Trapped on a ship

Year 2250.

A colony ship of thousands of humans was sent on a mission to a far galaxy, seeking a new Earth. The mission would take more than 200 years and most of the passengers would be in stasis, asleep and unaging.

There did however need to be a few caretaker humans, awake to do vital maintenance and respond to any emergencies. Though they would never live to see the destination, this mission was an honour.

A married couple, Kelly and James Beckman, had volunteered for the job, knowing they would at least have each other, and could pass the duty to their eventual children.

Two months after launch, they were due to come out of stasis and begin their new lives in deep space…


Kelly was a woman unparalleled in her field. A brilliant scientist with an enquiring mind, a level of altruism that coated every endeavour she undertook and body that was as juicy as it was expertly crafted. Alone amongst her peers as someone who could win a Nobel Prize just as easily as a swimsuit competition, she had been the poster woman for a bright new future in the stars. It was not something she had reached for, the 34-year-old content to work purely behind the scenes. When she was told that giving people a face to put their hopes on would increase morale, she was dubious. But when even her husband James had encouraged her to model for the mission, she relented.

And so she had been on banners, full body promos that made her silver bodysuit shine, the practical and patented SpaceSkin looking almost pornographic against such an elite body with curves that hinted, no, demanded, that upon arrival it would be up to 'YOU' to populate an empty world, by any means necessary. Her shoulder-length, brunette hair was glossy and perfect, cascading down one side of her head in lazy, luxurious ringlets. Sharp, goddess features that would bring in pioneer-spirited males by the hundreds and her zipper undone just enough to have cleavage the slutty side of tasteful exposed. A wide expressive mouth, bright eyes and supermodel skin so flawless that the cameras barely needed their tricks to capture her as formidably stunning.

And so as the mission advertised for volunteers using Kelly as their mascot, it caught the attention of one boy in particular. One boy with absolutely no morals and no limits. He was not one of humanities brightest minds. He was totally unremarkable, far below average even. Except for one feature that put him in the highest percentile of human advancement. One feature that was especially useful for colonising new worlds. And so the boy got his ticket for the Colony Ship, with his mind set on one outcome. Kelly, by any means necessary.


Kelly blinked rapidly, the world around her swirling into focus, the cold metal walls of the stasis pod enclosing her like a tomb. Her breathing started shallow, feeling like she was trying to reach air through a throat full of gauze. But she calmed down quickly, used to the feeling of exiting stasis from her training.

"Pod open."

A piercing scent of sterilization filled her nostrils as she was hit with a wave of adrenaline rich gasses that wiped away the remaining fog from her brain. The only sound was the soft hum of the ship's life support systems, a reassuring heartbeat that told her everything had gone well. The door of her pod unsealed and mechanical arms pulled it away.

She took her first step out expecting to see her loving husband waking up in the pod next to hers. Instead, she turned and was met with the shit-eating grin of an 8-year-old boy, his expression both unsettling and predatory.

"What… who are you? Where's James?"

'Nobody else should be awake!'

She panicked. If this boy was out then something could have gone wrong. Maybe more passengers of the thousands on board were awake and wandering.

"Oh, him? He's right here."

The boy's voice was eerily calm and steady, the drawl of a child used to getting his own way, not a scared lost boy wondering what was happening. Kelly wondered for a moment if he was supposed to be on board at all, his scrawny build and casual nose-picking as he ogled her curvy body not matching the sales pitch of the supposed quality of humans sent on this mission. But he had the same SpaceSkin Kelly did, a child-sized bodysuit that also acted as an ID. She could see the info-panel on his shoulder, Timmy Renwick. Her eyes followed from his shoulder to his pointing hand to the pod just behind his.

Stepping around the child for now, Kelly clacked her heeled boots to her husbands pod. The cover was fogged and she wiped away a visor to peer through and sighed with relief when she saw it was James inside. He was there, still asleep, but the pod next to him and Kelly was open. Kelly and James's pods should have been neighbours.

Kelly squat down, wide hips burgeoning out her skintight, silver suit and turning her ass into a gigantic metallic-silver peach. Her fingers searched the edges of the pod, just behind the cylinder that stored the human occupant. She found what she was looking for, the ID tag that the loading systems used to position and program each pod's cycle. Except the tag came away easily in her hand, looking damaged. She shuffled over on all fours while a bored Timmy watched her and did the same to his open pod. She brought both ID tags together in her hands.

"You figured out I swapped the tags just before take-off already?"

Kelly's blood ran cold as the boy casually admitted what he did, sounds more impressed that she figured it out than worried that he had been rumbled.

"Y-you… switched them? You jeopardised the mission to swap tags? Why!?"

Kelly had never been a fan of giving out discipline, but in this moment she came as close as she could imagine to hitting a child, something about the smug brats aura just prickling her as he stood there, watching her husband in stasis from what was staring to look like a boneheaded prank.

"Because I've been watching you for months, seeing that fine body everywhere I go. That advert where you purr to the camera and say 'a new world is waiting for us'. Did you ever watch that footage back and see how much those melons jiggle?"

Kelly couldn't help stutter and yelp at each point as the boy started his tirade, the filth spewing from his pre-teen mouth stunning her into silence.

"Yeah I saw you body and then I saw your husband and I got fuckin' pissed. You met as students at some science academy, joint top of the class right? No way should a bitch as fertile as you be with that nerd cuck. So I decided he didn't deserve you Miss Kelly. But I do. And I got the evidence to prove it."

Before she could counter the crass twerps monologue, the boy unzipped his SpaceSkin and ditched the silver material at his feet, stepping out of the clothing and exposing his body to her. Kelly's jaw dropped. The one aspect of Timmy that qualified for top 1% of humanity was evident. It was more like top 0.0001%. Hanging from his thin, hairless hips was a demonically fat 14-inch pussytamer, flopping between his legs in a statement that offered no chance of rebuke.

Kelly first thought was, illogically, disbelief that the skintight suit he was in before could have hidden the fact that this CHILD had been so unfairly blessed with such a massive cock.

"That… um… oh my… you got on board because…"

"Because I have a cock that would put a stallion to shame yeah. Some guys are just born different. I don't think lights-off missionary with James has really prepared you for this mission has it Miss Kelly?"

