucked into the snug-fitting form of her skintight silks, there was even the outline of an enormous phallus - something utterly unmistakeable, and enough to confirm at least half of the rumors that the other soldiers told about Asari. Tatiana trembled while she maintained her gaze, watching as the Asari empress slowly started to walk from one girl to the next, studying them as she mused in a teasing, thoughtful voice.
"Seven girls from seven flagships. The very best of their plunder, brought forth as tribute to the empress." The Asari woman cooed as she reached out a hand, teasing the jet black hair of a girl on the far left. As she did so, the oversized cuff of the fur coat brushed across the young woman's bare breasts - teasing and tickling her and giving her a brief brush with greatness. The poor thing shivered and withdrew into herself in response, though the empress didn't seem offended. If anything, it made her giggle as she moved onto the next, a freckled redhead whom she held by the chin and took the time to study in detail. "Every flagship's captain wants to earn my favor, you see. And I do so enjoy a good toy to spend decades toying with. They bring me the most beautiful they can find, and I'll choose my favorite before sending the rest of you to my elite guard. Rest assured, dears, the mere fact that you've reached this far in the process ensures that you'll all be treated to pleasures beyond your comprehe--"
She paused when she got to the girl just beside Tatiana. She was a pale young woman with blonde hair and vibrant blue eyes, and the empress seemed downright taken with her. So much so that Tatiana, from her vantage point, naturally assumed the choice had already been made…at least until the empress spoke with a sudden deep, dark voice.
"--you. I've seen you before." The empress spoke in a matter-of-fact fashion. "In the swirling pleasures that were your mother's mind. She was captured thirteen years ago, yes?"
"...y…yes, Empress." The blonde hung her head, squeezed out a tiny sob, and then whimpered. "Is…is she here? Can I see her?"
"My old toy. She only barely kept my interest for a decade…what possible reason would any crew have to think her daughter would satiate me better?" The empress rolled her shoulders, and gestured for one of the nearby Asari commandos. "Take her to the old one and stuff her in the breeding pits. Let them be inadequate broodmares side by side."
Tatiana tried to remain steadfast as the girl beside her was literally dragged away - screaming and sobbing and realizing just what fate was coming for her. The young private stuck out her chest and lifted her head, trying her best to put on a brave, bold front. Though her reality was filled with confusion and fear, she could only assume that being chosen by the empress was her best option for a bright future.
The poor, silly, naive thing had no idea just what she was getting herself into.
"Oh, now this one is something new and exciting." The empress spoke, and stretched out one elegant hand to slide the back of her fingers across Tatiana's cheek. While the human girl did her best to maintain her composure and bravery, she couldn't help but flinch away from the contact - a gnawing anger swelling inside of her, the knowledge that this woman was the source of all of her people's sorrows crushing at her shoulders. She would've leapt to her feet and tried to choke the older woman right then and there, if she didn't know it would've meant a swift execution at the hands of the Justicars. Even still, that flinch from the empress' touch could have meant the same - if the older woman wasn't oddly entertained by it. "A little fire behind that skinny frame of yours, hmm? Well…I think I might enjoy testing how hot that burns, dear. What's your name?"
Tatiana looked up at the older woman, and took in a sharp breath through her teeth. She took the time to gaze from side to side and look at the other girls lined up before the empress, and for the first time noticed something strange about them. Some of them were kneading their hands against their thighs, others were squirming back and forth, and a few were staring ahead at the empress' crotch - as if trying to let the older woman know that they were intent on the package pressing against the silks. And while Tatiana didn't quite feel that level of desire just yet, she had to admit…she felt something strange while she knelt there, drawing in the faintly scented air near the Asari throne, naked underneath the shadow of the empress. When she finally found the strength to answer the woman's question, her head tilted up and she looked to her with what little bravery she could muster - speaking for the first time since she'd been captured.
She was silenced by the empress reaching down and pressing a finger to the center of her lips, quieting her on the spot.
"Wrong, dear." She cooed, and shook her head. "You don't have one anymore. From now, until I get bored of you, the only thing anyone will ever know you as is Empress Piora's fourteenth human pet."
Tatiana didn't have the courage to ask what happened to the first thirteen, but at least she knew the fate of her immediate predecessor.
That night, Tatiana was taken to the lavish heart of Thessia - the bedchambers of Empress Piora. The single most important place in the entire galaxy if the Asari were to be believed, the place where the empress celebrated her victories by claiming her favorite pet. While she was led through the halls, Tatiana was forced to bear witness to the proof of the humans that came before her - sculptures and paintings of thirteen other women, ranging from girls that looked like they were fresh out of basic training to seasoned veterans sporting scars that the empress took a liking to. It was chilling enough to be roaming the halls that reminded her with every step of the legacy she was following, but was truly frightened Tatiana was just how many of the paintings and statues depicted the women as…pregnant.
