Alex Cartwright had been in New York for several weeks, and although he had managed to get used to its pace, he still felt like a stranger here. His family, though wealthy and influential, was from Los Angeles - a city with a very different dynamic than the concrete maze he now found himself in. Because of his status and money, he was quickly accepted by Manhattan's elite, but that acceptance did not mean trust.
That evening, Alex needed a breather. Sitting in his aunt's luxurious apartment, where everything was perfectly finished and cold as marble, only increased his sense of isolation. So he went out for a walk in upper Manhattan. The streets were empty and the lights of the skyscrapers cast long shadows on the sidewalks. The city seemed a little less overwhelming at night, though it was still full of life - or perhaps rather, full of the secrets of seemingly happy people.
Intrigued, he almost didn't notice the girl, who suddenly ran out from around the corner and collided with him with momentum. Alex stepped back, trying to catch his balance, while she fell to the sidewalk
He reached out his hand, wanting to help her, but she ignored him. Only then did he notice the state she was in. She was wearing an elegant dress, but it was soiled and torn. She was barefoot, and her hair looked as if it hadn't seen a comb in days.
- Are you all right? - He asked, staring at her.
The girl looked at him fleetingly with eyes filled with fear.
- Yes. - She replied roughly, trying to move away.
Something in her behavior made Alex feel that he couldn't just let her go. He was new to the city, but he wasn't stupid. Seeing someone like that, in one of New York's most expensive neighborhoods, he had to ask himself, WTF?
- Wait," he called out after her, grabbing her gently by the arm. - I can help you. If someone has hurt you, we can....
- You don't understand anything," she interrupted him, turning away abruptly. - It's none of your business, fuck off! Ok!?!
- Ok. How about it after all? Princess. - he replied, feeling that he should get more involved, though he didn't know why himself. Maybe it was the need to find something authentic in the world of falsity and luxury he now found himself in.
The girl paused for a moment. She looked at him, as if wondering if she could trust him. Her face seemed tense, as if she was fighting with herself.
- If you already want to help like this, forget that you saw me," she said in a voice calmer, but still full of uncertainty.
With these words, she turned and moved deeper into the dark street, disappearing from sight. Alex was left alone, standing on an empty sidewalk, with a million questions swirling around his head. Who was this girl? Why did she look so scared? And why the hell did she say she couldn't be seen?
The next day Alex went to one of the more fashionable cafes on the Upper East Side to meet Olivia. One of the few people who introduced him to New York's elite without question. She was more than just a cousin - she was the key to finding his way in this world of skyscrapers, whose rules were still unclear to Alex.
- You look like you had a rough night last night," chuckled Olivia, sitting down across from him at the table. As always, she looked perfect - dressed in a stylish coat, her long dark hair fell smoothly to her shoulders.
- You could say that," he replied, trying to act casual.
He hesitated for a moment, but finally decided to tell her about his encounter with the girl from the previous evening. He hoped Olivia would know who she was. After all, she probably knew every chick in upper Manhattan.
- Describe it," Olivia said when he finished speaking.
Alex described her girlfriend as best as he could - her disheveled hair, her unremarkable facial features, her elegant dress in a deplorable state, her lack of shoes and that gaze, full of terror.
- Isabella Marchand," Olivia stated without a shadow of a doubt.
- Anything more? - Alex asked, although he knew the name was well-known throughout New York. The Marchand family was one of the richest and most influential in Manhattan.
- She used to be one of us," Olivia began, playing with her ring, as if trying to distract herself. - Or rather, one of those who make up this whole "We." She belonged to the most elite circles in the city, attending every major event. People adored her. But something happened. Suddenly she disappeared, stopped showing up. And now? Now she's apparently back.
- What happened to her? The life of a princess on the candlestick bored her? - Alex asked with a slight smile.
Olivia shrugged her shoulders, as if to make it clear that not all secrets are worth knowing.
- People said all sorts of things. That she was involved in something serious. Maybe some left money, maybe something more. But she disappeared so quickly, as if she had never been there. Until now, I didn't know she was back. And I don't know if that's a good thing.
Alex was silent for a while, processing the information.
- We should help her," he finally said. - Seriously. She was terrified, Olivia said. This was not someone running away from an intrusive waiter with a tray of caviar at a party. I think she was threatened by something.
- Maybe so," replied Olivia, in a quiet, almost absent voice. - But you have to be careful, Alex. In this city not everything is as it seems. Especially those most wonderful people.
Alex did not know what to make of these words. He knew only one thing - Isabella Marchand was not someone he could so simply leave alone. He saw in her eyes a genuine fear, one that could not be faked. Something about her situation smelled of danger, and more serious than he wanted to admit to Olivia.
- I'm not going to leave her, Olivia," he finally said, breaking the tense silence. - If Isabella is in trouble, I will try to help her. I will become a prince on a white horse.