The woman blushed, Timmy hitting the one sore spot in their marriage by pure chance. She gathered herself after the initial cock-shock. Stupidly large meat or not, Timmy was a menace and she had to take back control and get him back into his pod. He would be free to swing that thing around and knock up as many women he wanted on the new world in a few hundred years. But right here and now she didn't want anything to do with him.

"Well, some women value other things. More important things. Put your clothes back on and get back to your pod and I won't have to report this."

"I'm not going anywhere. I want to stay and play with you Miss Kelly."

"Nonsense. I'll wake my husband up and he will deal with you. Believe me, he will be a lot less understanding than I am."

She turned her back, intending to find a terminal and force wake James, then the two of them could force this upstart brat into containment and they could get on with their lives. But as she started to walk away she heard some mechanical noises coming from James' pod. Looking back she saw Timmy with some kind of remote in his hand. He caught her looking and his face opened in a smile revealing his vicious teeth.

"Did you know they made these Miss Kelly? Administrator remotes."

"Th-those are for-"

"The maintenance lead yeah. They put it in James' pod. Which means they actually put it in mine. And it's bio-locked. It bonded to me and now nobody else can use it. Not James. Not you. Good luck on your mission without it."

Kelly's stomach twisted. What Timmy was holding was near absolute power on this ship. She just hoped he didn't know everything it could do. He pointed it at James' pod again and a cool, female voice came over the comm system.

"[Pod Eject Sequence Primed]"


She screamed out, starting forward then stopping as the boy threateningly circled a large button with his thumb.

"I could send hubby on a little spacewalk. Unless of course you do exactly what I say."

She tried to keep her breathing in check, heart-rate spiking as her deep, calming breaths made her breasts swell up and plump lavishly out of the slightly tugged down zipper on her suit. James' life was literally in the hands of this twisted child. She tried to compose herself, mind racing for a way to negotiate or escape.

"What do you want Timmy?"

His grin widened into a sadistic smirk as he took a step closer to Kelly, his nakedness a stark contrast to her silver bodysuit and the sterile environment of the pod bay. He reached down and casually grabs his beyond-footlong, uncircumcised cock. With a flick of her eyes, Kelly was perturbed to realise that just under the layer of greasy foreskin was a thickly applied coating of smegma, a vein of unwashed filth that emerged from the opening like a halo around his piss slit and, evidenced from the bulging quarry beneath, continued to fill up post of the bulbous head with more solidified sperm and sweat.

"I want you to clean me up."

He asked like it was an innocent favour. Like he wanted Kelly to scratch his back, not debase herself with direct contact with his putrid cockfilth.

"Lick it clean, from the base to the tip. And if you do a good job, maybe I'll let James stay on board."

'He isn't just delusional. He's a power-tripping little psychopath!!'

Kelly stomach lurched the second she even imagined the contents of Timmy's foreskin scraping against her tongue. The reality of the situation crashed over her like a cold wave. The smell of his unwashed genitalia was almost tangible, making her eyes water. She felt the bile rise in her throat, her mind screaming in protest. Yet, through the haze of fear, a spark of desperation urged her on. She swallowed hard, her eyes flickering to the device in his hand then back to his smugly swinging cock. Her voice was a hoarse whisper.

"You… you can't be serious?"

She was falling into more and more unlikely scenarios in her head. That this was some joke. A bizarre emergency drill. Some hallucination from stasis-sickness. She tried to keep her face neutral, thinking anything might provoke a worse reaction.

"Of course I'm serious. You think I jumped on board this ship without knowing exactly what I was here for?"

"This… game. It's sick. You're a sick little boy."

"I'm a sick little boy that you need to clean the cock of, otherwise your mission is kaput and your husband is just excess ballast. Maybe we should get his opinion on what you should do?"

Timmy pressed a button just below the ominous red one and instantly James' pod support systems creaked to life.

"What are you doing?!"

"Nothing bad. Just waking him up a little. His mind, not his body."

Kelly saw as the fog cleared from the glass panel, revealing her husband reclined back in his pod. His eyes were stirring for a few seconds before going wide, darting between Kelly and the naked 8-year-old in front of him. Whatever Timmy had done, James was fully conscious but unable to move or even talk.

"Hey cuck. Your wife was struggling with her new role from head caretaker to my personal cock cleaner. I thought maybe have an audience would help her adjust."

"James, it's not… he has the Admin remote."

She could tell from the pleading look in his eyes that he understood the stakes instantly, begging her to wrestle back control from this child and wake him up fully.

"So Miss Kelly. Are we in agreement?"

She swallowed. The stink of his cock felt like it was circling her like a shark in the water. Glances down at his top percentile kiddy meat was being underlined with bites to her lip.

'James is in danger. I can't risk this now. I could give in and wait for a chance. Ohhh whhhyyyyy did he have to wake him up to see this??!'

"This 'reluctant whore' routine is getting real old Miss Kelly. I don't like getting my time wasted."

Timmy's eyes never left her darting, decision-struck ones as he pressed something on his remote. There was a faint whirring sound from somewhere next to her, and a moment later, a muffled cry of pain echoed from the pod. She jerks around, searching for the source, only to find James' pod shuddering slightly. Electricity was being fed right into the chassis, entering James' body and coursing through him painfully, the man being able to do nothing but clench and yell against the burning forces zapping through his nerves.

Kelly's eyes widened in an alarmed response at her husband's pain. Timmy wasn't bluffing and he didn't even flinch at causing another person such intense agony. He released the button after three gratingly slow seconds.

"Now I suggest you get to it. The longer you take the more I might get bored and let my hand… slip."

Either through the thrill of having Kelly as his hostage or the pure enjoyment of causing pain, Timmy's cock was now fully erect, achingly hard. The full fourteen inches looking like an obscene insult to nature on his lithe body. Pale skin, almost no body-fat and feral eyes. It was like this boy was adapted for one thing, and his brain warped into finding the path to his whims, no matter who he had to tread on to get satisfied.

"The better you clean it, the safer hubby will be during his sleep."

His foreskin was peeling back with his arousal, revealing a horrific amount of smegma all around the engorged tip and even deeper swamps of nastiness under his tip and around his glans.

"Okay, okay, I'll do it. Just don't hurt him any more."

"Oh no, Miss Kelly."

Timmy's eyes lit up with excitement at the first syllable of her submission, his instincts urging him to drive his assault deeper.

