Chapter 3: Found




Olivia spoke calmly, but there was a note of uncertainty in her voice that Alex could not ignore. For a moment he wondered how many more secrets she was hiding from him - from everyone. The game that everyone seemed to be involved in was starting to get out of hand. And he was just beginning to understand how deep its rules went.

- What information did Isabella have? - he asked, although he felt that this question alone could change his cousin's perception.

Olivia looked at him, her gaze piercing, as if she wondered if she could trust him. Finally, she raised her head, bit her lip and sighed.

- I don't know everything. But I do know one thing," she said quietly. - Isabella knew people who had influence. The kind you never even dreamed of. Heart Investments is a childish comparison to what she had gotten herself into. It was no longer about relationships, connections or manipulation. She started digging in where even we with our families' connections are afraid to look.

Alex looked at Olivia with a mixture of fascination and fear. The words about Heart Investments, which until now had seemed just a secret club of rich kids, were taking on a new, darker meaning. If Isabella knew more than she should have, which meant that someone was now really looking out for her.

- Is Sebastian involved in this? - he asked, unable to stop more questions from popping up in his head.

Olivia smiled pale, though it was not a smile of amusement.

- Sebastian always keeps his cards close to his chest. You don't know what he's thinking until you have to find out. It's his way of survival. - Olivia looked away for a moment, looking at the darkening trees in Central Park. - But one thing is for sure - no one is safe if he starts digging too deep into this cesspool.

- Why didn't anyone tell me about this before? - Alex felt frustration growing inside him. - Why is everyone pretending that this is just innocent fun, but in reality something much bigger is at stake?

Olivia looked at him hard.

- Because everyone here is fighting for survival, Alex. Everyone has their secrets. And if you're new, you don't get inside this game right away. First they test you, see if you can stand the pressure. Only then do they decide if they can trust you. You think you know people, but you don't know what really goes on behind closed doors.

Alex fell silent. He knew Olivia was right, but that only frustrated him more. He felt like he was a pawn in a game he didn't know the rules of. And now that he was trying to go out on a limb, things were getting more and more complicated.

- I have to find her," he said firmly, as if this thought had hit him full force.

- You can't and you don't have to do anything," Olivia replied, putting her hand on his shoulder. - You don't know what awaits you if you start looking for her. Isabella... didn't come back for help. She came back because she had no choice. There is something that no one wants to talk about, but if you drone on, it could turn against you.

Alex looked at her, and every statement she made only made him more determined. He knew Olivia had her reasons for warning him, but something inside him screamed that he had to act.

- So I have to find out what this is all about," he said, pushing her hand away. - Since you are all hiding something, someone has to discover it eventually to save your asses.

Alex! - she called out after him, but he had already moved ahead.

He knew he was treading on dangerous ground, but he had no choice. At this point the game was beginning anew, and he decided that he would no longer be a pawn but a seasoned player. He had to find Isabella before someone else did.

The next day, determined, he decided to follow the trail he had obtained from Sebastian. He knew that he would dig deeper, that the real answers would not come easily. He contacted an old acquaintance who knew more about Manhattan's second life - Mark Whitman, Ethan's brother, who stayed away from social intrigue, but knew what was going on in the shadows of the skyscrapers.

They met in a small, run-down cafe on the outskirts of Tribeca, far from the luxurious mansions and clubs usually frequented by the elite.

- We haven't seen each other in a long time," Mark looked at Alex with a gentle smile. - What brings you to my humble doorstep?

- I need information," replied Alex, wasting no time. - About Isabella Marchand.

Mark raised an eyebrow, and his face immediately became more serious.

- You're treading on shaky ground," he replied after a while. - Isabella is a topic that is better not to talk about, especially now.

- I've heard it too many times," Alex slumped back in his chair. - Why is everyone afraid of her? What does she know?

Mark was silent for a moment, then sighed and looked Alex straight in the eye.

- You are stubborn. Well...Isabella discovered that the people she thought were her friends were someone else entirely. She had access to information that none of us should have access to. And once you see the true face of the people in this city, you are never safe again.

Alex felt his stomach tighten with anxiety. With each new conversation, he learned that Manhattan was more than just a place for the rich and powerful. It was a battlefield where secrets were weapons and loyalty was a sham.

- How to find it? - He asked.

Mark leaned back in his chair with a grim expression on his face.