Olivia shook her head as if she had heard it hundreds of times before, but this time it was different. A note of anxiety flashed in her eyes for a moment.
- Alex, you don't understand," she began slowly, as if weighing every word. - People here are different. Everyone has their own secrets, and some of them are better left alone. Isabella? She probably fell into something you can't comprehend. These are not problems that you can just reach out and help like a lost kitten in LA.
- So you're telling me that I'd better stay out of this kitten's business? - he asked ironically, looking at her carefully.
- Yes, that's what I'm saying," she replied, without taking her eyes off him. - Do you think she's just a lost girl? Isabella Marchand is more than just a victim of her own mistakes. She is not the kind of person you imagine, you are getting yourself into something you don't even have the faintest idea about.
Alex sensed something more in her words. Olivia knew more details, but she wasn't going to reveal them. Certainly not now, not so easily. He sighed and took a sip of cold coffee, trying to collect his thoughts. Maybe it was a mistake, maybe it really wasn't he should get involved. But something in his gut told him that if he backed down now, he would not only let Isabella down, but also himself. After all, he's always rescuing those bottomlessly naive kittens.
- What about you? - he finally asked, leaning against the table. - Aren't you worried about her?
Olivia crossed her arms over her chest, her face concentrated.
- I'm worried about everyone, Alex. But everyone in this game called life is responsible for their moves. Do you think anyone here will really protect you, help you if things go wrong?
Before this question, Alex had no answer. He was still learning the rules of that world - a world where people seemed to hurt each other and secrets had a price. Things were different in Los Angeles. There, everyone wanted to help everyone was like an open book to the other person. Here, on the other hand, secrets were more than just gossip - they were currency.
When Alex left the café, he felt like he was stepping on ice that could crack at any moment. Isabella was in trouble, of that he was sure. The question was: what kind of problems were they? And more importantly - why was Olivia trying so hard to talk him out of it? Returning to the apartment, he tried to collect his thoughts. He knew he had to find a way to contact Isabella. He didn't have her phone number, he didn't know her relatives, but something told him that she wouldn't be found just like that. More decisive steps had to be taken.
His first thought was Sebastian. Sebastian Vanderbilt knew everyone in the city and had access to information that was beyond the reach of ordinary people. Although Alex had only known him a short time, he knew that if anyone could help, it was Sebastian.
He grabbed his phone and sent him a short message: "We need to talk. It's important."
Sebastian wrote back almost immediately, "Tomorrow at Soho Vinyl Heaven, 7 p.m. Be on time."
A vinyl store in the heart of artistic Soho, was the perfect place for discreet conversations. There, everyone had their own space, no one cared about anything, and secrets were safe as in the bank.
The next evening, Alex arrived at Vinyl Heaven, trying to act casual, though inside he felt tense. Sebastian sat on a leather sofa at the back of the store, flipping through an old vinyl record as if nothing else in the world mattered.
- Alex," said Sebastian, without even raising his eyes. - I'm glad you're finally desperate enough to ask me for help.
Alex sat across from him, feeling the game enter a new level.
- I need information about Isabella Marchand," he said without further ado. - I know something is going on with her. Yesterday I met her under strange circumstances. I want to know what is going on.
Sebastian raised his gaze, his eyes were cold and assessing.
Isabella? - He replied, with a smile that didn't reach his eyes. - That's quite an interesting choice of topic. But you know, Alex, in New York you don't ask such people for no reason.
- I know, I think he needs help.
Sebastian leaned back comfortably on the sofa and stared at the ceiling for a moment, as if assessing how much he could say.
- Isabella Marchand used to be at the center of everything but Olivia has probably already mentioned this to you," he began slowly, dragging out the words. - But now? Now she is like a ghost. No one knows what happened to her. She disappeared from the radar. Rumors say all sorts of things, but what is the truth? - Sebastian looked him straight in the eye. - The truth is better not to know.
Alex remained silent, waiting for more. He knew Sebastian liked to be dramatic, but still felt he had access to information that could change the course of events.
- What do you want from me? - Sebastian finally asked, bending down to Alex. - Do you want to know all the secrets? Or do you just want to make sure you don't get into something you can't grasp?
- I want to know why everyone treats Isabella like a leper," Alex replied. - And why everyone I ask warns me not to get involved.
Sebastian laughed quietly, as if Alex had just told him a great joke.
You know Manhattan, right? Here everyone is a friend until you stand in their way. And Isabella got in the way of the wrong people. If you really want to know this, Alex.... think twice if you're ready for it.
Alex felt a cold shiver run down his back. Sebastian, with a smile on his face, seemed to take some kind of perverse pleasure in the whole situation. In New York, secrets were currency, but no one talked about it out loud. And Isabella? She was like the forbidden fruit that everyone knew about, but no one wanted to speak openly.