"That's not how this works. You don't just get to do what I want without asking nicely, do you?"

His cock swayed as he stepped forward.

"Beg me."

His voice had a menace to it. An edge that was far beyond what his years would suggest.

"Beg me to let you clean my cock."

Then he pressed the button again, sending more agonizing electricity through James's pod. The muffled screams were almost too much for her to bear, and Kelly could see the pod's occupant convulsing in pain through the glass.


She was trembling in voice and body, dropping to her knees instantly.

"Let me…clean it."

She leant in, her nose wrinkling at the smell, and with a deep breath, she opened her mouth. She started to lick along the length of his shaft, crossing the peeled back barrier between his greasy outer pipe and the miry sludge closer to the head, her tongue working meticulously to scrape off the thick layers of smegma. She tried to ignore the taste, the bitter tang of his unwashed flesh coating her tongue and raping her tastebuds raw. The first mouthful of 'nutrition' taken on this journey was not the ration-packs of world cuisine that had been stored but the fermented dickcrud of a child. Kelly tried to focus on the thought of James's safety. Her eyes watered, and she has to swallow back the urge to gag as she gathers the sticky substance on her tongue. Each pass she makes over Timmy's cock feels like utter degradation to her, and the first teasing fluffs of victory to the calculating twerp.

Timmy's punchable grin fixed itself into the couple's brains as they watched, his eyes openly flexing his perverse satisfaction. He watched Kelly intently, savouring every moment of her submission. He took a deep breath, his chest rising and falling with excitement as he felt her tongue making flat, moaning passes along wide highways of surface area, then darting in small ways to pluck stubborn morsels of crud out. He closed his eyes, the sensation of her cleaning him sending waves of pleasure through his young body. Worshipful attention from a surprisingly adept suck slut. Nearly two decades of her life spent making technical speeches at grand events and now those same lips swabbed his glans and puckered smooches onto the unfairly dense reserves of smegma his foreskin was capable of stowing away.

Lost to his own enjoyment, he pressed the button on the remote again, the sound of James's screams growing louder.

"Mmm, that's it."

Timmy murmured, his voice a dark symphony newly exercised power.

"Keep going, Miss Kelly. You're doing such a good job."

The electricity surged through James' pod, his cries of pain piercing the sterile silence of the pod bay. Timmy's cock twitched in response to the peaks of agony, his arousal growing as if to enunciate the fact that for a sadistic brat like him, it wasn't enough to claim as much pleasure from his woman, it was enjoyable, almost necessary, to cause as much pain to the unfortunate victim male as possible too.

He turned the intensity up even further, watching as James' body contorts. The sight of the elite woman at his mercy, the sounds of her husband's pain, and the feel of her tongue on his cock all meld together into a display of brutal bliss.

The sound of James's pain was like a knife in her heart, and she tried to clean Timmy as quickly as she could, hoping to end this nightmare. But as she finally ingested the last swallow of his vile cock cheese, the boy just flexed his bitchbreaker and urged her tongue on, expecting her to lather the rest of his sweaty shaft with spit until she reached the base of Timmy's dick. Kelly noticed his asshole, a tiny, hairless puckered ring. It's clear what he expected next. She pulled back, her stomach lurching with horror.

"No. I can't…I won't do that."

"Oh, but you will."

Timmy narrowed his eyes and once again showed a sinister mastery of his ill-gotten tool, pressing another button on the remote once more. This time, a robotic arm emerged from the wall on the inside of the pod chamber, its movements unsettlingly silent. It hovered over James' body then, with a harsh crunch, it reached in and grasps James's arm, snapping it backwards into a totally unnatural position, then pulling it all the way back and continuing to another aberrant angle with more sickeningly wet splintering sounds. It kept going with a series of quick, jerky movements. Each snap echoed through the chamber, a macabre counterpoint to the whimpers of pain that escape through the pod's speaker.

"You'll do whatever I want. Or he'll never wake up at all."

Mind reeling from Timmy's actions, Kelly tried to shut off from her husband's pain before she got overwhelmed. With a heavy heart, and a deep sense of self-loathing, Kelly slowly moved her head downward, her eyes never leaving James' contorted face. She whispered a silent apology to her husband, her mind racing with thoughts of escape and revenge. As she reaches Timmy's asshole, she took a deep breath, steeling herself for what she was about to do. She opened her mouth, her tongue sliding over her lower lip, and then, with a tremble, she pressed it against the puckered skin.

The taste was even more revolting than she'd imagined, but she forced herself to ignore it, pushing her tongue inside as far as it will go. James watched through a veil of pain as his wife tasted the inside of his torturer's asshole, slurping and sucking in tainted air as she tried to prove her subservience in desperation before her husband got more punishment on her behalf. But for as enthusiastically as she slurped up an 8-year-old's shitpipe the more the jagged edges of betrayal got their hooks into James' psyche.

"Ngggh-chwap~ Nngaaaah~ Nhnnuuughgghgh"

She felt Timmy tense up at first, but as she started to swirl her tongue around the inside of his anus, she could sense him relax. She whispered into his ass, begging him to spare James, her voice muffled by his flesh and her tongue stilled each time his tight ring clenched around her tongue. The smell of his unwashed body filled her nostrils, and she had to fight the urge to retch, focusing instead on the task at hand. Each flick and probe of her sensitive pink slip of tastebuds and discarded honour was is a silent plea for mercy, each movement a silent curse aimed at the sadistic child who held her husband's life in his grubby little hand.

Timmy's eyes rolled back into his head. The wet warmth of Kelly's dutiful mouth on his asshole was a peak pleasure ego trip to him. So long she had been this distant figure, a cumstained poster on a wall, a hologram at the mall that pervy brats like him with shake their cocks at and 'penetrate' for laughs from their peers. Now he was here, making her suck hole with a level of enthusiasm that could only come from the iron trip of a toddler tyrant who hadn't even aged into double digits.

"Aaaaah Yesssssss."

He couldn't help but let out a little moan of his own, his body reacting instinctively to the forbidden touch. The sound of her muffled moaning only added to his excitement, the idea of her desperation turning him on even more. He spread his legs wider, giving her better access, his hands resting on her head as if guiding her deeper. The smell of fear and revulsion coming from her only fuels his arousal further. He tightens his grip on the remote, his thumb hovering over the button that controls James' pain.

"That's it. Just like that."