- I don't think you want to know that. But if you really want it ... - he paused, as if assessing whether Alex was ready - will find it in one of the abandoned buildings in the south of Manhattan. There is a place where those who are looking for problems like you meet.

Alex knew it wouldn't be easy. He knew it could be a trap. But at this point, he no longer had a choice. He had to find Isabella and find out what this was all about. He stood in front of the building Mark had described. The abandoned warehouse in southern Manhattan looked exactly as if it was going to collapse at any moment. The faded brick facade recalled the ghosts of the old days, when the neighborhood was bustling with industrial life. Now? The place felt like it had been ripped out of time, abandoned by anyone with even a shred of common sense. Whatever Isabella was doing, he knew it was leading to this very point. He found himself in a situation he didn't fully understand. He was entering a game where not only secrets were at stake, but perhaps even his life. Before he entered, he looked up at the dark, curtained windows. He wondered what awaited him inside - the answers he was looking for, or more secrets? He felt cold sweat running down his neck, and every step seemed harder.

But there was no turning back. He opened the heavy door, which emitted a loud groan and echoed through the empty interior of the building. It was chilly inside, the cold air mixed with the smell of dampness and old walls. Alex's footsteps echoed loudly, which only added to his anxiety. He felt that someone was watching him, that every wall hid some secret.

- Isabella! - he called out, though his voice reverberated off the walls like a deafening whisper.

He was answered by silence, so heavy that it seemed to crush him to the floor. He walked through room after room, empty and gloomy, with remnants of old equipment that might once have served factories or warehouses. Now they were just a shadow of the past, waiting for someone to finally take an interest in them.

Suddenly he heard a quiet sound, as if something metallic had fallen to the floor. His heart jumped up into his throat. He turned quickly, but saw no one. However, something was wrong - he could feel it in the air. Someone was here. He approached the staircase leading upstairs, feeling a growing uneasiness with each step. There was even more darkness on the first floor, and the lights of the lanterns from behind the windows didn't reach so far as to illuminate anything. He walked through the long corridor, stopping from time to time, listening for the sound of footsteps that seemed elusive, as if someone was following him, but at the same time avoiding direct contact. He reached the end of the corridor, where the door was slightly ajar. From behind them came the quiet, muffled sound of conversation.

"It must be her." - he thought, breathed deeply and pushed open the door.

Inside, he saw something he didn't expect to see. Isabella was sitting on the floor, crushed by the weight of something Alex could not comprehend. Her face was pale, her eyes dilated from fear. But she was not the only person in the room. Next to her stood a figure - tall, dressed in dark clothing, with a hood pulled over her head, effectively hiding her face.

- What are you here...? - Isabella whispered , and you could feel the desperation in her voice.

- Isabella," he replied, approaching cautiously. - We have to go from here.

- I can't," she replied, and her voice suddenly became hard. - Nothing...You don't understand. This doesn't just affect me anymore.

Alex looked at the mysterious figure who stood next to her. Who was it? And why was Isabella in such a state?

- Who is it? - He asked, pointing to a person who seemed ready for anything.

- It's irrelevant," she said quietly. - Don't ask questions. You have to leave here. It's none of your business. Don't butt in!

- Unfortunately, that's my business too," he replied, moving even closer, though he could feel the tension rising with every step. - Why? Why are you doing this? What has happened?

Isabella closed her eyes, as if fighting her own thoughts.

- I can't tell you that. This... is different from what you think. You won't understand.

- So explain it to me," Alex said, trying to remain calm, even though his heart was pounding in his chest. - What's going on? Why is everyone telling me not to look for you?

Before Isabella could respond, the hooded figure took a step forward. The voice that spoke was cold, washed out of emotion.

- The answers you seek can destroy you, boy," said the mysterious man, approaching dangerously. - Isabella tried. You can see how she ended up. Do you want to be next?

Alex felt an icy fear creep up his neck. This was no longer a rich kid's game, this was a real threat. Whoever this man was, he knew that if he went any further, there would be no going back.

- Isabella," he said firmly, not taking his eyes off the dark figure. - You are coming with me. Now!

Isabella twitched, as if something in his voice snapped her out of her trance. She looked at him, and there was a glimmer of hope but also terror in her eyes.

- I can't... - she whispered, although there was no longer conviction in her voice.

At that moment, the man took another step, and something appeared in his hand, which flashed in the semi-darkness. Alex realized that the situation was becoming more and more dangerous. Whatever Isabella knew, they could not let her leave this place.

