The gravity chamber hummed with energy as three Saiyan warriors moved through a complex series of combat forms.
Vegito, Goku, and Vegeta executed a synchronized sequence of strikes and counters, their movements complementing each other with an almost uncanny precision.
To an outside observer, it might have appeared choreographed, but the truth was more profound - an instinctive understanding that transcended normal combat partnerships.
"Your guard is dropping on the left," Vegeta called out as Goku executed a spinning kick.
"And you're telegraphing your right hook," Goku countered cheerfully, dodging said hook with millimeters to spare. "Been doing that since our first fight, you know!"
Vegito observed their exchange with a slight smile, adjusting his own technique to compensate for both weaknesses he could see in their forms.
"You're both leaning too heavily on muscle memory instead of adapting to your opponent," he noted, his tone blending Vegeta's analytical precision with Goku's instructive warmth.
"Easy for you to say," Goku laughed, wiping sweat from his brow. "You've got both our techniques hardwired into your brain."
"Precisely why you should listen when I offer corrections," Vegito replied, though his tone lacked any real scolding. "I can see your mistakes from both perspectives."
The three continued their training, pushing each other with the familiar intensity of lifelong rivals, yet supporting each other with the understanding of family.
Their relationship had changed a lot in the months since Vegito's creation - from initial awkwardness to a bond that was hard to define.
Not quite brothers in the traditional sense, yet closer than friends. They shared blood, memories, and an understanding that no one else could grasp.
Vegito had pieces of both their souls, making their connection real rather than just symbolic.
As they finished their training session, Vegeta tossed towels to both Goku and Vegito. "Your counter-sequence needs work," he told Vegito bluntly, crossing his arms in his characteristic stance.
"You're incorporating too many of Kakarot's sloppier habits."
"And not enough of your rigid, predictable patterns?" Vegito returned with a raised eyebrow and a smirk that mirrored Vegeta's own. "Some flexibility in combat isn't a weakness, Prince."
"He's got you there, Vegeta," Goku laughed, the sound echoing in the chamber as he stretched his arms overhead in his typical carefree manner.
"Hmph," Vegeta grunted, though a reluctant smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. "At least my 'rigid patterns' don't leave me open to attack from three different angles."
The easy banter continued as they exited the gravity chamber, their conversation shifting from combat techniques to Broly's progress in his own training.
The large Saiyan had been adapting to life on Earth with surprising speed, though he still struggled with social interactions beyond his small circle of trusted companions.
"He's making remarkable progress," Vegito observed as they crossed the compound toward the main building, his posture straight and confident in a way that was uniquely his own.
"His control has improved dramatically in just a few weeks."
"The boy has natural talent," Vegeta acknowledged with a curt nod. "Once freed from his father's restrictive methods, his true abilities are emerging."
"Reminds me of Gohan in some ways," Goku added thoughtfully, placing his hands behind his head as he walked. "All that power, just needing the right guidance to channel it properly."
Vegito nodded, "Speaking of guidance, I've been considering taking him on my next off-world mission. Practical experience would benefit him more than controlled training at this point."
"To one of your Paradis Empire outposts?" Vegeta asked, his tone carrying genuine interest rather than the skepticism he might once have shown.
"Yes. The former Frieza outpost on Traden Prime has requested assistance with their defensive systems," Vegito explained, his strategic mind evident in the careful planning.
"It would be a relatively safe introduction to interstellar operations."
"Good thinking," Goku approved with an enthusiastic nod. "New experiences, but with supervision.
Better than how I learned about other planets - usually by being thrown into life-or-death battles!" He laughed at his own massive understatement.
As they approached the main building, the smell of fresh-baked goods filled the air.
Following their noses, they found themselves drawn to the central kitchen, where another unique family dynamic was on display.
Chima stood at the center island, expertly rolling out dough while simultaneously checking something on a tablet computer.
Her movements had Chi-Chi's precision but Bulma's efficiency, creating a workflow uniquely her own.
Bulma sat nearby, working on technical schematics while occasionally sampling the fruits of Chima's culinary efforts.
Chi-Chi was arranging finished pastries on a serving platter, adding artistic flourishes to each one with her characteristic attention to detail.
"The quantum stabilizer modifications look promising," Bulma was saying as she studied Chima's calculations on the tablet, her eyes bright with excitement.
"You've managed to incorporate both efficiency improvements and safety redundancies."
"The principle is similar to balancing flavors in cooking," Chima replied, her voice carrying both confident assertiveness and melodic warmth.
"Too much emphasis on any one element creates imbalance. The key is harmonious integration."
Chi-Chi nodded approvingly as she examined one of the pastries, her critical eye for perfection evident. "Perfect consistency. You've mastered my grandmother's technique while incorporating Bulma's mother's flavor innovations."
"I had excellent source material to work with," Chima acknowledged with a warm smile.