His mind cast to the whole scope of his plan. His takeover of a ship, built by thousands, from the work and sacrifice of millions. Culminating to him getting a stunning babe to worship his asshole. On the shoulders of giants? Nah, totally deserved. So he would say. This was how the world should be, efforts turned inwards to those who had the biggest cocks and the biggest egos, and none of the shackles of morality that kept him from taking whatever he wanted.

So deep and suckling was Kelly's rimjob that even this psychopath's hand was stayed for a second, the electricity in James' pod subsided for a moment, allowing for a brief respite in the cacophony of pain. Timmy's cock jerked in response to the thought of James' suffering, and he decided to give the woman one more thing to focus on.

"And don't forget to suck it clean, nasty whore."

He added, his voice a mix of glee and malice.

Kelly obeyed, despite the tumult of anger as his petty reprisals. Her tongue delved deeper into the foul crevice, her cheeks hollowing each time. She made gagging noises, turning her mouth into a plunger over Timmy's spit-soaked bung, building up new techniques to give sloppy oral service to a child's ass, hunting his prostate with her tongue going into the soul-lathing depths of his colon and gambling on just what she would end up tasting. She felt like she's betraying James with every move she made, but the alternative was too unthinkable. The taste of Timmy's filled her mouth, a bitter and tangy assault on her senses. He couldn't keep the expression of pleasure away as he felt the warmth of her tongue on his most intimate areas. She tried to ignore the way his body responds to her ministrations, the way his cock jerks and twitches with each pass of her tongue. The sheer pleasure she was delivering to the brat who held the fate of the entire ship in his vice-like grip. Finally, she pulled away, gasping for breath and suspension bridges of spit roping her gorgeous rimshocked face to his softly flexing anus. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, her cheeks flushed with a mix of shame and rage and she swallowed down both the taste and the memory of acting as a pre-teens asswipe.

"You're a monster."

She spat, to which Timmy just tightened his grip on the remote and flexed his cock to make the sinister shadow pass right over her eyes.

"Tell me Miss Kelly. Why is it that James can't keep you satisfied?"

He pressed the button without waiting for an answer, making it perfectly clear he was not open to more negotiating about who was in charge any more. The electricity surged through James' pod with triple the intensity. The muffled screams that followed were unmitigated heartbreak to Kelly.

"Tell me."

He repeated, malicious excitement creeping around his eyes like a madness. Her eyes darted to James' pod, the sight of his pain a searing brand on her soul. With trembling hands, she reached up and wipes the sweat from her brow, her eyes never leaving the child's monstrous tool of dominance.

"I…I don't know what you're talking about."

Her voice was strained with lies. She tried to keep the tremble from her voice, the thought of admitting any form of desire for Timmy too repulsive to even contemplate. Yet, she couldn't stop casting sidelong glances at his massive, throbbing cock, the sheer size of it a silent testament to his depravity. She bit her lip, a hint of blush rising to her cheeks. Timmy had asked about James, but the manner he had done so, while flaunting his own unfairly given gift, spoke of his knowledge of a much deeper flaw between the couple.

"James and I have a perfect marriage."

She lied in a voice like brittle shells snapping under the step of an unwanted visitor, trespassing into their private business and bringing his own… package… with him.

"There's nothing missing."

Timmy laughed, a high-pitched, grating sound that echoed through the chamber.

"Perfect marriage."

He repeated, his voice dripping with sarcasm. He pressed another button on the remote, and he robotic arm re-emerged. Kelly's breath caught in her throat, wondering what damage he was about deliver to her beloved. But instead of pain, it brought humiliation.

The arm snipped away James' SpaceSkin until they were all gone, revealing his naked body, marred by the bend out of shape arm and burns from the electric shocks. His cock, a pitiful three inches long, lay flaccid between his legs.

"Looks like you're married to a real disappointment, Miss Kelly. Now, tell me, how often does this pathetic excuse for a man make you cum?"

Kelly's eyes were drawn to James, the sight of his tortured form making her stomach turn. She tried to look away, but Timmy's voice snaps her back.

"What…what do you want me to say…?"

Timmy took a step closer, his erection bobbing in front of her, close enough that she cool feel the sizzle of the power dancing through the flesh. Unspoken desire made solid.

"You're a bad liar, Miss Kelly."

Timmy's malice was thick and palpable. He brought his cock up to her face, the sloppy, throat-slime polished head leaving a wet trail on her cheek.

"You know what happens to people who lie to me, don't you?"

He started to slap her face, gently at first, the soft smack of his cock against her skin plap plapping her cheeks. Like a Queen kneeling to some schlubby peasant boy, her tried to rise some defiance in her eyes. But his cock was an almighty force as so was his cruelty.

Each slap became accompanied by a click of the button, sending another bolt of electricity into James' pod. James' body jolted with each pulse, his screams a backdrop to the discussion unfolding before him. Timmy increased the force of his cockslaps.

"Are you ever truly satisfied with him in bed?"

The incessant slaps, James' pain and the constant musk from this kid. She could still feel his taste all over her. The situation was getting more hellish and she felt the truth close around her like a noose. With a tremble in her voice, she admitted the unthinkable.

"I… I've never… I've never cum with him."

The words caught in her throat and she couldn't bear to look at her husband. The confession inflamed Timm's sadistic delight. He laughed, a chilling sound that sent a shiver down her spine, and then with a vindictive grin, he pressed the button once more. The pod's door closed, and the whirring of the internals reach a crescendo before it slammed James' with a quintuple dose of pain. The muffled howl that follows is unlike anything she's ever heard, a sound so primal and filled with agony that it seems to judder in her soul. She couldn't stop herself looking back at James then, his face a mask of pain, and she let the fresh wave of despair wash over her.

"Theeeere's the truth. Do you think I could make you feel better than James ever has? Could I make you cum, Miss Kelly?"

The question hung in the air. Timmy's shit-eating grin never faltered, eyes filled to the brim with the excitement of a kid in a candy store, a boy holding all the power.

Kelly didn't know what to say. Caught in love and fear… and something else. What she said might provoke the brat, but the truth would hurt James. More than he already had been?

"You… you're a child. You don't know what relationships are like. It's not all sex. It's about love. What could you possibly know about that?"

