Chima's pov:
The morning sunlight streams through my laboratory windows as I adjust the final calibrations on my latest project - an educational tablet designed specifically for the rehabilitation programs in Vegito's Paradis Empire.
The device incorporates both cutting-edge technology and intuitive interfaces accessible to beings with various levels of technological familiarity.
I've been working on this for weeks, ever since Vegito mentioned the challenges of implementing standardized educational systems across formerly Frieza-controlled territories.
The tablet represents my solution: adaptable learning programs that respect cultural differences while providing consistent core knowledge.
As I run the final diagnostic tests, my thoughts drift to Vegito himself.
Our relationship has been developing at a measured pace over the past weeks - professional discussions evolving into personal conversations, shared meals becoming increasingly comfortable affairs rather than formal occasions.
There's an undeniable connection between us. We understand each other in ways no one else can, yet we're careful not to rush into anything based solely on that cosmic coincidence.
The laboratory door slides open, interrupting my thoughts. Vegito enters, his tall frame commanding attention without effort.
He's dressed in his customized armor bearing the emblem of the Paradis Empire - practical yet regal in its design.
"Good morning," I greet him, setting aside my tools. "You're up early. Training session with the boys?"
"Actually, I've been reviewing reports from Traden Prime," he replies, his deep voice carrying that perfect balance of authority and warmth I've come to appreciate.
"Their defensive systems require more significant upgrades than initially assessed."
I notice the slight tension in his shoulders - not from physical exertion but from the weight of responsibility he carries. "Complications with the implementation?"
"The local engineers lack experience with the more advanced technology," he explains, moving closer to examine my project with genuine interest. "They need hands-on guidance to properly integrate the systems."
"Hence your planned mission," I conclude, powering down the tablet and giving him my full attention.
He nods, his expression thoughtful. "I was hoping to bring Broly along. The experience would be valuable for him - controlled exposure to other worlds, practical application of his abilities in a constructive context."
"That's an excellent idea," I agree, recognizing the careful consideration behind his plan. "How did he respond?"
A slight frown crosses Vegito's face. "I haven't asked him yet. I wanted to discuss the approach with you first. Your insights on psychological development have proven valuable."
His acknowledgment of my expertise warms me more than it probably should. "I'm flattered you value my opinion.
Though I suspect Broly might be hesitant. He's still adjusting to Earth - adding interstellar travel might overwhelm him."
"My recent thoughts exactly," Vegito agrees. "Yet practical experience is crucial for his development."
"Perhaps we should simply ask him," I suggest, rising from my workstation. "Theory can only take us so far."
We find Broly in the compound's garden, sitting cross-legged beneath a large oak tree. His massive frame looks incongruously peaceful among the delicate flowers Bulma's mother has planted throughout the space.
Nearby, Goten and Trunks are engaged in what appears to be teaching Broly a card game, their animated explanations filled with laughter.
I hang back slightly, allowing Vegito to approach first. There's a special bond forming between him and Broly - mentor and student like.
"Broly," Vegito calls, his voice modulated to be firm yet non-threatening. "Can I speak with you for a moment?"
The large Saiyan looks up, his expression open and curious rather than guarded as it once would have been. "Yes, Vegito."
Goten and Trunks, displaying surprising perception for their age, gather their cards. "We'll finish teaching you Go Fish later, Broly!" Goten promises cheerfully.
"Yeah, and then we can show you Poker!" Trunks adds with a mischievous grin.
"I don't think your mother would approve of that, Trunks," I interject with a knowing smile. "Perhaps stick to age-appropriate games for now."
The boys dash off with theatrical groans of disappointment, leaving us alone with Broly, who has risen to his full height.
"I have a proposition for you," Vegito begins, direct as always. "I'm planning a mission to Traden Prime - one of the outposts in the Paradis Empire.
They require assistance with their defensive systems. I believe it would be beneficial for you to accompany me."
Broly's brow furrows slightly as he processes this. "Leave Earth?"
"For approximately two weeks," Vegito confirms. "It would be an opportunity to apply your training in a practical setting, and to experience another world under controlled circumstances."
I observe Broly carefully, noting the subtle shifts in his expression. Uncertainty, curiosity, and something that might be fear flicker across his features in rapid succession.
"I..." he begins, then pauses, struggling to articulate his thoughts. "My control is still... not perfect. What if I hurt someone?"
