
Garp lived by one rule:


He didn't regret a damned thing.


Not refusing promotion, not protecting the son of the Pirate King, not standing by and watching that same boy die. 


It didn't matter if that rule actually held true. If he found himself lingering on what could've been, well, no he didn't. 


If he sat in chains with a hole in his gut and his apprentice among pirates and wondered if Koby would have fared better in his position, well, no he didn't.


A young woman— maybe a girl— was being dragged by her hair into his cell. Garp didn't get excited when they opened the door, he couldn't stand let alone attempt to escape in this condition. 


The pirate that pulled her along was beanpole thin, and it was clear he'd taken the brunt of the girl's thrashing. She put up a good fight: a bruise cut across his cheek and he walked with a limp. Dirt scuffed his black pant leg where the girl must have planted a good kick. 


"Fuck! Off!" She screamed, each word punctuated with a swing of her bound arms in a wide arc that failed to hit anything. Garp noticed the glint of sea stone in her cuffs. A devil fruit user then. 


"I'll kill you!" She roared, before being dropped on the ground.


She scrambled to stand, but the man vanished into thin air and another pirate shut the cell door before she could even take a step towards it.


Garp saw him reappear in the adjacent room. Another devil fruit. Everyone seemed to have one these days.


The girl slammed her chains against the bars of their shared prison uselessly, screaming over the clanging metal. Baseless threats, insults, crass words. Who the hell had raised a girl to end up like that?


"Don't you know who my mother is? Charlotte Linlin, the Yonko, ever heard of her? If you think she'll let you keep me you've got another thing coming you fat fuck!"


She directed this last insult at Blackbeard himself, who only smiled back. 


A Charlotte, then. That explained the brat's behavior. Garp almost felt bad for the whelp. Didn't she know Big Mom was dead?


He shifted his weight meaning to try and catch some sleep before Blackbeard decided to try torturing him. But the rustling of his chains only caught the Charlotte girl's attention. He realized his mistake: he was a target she could actually reach. 


She stomped up to him, and by her gait he realized that she was walking on a broken pump. If she wasn't careful she'd break her ankle. It'd be better to toss the shoes altogether, or at least snap the good heel to make them even. 


"You!" She roared, and Garp resigned himself to parenting another damned imbecile. 


He looked up and almost choked, surprised. 


Three eyes stared down at him. 


Well, he supposed that made sense. Big Mom's whole schtick was collecting all the races into one big, happy family wasn't it? A shame that "happy" was a far harder end to achieve than "big." 


She must have seen his shock, as each eye narrowed with greater fury. 


Then, he blinked, and she looked suddenly small, scared, and absolutely helpless.


Tears formed in all three eyes. She covered her mouth with both hands and heaved a shaking sob, then fell to her knees beside him. 


"You're a marine, aren't you?" She wept, reaching to clutch his lapels, knuckles knocking into his medals. "Oh, save me! These pirates, you don't know what they'll do to a pretty girl like me!"


Garp ignored the disgust that knotted his stomach. He knew exactly what pirates did to pretty girls like her. That was not a behavior exclusive to pirates. Regardless, it was a real risk she faced.


Garp reminded himself that she was a pirate, too. He didn't know why Blackbeard had her, but she must have played with fire and gotten burned.


"Can't do much to help you, I'm afraid."


He blinked and she was snarling again. 


"Useless old fuck!"


She slammed her fists into his chest. He barely felt it— the chains around her wrists landed harder than the punches themselves.


She slumped over him, breathing heavily. Though her hair hid her face, Garp thought he felt tears seeping through his coat. 


In the other room, the pirates rumbled with laughter. 


"We haven't done it yet, have we princess?" A pirate Garp recognized, Jesus Burgess, jeered.


"Not from lack of trying," said another, a woman with a long nose, Catarina Devon. Behind her, Kuzan's lips curled into the smallest frown.


Traitor. No use in pretending to have a moral high ground now.


The girl pushed off of his chest with bared teeth. She whirled around to snap at them. 


"You're just waiting to sell my virginity to the highest bidder!" 


Garp's eyes bulged from his face. 