- Run! - shouted Alex, darting toward Isabella, pushing her toward the door.

Everything happened in a flash. Isabella, though stunned, instinctively ran out of the room. Alex, on the other hand, before he had time to join her, felt something hit him on the shoulder and then fall to the floor. The man moved toward him, but Alex, ignoring the pain, got to his feet and ran after Isabella. Everything happened as if in a fog. Running down the stairs, he could hear the echo of his own footsteps mingling with the sound of someone pursuing them. Running away was the only option.

Finally they ran outside, where the darkness of night was their only ally. They ran without rest, away from the abandoned warehouse, feeling that they were not yet safe. They fled through the narrow, dark streets of southern Manhattan, barely hearing their own breaths in the chaos of what had just happened. The darkness was their ally, but at the same time it limited their visibility, and the echo of their footsteps seemed to bounce off the walls, carrying far behind them. Alex felt each breath grow heavier, but he knew they couldn't stop now. Whoever was pursuing them was not of those who let go easily.

- We're running the wrong way! - shouted Isabella, keeping a few steps ahead of him. Her voice trembled and her face was terrified, as if she understood something that Alex had not yet comprehended.

- Where to, then? - he exclaimed, trying to adjust his pace. He looked over his shoulder, but saw no one. Nevertheless, he knew that the danger was right behind them.

- We need to get to the bridge! - Isabella shouted.

Alex wasn't sure whether to trust her, but at the moment he had no choice. They headed south toward the Brooklyn Bridge, which crossed the Hudson River, gleaming in the distance like an unreachable asylum. Running toward the bridge seemed risky - the open space could make them an easy target - but if Isabella knew where she was leading, he had to trust her. They stopped for a moment, trying to catch their breath, when they reached a narrow alley, full of trash and graffiti. Alex sank to his knees, feeling a burning pain in his arm - the place where he had felt the blow earlier. Only now did he notice the blood seeping through his shirt.

What happened? - Isabella asked, her face pale with horror.

He looked at her, trying to hide the pain.

- I'm wounded. I think he shot me. - He admitted, although he didn't want it to sound dramatic. - But I can handle it. We have to get out of here.

Isabella bit her lip, wondering what to do. She rested her hands on her knees, trying to collect her thoughts, and then glanced over his shoulder.

- We have to keep running. - she said firmly, although her voice still betrayed uncertainty. - If they find you like this, it won't be good.

Alex nodded, though deep down he knew they didn't have many options. There was no time to find a doctor, and any stop could be their last. Forced to make a decision, he followed Isabella, who led them through a succession of alleys, trying to keep their distance from any lights. Eventually they reached the riverbank, where tall streetlights cast long, ominous shadows on the sidewalk. The Brooklyn Bridge loomed before them like a giant gateway, leading to another reality. The river reflected the lights of the city, creating a dark, unsettling mosaic on the water.

- We are close now," whispered Isabella, looking at the bridge. - If we can get to the other side, we can hide. I have someone there who can help us.

- Who? - Alex asked, though he didn't expect an answer.

Isabella ignored his question, throwing him a short, hard look. There was no time for explanations. They had to go. They found themselves on the bridge, and each step sounded louder and louder in their ears. The bridge, which was usually bustling with life, now seemed deserted, as if the city around them had frozen over. Alex felt adrenaline fill every nook and cranny of his body. His shoulder hurt more and more, and cold sweat ran down his back. He looked at Isabella, who seemed equally exhausted.

Suddenly, from the other side of the bridge, they saw the silhouettes of several people. The figures moved slowly but firmly, approaching them. Alex froze, and Isabella held her breath.

- Furore. It's them," she whispered, in a voice full of terror. - They found us.

Alex looked at her in disbelief.

- Who the hell is that? - He asked, trying to control his panic.

- The people I was running away from. You shouldn't have come here," she replied, looking at the approaching figures, her eyes wide with terror.

- What's next? - Alex felt fear take over his body. He had a feeling that every solution was now wrong. They could have fled toward the end of the bridge, but would they have made it in time before these people?

- We have to try," Isabella said suddenly, grabbing his hand. - Let's run!

They did not wait any longer. Alex, ignoring the pain, ran after her, although he felt his legs refuse to obey him. In the background, he heard increasingly clear footsteps - they were being chased. His heart was beating like crazy, and each breath was heavier. Suddenly, amidst the chaos, Alex noticed something strange. One of the men who were approaching them took out a phone and started talking, apparently giving orders. This was the moment Alex realized: This was no accidental escape. Someone was pursuing them on purpose, and may have even anticipated their movements.