Like the Saiyan trio, these three had developed their own unique dynamic. Chima was neither daughter nor sister to Bulma and Chi-Chi in any conventional sense, yet their relationship carried elements of both connections.
They shared knowledge, memories, and fundamental aspects of personality that created a closeness beyond ordinary family bonds.
The three women looked up as Vegito, Goku, and Vegeta entered the kitchen.
"Perfect timing," Chi-Chi announced, her domestic pride evident. "We've just finished the test batch of fusion pastries."
"Fusion pastries?" Goku asked, immediately perking up at anything food-related, his eyes widening with childlike enthusiasm.
"Chima's creation," Bulma explained with evident pride, gesturing with the confident flair that characterized her movements.
"Traditional recipes from Chi-Chi's family combined with my mother's experimental techniques. Plus some scientific optimization of the baking process."
"The results are quite remarkable," Chima added, wiping flour from her hands with precise movements. "The molecular structure of the dough achieves optimal flakiness while maintaining structural integrity,"
she explained "which means they taste amazing but don't crumble all over your clothes."
"They're really good cookies," Chi-Chi translated with an affectionate smile at Chima's technical description.
The three Saiyans needed no further invitation, each taking a pastry from the offered platter. Their reactions were immediate and appreciative.
"These are amazing!" Goku exclaimed through a mouthful of flaky dough, his enthusiasm for food as boundless as ever.
Vegeta, more restrained but equally impressed, nodded his approval. "The balance of flavors is... exceptional," he admitted with his typical reluctance to give full praise.
Vegito studied his pastry with analytical interest before taking another bite. "You've created something genuinely new here," he observed with thoughtful appreciation.
"Not just a combination of existing techniques, but an innovation that stands on its own merits."
Chima's eyes met his, understanding the deeper meaning behind his comment. "That was precisely my intention," she replied with quiet confidence.
"To honor the origins while creating something uniquely my own."
The moment of connection between them was subtle but noticed by everyone in the room.
In the weeks since Vegito's return to Earth, his relationship with Chima had been developing at a measured pace - built on mutual respect and genuine interest rather than external expectations.
"We were just discussing taking Broly on an off-world mission," Vegito said, smoothly shifting the conversation.
"To Traden Prime, where they need assistance with their defensive systems."
"An excellent choice for his first exposure to other worlds," Chima commented, her mind immediately engaging with the topic.
"The Traden system is stable politically, and the former Frieza outpost there has made significant progress in their rehabilitation program."
Vegito raised an eyebrow, impressed. "You've been studying the Paradis Empire's operations?"
"Of course," Chima replied matter-of-factly, flipping her blue-black hair with a gesture reminiscent of Bulma. "I have Bulma's interest in interstellar politics and Chi-Chi's concern for proper governance.
Your empire-building efforts represent a fascinating case study in post-authoritarian reconstruction."
"Plus," she added with a slight smile that softened her scholarly assessment, "I wanted to understand your work better."
Bulma and Chi-Chi exchanged knowing glances at this exchange, while Goku unsuccessfully tried to hide a grin behind his third pastry. Vegeta merely rolled his eyes, though without real annoyance.
"Actually," Chima continued, "I've been developing some proposals for educational systems that could be implemented across your reformed territories.
Combining advanced technological training with traditional values-based education might accelerate cultural stabilization in regions previously dominated by Frieza's influence."
"I'd be interested in reviewing those proposals," Vegito said, genuine interest evident in his tone.
"Perhaps over dinner?" Chima suggested with casual confidence. "I could prepare a proper meal rather than just experimental pastries, and we could discuss the details in depth."
"I'd like that," Vegito agreed, matching her straightforward approach.
As the conversation continued, flowing naturally between various topics, the unusual family dynamics of both groups remained evident.
Vegito occasionally finished Vegeta's sentences or referenced memories that only Goku should have possessed.
Chima seamlessly blended Bulma's technical expertise with Chi-Chi's practical wisdom, sometimes shifting between their characteristic speech patterns mid-thought.
Yet despite these echoes of their origins, both fusion beings were clearly developing their own distinct identities.
Vegito's approach to empire-building reflected neither Goku's carefree nature nor Vegeta's former conquering mindset, but rather a thoughtful third path entirely his own.
Similarly, Chima's balanced integration of scientific innovation and traditional values represented a unique philosophy rather than merely a compromise between her component parts.
Later that afternoon, Vegito found himself in Capsule Corporation's expansive library, reviewing reports from various outposts of his growing Paradis Empire.
The quiet space offered a welcome retreat for focused work, though his thoughts occasionally drifted to his upcoming dinner with Chima.
He was surprised when Goku appeared in the doorway, looking uncharacteristically thoughtful.
"Got a minute?" Goku asked, approaching with none of his usual boundless energy.