"I've seen enough to know what makes women like you scream. Unsatisfied wives, peeking at the young studs. I'm young, and studly. You've tasted as much you whore. Don't think I can't tell when I'm getting my hole sucked by a real desperate bitch in heat."

He stood next to her, as small as he was he was able to drape his cock past her cheek, rubbing the ride of his shaft against her and draping the rest over her shoulder. She took a deep breath, poisoning herself with her childish virile scent. Her generous tits pushed up like they were trying to escape her bodysuit. Swelling so much they make the zipper pop a few notches on the teeth.

"I could make you feel things you've never felt before, Miss Kelly."

She was sweltering under his threat. The SpaceSkin felt unreasonably tight. She wanted to rip it off herself. Oppressive musk, relentless questions, dark whispers.

"So? Tell me. Could my cock make you cum?"

"You…you're disgusting."

She looked down at the obscene length of his shaft, and for a brief, horrifying moment, she had no ability to deny the wetness between her legs.

"but yes. It's… big."

"I know it is."

Timmy response drew up new definitions of smugness and he leant in and gripped one of her sloshing titties in his hand, squeezing it like he wanted to wring out a glassful of milk and pour it over himself in victory.


Kelly moaned, not used to feeling any sort of male dominance against her curves. Her pussy completed the betrayal by clenching hard and soaking the crotch of her SpaceSkin in arousal.

"It's not just about size though, even if that is a contest I win every time. It's about knowing how to use it. And I can promise you, I know exactly how to use this. Maybe it's not fair that I have this when James has… well, nothing much at all. But then again… life isn't fair is it?"

With a sudden, vicious jab of the remote, Timmy watched with twisted glee as James' legs spasm and jerk in his pod. The man's muffled screams filled the chamber, and the pod's glass walls fogged with the heavy breathing of his agony.


Timmy's voice filled with a disturbing sense of pride.

"Look what your little secret has made me do."

The robotic arm reappeared, this time with an obstinate jolt, it snapped both of James' legs at the shins. The pod's display shows James' vital signs skyrocketing in pain. Kelly gasped out a sob at the sight of his shattered legs and tears burst out to run down her cheeks. It didn't feel like anything she did would sate Timmy's vile appetite for torture. Fear, love and desperation made her bow to him in pure instinct.

"Please!! Please STOP! I'll do whatever you want. Just…just don't hurt him any more."

With trembling hands, she started to peel away the clinging silver fabric of her bodysuit, revealing her nakedness to the cold, unforgiving eyes of the sadistic child. Every expectation that Timmy had about her body was exceeded. Her tits emerged from their confines with a regal weight to them, falling down like huge sacks filled with melting butter, capped with the palest pink areolae and moving side to side with each change in her bodies permission and kissing each other with the softest skin touch imaginable. Her hips were cowgirl specced and rolled out of her SpaceSkin like they were geared for breeding. Her belly was toned underneath but given a succulent coating of tummy that would mature nicely if it was left alone for a few more years. Lower on her midriff it pouched as if her womb was yelling out be noticed, satisfied and then pumped full of babies. Her heels smartly detached from the SpaceSkin and she was left shivering up from the stripper-height platforms along her majestically tall legs to the rest of her jiggling body.

"Take me. Just leave him alone."

She opened her legs, revealing her wet, swollen pussy, the scent of her arousal mixing with the pheromones coming of the unruly child. Timmy's smile widened into a grin that could split the fabric of reality as he watched her undress. It was a desperate, humiliating move, but she'd do anything to save James.

The boy lay back on the cold, metal floor, his cock standing tall and proud, precum leaking out of the slit at the tip. He waved the remote in the air lazily, the power in his grip a silent reminder of the control he held over the couple. "

"Ride me, Miss Kelly. Show me how much you want to save him."

Kelly started her crawl over to him with evulsion, but as she got to her feet and straddled the child's hips, it began to turn into a hunger. Apprehension and… excitement? She was about to have sex with an eight-year-old boy, and there was an almost 100% chance that she was about to cum, faster, harder, more intensely than she ever had before. If this majestic cock was attached to literally any other being she could have justified her actions. Forgiven her body for feeling this way.

She lowered herself onto him, her eyes squeezed shut, and with a tremble, she took the thick, unwieldy head of his cock past her folds. The moment it hit her G-spot, she can't help but let out a gasp, the sensation so intense it's almost painful.

'James can't even reach this place inside me.'

The thought emerged unwanted, but spurred by so many memories of getting a toy to finish herself off in the dead of night after her tired out partner had finished in a few pathetic minutes.

She opened her eyes to find Timmy watching her with a look of triumph, his hand still hovering over the button that controlled James' agony. With a deep breath, she sank down onto his fuckstick, slowly taking his entire length inside her. The feeling was overwhelming, inches that never seemed to end, even when she was sure they must. Her core tensed, gripped and protesting, then relenting as that infuriatingly delicious cock managed to bribe her body's defences with another dose of pleasure.

She started to rock her hips tentatively, the slickness of her arousal making it all too easy. Each movement was as enjoyable for her as It was for the twerp beneath her, his hands behind his head as he watched his bitch work. Kelly knew her orgasm was building despite herself.

Timmy enjoyed her pussy's fluttering clenches, watching her her ride him with a detached curiosity, as if studying a new toy.

"Fuuuck, James. You should see your lovely wife now. She's taking my cock like a champ."

He looked up at the pod, watching the man's contorted face through the glass.

"I bet you never made her feel like this, did you?"

He pressed the button again, sending a fresh wave of electricity through James' shattered body. The child continued to sneer at him.

"Look at her, she's loving it. You can't even make her cum with that pathetic thing you've got, can you?"

Kelly was too busy fighting her own arousal to intervene in Timmy's verbal abuse. His cock was stretching her hole and she loves pushing herself against it. It was like being filled in a completely new way, far beyond what she thought sex was capable of, bigger than any toy she had dared play with. Each movement against her G-spot sent toe-curling pleasure through her body.

"Aaauuuggghgh~ Nuuugghgh, haaah~ Ngghahaaaahh~"

Her breaths became quick and shallow, her hips moving faster and faster, driven by a desperate need to satisfy the monster beneath her. She clenched her eyes shut, trying to block out the sight of James' tortured body and Timmy's smug smile. She just wanted this to be a physical transaction now. Just a huge, huge object inside her. She needed to make it cum. And who cared if she got to do the same as it invaded every weak spot the woman possessed.