As they ran faster and faster, approaching the end of the bridge, one of the attackers, who managed to catch up with them by some miracle, grabbed his arm. A sharp pain pierced his body, but he managed to jerk his arm out of his grasp. He pushed his attacker away, and the man tumbled onto the metal railing of the bridge. Isabella looked over her shoulder, and her eyes glittered in the light of the lantern, full not only of fear, but also determination. Seeing Alex, who had just freed himself from her grasp, she decided to act quickly.

- A little more! - she shouted, breaking off into a sprint.

Alex, though almost exhausted, moved after her, realizing that this was their only chance. They still had a few meters of advantage, but that could not last long. Their pursuers were determined. They finally reached the other side of the bridge, running out onto the Brooklyn waterfront. As soon as they were in a slightly more open space, Isabella pulled Alex toward a side street, where the flickering lights of parked cars and abandoned warehouses greeted them.

- Here! - She said, pointing to one of the side entrances.

They hid in a dark alley, among a pile of old containers and rusty machinery. For several minutes they waited, listening for footsteps that seemed to be getting closer. Alex, barely breathing, felt the adrenaline slowly subsiding, and his body began to feel the pain he had previously managed to ignore.

- What now? - he whispered, looking at Isabella. They were trapped, with no way out, and their pursuers were getting closer.

Isabella did not answer for a while. Her eyes wandered around, looking for any possibility of escape. Finally determined, she leaned toward him.

- Trust me," she said quickly, although there was uncertainty in her voice. - There is only one place where we can hide. But if we go there, there is no turning back.

- There's no turning back now anyway," Alex replied, trying to stop his hands from trembling.

Isabella was silent for a moment, then nodded resolutely.

- Follow me.

They broke off to run along the dark alley, turning into more narrow alleys that seemed to form an endless maze between the old buildings of Brooklyn. The footsteps of their pursuers grew quieter and quieter, but Alex knew they couldn't afford the slightest mistake. As they ran, he felt the pain in his shoulder becoming more and more nagging, and his vision began to blur from exhaustion. After several minutes that seemed like an eternity , Isabella pulled him into an abandoned warehouse whose door was barely holding on to its hinges. There was total darkness inside, but Isabella seemed to know the place like the back of her hand. She led him with a confident step through one corridor after another, until they finally reached a small, enclosed room at the very end of the building.

- Here," she said, pushing open the heavy door, which opened with a loud creak. Inside the room was a small window through which pale moonlight streamed in, illuminating some old, dilapidated furniture.

Alex collapsed into one of the chairs, barely holding himself up.

- Who are these people? - He asked, trying to understand what had just happened. - And why are they pursuing you?

Isabella sat down across from him, her face full of fatigue and sadness.

- It's complicated," she began, rubbing her hands together, as if to reassure herself. - I found something ... Something that should never have ended up in my hands. It was part of my family's plan, but I.... discovered too much.

Alex felt his frustration building up inside him. He had felt from the beginning that something was wrong with the situation, but he didn't understand why Isabella, who had always been so confident, now looked like she was barely holding on.

- What did you find? - He asked, leaning closer. - What is this all about?

Isabella looked at him, and something she had previously hidden flashed in her eyes - fear. But it wasn't fear of the people who were pursuing them. It was fear of the truth.

- Heart Investments," she finally whispered. - This is not just a club. It's much more than that. I thought it was a simple game. That we could control our lives, our relationships, our business. But this... This is just a cover.

Alex looked at her in shock.

- Coverage? Cover for what?

- For the people who really run this city. - Her voice was quiet, almost a whisper. - Our parents, our families. Everyone is involved in something we shouldn't know about. It's not just a game of money and influence. It's something much deeper, darker. Disgusting, even.

Alex felt his heart speed up. He realized that Isabella was not the only person in danger. Now he too was caught up in something he didn't understand.

And now what? - He asked, looking her straight in the eyes. - What can we do?

Isabella sighed, placing her hands in her lap.

- We need to find people who can help us. But first I have to get out of this city. There is only one person I can trust. We need to get to the suburbs. There we can be safe, at least for a while.

Alex looked at her and then at his injured shoulder. He knew he was at his limit, but he had no choice.

- All right," he finally said. - Lead the way.