Hells above, why would you give up that kind of information ? He silently cursed her naivete.


Was it a ploy, an attempt to trick the men into retrieving her from the cell? Garp thought it ridiculous whether she was being deceptive or not.


As he expected, the pirates drew tense at the claim. A sudden spike of interest muted any conversations that had been going on. Garp surveyed them: eight altogether. At least one was Kuzan, who Garp didn't believe would participate. There was also the woman, though she'd seemed just as cruel as any man.


It didn't matter what devil fruit she had; even unchained, the Charlotte girl would be no match for the lot of them. 


Garp closed his eyes and waited for the clank of a key against the door. He just hoped they'd take her to another room before letting loose.


"Hey, Hero of the Marines," a fat, drunk man with a ruddy complexion broke the pregnant silence. "Ever had your way with a pirate?"


A few pirates 'ooh'ed, catching on. Others made sour faces, clearly not wanting to hand over the Charlotte girl's deflowerment.


Garp glanced at their captain. 


Blackbeard was smiling. 




His grin grew as he noticed Garp's attention. He poured a tankard of ale into his mouth, rivulets spilling through the gaps in his teeth and seeping through his matted beard. He finished the drink off with a rumbling "Aah!" and threw the cup aside. 


Everyone turned to watch him. Blackbeard stood from a rickety wooden bar stool and it groaned under his weight. He stomped right up to the jail bars and pulled a pistol tucked beneath his belt. 


He pointed it at the girl. 


"Don't suppose you'd entertain a few pirates to fuck over the navy, would you princess?"


"Like I'd do anything for you, you disgusting—"


"Value your life a little, would you kid?" Garp hissed, trying to move his lips as little as possible. He didn't want this, but her negotiation skills were starting to get on his nerves. 


It wasn't an ideal situation. Of course he didn't want to do anything Blackbeard was asking, but decisions had to be made quickly in times such as these. One, no matter who that one was, would be better than eight. 


If she was lucky, she might even survive. 


She turned back to Garp and seethed. He ignored that and took a good look at her. As scrappy as she was, she was a little thing— almost scrawny. Her pink dress must've fit nicely before she was imprisoned, but the ribbed corset had give that pointed to a fair bit of weight loss since her capture. 


His eyes settled on her chest— it was the trait most reminiscent of her mother. 


"You men are all pigs," she hissed, turning. Only, that put the pirates in her view, and she seemed to want to see no one at all, and turned to glare at the corner of their cell instead. 


Garp hadn't been leering, but he didn't bother defending himself. Things were going to get messy, and she didn't need to understand that he was a good man when all signs were pointing towards his participation in a very bad deed. All that scanning her had done was reaffirm how unequipped she would be to fight off a whole band of pirates. 


She's a pirate, too. He repeated it like a mantra. It wasn't making him feel any less disgusted about what was surely about to happen. 


A gunshot pierced the air. The girl clapped her hands over her ears. Garp couldn't with his hands bound at his lower back, so it deafened him.


Blackbeard's pistol smoked, but he'd only shot at the back wall of the cell, and no one was harmed. Rocks splintered from the facade, and one pirate, another massive man, started shouting. He seemed annoyed at the property damage, but everyone else blew him off.


Blackbeard's lips moved. Spit fell past them. His belly lurched as he cackled. The Charlotte girl began to cry. 


She wiped her tears, leaving dirty streaks on her cheeks. When she spoke — evidently replying to Blackbeard— Garp could hear the outlines of her voice over the omnipresent ringing, but not her words.


Blackbeard spoke again. 


She stiffened, jaw tensing. The pirates all danced around in silent laughter.


With shaking hands, she pulled her arms from the puffy sleeves of her dress. Without any hold on her shoulders the fabric slouched, bunching at her stomach where the stiffer fabric of the corset caught it and left her breasts exposed.


Blackbeard had the gun trained on her. His lips shaped a whistle that barely pierced the ringing in Garp's ear.


The Charlotte girl didn't move to cover herself. At least she tried to look unbothered, even if it was plainly fake. 


Blackbeard twisted his fingers, and after a moment's hesitation she spun in place with uneven steps. 