Heavily, heavily pregnant, with large, stretched bellies that looked like they were carrying triplets or more.
Tatiana didn't ask about it, knowing that even if Empress Piora would've seen fit to answer her, she wouldn't like what she'd hear. The human ultimately stared blankly ahead as she was led on a leash into the bedroom, brought to the center of the most comfortable bed in the galaxy, and finally fell under the attentions of the older woman. Expert fingers that had existed for millenia teased her slender body, tracing her toned muscles and working across her breasts. Lips that had commanded the occupation of Earth now moved over Tatiana's throat, kissing and unleashing faint breaths that cascaded down the young woman's spine. And even though Tatiana had every reason within that isolation to despise Empress Piora, she instead found herself squirming just like the girls at the throne room, squeezing her thighs together and whimpering while she was teased.
"And there it is. The burning that exists in every human whore." Empress Piora chuckled as she noticed it, her hands moving forward and forcing Tatiana to kneel on the bed. The young woman was helplessly positioned with her head to the sheets and her ass lifted, young pussy exposed with glistening folds and a dense layer of nectar that Piora smeared across her clever blue fingers. "Your kind is only fit for breeding, you know. Your men are pathetic and weak, and your military is a joke. You're fortunate that your wombs can carry Asari offspring, and your bodies take well to the stims that shorten the gestation period. It's only with the guidance of the Asari that your miserable species will realize its true potential a--" She paused and laughed, two blue fingers underneath Tatiana's pussy, which the young woman was grinding herself against, unable to resist the urge. "Oh, you're not paying attention to me at all, are you? A pathetic species, as I said."
From there, Empress Piora spared Tatiana no words - it was clear the human wasn't listening anyway. The first taste of an Asari's cock came to the young human's pussy from the one that lorded over them all - her dick a flawless piece of meat that was as wide and long as Tatiana's forearm, and pushed into her nethers with a strain that sent the girl shrieking. The fucking that followed was furious and hungry, and while the girl's sweat-drenched body was left convulsing, Piora fucked her into the mattress with every vigorous thrust - slapping a pair of heavy blue balls against the back of Tatiana's thighs, drilling her cock so deep inside that she stretched the poor thing's belly. Tatiana absolutely howled, her eyes going crossed and drool escaping from the corner of her mouth, pooling into a puddle on the sheet as she was packed with glorious blue meat.
Piora didn't speak to her slut for the moment, but she still had plenty of ways to show Tatiana just how little she considered her worthy of respect. The slaps that fell on the girl's ass were delivered so fiercely they left handprints, and each time Piora pressed her teeth against Tatiana's shoulder or throat, it was always hard enough to leave an indent from the bite - a sign of ownership from the empress. At one point, she forced herself into Tatiana as deeply as she could while pulling the girl up from the bed, stretching out a hand and smearing her fingers across the bulge her dicktip was causing in the human's belly. She even guided her attention over to a full body mirror so Tatiana could see - not-so-gently reminded that even though the rutting was fun, they were there for a purpose. Humans were meant to be bred, and the athletic girl with short hair was no exception.
Again and again she pounded into her, until Tatiana's body betrayed her in the form of a spasming climax. With her nostrils filled with the scent of Asari sweat and lust, her thighs went wild with rapid shivering and she suddenly unleashed a squirt of nectar against the sheets, adding her own scent to a room that had hosted thirteen other human sluts before her. She was moaning, howling, and sobbing all at once as Empress Piora simply grinned to herself, and with a few more expert strikes packed herself so deep inside that Tatiana was briefly worried she'd never be able to pull back out again. It was in that ferociously deep spot, pinned underneath the sweaty empress, that Tatiana could feel her first burst of virile Asari cum flooding inside of her - delivered in heavy spurts that sloshed relentlessly within her womb, filling her with a warmth that she despised on a primal, visceral level, but could do absolutely nothing to stop. Tears streaked her face as her body convulsed in yet another climax that she sincerely didn't want, and when she looked over her shoulder to see Empress Piora looming over her, the sneering visage of her new owner was smirking with a visible, vibrant cruelty.
"Welcome to your new life, slut." She hissed, and stuck out her tongue to deliver a long, hungry lick starting at the side of Tatiana's throat and going all the way up to her temple. "Be a good whore, squirt out plenty of healthy Justicars, and you'll be rewarded with another day in my presence. Fail me even once, and it's off to the breeding pits with every last one of the human cunts that failed me before you - and their daughters."
Thankfully, crying didn't count as failing Empress Piora, because Tatiana did plenty of it that night.