"Ohhh God, aaaaugh AAAnnuugggnnngghhh~ AAIIIIINGH~"

The pressure built all along Timmy's tower of cock. With a strangled cry, she came hard, her body shaking with the intensity of it. Kelly screamed out like a whole as her pussy devoured Timmy's rod. Her cervix laid kisses over his tip and the entire length that she could take was given velvet massage service from the gratefully cumming hole. James heard noises coming from his wife that he had never heard before.


The orgasm was a feral release for Kelly, but was immediately followed by a crushing wave of self-loathing. She collapsed onto Timmy's chest, her breaths ragged, the weight of her betrayal a heavy burden even as her pussy cheered her on with primal displays of masochistic submission and pleasure she couldn't deny.

Her body's shaking tremors were felt down Timmy's rod as just another layer to the pleasure her body could give him. He'd won the first round, but he was not satisfied yet. He rolled her onto her stomach, the metal floor cold and unforgiving against her mallow-soft skin. He grabbed her hips and pulled her back towards him, aligning his cock with her slick entrance. With a single, brutal thrust, he entered her cunt from behind, his grin never leaving his face.

"Now, Miss Kelly. I want you to cum for me again."

He pressed the button on the remote, the pod's display flickering with a burst of electricity. James' body arched off the bed, a muffled scream and another spike in the vital signs of the pod's display. The pain was unbearable, but Timmy was relentless. He started to fuck her in a steady rhythm, each thrust punctuated by a click of the button, sending another jolt of agony through her husband's body.

"Cum for me."

His voice was a seductive hiss in her ear.

"The faster you cum, the quicker his pain ends."

Kelly's mind barely had a chance to register his threat before her body took over and started throwing her hips back against his pulverising rod. The brutal penetrations, she could take them. She started to crave them. The way his cock blew right through her and scratched a little itch right over her womb. Her cervix was already copulating with his cockhead, drawing him in and coddling it in tight, constricting, heat, so it was sure to get the eventual delivery of odious brat sperm.

She tries to focus on James and her love for him, the only beacon of light in this dark abyss. With each sickening click of the button, she knew there was electricity tearing through her husband's body. But then superior cock filled her body and fogged her brain and with a guttural groan, she forced herself to push back into Timmy's thrusts. She clenched her teeth, her nails digging into the palms of her hands, willing the orgasm to come. It was rolling in like a thunder storm. The cold, unyielding metal beneath her breasts and knees grounds her in the reality of her situation, the smell of Timmy's sweat and unwashed body a constant reminder of her degradation. Yet, as she ground his cock against her G-spot again and again, she knew she was about to squirt out her remaining dignity into the same sterile floors she had planned to walk with pride. Her pussy clenched around him, her muscles tightening, and with a whimper, she came for the second time, forcing herself to endure the entire, drawn-out, whining ORGASM that shook her through like she was getting electrified herself. The pod's display flashed, and both of them found themselves jerking their bodies uncontrollably, one in pure pleasure, and the other in hellish pain.

Timmy didn't wait for her sweat-pocked curves to recover. He was insatiable. His cock, still embedded deep within her, was far from done. He pulled the remote up to his face and played with the settings again. His small, grabby fingers danced over the buttons with a disturbing ease.

"I can make him feel better or worse, just like that."

He snapped his fingers to demonstrate. He made a few adjustments to the settings, sending a new order to the pod once he was satisfied.

"Now, you've shown me how fast that body can bathe itself pleasure. Let's see how well you can resist it. Every time you cum, the robot arm will break one of James's bones."

He pressed a button, and the arm extended into the pod, its metallic grip wrapping around James's wrist.

"Ready? Let's see if you can keep up."

Timmy began to thrust again, his movements more urgent, more violent. Kelly hung her head and tried to drive the arousal out of her body. She heard the cold, unemotional click of the pod's robotic arm. The thought of James suffering because of her own body's betrayal was too much to bear. She grit her teeth, squeezed her eyes shut, and tried to focus on anything but the intense sensations Timmy is forcing upon her with over a foot of pussy-smashing fuckstick excellence. She thought of the cold void of space, the sterile white walls of the pod bay, anything to push the pleasure away.

Yet, the feeling of his cock inside her, the way it filled her so completely, was too much to ignore. His technique was god given and his mercy on her cunt was non-existent. She started to move with him, not out of desire, but out of a desperate need to control the situation. Her hips pushed back against his, her breaths coming in ragged gasps. She fought the rising tide of pleasure but could feel herself drowning. The more she tried to bottle it up, the more intense the pressure became. She'd do whatever it takes to save James, even if it means enduring this twisted game.

Timmy's grin widened as he felt her resist, and he knew he'd won. He grabbed her hips with both hands, his small palms striking her flawless ass to leave marks for his amusement, yelps from Kelly telling him he was correct in his assessment. She was getting off, most of all, to being a piece of fuckmeat for a child. And he could leverage that all day. The more she denied it, the more taboo it became, the more intense it would gnaw her defences.

He started to thrust into her with a feral intensity that sent shockwaves through her voluptuous body. His teeth sought her nipple, biting down hard as he crawled forward and took her breast into his mouth. The sharpness of his teeth was another sensation piled on all other, something she couldn't take right now. The pain mixed with the pleasure in a sickening cocktail that sent her spiralling towards the edge. She needed to scream and cum and squuuiiiirrrrttttt~

Timmy's strokes were deep, brutal, and she can feel her body responding to them like a lover. The marks on her breasts from his teeth were stark against her pale skin, a visual reminder of him marking his territory. Her body was his now. Not James' and not her own. If Timmy wanted her to cum, did she even have a choice?


He bit down again, harder this time, and a wanton the moan escaped her lips. It seemed to fuel his excitement. His movements became more erratic, more primal, his cock plunging into her with a force that seems to shake the very foundation of the room. But it wasn't the room tilting from his monkey-like humping, it was her own brain melting from the orgasmic steam being vented through her pores. She could feel it beginning, her body tightening around him, her muscles spasming. She knew she was close. She wanted to stop time, prevent it from loosing, anything but give in and cause her husband pain. Then, just as quickly as those feeling came she flipped. She would do anything to feel it. Anything to cum.