Garp forced himself not to look away, to not do anything that might draw too much attention and remind the pirates who all they were tormenting. 


When she faced the bars again, another pirates' lips shaped the word "jump." Others jostled with laughter, and Blackbeard nodded encouragingly.


She clenched her fists before obeying. The intention of the order was obvious, and everyone's eyes followed the movement of her breasts as they bounced. 


Blackbeard gestured with the gun, pointing from her to Garp. He hadn't been forgotten after all. Damn. She turned, and Garp met eyes filled with hate.


"G… him a l..tle dance!" A pirate with a high voice pierced the humming veil. 


The Charlotte girl looked back at Blackbeard, who only raised his eyebrows.


When she looked back at Garp, she was crying again. 


She evidently knew how to dance, but it came across as rigid. With her broken heel, she seemed to be avoiding footwork, focusing more on rocking her shoulders and swaying her hips. Her dress, modest and homely, seemed incongruous with the erotic style. her exposed chest swung enticingly with the rhythm of her body.


Garp was starting to hear again. The pirates in the other room were shouting terrible things. 


"Put them through the bars! Give us a squeeze!"


"Fuck yourself on that Navy cock!"


"Rub your pussy, Pudding-chan!"


So that was her name. Garp had long since stopped trying to remember all of Linlin's progeny.


Pudding didn't respond to any new instructions. It seemed she'd figured out the only one she had to listen to was Blackbeard. 


Blackbeard gestured with his gun, waving towards Garp. "Enjoying the show?"


Garp gave him a tight lipped smile. 


"I expect nothing less from degenerates."


He watched Kuzan's flinch at his words. Good . Bastard was going to learn quickly what he'd given himself up to. 


Everyone else seemed elated that he'd responded at all. 


"Is he hard?" One asked.


"Pull his cock out!"


"Breed that slut, Vice Admiral!"


He was not hard. He was nearing seventy, and liked a woman with a little bit more maturity to offer. A fighting spirit was attractive, sure, but nothing a girl more than half his age did was enough to make Garp even twitch. 


"Show him your pussy, princess."


Blackbeard's words cut through the clamor. The pirates immediately hopped on board. 


"Sit on his face!"


"Show us your cunt!"


"But you said —!" Pudding argued, cut off by Blackbeard's retort. 


"Gotta fulfill your half of the bargain first, little miss."


Garp wondered what they could have arranged in the short time he'd been deafened. Perhaps it had been earlier, before she'd ever been brought to his cell. 


With gritted teeth, she grabbed the hem of her skirts, exposing herself. Garp admired her gumption: she was deliberately only pulling up the front half. At this angle, the pirates weren't getting to see much of anything.


He, however, saw everything.


She wasn't wearing panties. Garp guessed anything she'd been wearing when she'd gotten here had long since grown filthy, and been discarded. That left her exposed completely. Between jutting hips, fine ginger curls smattered the top of her mound, few enough that Garp guessed she preferred to keep it hairless, and it had only grown this long due to the circumstances.


Some of the pirates seemed annoyed at her clever ploy, coming closer to try and sneak a peek. 


"Like what you see?" Teach asked Garp. 


Hell, what was he supposed to say to that? He chose not to say anything at all. 


"You don't have to show us anything baby girl," Teach continued, seemingly unbothered by his silence. "So long as we get a nice description from that man right there."




Garp glanced up at the Charlotte girl. 


Hate morphed into a silent plea.


Garp opened his mouth, stammered, then closed it again. "It's a cunt," he finally said, exasperated. He wasn't some fucking poet. 


"Damn," one pirate cried. Garp wasn't sure what he'd been expecting.


"Is there bush?" another asked. 


Garp rolled his eyes. "You've left her in a cell for God knows how long, what do you think?"


Puddings clutched fingers trembled and her knuckles turned white. 


"Give us a sniff, what's she smell like?!"


"Petunias," Garp growled. They must know damn well what an unclean pussy smelled like. What a ridiculous pageant— half of these men weren't all that young themselves, so why did they still think with their dicks? And couldn't they just skip to the main event if that was so inevitable?


"Let him get a good whiff, princess."


