The Quest Begins

"Where am I? I'm floating… It's so quiet here. As if my soul has found peace. Am I in heaven?"

"No. This, is the crossing of dimensions ", 

"Who are you?"

Josh saw a figure made of light.

"Josh Dabigail, son of Philip and Maria Dabigail, I am Zamanel. The Sentinel of Time. You died from a bullet in the head. But the god of this world saved you. Look here!"

Zamanel showed Josh a frame. And in the frame he saw his body transported to the graveyard.


"The god of this world told me to save you. And I have. Your wife is said to be dead. Your parents are estranged from you. You lived your entire life with deception. And maybe deception is your nature. Be that as it may, the god of this world, recognized. I have a mission for you ",

Zamanel held out his hand and a white circle appeared on Joshe's palm.

"I know you Josh. You will not help. You don't trust. So I'll reward you. Complete the mission and I'll show you your wife. "

"What? But…Zulian said she died?"

"In the last moment, when it looked like she died, I was sent to her, and saved her. For it was known you would be here. But she is gravely ill. And you can help her. I will heal her if you finish the mission"

Josh then gulped. And said with a determination,

"What do I have to do?"

"You will live in a new world. A world of magic, and monsters. Your new name here is Delirius. And you come from the Duchy of Liban. A people who hate magic and love science. Your power is over all forms of copying. So that what you copy becomes real. "

"And what is my mission?"

Josh didn't notice, but Zamanel's voice grew quieter and quieter. Like when waking up from a trance.

"You have to defeat someone. A villain who wants to kill the god of the new world. Follow your path and you will meet him. Go. And defeat the villain before the white circle disappears, or your wife will die. "

"Wait, I still have questions. Why"- Josh woke up. He looked at his hands and the circle was there.

"Delirius sir, what's the matter? You stare into nothing for a while now" said a young maid.

Josh was on a sofa with outlines of Gold. And the servant cleaned the floor.

OK. This has to be my room. I have no idea where I am. What do I do? And how do I find this guy? How do I get more information without letting them think I am a magical impostor and getting nailed to a cross? I think I have it.

"I think I am not good. I- " Josh pretended to pass out.

"Lord!" The young woman shook him. But he didn't wake up.

"I'll call the doctor! Wait there! "

After a while the doctor came. He examined Josh.

"So young lady, you say your master is sick? I've examined everything. He is completely fine."

"Why doesn't he wake up? the duke will kill me! "

"He's completely healthy. Maybe he's tired. Give him time to rest." The doctor left.

The young woman shook Josh harder and harder. But he didn't wake up. In the end, she sighed. She called the other servants and they took Josh to the bed. Where he slept the whole day. In the morning Duke Damian and his wife came to the room. They mourned how their son might die. And then, Josh woke up.

"Deli!" His mother called and hugged Josh.

"Delirius. Are you all right? We stopped the trip the moment we heard the news. Tell us that you are fine." Damian said.

"Who are you?"

The two were shocked.

"Delirius, it's me! Your father! And this is your mother. Did you forget us?"

"Who am I? Why am I here? Why are you here? "

They looked each other in the eye. And left the room to get the doctor. After a while the doctor came. And asked Josh a few questions. Then he went to the parents who were waiting behind the door.

"I have his diagnosis."

"What is it?" Said the mother,

"It's amnesia. However, it seems to be a one time kind. Ive never seen anything like this. Oba must have shown him mercy."

"He has to learn everything from scratch. And may remember things here and there. Thats it." The doctor left.

The Parents then breathed in relief. And escorted the doctor away. 

Josh woke up very early the next day. And went to the forest that was near the house. There he sat on the grass and thought. 

"So Rebeka is still alive…But very ill. After what I did, this is the least I can do. I will save her. And then…live out the rest of my days here. I didn't deserve her anyway…" then he focused elsewhere…

So, from what Zamanel said, I have a power. But how does it work?

Josh then looked around. And he saw a small leaf. He closed his eyes. He reached out and focused on the leaf. And there was a leaf in his hand.

"WOW!" Shouted Josh. But then he looked around. Whether someone is watching him. And there was nobody.

I did it! 

 What else can I do?

So he looked around. And he saw a fox. And Josh held out his hand. And concentrated again. And a fox appeared. And Josh could control the fox. But after ten seconds the fox became a doll, that began to decay.

"Why this? The leaf has remained the same. Hmm. "

Josh looked around again. And he saw a tree. And Josh focused again. And the tree appeared. But after ten seconds, the tree disappeared. And nothing was left.

"It looks like my strength gets weaker with the size of the objects."

