A room. The windows are closed. Clothes are on the floor, food is everywhere.
A young man is sitting on the bed. And he speaks. He mumbles to himself as looks at it.
His look is on the Center of the Room. On the Wall, there are notes.
Maps. Drawn connections.
In the heart of it, a picture of a woman.
"Rebeka, so many years went by…And I still haven't found you, huh?"
But he gets up. Washes his face and leaves.
Snow. The cold clings firmly to the skin. Red noses.
A lake full of clouds in the heavens. But the clouds were polluted. The way of all natural things in the city. Ruined.
Small crystals fell from the sky on Josh's skin as he walked to the car. His neighbor saw him from afar and raised his hand to say hello. Josh smiles and says hello. And the neighbor stays smiling even when Josh is gone. And he says to himself
"Oh that Josh. What a great person. He has never been the same since his wife went missing… "
Josh drives to a forest. He gets out of the car and looks around.
There is nobody. I'm sure.
He goes to a tree that caught the eye due to its peculiar size. There Josh knocks on the ground in a specific order. Three times, twice and five times, then he says
"The eagle greets you. Man is something that has to be overcome. "
And a little door opened, the size of a box. Looking down from it is a tunnel with a ladder. And Josh climbs down the ladder. They lead to a corridor with many doors. Then Josh goes to a specific room. Room 444. On the Entrance, "Authorized Personnel only."
In the room there is a circle of four people seated around a table, and Josh is the last part of that circle.
"And there you are eagle. We have been waiting for you.Are you ready for this mission? I heard very good rumors about you." He said, gesturing to the rest, "How you are a perfect cheater. The Boss said you are the renowned black Fox. Can you do it this time as well? Your magic? "Said a young man with white hair.
Josh had a faint smile and said, "Good things have their price you know?",
"Spit it out",
"I am sure the rumors spread by now. I am looking for my missing wife. You will help. Is that okay Codename Zulian? ",
"Okay, eagle. OK. I'll help you. And so will they, " he pointed with his hand next to him. One woman and two men. "You just do your magic"
"OK. So what's the plan? ",
"Very easily. Devilman is going to hack the servers for us.
You will then come and pretend to be Don Guliano Simonetti using your renowned impersonation skills. Fake skin, whatever it is you do.
We will come with masks. I will have an eagle mask. Bulldog a dog mask. And Coralium a pink mask, just so you know.
We will then shut down the electricity. But only for a short time.
While you stop the receptionist calling for reinforcements in the dark, me, Bulldog and Coralium will ambush the guards.
There will be a shift change and most of the guards will be busy with colleagues and reporting and sleep. We'll take advantage of that and eliminate them in the dark.
We will then attack you and you will pretend that you are our hostage. Boom. We are in. Then we'll go to the vault and take everything. And of course disappear ",
"But what if we fail?"
"We will not"
"Okay. I will flee if your plan goes wrong" and they all put their hands together and swore an oath.
The factory stood isolated on the city frame to the north, surrounded by nature. The next day Josh came in front of the factory in the earliest of the morning. As the Sun wasnt even about to rise.
He was wearing his usual. Pristinely faked skin. Realistic looking mustache. An innovative voice changing device he designed himself, that fools many. The typical Mafia suit, the cap and the fat cigarette. All to look like Don Simonetti.
He went to the entrance of the property. The guards saw him. And one asked
"Who are you?"
"What do I look like? I am Don Simonetti you fool! ",
"Oh, I didn't recognize you because of the darkness! Forgive me sir!", said the one
"And these lights above us? Are you stupid Jeff. Forgive us Sir, come in." said his colleague.
So Josh went to the managerial department of the factory. The guards there recognized him easier. There was a picture on the wall. It was an old bald man. With a beard.
He must be the boss here. D.E.S. I think those initials will be of use. Good got them. Let's go.
Josh went inside. When the secretary saw him, she was shocked and had to drink a glass of water.
"Mr. Simonetti, I thought you - you would come to us later",
"I changed my mind. I want to talk to the boss. Immediately. ",
"Okay sir. Wait here I'll call him ",
"No. Bring me to him. I wont be made fun of anymore. "
Suddenly it got dark.
"Mr. Simonetti, I don't know what's going on. The power is off, according to protocol I have to lead you to the security area ",
"No. I am sure it is a ploy of yours after scamming me already. I'm not moving from the spot ",
"But sir!"
"No buts. I am sure this is your doing to get rid of me. But you won't succeed. "
The woman said nothing.
Then, suddenly, bullets. When it got light again, the three stormed and arrested Josh.
"We killed all of the guards! Take us to the vault! Or we'll kill him too!"
But the receptionist was standing there, breathing heavily as one of the three approached her to make sure she didn't do anything.
"Please! Do what they say!" Shouted Josh,
"But Sir!"
"They will kill us if you don't! Forget the money! Do what they say damn you! "
And so she slowly moved to the place. One stayed with Josh and two went with the receptionist.
Suddenly there was an alarm "To all units! There was an attack! To all units! Reinforcement is on the way! I repeat! Reinforcement is on the way! ",
"Damned! Zulian! Damn it! "Shouted Josh,
"We're screwed! Fuck! ",
"One of the guards must have survived somehow. Come with me. We have to go to safety. "
They ran outside. Josh saw a valley of corpses.
"What we gonna do? The snow will reveal our trail! And I can't see the survivor! Maybe he's watching us and he will reveal our position! ",
"Have. The survivor pretends to be dead. We don't have to worry about him. He'll stay there.
We will retrace our steps and go in a new direction to confuse the enemy. We will then go to the hill there. It is thick and covered in trees. And then, we'll wait for the others.