Pudding jumped at Blackbeard's voice. Garp met her eye and saw fear. 


Let's get on with it, he thought. 


She shuffled forward and the crowd cheered. 


She didn't get close enough that he could actually smell anything, not over the stench of his rotting wound, his sweat, and the undefinable muck that caked the cell floor. 


"Suck her clit!" One pirate cried. 


"Get nice and close," Blackbeard ordered. 


She stepped over his lap, planting a foot on each side. 


Suddenly she was very close. Garp, hidden by her skirts, looked straight at the floor and held his breath. 


"Everyone quiet!" The woman pirate shouted. It took a second, but everyone eventually fell hush. 


She spoke again. "Eat her pussy, I want to hear it!"


Others roared with excitement, before shushing one another. Blackbeard hummed his approval. 


Pudding swayed, and coarse curls brushed Garp's nose. She squeaked. 


"Oh, starting already?"


Like hell.


"Don't let him stop until she cums, Captain!"


"Sound good to you little lady?" Blackbeard asked Pudding. below her bunched up skirts, Garp couldn't see her silent reply. 


She swayed into him again, and he rolled his lips into his mouth to keep them from touching.


What the fuck are you doing? Garp thought. He was pretty sure he could imitate the sounds well enough. The question was if the girl could fake an orgasm. Maybe they were lucky, and they could get away without actually having to do anything more illicit than this.


He couldn't convey his plan to her, but he had to try. 


He sucked all the saliva from the corners of his mouth and smacked his lips together.


The crowd cheered, before frantically collecting itself. 


Garp couldn't act this out and hold his breath at the same time. He silently apologized to Pudding, inhaling days old musk and warm heat.


He sucked his cheeks and smacked his lips and rolled his tongue. He spat dryly, and grunted like he was enjoying this. 


He hoped it was enough to trick pirates.


It was unfortunately also tricking Garp himself. His cock was starting to stir.


He ignored it and sang silent praise as Pudding squeezed her thighs together, making strained gasps and moans above him. Atta girl.


They pulled off a pretty good charade. Garp was no actor, but he at least had a wealth of pussy eating experience to use as a guide. Pudding, if she was truly a virgin after all, had some serious acting chops.


She caught her weight on one of Garp's shoulders and cried out, her whole body quivering. The act pushed her pussy close, sometimes even into Garp's face. He tried to keep up the performance without accidentally touching her. He failed once or twice.


Garp could feel where she'd brushed his lips, cheek, and nose even as she stepped back, dropping her dress. Her chest heaved with exaggerated breaths, and when Garp looked up at her, she seemed to be examining him. 


He drooled down his chin before swiping it against his shoulder, spreading the wetness across his goatee.


When she backed away enough that he could see again, the charade seemed to have worked. 


"Look, he's soaked!" One laughed. 


"How was it?" Another asked.


"Fuck you," Pudding panted. Garp winced. The heavy breathing was good work, but he wished he could tell her not to taunt their captors. 


"That was a good warm up," Blackbeard purred.


Pudding froze. Garp cursed.


Pudding's voice was hollow when she finally spoke. "What do you mean?"


Blackbeard feigned surprise. "You didn't think I'd let it end there did you? You can't just give the man an appetizer and leave!"


Pudding stared at nothing. Her breaths became shallow.


Fuck. Blackbeard was going to make him fuck her, that had always been the plan. That had probably been the only reason they'd brought her into this cell.


"He'll slide right in now that she's wet!" A pirate jeered among the excited crowd. 


Garp had just fumbled his one opportunity to make it as painless as possible.


Tears ran down Pudding's cheeks. 


"Come on!" A pirate sang. "I bet it's as long as her arm!"


Pudding dropped to her knees. 


Garp could only wait. 


The pirates laughed. One pulled his cock out and got close to the bars to cum inside the cell. As he jerked off, he begged Pudding to turn, to let him see her cry.


"Better yet, let me fuck those tits!"


She behaved as if she couldn't hear him. Blackbeard didn't seem to mind her ignoring his crew mate, and when he came onto the floor tiles unassisted, the other pirates laughed at him for being so excitable. 