"Your control has improved dramatically," Vegito assures him. "And I would be with you the entire time. Nothing would happen that you couldn't handle."
Broly looks down at his hands - hands capable of extraordinary destruction, yet also gentle enough to handle the playing cards without damaging them.
"I am not ready," he says finally, his voice quiet but firm. "Still learning. Still... finding balance."
I sense his genuine concern - not just fear of his own power, but responsibility toward others. It's a remarkable development from the isolated warrior we first encountered.
"There's something else," Broly adds, looking up with unexpected determination. "Goten and Trunks. They are teaching me many things. About Earth. About... friendship." The word sounds new on his tongue, but deeply valued.
"I want to continue learning these things."
Vegito studies him for a long moment, then nods with understanding rather than disappointment. "Very well. There's no rush. The opportunity will remain open when you feel ready."
Relief visibly washes over Broly's features. "Thank you for understanding."
As Broly returns to his spot beneath the tree, Vegito turns to leave, his expression thoughtful. I fall into step beside him as we walk back toward the main compound.
"He's progressing remarkably well," I observe, watching Broly's retreating form. "Recognizing his own limitations shows significant emotional development. He's becoming more responsible every day."
"Indeed," Vegito replies, that confident half-smile playing at his lips. "The boy has potential beyond measure.
Though this mission would have been valuable experience for him. Nothing builds character like practical field work."
A thought that's been brewing in my mind since he first mentioned this trip suddenly crystallizes. "Perhaps I could accompany you instead."
Vegito stops walking, turning to face me with a raised eyebrow. "You? Visit Traden Prime?"
"I want to see this Paradis Empire of yours firsthand," I clarify, meeting his gaze directly and standing a bit straighter.
"I've been developing these educational systems and governance models based only on theory and books. Proper observation would make all the difference in the world."
Something flickers across his expression - a flash of... what exactly? Interest? Anticipation? It vanishes before I can properly identify it.
"Besides," I continue, trying to maintain a proper, businesslike tone despite the flutter in my chest, "it would give us the opportunity to discuss my proposals thoroughly, without someone bursting in every five minutes with some new crisis."
"You and me," he states, crossing his arms, "Traveling alone together."
"That's right," I confirm, feeling my cheeks warming despite my best efforts to remain composed.
"A professional expedition that would benefit both your empire and my research. Nothing more."
Before he can respond, Bulma and Vegeta approach from the direction of the gravity chamber.
Vegeta's hair is still damp from his shower, while Bulma - who looks dry, though still evident that she has bathed as well - waves a tablet displaying spacecraft schematics, her stride purposeful as always.
"There you are!" Bulma calls out brightly. "Been looking everywhere for you, Vegito! The modifications to the ship's propulsion system are complete.
You'll have at least twenty percent greater fuel efficiency for your next mission."
"Well, isn't that convenient timing," Vegito replies, his composure instantly restored. "Chima has just volunteered to accompany me to Traden Prime. Her expertise will be a tremendous asset to the mission."
Bulma's eyebrows shoot up as she glances between us with that familiar mischievous gleam in her eyes. "Has she now? How... fortuitous."
"For purely professional reasons," I clarify quickly, feeling flustered. "My educational proposals would work much better if I could see how things actually operate in this empire of his."
"Oh, of course," Bulma agrees with that knowing smile that makes me want to grab my frying pan. "Purely professional. Absolutely."
Vegeta, who normally couldn't care less about such matters, surprisingly joins the conversation. "The woman's presence would be advantageous," he states bluntly, arms crossed.
"Her knowledge of both technology and proper social structures would make the mission more efficient. Take her."
His assessment is correct, naturally, but the slight smirk tugging at his lips tells me he's thinking about far more than mission efficiency.
"Then it's settled," Vegito declares with that authoritative tone that reminds me he's not just a warrior but an emperor.
Though I notice a faint color has risen to his cheeks - barely visible unless you know exactly what to look for.
"We'll depart tomorrow morning, if that works with your schedule, Chima."
"That would be fine," I reply, trying to maintain my dignity despite Bulma's increasingly obvious amusement.
"I'll prepare my research materials and pack suitable attire for an interstellar diplomatic mission."
"Two weeks alone on a spaceship," Bulma singsongs, not even attempting to hide her teasing. "Just the two of you. How absolutely fascinating."