- What do you mean when you say she stood in the way of the wrong people? - Alex broke the silence. His voice was calm, although inside he felt his heart pounding harder and harder.
Sebastian looked at him, his squinted eyes betrayed amusement, but also something more disturbing - a cool calculation.
- This is Manhattan not LA, Alex said. Here everything has a price. Money, loyalty, information. And Isabella... - Sebastian hesitated for a moment, as if he was trying to decide how much he wanted to reveal - ...started looking for answers to questions that no one should ask.
Alex leaned back on the couch, trying to understand what it was that Isabella might have discovered that led her to this state. What was so dangerous that it required her to disappear from public life? After all, she was just a girl from a rich house, one of many who fell into inappropriate company, right?
- What questions? - He asked, unable to contain his growing curiosity.
- Questions that go too far," replied Sebastian, in a tone as if that explained everything. - You know those people who think they can control everything, right? When someone starts digging into their business, it becomes a problem. And Isabella? She was the problem.
Sebastian leaned closer to Alex, his voice becoming almost a whisper.
- She didn't just want to play by the rules. She wanted to change them. And that cost her more than she expected.
Alex felt his stomach clench. There was more to this than the usual intrigues of the elite. If Sebastian was telling the truth, then Isabella was not only in trouble, but was now at the center of something much bigger. Something that could threaten her far more than rejection by the New York elite.
- Where is she now? - Alex asked, looking Sebastian straight in the eyes.
Sebastian smiled broadly, as if waiting for this question.
- That, my dear, is the million-dollar question," he replied. - But even if I knew, I wouldn't tell you. In this game you have to discover the cards yourself. Besides, you are the one who saw her last. Therefore, find her yourself. Or is it already too late for that? And now dear hero I must end our charming meeting - He got up from the couch and left nonchalantly through the glass door.
Alex left Soho Vinyl Heaven with a head full of even more confusion than before he met Sebastian. These were no ordinary rich kid's secrets. What started as curiosity was now turning into something darker. Something that could have had serious consequences. But deep down, it was attracting him even more. Sebastian had made it clear to him that Isabella was dangerous. Dangerous in a sense that went beyond what Alex had seen so far. The hunch that Isabella was a gateway to something greater was growing stronger. He decided to return to the apartment, although he knew that peace would not come so easily that night. He now had more questions than answers, and Sebastian, although he suggested a lot, left him without specifics. Alex had to find Isabella and find out what really happened.
The next day Alex went for another walk, trying to clear his mind, but the onslaught of thoughts only intensified. Something about the whole city was overwhelming, as if every building, every street hid some secret. He began to wonder if he himself was accidentally becoming part of something that could consume him. As he walked, his phone vibrated. It was a message from an unknown number.
"Don't look for Is. Don't ask questions."
Alex stopped in place. He stared at the screen for a moment, trying to digest the meaning of the few words. Someone knew he was looking for Isabella. And that someone didn't want him to do it.
Before he had time to cool down, another message arrived.
"If you don't stop, you will suffer the consequences."
His hands began to tremble, though he tried to control it. At this moment it was no longer just about Isabella - now it was about him. Whoever was behind all this was watching him. And he wasn't going to wait for Alex to discover too much. Instead of panicking, he felt something else. Anger. Instead of retreating, he decided to act.
He dialed Olivia's number.
- We need to meet," he said quickly as soon as she picked up. - And right away.
- Alex, what is going on? - she asked, and there was a note of worry in her voice.-.
- Meet me in Central Park in an hour.
He hung up before she could respond. He knew Olivia wouldn't be thrilled, but it didn't matter now. The game Sebastian was talking about had just become real. And he wasn't going to let anyone exclude him from it. An hour later, sitting on one of the benches in Central Park, Alex waited, looking around nervously. The shadows of evening were beginning to descend on the park, and the lights of the lanterns brought out less and less friendly shapes from the darkness. Finally, Olivia appeared on the horizon, and her quick step betrayed that she was as concerned as he was.
- What's going on, Alex? - She asked as soon as she reached him. - What's the matter?
- Someone knows I'm looking for Isabella," he said immediately. - And apparently he doesn't like it. I received messages telling me to stay away.
Olivia furrowed her brow, her face expressing a mixture of concern and annoyance.
- I told you to be careful. In this city everyone has their secrets, Alex. If someone sends you such messages, it means that you have stepped into the wrong company.
- But why does everyone want me to stop so badly? What is it with this girl? - He asked, feeling that he was missing something. - Sebastian said she stood in the way of the wrong people. But what does that really mean?
Olivia sighed heavily, as if trying to gather the strength to answer.
- Isabella...Fuck! I asked Alex!!! Isabella had access to information she shouldn't have. She knew people that it's better not to mention. And now it seems that this shit is back again, she's already been dragged in. - She was silent for a moment, looking into the distance, before adding - Or maybe us. This needs to be played out carefully