"Got all the time in the world," Blackbeard rumbled, crossing his arms through the bars. He rested his face against them, and it smudged his features. The gun dangled tauntingly within their space.


Garp flexed against his chains, but it was no use. There wasn't any reaching the gun, and even if there was, a haki-fueled punch would be a tenfold superior weapon. It was only there, seemingly, to remind the girl who was in charge. 


Garp supposed she didn't have haki to protect herself with. She really was in over her head.


Pudding eventually stirred. 


"All I gotta do is fuck that geezer?" She asked, and the pirates, who had fallen back into easy conversation and drinking, all came back to attention. 


"No promises," Blackbeard said. 


"Promise me."


She had an awfully loud bark. She turned to look straight at the pirate captain, steel in her eyes.


"I fuck that man and you promise me that none of your men will touch me."


Some of the pirates cried in outrage. Everyone seemed to expect they'd have a turn with her. Only Blackbeard was willing to entertain her idea. Thankfully, only his opinion mattered.


"Maybe," he conceded. "but you gotta enjoy it. Give us a good show, tell everybody exactly how good marine cock makes your whore pussy feel. Think you can do that?"


She hesitated. Garp tasted bile in his throat. But, it was a good deal. He'd already seen her act— it was her best asset. All she had to do was sell it. 


One of the pirates left the room— the woman. She came back with a snail. 


Garp's heart dropped. Pudding was staring down the pirate captain. Did she notice?


Fuck. A recording of Monkey D. Garp fucking a girl in handcuffs. It would be hard to explain. That was what Blackbeard wanted. 




Pudding got to her feet and stomped back up to Garp. His chub had died down, but she stared at the clasps of his pants, as if trying to evaluate what exactly she'd gotten herself into. 


"This is all you," Garp huffed, shifting to show that he really couldn't have helped her along if he wanted to. 


She knelt in front of him, and began to work the buttons. 


Pudding had slender fingers. Her nails, despite imprisonment, were fairly short and tidy. Garp suspected she kept them filed down in life. It implied some kind of lifestyle that involved busy hands. 


"What do you do for a living?" He asked under his breath. 


She looked up at him, annoyed. "Apparently, I suck old marine dick. Thanks for rubbing it in."


To stay alive, yes. Not the "living" he meant. He didn't press the question. 


He repeated her answer in his mind. 




She muttered through gritted teeth. "Not gonna put it in dry, am I? Thanks a lot for that."


"Can't you just fake it? Cover us with your dress."


"Oh, cause that worked so well last time!"


He let her undress him in silence. 


Bound as he was, she couldn't tug his pants down more than an inch, but it was enough to pull him out with. Her fingers were cold against his member, and looked infinitely smaller next to its impressive girth. 


It wasn't quite longer than her arm, as one pirate had guessed.


But it sure was close.


Pudding let out a steady, controlled breath.


She slacked her jaw, then seemed to realize his cock wouldn't fit no matter how wide she could open her mouth. She clamped her lips together in frustration.


"First time?" Garp whispered. 


"I don't need your fucking help," she hissed back, before taking a second to collect all of her hair over one shoulder.


"Need a hair tie?" The female pirate asked. The men cheered at her initiative. No one had asked for a blowjob, but no one seemed to mind Garp getting a little extra service.


How they sat, Garp was comforted with the fact that nothing was exactly on display. Pudding's shoulders shielded his cock from view, and facing him, her chest was mostly out of sight as well. They would get to see her ass, covered by her skirts, and Garp's face was visible over Pudding's head. 


If he could have chosen, Garp would have let everything but his face be shown. At least then whatever video they got out of this could be disputed. 


Lost in thought, Garp let out a surprised curse as wetted lips wrapped around the tip of his cock. 


He hadn't been ready for it. Garp felt her mouth turn down in repulsion — cock, Garp guessed, didn't taste pleasant on a good day. Musty, rotting-in-a-cell old man cock must've tasted horrible. Perhaps attempting to create a barrier between her tongue and his sweat-stained flesh, she lathered his cockhead in as much saliva as she could.


Her tongue ran hot and light across his cock, a delicate touch that betrayed her inexperience and hesitation. Garp grunted as he felt the tip of her tongue dip beneath his foreskin before immediately retreating, discovering just how disgusting men could be. 