With a desperate sob, she came. Harder, more desperate and more shamefully than she had before. The pleasure eclipsing her morals and reason. The robotic arm in James' pod moved with a calculated precision and snapped a bone in his body, a small but painful finger joint being snapped 90 degrees to the side.

The sound of the bone snapping in James' pod echoed through her mind like a gunshot. Yet, with each thrust of Timmy's cock, the guilt faded, replaced by a white-hot pleasure that consumed her. She was lost in a sea of sensation, her thoughts a jumbled mess of fear, anger, and a dark, twisted need. Her eyes rolled back in her head, and she starts to move her hips in time with Timmy's thrusts, her body a traitor to her own conscience. She knew there was another orgasm building, and she couldn't stop it. But this time she almost didn't want to. Like a wave cresting, it threatened to crash down upon her and drag her under. She opened her mouth to scream, but the only sound that comes out is a whorish babble, her voice thick with pleasure and begging for more kiddy cock.

Her rolling eyes and writhing body lock up, then, with a sickening sense of abandon, she let go, her body shuddering as she came again and again. She let herself be drowned in pleasure, chaining her orgasm, feeling more pleasure in her pussy and giving it all to the cruel little master who held her leash. With each orgasm, the robotic arm in James' pod moved to inflict another round of bone-breaking torture, again and again.

"Look at him, Miss Kelly. Look how much you're making him suffer."

Timmy taunted her. She watched her husband's eyes, and saw nothing but with pain and despair there. But the boy was still going, his movements becoming erratic, his breaths were shallow and quick now.

"You're going to make me cum."

His voice was notably tight with excitement, the unleashing of his backed up sperm into Kelly something he had put into motion months ago.

"I'm going to flood your fucking womb, knock you up and make you bear my kids!"

Kelly felt her stomach drop out in realization. Of course, this mission needed them to BREED. And there seemed like zero chance that Timmy was going to let James out of stasis completely, that left only one pairing…

The reality of his intentions was like a sledgehammer. With this cruel boy in charge there was no path back to the life she had planned. No return to normality. Stuck between the choice of refusing him, letting James suffer in her place and then have the mission fail when there was no caretaker to take her place. Or take Timmy's intoxicating cock and get herself gravidly pregnant with the demon child's spawn.

She could feel his cock thickening inside her, and she knew what was coming. She tried to pull away, her body shaking with revulsion, but he held her in place, his grip like steel. The thought of carrying his child, conceived in this twisted act of torture, shredding her soul. Yet, she knew that if she fought back now, James would pay the price. It didn't take much for her body to start betraying her once more, the beginnings of orgasm starting in both Kelly and Timmy.

James' eyes widened in the pod, the realization of what's happening reflected in the depths of his pain-filled gaze. Kelly wanted to scream, to beg for this to stop, but all she can do is whimper as Timmy's thrusts become more frenzied, immature humping technique skewering right up against her baby bag and leaving no room in her filled up body for it to retreat to.

Her pussy tightened, her body's involuntary response to his vile intentions. His hips bucked upward, his cock sliding in and out of her with an ease made them look like their bodies were made for each other. An unremarkable, scrawny child with a blessedly outrageous cock. And a woman at the peak of intelligence and dignity, burdened with a breeder body that sought out the nastiest forms of masochistic sex.

With a final, brutal thrust, Timmy reached his peak, his young body shuddering with the force of his orgasm. Supernovas of paradise exploded in his mind, every nerve peaking satisfaction as his huge dick all transformed into a transcendently rapturous portal to pleasure. Spurts and gushes, exhilarating RELEASE of dense, cloying sperm. His taint tightened, his spot-cleaned asshole pressed in. His balls pulled into his body and his whole frame lurched in as every cell directed seed that was thicker than nutrient jelly.

He cummed deep inside Kelly, his nut filling her to the brim. The kid threw his head back and moans, the sound echoing through the chamber, a declaration of victory over her body and soul. Kelly was feeling her eyes cross as the molten hot spurts short-circuited her logic and tapped a virile beat against her insides as she had her womb totally stuffed to bursting with the cumload of an 8-year-old boy.

"We're going to have so much fun on this ship. And James will get to watch every moment of it."


Once Timmy had come down from his afterglow, he finally relented and put James back into stasis as he promised. Kelly allowed herself some relief, knowing that the nano-medics would also start healing the broken bones her husband has suffered through.

No longer under the gaze of betrayal of her beloved, Kelly allowed herself to enjoy the undeniable sexual prowess of the kid, as he insisted on regular mating under threat of bringing James back out of stasis to suffer more.


A month had passed. The shame Kelly had felt had morphed into something else entirely. Every day, Timmy's demands grew, and so did the intensity of their encounters. Despite the horror that had become her reality, she couldn't ignore the strange allure his body held over her. Her orgasms with him were unlike anything she had ever experienced with James.

As the days blurred into one another, Kelly found herself succumbing to Timmy's twisted desires. Each mating session grew longer, more intense, Timmy's cock demanding her full surrender. Her body had become an instrument of his pleasure, and she had learned to play it to perfection. Today, she straddled him again, her legs quivering with anticipation. The silver bodysuit she once wore as a symbol of her duty now laid in tatters, both of them walked the corridors of the ship as naked as the day they were born.

The bridge of the ship was a symphony of wet sounds, their skin slapping together as she moved. Her first orgasm of the day hit like a now familiar friend, her schedule now directed around milking cum out of a pre-teens balls and skewering her pussy to feel the pleasure she had been missing or so many years. Her juices flooded over him, soaking the floor beneath.


Timmy demanded. And so it went, hour after hour, orgasm after orgasm, her body betraying her with every squirt and moan. She told herself that it was all for the mission, but a strong sense of duty didn't lead to 10 hour fuck marathons where she squirted 2 dozen times on a kid's cock and obediently sucked on his asshole like a total slut.

"You're such a good little slut. Eat it."

He would order her to attend to his shitpipe, his tone leaving no room for argument. Over the weeks Kelly's expression shifted from horror to resigned acceptance to ahegaoing neediness when it came to rimming him. His asshole winked at her, a dark invitation that she had no choice but to accept. She leaned in, her breath warm against his skin, and he felt a thrill run through him.

"That's right, eat it like you mean it."

The room was bathed in the cold glow of the monitors, the silent sentinels of their depraved games. Every sickening detail of their encounters was being recorded by the ship's security system. Timmy had discovered this feature early on and found it to be a delightful tool for his twisted pleasure.