In time, Tatiana couldn't remember the night that she was first claimed by Empress Piora. In fact, as the days turned into months and the months flowed seamlessly into years, so many things left Tatiana's mind that she barely even knew what species she was anymore. As it turned out, she did indeed seem to please the empress in a way that none of the other thirteen humans that had the honor of kneeling at her heels did. The years ticked by and at no point did the ultimate Asari matriarch cast her away - never once humoring the idea of throwing her prized human pet to the breeding pits. Tatiana was the empress' favorite…and thus far, none of the sluts she'd been brought over the generations were captivating enough to pull the older woman's eyes away from her pet.
And there had been plenty of opportunities to do so. The advancements in Asari technology ensured that when they wanted a pet to be kept alive, there was no real force in the universe that could deny it. Through augments and treatments, Tatiana's lifespan had stretched decades, even centuries, all of which she had been constantly located at one of two spots on Thessia: Empress Piora's bed, or the soft velvet cushion that sat at the foot of her throne. It was at one of those two spots that Tatiana spent her hours worshiping the cock of her goddess, taking the Asari into one of her holes, fawning over her with both hands and an eager mouth, and taking any semblance of dominant abuse the older woman threw at her - which, because she had become a fairly docile pet, was mostly relegated to that of verbal and public humiliation.
"Yessssss, dear, they're all looking at you again." Empress Piora hissed from her throne as she leaned confidently back, staring across her royal chambers to regard the dozens of Justicars that presented themselves in front of her. It was a scene much like the one during which Tatiana first met the empress, with a group of naked human women presented by commandos, all of them hoping to earn favor with the empress for their offering. Considering the fact that Tatiana was, at that very moment, riding in a reverse cowgirl position on Piora's lap and taking her enormous cock down to the hilt, it seemed…unlikely that she'd be supplanted anytime soon. The empress reached a hand up to fondle her fingers across Tatiana's belly, and in doing so brushed her flesh with the cuff of her fur coat - the exact same coat she had worn the day they met. It was hardly the empress' only garment of its type, but she seemed to be particularly fond of the one that gave her that lion's mane of fur behind her head. "Those girls are so jealous of you. Do you think they have a chance of taking your spot as my personal cocksleeve?"
"N-Noooo, Empress, I was made for you!" Tatiana responded with a happy tone, her eyes going crossed as a tiny shockwave of pleasure cascaded over her. The caress of her empress had a tendency to do that - pushing tiny orgasms into her as soon as she felt the sweep of her fingers and the brush of that fur coat. Tatiana looked to the supplicants and bounced just a little harder, making sure they knew how deep she could take the empress - and how experienced she was in her appointed role. "They won't give you anywhere near as many babies as me, Empress! And they won't know how to suck your cock just how you like it every morning! And they probably don't know the first thing abou--"
She silenced herself when Empress Piora drummed her fingers on the girl's flank - a silent command that it was time for sluts to be quiet now, save for the moaning and gasping.
"My personal whore has a point. These are the best sluts you can bring me?!" The empress barked at the Justicars and their various offerings, from tiny-titted and underfed whelps to older women that looked like they'd been hiding in an asteroid belt for the past ten years. Piora reached around the frame of her human slut to caress Tatiana's belly - heavily pregnant, stretched out to an absurd degree. It jiggled and danced within the grasp of Empress Piora, and Tatiana gave a mewling moan as she was fondled. Words weren't a thing she really used anymore. "I have here the pinnacle of breedable human perfection, and you think I'm going to throw her away for one of those…those rats?! You might as well ask me to breed a vorcha!"
"Apologies, Empress Piora!" One of the lead commandos stepped forward, holding an arm across her chest and taking a deep bow. She tried to stay focused on the eyes of her empress, ignoring the human that was greedily bouncing on that enormous dick the entire time. "But the humans have nearly been hunted to extinction. The only ones that still remain are in our work pens or breeding pits. There…simply aren't enough to ensure quality offerings, Empress."
"Hmph!" Piora scoffed at that, and took the time to reach up and around her pet's tits - groping them, squeezing them, twisting the nipples until Tatiana's groans filled the hall around her throne. Underneath her fingertips she could feel the stiffness of platinum piercings that had been affixed to Tatiana's nipples - one of the many aesthetic changes made to her perfect human. Similar piercings were present in her ears, nose, and tongue, and she sported the symbol of Empress Piora on her belly - tattooed there in such a way to proudly display her loyalty when she was heavily pregnant, the ink looking its best when she was stretched wide with a new generation. "Then take all of those whores to the breeding pits, but let them watch as I fuck this one, first! Give the new sluts something to strive for…"
Again, she drummed her fingers on Tatiana's rear, and released the command to be silent. Tatiana took advantage of that fact by moaning loud and gleefully into the open air, throwing her head back and bouncing even harder. Her tits, damn near five time the size they were back in the day, flopped and bounced with every roll of her hips, and she soon started to fuck so hard and fast that she needed to support her pregnant belly by tucking her hands underneath. Thankfully, Piora was more than happy to lend her strength and momentum into the thrusting - locking her arms underneath Tatiana's and folding her hands behind the girl's head, securing her while also half-embracing her in those fur-clad sleeves.