She glanced up at him as if asking, is that normal?


He grimaced back. 


She pushed down his foreskin with both hands and whined at what she saw. She did her best to wipe him clean, scooping the dick cheese with her fingers, then, searching for a place to deposit the filth without further dirtying her hands, she settled on wiping it across Garp's clothed thigh. 


The white fabric stained yellow, and Garp bit back his complaints. 


The pirates in the other room had rearranged themselves, drawing close to the cell and congregating on the edges, where they had the best angles to peer from. 


Someone started taking bets on whether Pudding would bleed. 


Garp saw tears swell in her eyes again as she returned to mouthing at his cock. 


Blackbeard had given her one rule: she had to enjoy it. 


"Brat," Garp started, then grimaced. Probably not the best way to appeal to her. Still, she looked up. 


"Lay me down and turn so that you're on top of my chest. You heard them say before, "sit on his face? I don't want to do this any more than you do, but I don't see how you're going to pretend you're enjoying anything at this rate."


Her lip wobbled. She tried to look angry, but quickly fell to despair.


"I should've just done it from the start. You were right, it'll make it hurt less in the end if you're prepared."


She was crying again. She wiped her cheeks with the backs of her hands and nodded. 


She stood up to rearrange them. Because he couldn't move, Garp had to leave all the work to Pudding. It was humiliating to be tugged across the dirty floor, then pushed down onto it. He was heavy, and it clearly cost a great deal of effort for her to fulfill this task. 


Walking about and arranging him left him on full display to the pirates, and to the snail. The pirates all reveled in his endowment cock, though others raged at his visible disinterest. 


That didn't matter once Pudding hiked up her skirts and sat down. 


The room roared with a cheer of "atta girl!"s and "round two!?"s. Garp was engulfed in heat and musk and Pudding hovered over his nose, not quite daring to put her weight on him wholeheartedly. 


Garp rolled his eyes. In for a Beri, in for a Grand. Craning his neck, he dipped his tongue between her folds. 


She squeaked. The crowd laughed. Delicately, she settled lower, and Garp spared no time at all warming her up. 


He was worried the gawkers would lose patience. He could have a very limited amount of time to prep her. Worse, he couldn't stretch her with his fingers. It would be tongue straight to full penetration, and as Garp dove into her cunt he was certain it would be a dangerous squeeze. Even against his tongue, she was tight as a vise. 


The best he could do was force her body to loosen up. He ignored the foul stench of weeks of captivity and ate her like his life depended on it. He rolled his hips to remind her that this was a two-way street. If he wasn't able to get it up, Garp worried Blackbeard would just have his way with her, after all. 


It took a second, but he felt fingers wrap around his cock again. 


"The whore's drooling!" A pirate said, muffled through Garp's suckling, but also by the crush of Pudding's calves against his ears.


Garp's senses reaffirmed the pirates words when a wet glob landed on Garp's cock, sliding down his shaft and over Pudding's fingers. She smeared it experimentally over the velvet skin, and he hummed against her pussy to encourage her. 


She was certainly a virgin. Her grip had no pressure, stroking half heartedly, then stilling altogether. Her tongue barely wandered past his tip, and she gave absolutely no consideration to his balls. 


Garp couldn't exactly blame her, but it meant he'd need a miracle to actually get hard. 


He tonguefucked Pudding's pussy and sucked her clit, trying to ignore where he was or why he was doing this. Fucking a woman, hell, when had been the last time he'd done that? The few women he kept in touch with these days hated his guts, and he and Tsuru hadn't fooled around since their fifties. The last time he'd tasted pussy like this…


Garp tried to imagine himself at a corresponding age, fooling around back in boot camp. There had always been local girls eager to bed the marines on base, even the chore boys. He'd picked one up at a bar, and they'd snuck past her family to roll around in bed together. He'd been about as good at it as Pudding was now, and he hadn't gotten to finish. The girl's father had come bursting through the door, furious. He'd gotten away through the window, and never saw that girl again. 