With a few taps on the Admin remote, he had linked the footage up to James' dream-cycle. Instead of the normal, peaceful sleep of a passenger, Kelly's husband was going to get 200 years of his one true love getting dicked down by a brat a third her age.

The entire time James slept, he would be haunted by the images of his wife's degradation. The cameras captured the way Timmy's asshole clenched around her tongue, the look of disgust and resentment in her eyes as she obeyed his every command. The subtle changes as it turned to pleasure instead of resistance. The way she pressed her lips around Timmy's log dispenser, how he holstered his entire 14 inches in her throat, the nights he pulverized her pussy with more squirting than she had in a decade of marriage.

The more footage he got, the more Timmy felt his power grow, his cock swelling with pride at the thought of the cuck's endless torture.

'You see this, James? This is what she does for me. Every time you close your eyes, you'll see it. Every time you dream, you'll feel it. This is your new reality. For the next 200 years, you'll watch her take me over and over again. And there's not a thing you can do to stop it.'


Two centuries passed, a blur of stolen moments and twisted games. The once gleaming corridors of the colony ship had grown dim with age, the only constant being the cold, unyielding rhythm of the ship's engines. In the pod bay, James remained in stasis, a silent witness to the depraved dance between Timmy and his wife, played out on the screens of his own mind.

Only the ships computer and James' dreams saw the entirety of what happened on the journey. The pod bay had become a twisted nursery, filled with the cries of the children Kelly had bore Timmy. Her first pregnancy, ensured from the load delivered while her husband was forced to watch, resulted in triplets. The next twins, and then a scattering more over the years. Somehow, all boys.

All screeching brats with dark triad traits just like their father. If not for the nursery bots, the couple couldn't have managed.

The years continued. The boys began to get to the age of five or six and show an interest in sex just like Timmy had. They grew impatient with their ancestor's monopoly on Kelly and eventually Timmy's sons gathered around the pods, their eyes hungry with the same sadistic excitement that had fuelled their daddy. Selected pods would open, revealing the frozen figures of unsuspecting women, their marital status irrelevant to these monsters. The women would be claimed, tamed and turned into breeding mares for more generations of Timmy's progeny.

As the colony ship started its final year of travel, almost every pod with an attractive woman in it had been opened and taken as a conquest by Timmy's bloodline. As their destination became visible, a verdant paradise planet, the Renwick clan drew up a grand betrayal, echoing the morals of their ancestor Timmy.

The colony ship had supplies for tens of thousands, but if they only they and the most attractive women would be around then the same supplied could be used on a few hundred. Every one of them could live like kings instead of labourers with the surplus.

The day of arrival came, and the ship's computer announced the mission's success. Yet, in the pod bay, the air was thick with the scent of treachery. Timmy's legacy, a lineage of power and depravity, awake and in charge.

"Prepare the pods."

An order from the current leader. The men in stasis were not woken up per protocol. They were held frozen like James had been centuries ago. Pioneer men, once so strong and proud, were now reduced to cucked masses, their eyes glazed with horror as they realized their fate. One by one, they were locked into the pods that had once been their sanctuaries, now transformed into their eternal prisons. The pods hissed shut and were loaded into the airlocks as the men inside screamed for mercy. The ship's systems whirred to life, the pods detached from their moorings, and with a silent, mournful elegance, they were jettisoned into the vastness of space. As they drifted away, the screens in each pod flickered to life, displaying an endless loop of their wives and partners writhing in ecstasy under Timmy and his descendants. It was a cruel, twisted gift, a millennial-long torment that would be the only reality they would ever know. The screens burned with the images of their love, defiled and corrupted by the very beings they had sworn to protect. The pods grew smaller and smaller until they were nothing but a distant memory, the echoes of their tortured screams lost to the void.

With the other men cast into the abyss, James' pod remained untouched, a grim trophy of Timmy's victory. It was hoisted out of the pod bay and placed with great ceremony in the centre of the new settlement, a gleaming monument to the power of the new order. A plaque was etched with the story of James' failure, his pod a stark reminder of the price of weakness. The settler's town grew around it, a sprawling testament to Timmy's lineage, each generation taught the tale of the weak husband who could not satisfy his wife. The children would play near the pod, their laughter a taunt to the man within, and the adults would pay homage, a twisted form of respect for the founder of their depraved society.

The pod was fitted with new, more powerful devices, capable of inflicting pain beyond James' worst nightmares. Whenever a member of Timmy's line felt the need to practice their sadism, they would gather around the pod, pressing buttons and watching with glee as the man inside convulsed in agony. His pain was a reminder of their dominance, a tool for their amusement, and a warning to any who would dare oppose them.

The settlement grew into a city, its spires reaching for the alien sky, a bastion of Timmy's legacy. In the heart of it stood James' pod, a silent sentinel of pain and suffering. It had become a rite of passage for young descendants of Timmy to visit the pod, to feel the power of the founder's will, to hear the whispers of their ancestors urging them on.

The pod was now surrounded by a chamber, a sanctum of sorts, where the future leaders would gather to learn the art of sadism. The technology had evolved with the generations, allowing for the infliction of pain so intense that it was said even the gods would weep. Yet, for all their advancements, the essence of Timmy's reign remained the same: control through fear and pleasure.

The pod had been modified to withstand the ravages of time, its gleaming metal a stark contrast to the decaying humanity of the man within. James was now mostly just a conduit for suffering, just twisted nerves to be manipulated in excruciating ways. It was a symbol of their dominance, a monument to the one who had unwittingly shaped their world. As each new leader took their place, they would stand before James, feeling the thrill of his torture under their fingertips, a grim reminder of the cost of defiance.


A million years had passed since Timmy had claimed the colony ship, his uprising becoming the legend that sparked his descendants empire. Now, a toddler with Timmy's same compassionless eyes and cruel smile approached James' pod. This new Timmy was a product of selective breeding, his DNA a twisted tapestry of his ancestors' evil. In his chubby hand, he clutched a device that hummed with a power that dwarfed even the most advanced technology of the original ship. It was a tool of pain, designed by generations of sadists to push the boundaries of human suffering. James had endured more suffering than every other human combined at this point, but if Timmy had been around to ask, he would have said the cuck deserved it all, simply for being in his way.