"Y-Yes, Empress! It feels so good…! L-Let me show them why I'm your favorite cum dump!" Tatiana groaned with a joyful smile, thrusting in such a fashion that allowed her to spread her thighs all the wider, letting the humans take an even more intimate look of that enormous blue cock spearing into her cunt. Each bounce was wet and loud, fucking a groan from the woman's throat just as it filled the air near the throne with a moist, sticky noise. "Fill me up, please! I need your cum, Empress! I'm just a worthless human, and the only thing I'm good for is draining your wonderful balls! Humans are meant to be wrapped around Asari cocks, and I'm wrapped around the best one right now!"
The pregnant Tatiana - with her once-short hair now dangling well past her tailbone - was used as an example for yet another round of humans. She looked at them with a glazed expression and a vacant smile on her face, drool escaping the corners of her lips and dangling all the way down to her plump, bouncing tits. She groaned and giggled as her mistress fucked her from behind, gleefully brought herself onto her hands and knees so Empress Piora could rut her like a vorcha in heat, and through it all remained in a happy, bred haze.
Over the years, Empress Piora had proven she could be a cruel bitch - and for three hundred years, she took profound delight in fucking Tatiana in front of the other humans. She stubbornly refused to tell her pet about that strange species she saw that looked so much like her, and Tatiana had long since lost any semblance of memory of what she was or the nature of her relationship to the older woman. She simply bent over and offered her holes up to the empress when Piora wanted her - whether it was in a state of lust or a state of fury, knowing that she was always the perfect fit for the Asari empress' cock. Three hundred years had led to nearly five hundred different clutches of Asari offspring, squeezed from her body at an accelerated rate by the augments they stuffed her with. And while she was fucked that night in front of the newest recruits, she could feel her current brood kicking inside of her in a familiar fashion - they wouldn't be long now. Maybe tonight? Maybe tomorrow? She only knew that once they did arrive, she wouldn't be given a respite before Empress Piora was there once more, ready to fuck her to the hilt and get her working on the next batch.
When the empress came inside of her that night in front of the human recruits, Tatiana howled with her eyes crossed and her entire body convulsing. She squirted in an explosion of nectar as well as a sudden burst of milk from her pierced nipples - the latter of which arcing so far and high that it splattered on some of the nearby Justicars and the unfortunate humans they were bringing for appraisal. When she felt Empress Piora flood her with cum yet again, Tatiana could only force out a strangled series of groans and giggles, and for all of the empress' cruelty in turning her pet into a breeding bitch, Piora still had the good sense to let her down easily onto her velvet pillow, ever-careful so the tumbling slut didn't injure the valuable cargo in her belly.
"S-So warm…your cum is so warm, Empress…"
It was there that Tatiana laid on her side on the pillow, cum oozing from her pussy - which she naturally couldn't stop fondling - as she watched the empress step towards the Justicars and speak business with them. She barely understood what they were saying, being the stupid breeding sow she was, and even if she did, it didn't matter. She was the empress' prized fuckpet, and not one that deserved the right for an opinion on any matters in the entire galaxy. While they talked, Tatiana let her eyes drift over to the various human girls that just witnessed a stark glimpse into their futures. The way Tatiana's pregnant belly swang as she was fucked and filled, the glazed look in her eyes, the callous way in which the Asari treated them like cattle. If there was any real recollection in Tatiana's mind upon seeing them, it was dark and distant and buried underneath decades of abuse, forced pregnancy, and a strange form of affection from the empress that claimed her. She didn't understand why the girls were crying. Why did they all look so sad and hopeless? Didn't they know…this was what they were meant for?
When that particular crop of girls began their slow march towards the breeding pits, they no doubt viewed some of the art that filled the royal halls those days. Sculptures. Paintings. Tapestries. All of them, without fail, were of the strange, fuck-addled, pregnant human they just witnessed getting filled in front of the throne. Statues of Tatiana holding her pregnant belly in her hands while she sucked on Piora's cock. Paintings of her hunched over and drinking what looked like cum from a pet bowl, and smiling while she did it. A massive tapestry stretching the entire width of the hall, with images sewn into it of the long-haired human in any number of profane positions. Within Thessia, Tatiana was practically a mythological creature, so beloved and jealously guarded by Empress Piora that no other humans could ever hope to compare. Even if she didn't remember her name, her species, or how many Asari she'd squeezed out of her pussy over the years.
In another reality, Tatiana would've been regarded for her beauty and treated to gifts and affection. But here, the prize she received was immortality, an endless legacy, and the infatuation of the woman that hunted her species to extinction.
The End.