I still have my silenced pistol. And there are a lot of bushes on the hill as well. If someone comes while we wait, I'll shoot them. When the others come, we will go to the truck ",
"All right. Let's"
And they ran through the corpses.
They ran to the hill and hid there. On the way, he noticed a soldier with the Initials ML.
At that moment Josh remembered. It was many years ago. Josh was a kid. He said to his father,
"We're going to the Metroman store dad. Is that okay?",
"Yes. Go".
Misneyland was huge. It was too big for us.
"Josh?" Claudia asked, Josh's little sister,
"Is Metroman real?"
"I dont know. He has to be."
Then he came back.
Josh started breathing very hard. And was about to scream. But Zulian held his mouth tight.
"What are you doing there? Zulian whispered.
"Sorry. I, I remembered something. "
Zulian inhaled and spoke "Pull yourself together."
"Did you just smile?"
"What? Eagle? Are you all right? I didn't smile. Okay I know you're under pressure But pull yourself together, we can't lose now.
"You are right. It's just ... I wanted ... You are right. There is no time for it. "
Then Zulian took the binoculars to observe. Soon, two vehicles came.
"There they are! Are you sure that you can eliminate them? ",
"Yes. I am. Now keep quiet. "
The soldiers came out "Find here quickly! Come on! Come on! Come on!"
And they spread out on all sides. Then someone came to the entrance and saw all the tracks. And didn't know where to go first. Then another said to him, "Go and examine that hill over there! I will examine the periphery next to you! Maybe there are more traces there! "
And so the race began. Who would finish his goal first?
Josh and Zulian held still. They didn't make the slightest noise. As they waited there, and the soldier was getting closer and closer, Zulian received a call on the phone, which Zulian switched to quiet so that they could not be heard.
"Zulian. We are nearly finished. Wait a little longer. "
"OK. We will. Hurry up."
The soldier got closer and closer. They were like a cat hiding from the wolf. Sweat on their skin and a heavy breath. They were careful that even their breathing became quiet. They choked more and more as the soldier got closer and closer. So that they saw him in front of them. But he still hasn't noticed them. Not yet.
Then the phone rang again "Okay, we're running to the truck now",
Zulian replied, "Good. We meet there",
But the soldier heard the whisper and looked around, "Who's there?"
That was how close he was.
Zulian shot him.
"What have you done! They know where we are now! " shouted Josh,
"Let's go! The truck is near. We will make it!"
When the others saw the body, they ran to the hill. "Go! There they are! Come on! They murdered Luis! "
Josh and Zulian ran as fast as they could. Through snow and forest. When they left the forest, they were on a highway. And the truck was in their sight.
"There it is! Do you see! Let's go!"
When they made halfway, the soldiers were already behind them.
"Shoot! Get rid of the pigs! "
Josh and Zulian tried to evade. But as they ran, Zulian fell on the ground.
"Go without me!"
"Just go!"
Josh ran to the truck as fast as he could. When he arrived, the others quickly took him inside.
"What happened?" said Coralium,
"They got Zulian" Josh was breathing hard.
"We'll will avenge him. But now we have to stay alive. The mission was a success. "
So they rush through the highway. Soon a car was following them.
"Here, Bulldog drives. You and I will take care of them. "Coralium handed Josh a gun. He was wearing a pink panther suit.
And so they fought with them. Josh shot his pistol as best he could.
Damned! Those bastards! Aim for the gas or the wheels Josh!
And Josh tried to shoot the gas canister.
"Leave that. Shoot the driver! If we both shoot there, we will definitely hit! ",
"Tell my brother I'm proud of him if we die",
"We won't. We win here! Hold on! "
As Josh spoke, Coralium fell like a one in deep sleep.
"Damned! They got Coralium! " Bulldog shouted as he drove, for Bulldog was the driver.
"Bulldog! Before you!"
They crashed into a tree.
Some time went on.
Josh woke up.
"Hey, Bulldog. Are you awake? " Josh was still trying to speak. Even though they were all submerged under broken glass. Full of blood and wounds and bruises, Josh took the pistol slowly. And tried to go outside.
Slowly, he came to the soldiers who had stopped in the meantime.
"Ok, you Ass-" Josh spat blood.
"I'll kill you all!"
And at that moment he heard clapping.
Josh recognized this voice. It was Zulian.
"But, weren't you shot?"
"No. I just fell. The soldiers here are my agents. They deliberately failed every shot ",
"What? So there was no survivor? ",
"No. Are you blind? Weren't they all dead? ",
"But he could have pretended he's dead!"
"This is true. But here is something for you. You saw an old man, didn't you? In the picture? With the initials…D.E.S?",
"So what?",
"One of the guards didn't recognize you? Or?",
"How do you know?",
"That fool almost ruined the plan. But I took care of him. Either way.
The truth, Josh, is that Simonetti has been dead for years. He was the one in the photo. Don Eduardo Simonetti or D.E.S for short. What I told you was a lie. Guliano Simonetti is a figure of my imagination. This is all a big show. A powerful man has asked us to kill you so cruelly. Without hope. Without strength. Humiliated and Deceived. You should have let your dead wife rest in peace ",
"But I sent the files to all the journalists! He wouldn't dare! Wait…",
"Ah yes. The files that are supposed to prove he's a criminal. And so should destroy his life. Well, they were fakes. "
Josh fell to his knees. He grabbed his head.
"Is Rebeka dead? Is she dead? Tell me!"
"I'm sorry Josh. You were too good for your own good.".
In that Moment Josh had only one thought in his mind. It flashed before him. It was a cold rainy night. In the Dark Street Corner, he spoke the fateful words, "We accept the mission" and looked at his wife with determination as both were smiling.
"So you died…maybe I will see you again…"
A loud shot. Josh fell and breathed his last.
However...Some time later, he somehow found himself still conscious.