"All right!" I instinctively roar in laughter as I am suddenly bombarded with a lifetime of memories - no two sets of memories.
One from Vegeta, the Prince of all Saiyans,
The Other from Son Goku, Kakarot, the First Super Saiyan in a thousand years.
'How is this possible?' I wonder as I gaze upon my gloved hands.
I know what - no who I have become, but I can't even remotely understand how and why.
And I know that all questions can come later, right now, I have a demon to destroy.
I raise my gaze towards Buuhan and chuckle as I see that ridiculous stupified expression on his face.
"Surprised Buu? You're not the only one who can fuse with others?"
His expression hardens with rage as he smiles - one that doesn't reach his eyes, "Surprised? No, I have seen this trick before when those two brats of yours did the same - though I see the method is different.
Fools! You've only made my job easier for me! Now I don't need to scour the universe to kill you both - I can kill the two of you at once!"
"Really now?" I question rhetorically as I cross my arms.
"You overestimate yourself," And without another word, in an instant I appear before him, shocking him once more, I smirk as I strike him in the face with a left kick - arms still crossed.
And then a right kick, and then another left kick, over and over till I beat him black and blue - metaphorically of course. I don't think that ridiculous pink skin could ever change color.
I unfurl my arms as I instantly point both my open palms towards his face and hit him with a point blank blast blowing him away.
The blast sends Buuhan flying backward, his body crashing through several rock formations before finally coming to a halt. I lower my hands, watching as the dust settles around his prone form.
As I observe the aftermath of my attack, I process the bizarre situation I find myself in.
The memories of my previous life - watching this very fight on a laptop screen - sit alongside the inherited memories of both Goku and Vegeta.
A strange trinity of consciousness within one being.
Buuhan rises from the rubble, his regenerative abilities already repairing the damage I've inflicted. His face contorts with rage and confusion.
"You're nothing but a parlor trick," Buuhan snarls, wiping purple blood from his mouth. "A temporary fusion that will soon wear off!"
I maintain my composure, careful not to reveal my transmigrated knowledge.
The original plan in the anime had been for Vegito to be deliberately absorbed to rescue the others from inside Buu.
But with my outside perspective, I can see the unnecessary risk in that strategy.
"Is that what you think?" I reply, my stance relaxed yet ready. "Then you're even more foolish than you look."
I assess the situation clinically. In my base form, we appear evenly matched - though I have the edge in technique and precision.
But why prolong this? Every moment this monster exists puts the universe at risk. Besides that, I have no idea whether the fusion is permanent or not - I have no interest in putting my continued existence at risk.
"I think I've toyed with you long enough," I state coldly. "It's time to end this."
With a surge of will, I channel the immense power lying dormant within this fused body. The ground beneath me cracks as golden energy erupts around my form.
My hair stands on end, transforming to a brilliant gold light as the Super Saiyan transformation completes.
"What's this?" Buuhan backs away slightly, sensing the dramatic shift in power.
I don't bother explaining how foolish he was to even think he had a chance when we were even in base - Instead, I simply vanish from his sight, reappearing directly in front of him before he can track my movement.
"Too slow," I whisper, driving my fist into his midsection with such force that it creates a shockwave that decimates the landscape around us.
Buuhan doubles over, genuinely hurt for the first time in this battle. Before he can recover, I deliver a devastating uppercut that sends him skyward.
I appear above him, clasping my hands together and hammering him back toward the ground.
"I've decided not to follow the script," I mutter to myself as I watch him crater into the earth below.
Buuhan struggles to his feet, his regeneration working overtime to repair the substantial damage.
His eyes now show genuine fear - something I doubt he's experienced since his creation.
"This isn't possible!" he shouts. "I've absorbed the strongest fighters in the universe!"
"And yet here we are," I reply calmly. "You have stolen power. I've earned mine."
I descend slowly, landing several meters away from him. My golden aura illuminates the battlefield as I extend one hand toward him.
"You've committed atrocities across the universe, absorbed innocent people, and threatened everything I care about," I pronounce, channeling energy into my palm. "Your existence ends now."
Buuhan's eyes widen as he senses the concentrated power forming in my hand. "Wait! You can't destroy me without destroying your friends! They're part of me now!"
I pause momentarily, considering this. In the original timeline, this concern had driven the plot forward. But with my enhanced power and complete dominance in this fight, I see another solution.
"You're right," I acknowledge. "So I won't destroy you completely - yet."
The energy in my palm shifts, becoming more focused, more precise. Drawing on Vegeta's tactical knowledge and Goku's ki control, I form a specialized energy attack - one designed not to obliterate, but to surgically separate.
"Spirit Excision," I name the technique on the spot, firing a thin beam of concentrated ki that pierces through Buuhan's chest.
He screams in agony as the energy works through his body, targeting the specific frequency of the absorbed fighters' ki signatures and forcibly extracting them.
One by one, unconscious forms materialize beside me - Gohan, Piccolo, Goten, Trunks and kind Buu - safely removed from Buuhan's body.
Buuhan shrinks with each extraction, his power diminishing dramatically as he reverts toward his original form. His face registers shock and outrage.
"What have you done?!" he shrieks, his voice higher-pitched as he transforms into the smaller, more primal Kid Buu.
"I've taken back what wasn't yours," I answer simply.
The original probably had forgone this attempt in fear of killing them because he did not understand how Buu's absorption worked - I do.
"And now, with no innocent lives at stake, I can eliminate you without restraint."
Kid Buu's erratic, chaotic energy pulses around him as he lets out an inhuman screech. He's more dangerous in this form - unpredictable, insane, and purely destructive. But also significantly weaker than Buuhan.
"Final Kamehameha," I announce, not for dramatic effect, but as a simple statement of fact.
I bring my hands together, combining Goku's signature Kamehameha with Vegeta's Final Flash. The swirling blue and gold energy coalesces between my palms, growing to a blinding intensity.
Kid Buu realizes the danger too late. He attempts to dodge, but my attack is too fast, too powerful. The energy wave engulfs him completely, disintegrating every molecule of his being until nothing remains - not even dust.
As the light fades, I power down from Super Saiyan, surveying the battlefield. The unconscious forms of the rescued fighters lie safely nearby.
I've changed the timeline significantly, but perhaps for the better. No need for a Spirit Bomb, no need for the unnecessary drama and risk.
"That wasn't how it was supposed to go," I murmur to myself, "but sometimes the script needs revision."
I move to check on Gohan and the others, contemplating what this change might mean for the future. With my knowledge of coming threats - Beerus, Zamasu, Jiren - I could prepare far better than it had been in the storyline I'd watched.
Till I find a way to return home - with this power of course.
But those are concerns for another day. For now, I've eliminated a universal threat and saved innocent lives. Not bad for my first day as a fused Saiyan warrior.
Now, now, I have a dragon to summon to continue my existence.
(Author note: Hello everyone! I hope you all liked the chapter!
Do tell me how you found it.
Just so everyone knows this is a BIG AU!
I'm gonna be exploring the dragon ball multiverse, so no BS Tournament of Power since - yes, UI and Jiren, Kefla, Toppo, were bloody highlights that I loved, but, they just made everything so... small.
Local almost.
I have never seen a multiverse feel so strained because of its size.
So, expect the other universes, to have a lot of powerful fighters too.
So yeah, do tell me how you found it and I hope to see you all later,