"Of course," Vegito replied, setting aside his tablet. "Something on your mind?"
Goku settled into a nearby chair, his expression unusually serious. "I've been thinking about something. About us - you, me, and Vegeta."
"What about us?" Vegito prompted when Goku didn't immediately continue.
"It's just..." Goku searched for words, a process that had never come easily to him, rubbing the back of his neck in his characteristic gesture. "We're not exactly normal, are we?
Our relationship, I mean. You have my memories, parts of my soul, but you're not me. And I'm not you, even though in some weird way, I helped create you."
Vegito nodded, understanding the complex nature of their connection. "It's unprecedented. There's no established term for what we are to each other."
"That's just it," Goku continued, warming to his topic, leaning forward with unusual focus.
"I've been trying to figure out how to think about you. At first, it was really weird - like looking at a mirror that didn't quite match my movements. But now..." He paused, considering his next words carefully.
"Now it feels more like having a brother," he said with simple sincerity. "Not exactly like Raditz," he added quickly with a slight grimace at the memory of his biological brother's violent nature.
"But someone who shares my blood, my history, yet is their own person with their own path."
Vegito considered this perspective thoughtfully. "Brother," he repeated, testing the word. "It's not entirely inaccurate.
We share genetic material, fragments of soul essence, common memories. In some ways, we're more closely related than conventional siblings."
"Exactly!" Goku exclaimed, his face lighting up with that characteristic Son grin. "And I think Vegeta feels the same way, though you know he'd never say it outright."
"He doesn't need to," Vegito acknowledged with a slight smile. "His actions speak clearly enough."
The Prince of Saiyans had indeed developed a relationship with Vegito that defied his normally guarded nature.
Their training sessions often included moments of genuine camaraderie, and Vegeta had begun consulting Vegito on matters related to Saiyan heritage and tradition - a sign of respect and acceptance that spoke volumes.
"So," Goku continued, his characteristic directness returning, "I just wanted to say that I think of you as family. Not just because of how you were created, but because of who you've become."
The simple statement carried surprising emotional weight. Vegito had been forging his own identity, his own purpose, since his creation - establishing himself as neither Goku nor Vegeta, but someone entirely new.
Yet this acknowledgment of familial connection didn't threaten that independence; rather, it made it more - one with a sense of belonging.
"Thank you," Vegito replied simply. "I value that view more than you might realize."
Goku grinned, the serious moment passing as quickly as it had arrived. "Great! Oh, and good luck with your dinner with Chima tonight. She's pretty amazing, isn't she?"
Vegito raised an eyebrow at the abrupt change of subject. "She is indeed remarkable."
"You know," Goku continued with innocent persistence, though the gleam in his eye was anything but innocent,
"Chi-Chi was telling me that Chima's been asking all sorts of questions about you. Your favorite foods, your interests beyond fighting and empire-building, that kind of thing."
"Has she now?" Vegito replied, maintaining a neutral expression despite his interest in this information.
"Yep! And Bulma says she's been designing some special outfit for your dinner tonight. Spent hours on it, apparently." Goku's expression was the picture of guileless sharing, though the gleam in his eye suggested he was well aware of the effect his words might have.
"I see," Vegito said, fighting the urge to smile at Goku's transparent attempt at matchmaking. "Well, I wouldn't want to disappoint her efforts."
"That's the spirit!" Goku exclaimed, rising from his chair with his typical energetic movement.
"Anyway, I should get going. Promised Goten I'd help him with his new ki technique before dinner."
As Goku departed with a cheerful wave, Vegito returned to his reports, though his focus had shifted.
The conversation had left him with much to consider - both about his evolving family relationships and his developing connection with Chima.
Across the compound, a similar conversation was taking place in Chima's private laboratory, where she was putting the finishing touches on a new energy conversion device while simultaneously preparing marinade for the evening's dinner.
Her multitasking ability reflected both Bulma's scientific efficiency and Chi-Chi's domestic skill, merged into a seamless workflow all her own.
Bulma entered with a garment bag draped over one arm, her stride confident and purposeful as always. "The alterations are complete," she announced, hanging the bag on a nearby hook with a flourish.
"Though I still think the blue would have complemented your coloring better than the purple."
"The purple has greater symbolic significance," Chima replied without looking up from her work, her precise movements never faltering.
"It represents the balance between your preference for blue and Chi-Chi's traditional red."
"Always the perfect fusion," Chi-Chi remarked as she entered carrying a basket of fresh vegetables from her garden, her steps measured and graceful.
"Even in your fashion choices."
Chima smiled at both women. "I prefer to think of it as honoring my origins while making choices that reflect my own aesthetic preferences," she replied.
As she carefully sealed the marinade container and set aside her tools, Chima noticed the exchange of glances between Bulma and Chi-Chi - a silent communication that suggested they had something specific on their minds.