"The ship has separate quarters," Vegito points out firmly, his jaw tightening slightly. "And more than enough space for professional collaboration without... complications."
"And an excellent atmospheric regulation system," Bulma continues with feigned innocence. "I've personally calibrated the environmental controls for maximum comfort. The temperature is perfect for... relaxation."
"Thank you for the technical details," I respond dryly. "Though I'm certain we'll be far too busy with important empire business to notice much beyond whether the lights work."
Vegeta makes that distinctive "hmph" sound, clearly unconvinced, "The fusion of Kakarot and myself may be the strongest warrior in the universe," he says with his typical bluntness,
"but in matters of the heart, he seems to have inherited my stubborn pride rather than Kakarot's simple-minded directness. An unfortunate combination for you to deal with Chima."
"Vegeta!" I exclaim, genuinely shocked by his directness. "That's completely inappropriate!"
Vegito's posture stiffens, his tail tightening around his waist as his expression hardens into that regal mask that screams both Saiyan princes at once.
"I believe we've covered everything necessary about this mission," he states in that tone that brooks absolutely no argument.
"Unless there are critical technical details about the ship I should know, this conversation is finished."
He turns and strides away with perfect dignity, though I notice his tail - usually wrapped securely around his waist - twitching slightly at the tip.
That little tell I've come to recognize when he's feeling emotions he'd rather not show.
Left alone with Bulma and Vegeta, I steel myself for the inevitable teasing. Goodness gracious, it's like dealing with teenagers sometimes!
"So," Bulma begins, linking her arm through mine with that sisterly familiarity she's developed, "what exactly will you be packing for this 'purely professional' expedition? I have some suggestions that might come in handy."
"Proper attire suitable for diplomatic meetings," I reply primly, straightening my shoulders. "Nothing more, nothing less."
"Of course," she agrees with exaggerated seriousness. "Though perhaps that black dress that matches your eyes?
The one Vegito couldn't stop looking at during the last family dinner? For diplomatic purposes, naturally."
I feel my face heating up despite my best efforts to remain composed. "I'll... take your fashion observations under advisement."
Vegeta, surprisingly, comes to my rescue. "Leave her be, woman," he grunts. "Their relationship will develop at its own pace without your constant meddling. You're being annoying."
"I'm not meddling!" Bulma protests, hands on her hips. "I'm providing helpful sisterly advice! There's a difference!"
"Which I appreciate," I assure her, regaining my composure. "But Vegeta is right. Any relationship - professional or otherwise - needs to develop naturally, without outside pressure. It's only proper."
"Fine, fine," Bulma concedes with a dramatic sigh, though her smile remains knowing. "But just remember - the ship's communication system has excellent privacy protocols for when you arrive.
No one will overhear any... professional discussions you might have."
I shake my head, unable to suppress a smile despite myself. "Your subtlety is truly remarkable, sister. About as subtle as a rampaging dinosaur."
As I excuse myself to begin my preparations, my thoughts drift to the upcoming journey. Two weeks alone with Vegito, away from the well-meaning but constant observation of our unusual family.
The opportunity to see his empire firsthand is genuinely exciting from a research perspective.
The educational systems I've been developing could make a real difference in helping worlds damaged by Frieza's terrible regime.
But I can't deny there's a personal part too. Our connection has been growing steadily, developing into something that feels increasingly special and important.
Away from Earth, away from the constant reminders of our origins, perhaps we'll have the space to explore what exists between us without the weight of expectations - either our own or others'.
Whatever happens, I'm going to approaching it with both proper scientific curiosity and emotional openness.
The perfect balance, as always.
After all, is that not what makes me, me?
The perfect woman.
(Author note: Hello everyone! Hope you all liked the chapter!
Do tell me how you found it.
Yeah, see, something I noticed about all these fusions - primarily, Buuhan, Vegito, Gotenks, etc.
They all give themselves or are acknowledged by titles by others.
Vegito - the Ultimate Warrior
Gogeta - the Angel born in Hell
Buuhan - Super Buu
Gotenks - the Grim Reaper of Justice
So, I found it fitting for Chima to call herself a title of her own and well - perfect woman is fitting.
She is the most intelligent woman on the planet and strongest non-enhanced (btw, psst. Soon enough she'll enhance herself), very motherly, great knowledge on how to be a wife, etc.
So yeah, do tell me how you found it, and I hope to see you all later,