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Amelia's p.o.v

Where am i , and what is happening.

I felt myself shaking in fear and sitting on the floor I couldn't move from where I was it was as if I was stuck.

What is happening I screamed but yet I couldn't make any sound nor move it was as if I had no control of my body.

I just sat down on the cold floor, hugging my knees together not able to stop crying.

He will go , he will go , he will go, he will go, he will go..... I kept mumbling wondering what was happening.

Then I heard a sound on the door I flinched.

You know you can't stay in there forever right, sooner or later you will have to come out a voice said .

I just sat down closing my eyes trying to keep the voice away. Crying bitterly.

Amelia sooner or later you will have to open the door, don't let me come in now