Damn, not much of a helpful memory. Garp veered his mind to the lewd magazines Kizaru kept in his desk, which everyone in the upper ranks considered communal material. He tried to remember his favorites in full color: a heavy set woman with black curls and a carpet to match, another model with a high salt-ane-pepper bun that only ever showed her backside, tits and pussy just visible enough to tease the audience. He liked the curves of her hips, but also the creases in her back, how the weight settled on her thighs. 


The crowd got louder. Fantasizing was working— barely. 


Though he didn't hear it, someone must have suggested Pudding fuck him with her tits, and she did: plush skin sliding up and down over his length, a thousand times better than anything she'd been doing before. Garp was right: in exactly one sense, Charlotte Pudding took after her mother. 


She squeezed his cock between her tits and it felt good . Her rhythm was shaky and inconsistent, and it was only when she pushed against his nose that he realized why. 


She came, and fell limp against Garp's thighs for a moment. Garp fucked her tits himself, focused more on the mission than any impropriety. 


He tried to tell if she was loose enough to fit inside. She would have to be; there was nothing more he could do. 


The pirates gave her long enough to catch her breath before growing impatient. 


"Ride that cock!"


"Breed her till she squirts!"


She staggered off of Garp, and he took a deep breath of semi-fresh air.


His dick stood about as tall as he could ask it to. 


Pudding looked at him, as if seeking reassurance. He had none to give. 


Pirates started shouting positions, most of which were impossible: full nelson, doggy, cow-girl. The words didn't seem to mean anything to Pudding. 


She eyed Garp's waist dubiously, stepping over him to stoop above his cock. She was facing Garp's legs, facing the pirates.


"Take it slow," Garp gritted, when she all at once grabbed his length and pressed it to her core. He wanted to get this over with too, but that wasn't the way.


She didn't react to him other than to pause, then slow, easing down against him. It wasn't going to be comfortable, but after the tip pushed inside, Garp felt himself relax.


She was tight, but it wasn't an impossible fit. He'd bedded tighter, had once had to pull out and make excuses when he knew it wouldn't fit no matter how hard anyone tried. 


Pudding grunted with pain, but kept sinking down. About a quarter of the way, she seemed to remember that the goal wasn't just fitting everything inside. 


She lifted herself on shaky legs. 


"Do you want help?" He whispered. He expected another biting dismissal, and was surprised when she turned to face him. She bit her lip, nodding. 




Her legs were weak, and she didn't know how to hold herself. If Garp's hands weren't crushed against the floor right now, he'd have adjusted the girl's posture, put her arms in the right places to hold herself up a little steadier. As it was, all he had was his hips. 


He bucked up into her, and Pudding squealed.


"Alright?" He huffed. He'd gotten about halfway in. 


Pudding was bowed over, panting. "Keep… going…" she urged. 


He tried again. The pirates cheered. Some got their dicks out, others just gave unsolicited advice.


Garp rocked his hips back and forth, trying not to push too much in too fast, gradually pressing deeper inside until he felt her ass on his belly. Instinctually, he tried to reach out and hold her waist, remembering quickly that he couldn't. She leaned slightly to the left, where her bound hands clutched above Garp's knee. 


Hilted, he gave her a second to breathe. Her cavern squeezed his cock, young and nubile and eager to milk every drop of seed from him. Though his mind preferred an experienced woman, his body seemed perfectly content, nestled inside of her unexplored depths. 


When Pudding finally shifted, Garp began to well and truly fuck her. 


He set a pace that he hoped would be fast enough to get this over with, but not so fast that Blackbeard would find the event unsatisfying. He didn't put a ton of thought into Pudding's pleasure, but found that he'd stumbled upon it: each push of his cock into her cunt elicited a squeal or a moan. Her hair flopped over her shoulders, and her butt slapped against his stomach. The pirates sang praise for the way her tits danced to his rhythm, though Garp wasn't fortunate enough to be able to enjoy that view himself.


"Say how good Navy cock makes you feel!" A pirate cried.


"S..o… good!" Pudding squeaked, and her pussy squeezed him tightly as she said it. 


"Show us how deep he is! I wanna see his balls slap your clit!" 