"Is there something you wanted to discuss?" she asked directly, wiping her hands on a nearby towel with efficient movements.
"We've been talking," Bulma began, settling onto a nearby stool with her characteristic lack of ceremony. "About you, and us, and this unusual relationship we have."
"It's not exactly conventional," Chi-Chi added, arranging the vegetables on Chima's workbench with her typical attention to order and presentation.
"There's nothing like it - well besides Vegito and the others, but that's not what we are talking about. No, it's about what we are to each other."
Chima nodded, understanding immediately. "You've been attempting to categorize our relationship within existing familial frameworks," she observed, her mind quickly grasping the situation.
"Exactly," Bulma confirmed with a snap of her fingers. "It's not mother-daughter, not exactly. You weren't born as an infant, you didn't grow up under our guidance."
"Yet you have our memories, our knowledge, parts of our very essences," Chi-Chi continued, her expressive eyes showing the emotional depth she brought to every relationship. "There's a connection that goes beyond conventional relationships."
Chima considered this thoughtfully, her head tilting in a gesture reminiscent of Chi-Chi's contemplative pose. "I've been contemplating the same question.
In many ways, our relationship parallels what Vegito experiences with Goku and Vegeta - a connection that transcends standard definitions yet carries familial elements."
"We've started to think of you as a sister," Bulma stated directly, never one to dance around a topic. "A younger sister in terms of chronological existence, yet equal in terms of knowledge and capability."
"A sister who somehow knows all our secrets and experiences," Chi-Chi added with a slight laugh, her hands clasped together in a characteristic gesture.
"Which would be terrifying if you were anyone else."
Chima felt an unexpected warmth at their words.
Though she had been created with complete memories and knowledge from both women, the emotional aspect of her existence was still developing -
each new experience adding layers to her understanding of herself and her connections to others.
"Sister," she repeated, testing the concept. "That feels... appropriate," she continued, her voice taking on Chi-Chi's warmth while maintaining Bulma's clarity.
"We share genetic material, memories, fundamental aspects of personality. Yet we each have our own distinct identities and paths."
"Exactly," Bulma nodded emphatically, her blue hair bouncing with the movement. "And we wanted you to know that we see you that way - not as some experiment or extension of ourselves, but as family.
As someone we care about for who you are, not just how you came to be."
"That means a great deal to me," Chima acknowledged, her composed demeanor softening slightly, "I value the connection we share, while appreciating the space you've given me to develop my own identity."
Chi-Chi approached, placing a gentle hand on Chima's shoulder. "We're proud of who you're becoming. The way you've taken elements from both of us but created something entirely your own."
"Speaking of which," Bulma interjected with a knowing smile and a characteristic abrupt change of subject, "are you ready for your dinner with Vegito tonight?"
Chima raised an eyebrow in a gesture reminiscent of Bulma's skeptical look. "As ready as one can be for a professional discussion of educational systems for the Paradis Empire."
"Of course, completely professional," Bulma agreed with exaggerated seriousness, tossing her hair back.
"That's why you spent three days designing that outfit and testing fifteen different marinade formulations."
"Efficiency demands thorough preparation," Chima replied primly, though a smile tugged at the corner of her mouth. "The optimal outcome requires optimal inputs."
"And does this 'optimal outcome' include more than just educational policy discussions?" Chi-Chi asked innocently, though her knowing smile betrayed her.
Chima regarded both women with a mixture of exasperation and affection. "You're both being rather transparent in your matchmaking efforts, you realize," she said, crossing her arms.
"Can you blame us?" Bulma laughed, throwing her hands up dramatically. "We want you to be happy."
"And I appreciate that," Chima acknowledged, her tone softening to gentleness. "But whatever develops between Vegito and myself will do so naturally, at its own pace.
We're both still discovering who we are independently - rushing into a relationship simply because it seems cosmically convenient would do neither of us any favors."
"She's right," Chi-Chi conceded with a nod. "They need to find their own way."
"Fine, fine," Bulma sighed dramatically, waving her hand dismissively. "No more meddling. At least not obviously."
The three women shared a laugh, their conversation shifting to the practical details of the evening's dinner preparations.
As evening approached, both Vegito and Chima prepared for their dinner with perhaps more care than they would desire to admit.
In the end, only time will tell what awaits.
(Author note: Hello everyone! I hope you all liked the chapter!
Do tell me how you found their dynamics.
I find them being like siblings a fitting description of the situation.
On a side note though - I just love writing Goku.
I hope this doesn't sound arrogant - but this is the Goku I wished to see in Super. Having emotional maturity, understanding,
and yet also having his own personal cheerfulness and goofyness sometimes.
Yet, we got a Goku that felt like he devolved.
Cause Goku was never an idiot - just uneducated.
Sigh... I hope I didn't offend anyone with my assessment, and I hope to see you all later,