Then Josh took the sheet of paper, and focused on the fox. And the leaf became a fox for ten seconds. And after that, it became a leaf again. Josh then tried the same thing with the fox doll. But nothing happened.

"Hmm. So if I've already copied something small, I can convert it for 10 seconds. Interesting."

And so Josh trained his skills. But then he could hear steps. And an earthquake shook everything. A great roar was heard. Something was coming towards Josh. Something giant. But what?

Josh had trained his skills. He concentrated on a leaf. And there was a leaf. Then, Josh left the leaf on the floor. He moved away and concentrated. So that the leaf became a fox.

So if I copy something, I can control it remotely. Can I still change it?

So Josh tried to change the fox. And it worked. Josh concentrated, and turned the fox's fur blue. And its fur to spikes.

Great! Can I do several at once?

Then Josh took two sheets of paper and focused on them. And the two turned into one fox that began to fade into existence the moment josh started concentrating, and materialized fully when the sheets united. For they were flying together, as if fusing. And he tried again with three. But nothing happened. Then he tried holding on sheet apart from the other, but they resisted him, in order to fuse. 

 Okay, not what I expected. Let's make a fox and a knife at the same time.

And Josh took two leaves. But nothing happened.

It looks like that's my limit, for now at least.

And so Josh experimented. But when the earthquake started, he tried to flee to the city. But on the way he met a huge animal. It looked like a dog, standing on its feet. With black fur and four red eyes. Two under two. It stood very tall and was a muscular creature. And a young man stood on it's shoulder.

When Josh saw the creature, his feet were as stuck to the ground. What was this mountain of a monster? And what did the young man want from Josh?

The young man had a black coat and long black hair. He had a bow and arrows on his back. He looked at Josh with a humiliating smile.

"You have a very cool power there. Unfortunately, it won't help you. " He jumped from the cattle to the ground.

Funny ears. Elf? He must have been watching me. I should flee.

"He must be a nobleman. I can see it on his clothes. Is he from here? No. A Liban would never use magic or anything like that. And I've seen him use copying. A useless and archaic force, but dangerous in the right hands. Why did Sid lead me to him? He must have the splinter. Copying and a Dragur Splinter are a very dangerous combination. I have to be careful. " Thought the young man, whose name was Jolion. And gave the Animal, called Sid, a signal to do nothing.

For a while they just looked at each other. Nobody wanted to make a move.

"Okay, I've had enough! So, will you give me the splinter or should I just take it? "Jolion said to Josh.

"What do you mean? Which splinter? Who are you anyway and what do you want from me? "

"Oh. He's playing an idiot. I have to test it. Okay, I'll just pretend I'm attacking him! " Thought Jolion.

The young man rushed towards Josh. But Josh just ran away.

"He has no combat experience! This will be a blast. Heaven has blessed me!" He thought and gave Sid the signal to stay put.

"OK. You wanna play it like that? Then we play it like that. "And he followed Josh.

Josh hid behind a tree. He looked around, no one was there. He was breathing very hard.

Damn my luck. I dont know why, but he is not here. I guess I have time. Think…think…What do I do?

When Josh thought this, an arrow hit him. And he hit his left arm so that it was halfway through the arm.

"ARGHHHH" shouted Josh with full force.

Where is it coming from? I have to look around.

What? How is that possible? I can't see him anywhere!

Josh stood in place and looked around.

At that moment Jolion was far away. He laughed when he heard Josh scream.

"Yes, he is a strange one. Everyone knows that the elf shot always hits the target. Even if the target is distant or hidden, let's aim again. I don't know where it will land, but it will land, " thought Jolion. And he shot the arrow.

The arrow flew through the air, avoiding everything. It went right and left, up and down, front and back, until it hit Josh on the right shoulder.

"ARGHHH!" Josh screamed again. 

"Where the damn!" Josh looked around.

He somehow manages to reach me. But how? 

In the meantime, Jolion began to slowly move forward, enjoying his walk as it were.

Josh decided to run. He walked away from the tree and ran forward. But then he stopped in the middle of the forest.

What if he's invisible? How could we test it? 

His blood flowed and his clothes became bloody. He was loosing too much of it. 

He fell to his knees and lost strength. But he managed to get up. 

Whilst this was happening, over at the Ducal Estate a servant came to the door of the room that belonged to Josh. And knocked.

"Sir! Your father said that I should also escort you to safety. There was an Earthquake. We dont know what is out there. "


"OK. I'm coming in now "

When the servant saw that Josh wasn't there, he left quickly. He went and asked everyone. But nobody knew where he was. Then he went to Damian who was in his office.

"Sir, the young lord is not here!"

"What? Are you sure?"

