New Faces

The sky had started to deepen as dusk settled, with shades of black creeping over the sky and silver moon light spreading across the land, brightening it. Alone the moon stood amidst the dark expanse, a tint of purple mixed with white, announcing it's sovereignty over the night sky.

He lingered, gazing at the moon for a few moments, then closing the windows and putting on the curtains, he opened the lights and jumped back to his bed. 

There lay a box and a semi opened suitcase, putting his suitcase on the floor he eagerly started to open the box, too much packaging, tearing it all down he finally opened it up.

There lay a pair of neatly folded white shirts, a pair of dark blue pants and a blazer in dark blue with golden gilded edges, the golden lines shimmering around the lapel and upper pocket of the blazer. It wasn't a pair, just one.

Taking them out of the box he glanced at the remaining objects. A small book, brochure? or instructions manual? Well whatever it was he threw it towards the table precisely and started checking the remaining content. 

Well, there was only one, an identity card with his name and unique id and a lanyard unattached to the card.

"Only this?" He gave out a disappointed sigh. Having seen the white haired receptionist showcase her ability, his expectations had soared regarding the box, but well not all hopes are bound to be fulfilled, he knew that well.

Throwing away the box with a hint of frustration creeping into his emotions, he started to arrange his uniform inside the cupboard, it had some hangers and two drawered closets at the bottom. 

After attaching his id he threw it towards the table, again landing it with precision. It was 7:30, half an hour still left for dinner so he decided to empty up his semi unpacked suitcase and set things in right place.

He started to feel a bit lazy after putting his clothes inside the cupboard. It was 7:55, glancing at the still unemptied suitcase he felt didn't look that bad, so the thoughts of emptying it dissipated out of his mind and he moved out of the dorm. 

Calling Matt out of his room, both guys started descending towards the ground floor for collecting their dinner. It was usually handed over to the guard at the entrance of the dorm.

Arriving at the entrance they noticed some new faces.

A black haired guy in black T shirt and a white haired guy in maroon hooded sweatshirt. 

"Hey" Matt raised his hand in greeting. 

Holding their boxes of dinner they turned to look at Matt and Zeill.

"Hello" "Hi" both of them responded.

"New admissions?" inquired Matt.

"Yes, just arrived today" replied the black haired. "You guys?"

"Yes, we arrived yesterday. I'm Matt, by the way."

"Zeill" putting out his name he raised his hand for a shake.

"Galen" replied the black haired shaking Zeill's hand. "This is Avrin, he's a bit shy" he pointed at the white haired guy beside him.

"Nice to meet you" Avrin shook hands with Zeill and Matt.

"So you guys are here for dinner too?" asked Galen shaking the box he was holding.

"Yeah, wait a while we'll grab ours." replied Matt walking with Zeill towards a small enclosed space meant for the guard.

"Let's go" having grabbed their dinners the four of them re-entered the dorm. 

"You guys got your uniforms?" inquired Zeill.

"Nah, we will be going tomorrow afternoon. What about you guys?" Galen asked.

"Yeah, we went today."

"How's it?? Are they giving something else along with it?" with a hint of excitement on his face Galen asked.

Zeill and Matt exchanged a look and shared a sigh in unison.

Matt patted Galen on his shoulder, gave a wry smile and said..."Don't have high hopes man" and shook his head.

Avrin and Galen paused their steps. "Is the uniform that bad?" asked Avrin glancing at Zeill

"Not the uniform part, it's good, kind of bluish and golden, we were saying about the other part." 

"Oh that's a relief then" said Avrin.

"So there isn't much beside uniform?" Galen spoke to Zeill and Matt.

"There is an awakener" said Matt.

"Really?" Avrin and Galen exclaimed. "What powerr??" 

"Rule number one, never ask an awakener their ability," Zeill spoke in a serious tone, "but as her power is already well known" he glanced at Matt who finished the rest of his sentence "Minor Telekinesis."

"That's a cool power" exclaimed Galen. "My father awakened with a weird one so i was a bit skeptical about abilities."

"Whatt, your father is an awakener??" with an apparent shock on their faces Zeill and Matt observed Galen with a recalibrated gaze.

Even though the world was filled with Luminars, still, being an awakened amongst them was rare, often nothing more than a stroke of sheer luck. Though resonating with Aether and getting attuned towards it's corrosive energy was a bit challenging, nevertheless it was a basic practice. Once the veil was lifted and the body started to bond with aether, entering into a state of trance, you have joined the category of Luminars. 

But some, with luck or maybe with their inherent capabilities or better aptitude, attuned their bodies more harmoniously with Aether. These people were able to awaken some special powers. For the common folks they were brighter than a normal luminar, these were the awakened. 

Seeing someone from a family of awakened amongst them was kind of exciting, after all, who didn't dream of becoming one. 

"What's his ability?" Matt inquired.

"Hmmmm, I remember someone saying something like rule and not telling..."

Matt put his arms around Galen's shoulders while patting his shoulder in a friendly manner and said "You shouldn't believe everything hahaha, didn't we tell you about the white haired beauty's ability...come on friend, don't be shy with us."

Giving out a laugh Galen spoke, "it's not that great, my father likes to call it "echo strike."

"That's a cool name." Zeill spoke while trying to imagine what echo strike might be capable of.

"Yah" Matt nodded his head in agreement with Zeill.

"Hahaha, it's only the name that sounds cool. It's just a delayed shock wave. At most it will throw you off balance." 

"Ah...O-Oh" it was like a bucket of cold water was dropped on Matt's dreams. He imagined it to be a cool sound wave attack, but well, not all dreams are meant to be fulfilled.

"Well as long as it adds on, it's effective" said Zeill.

"yah" said Matt absentmindedly.

"Yah kind off, it's just not that cool." shrugged off Galen as he started to move towards the stairway.

"Anyways, I'm a bit hungry, let's go." turning his head back he spoke to the trio.

Climbing up the stairs they entered into Matt's room, it was still the same, with an additional beauty added on to the wall. 

"Hmm, good taste" said Avrin, giving a good long look at the posters.

"Great men have great tastes" Matt replied with a smile and threw a wink.

Galen picked up the deep blue blazer laying on the bed, after checking it out for a moment he passed it on to Avrin "looks regal."

"Yah it does" replied Avrin.

With two on the bed, Matt on the floor and Zeill taking the chair, the four of them started finishing their dinner while having some casual chats and sharing some laughs.

Throwing the boxes inside the lone bin at the corner, they went back to their rooms.

Moving back to his room, Zeill opened the curtains to let the moon light enter his room...Silver shine of the rays and a purple hued moon. Something about it felt soothing to Zeill.

It was fifth day of the seven days long week in Tarenokian Calender. The academy would be starting in a couple of days.

Giving a final look to the moon, he pulled the curtains and went to lay on his bed...I must awaken a good power .