Pudding wobbled as she raised her hands, collecting her skirts to show the crowd that, indeed, Garp had made it all the way inside. Garp didn't stop thrusting, but he did grit his teeth in annoyance. It hadn't been Blackbeard's order, she didn't have to expose them like that. 


She didn't drop her skirts after they roared with approval. She only seemed to straighten, to push her hips forward, to bounce in tune with Garp and fuck herself on his cock. 


"Say you're a whore!" A pirate commanded. She obeyed, words chopped up between each impaling thrust. 


Soon enough the pirates found that they could make her say anything:


"I love geezer cock!"


"Put a baby in my virgin pussy!"


"I'm a navy cum dump!"


Garp tried to pull out, but she was riding him just as much as he was fucking her, and she was pressed firmly against his body when he cried out, spilling inside. The audience cheered. 


Pudding bounced on his cock until soft and spent he slipped out. Even then, she bounced on the air a little before realizing she was empty. 


Cum leaked from her cunt onto Garp's lap. When she stood shakily from his lap, she received a round of applause. 


The spindly man that brought her into Garp's cell unlocked it with a key. 


"A deal's a deal," Pudding panted, looking at Blackbeard's unwavering smile. 


"Sure is."


"I made him look bad, right? You'll let me go?"


She clenched her fists, then seemed to remember her chest was uncovered, and scrambled to slip her arms back into her sleeves.


Garp tried to understand. Had her goal been to make him seem to be an enthusiastic bed partner?


"That's what I said," Blackbeard agreed, and the thin pirate with the keyring entered the cell, taking Pudding by the elbow and dragging her away. 


Everyone made sure to get a good handful as they passed by. She shouted questions at Blackbeard, but he only smiled and waved them away. 


Then, she was gone. 


Garp lay on the floor of his cell, cock still slick and slumped against his thigh, cooling in the air. He tried to give a shit that he'd been tricked by the Charlotte girl, but he didn't have the energy to care.


The pirates slowly but surely dispersed. Eventually, Garp was left alone with only two: Catarina Devon, and Kuzan. Kuzan seemed to want to have a moment alone with his former mentor. Catarina seemed perfectly content to prevent him from ever getting that chance.


Catarina drank delicately from a glass rather than a tankard, sipping and swirling the contents. With her other hand, she scritched the chin of the snail that had filmed Garp's humiliation. 


"You know," she said conversationally, and Garp didn't immediately realize he was being spoken to. After all, Kuzan was there. 


"There will be a time when, once we trade you back, everyone will believe you were innocent. This video, they'll think it was faked, that you weren't really here."


Garp frowned at the ceiling. He didn't see how that would happen. Sure, there were devil fruits that could trick the mind, but mass manipulation abilities were rare, and the clone-clone fruit was accounted for, held by a prisoner in Impel Down. 


No, his reputation was well and truly ruined. She seemed to believe what she said, however.


"There will be a day when you alone carry the burden of the truth. Your people will look to you and only see goodness, and every time you are praised, thanked, loved , you will remember what you've done, and one day you'll snap, and beg to be believed. "I'm a monster," you'll cry, and no one will believe you, because you are the Hero of the Marines."


She laughed, and Garp considered her words. No, he didn't think they were true, because nothing he'd done today would be more shameful than anything he'd done before. 


I'm a monster? Please, I already knew that .


He heard screaming. Distant, but indisputable. Garp's heart sank, but he couldn't say he was surprised. 


Kuzan, however, shot up. 


"What's happening?" He asked, urgent. 


She hadn't even blinked when the sound first erupted, but Catarina raised an eyebrow at Kuzan's question. "What do you think, boy?"




He was interrupted by a peal of shrill laughter. "Don't tell me you thought we'd meant to follow through on promises , Kuzan! We're pirates! We take . That's the whole idea. Why don't you go have a turn, see what freedom really tastes like?"


The screams changed, betrayal turning to animalistic desperation. Kuzan stared at the door, eyes hidden beneath his shades. 


When he left, his footsteps trailed in the opposite direction. Catarina left to join the others. 


Finally alone, Garp let out a sigh and wished someone would shoot the wall behind him once more. At least then, he wouldn't have to listen.