"Yes. I asked everyone around. Nobody knows where he is. "

Damian then got up and gave his papers to the secretary who had a table next to him,

"Take care of this!"

"Yes, sir!"

Then he went to the servant.

"Get the guards ready. We will look for him. "

"Yes, sir!"

And they went.

Meanwhile, Josh soon lost track of time. The Pain took his focus away. 

Steps. Tip, tap. Josh shook his head and looked around.

It was the young man.

Good. Since he isnt invisible, this is childsplay. I have the perfect solution for this. Josh thought to himself. 

He grit his teeth and pushed.

Josh looked around.

He got up, and ran, looking behind him the whole time.

"Give up! You can't win! I, Jolion will defeat you! The Splinter is mine." Jolion laughed at Josh.


Jolion drew his bow and fired. And the arrow flew, and hit the right leg. but on the way there it avoided a lot of trees. Josh saw it and fell on the floor and the dirt hugged him.

Josh got up by holding the tree hole with his hand, because he fell next to a tree. He looked behind him, at Jolion.

 So his arrow follows me no matter where I am. Okay, now I have to stop him aiming at me.

Josh looked around.

"We should make it a little interesting," said Jolion as he drew the bow. 

The arrow flew again. Where would it hit?

"ARGH! YOU MONSTER! " Yelled Josh and grabbed his eye. Blood was everywhere. He pulled the arrow out again at the same moment. And pulled himself together. Clenching his teeth.

And then Josh had a thought. He manifested a leaf and turned it into a ball looking thing. And threw it at Jolion. But he felt a great zapping of his energy instantly. 

"How ridiculous. What is this, turtle skin? " Jolion caught it. It was a grenade.

 it exploded. And a great cloud of dust appeared. Jolion was injured. 

"You beast! I'll kill you! "Jolion called as he ran after Josh, disoriented after the Smoke cleared.

I have to go! I have to go!

Josh hopped faster than ever.

Josh leapt without looking. He just wanted to go forward. But then he stopped. Because he felt odd. And he raised his head. It was a huge wall of earth.

What? A dead end! I have to turn back!

But when he turned around, he saw Jolion in front of him. And his face was healed.

"It seems you're stuck. Bring the splinter. And I will kill you with kindness " Jolion spoke with a smug smile.

"I have no idea what you're talking about! Leave me alone! How are you Healed? "

"Fairies" Jolion came up to Josh and hit him on the stomach.

"Once again. Where is the splinter? "

"I do not know!"

"Wrong answer!" And he hit him on the leg so that it hurt because of the arrow.

"If you don't tell me I'll kill you!"

But Josh could only repeat the same answer.

Then Jolion turned in frustration. He raised his hands in the air and yelled, "Fairies! Give me Patience with this creature! ".

But when he did that, Josh threw his hands around Jolion's neck to strangle him.

"You're dead!" Yelled Josh.

But Jolion hit him in the stomach with his elbow, since Josh was too weak to strangle. Josh let go and spat blood. Then Jolion grabbed him and threw him on the ground in the other direction.

"What were you hoping for? Defeat me ? That was so weak and ridiculous! I'll show you you disgusting human! "

And Jolion took the arrow that was in Josh's arm and slowly pushed it.

"AGHHH! " Josh started screaming loudly in pain.

"No. Either tell me where you got the splinter, or I'll kill you! "

"Youu-" Josh closed his eyes in pain.

"Come on. Tell me! Do you want to die? "

But Josh stayed silent and didn't open his eyes.

"Okay! I will fulfill your wish and give you a painful end then!" Jolion pushed the arrow even harder.

Josh was barely under control. He tried his best not to scream. His face turned red and the veins became visible. 

"Come on! You will pass out! "

But Josh stayed silent. But then, something like a ring slowly materialized around Jolion's neck. Jolion left Josh and tried to get rid of the ring, but it was still like a ghost since it did not fully materialize.

"What's this on my neck? What did you do to me? "

"When I strangled you, I put a leaf on your neck. I made it very thin so that you wouldn't notice it. Then I just had to concentrate. It would have gone faster, but the pain took away my concentration. " Josh pointed to Jolion's throat.


"What?" Jolion touched the half-disappeared leaf. It gave way for the Ring to materialize.

"It's over! Your neck will break! I placed two leaves and they will try to unite! Take that you asshole! "

Then Jolion remembered seeing Josh stand up. The second leaf was in the tree hole.

"How dare you!" Jolion tried to move to Josh. But he couldn't, he was being pulled back. And then, when the ring completely materialized, Jolion flew.

"I hope I never see you again!"

At that moment Josh heard whispers.

"You need the elf".


Josh passed out.

Jolion flew and hit many trees on the way. And when he got to the tree with the ring, the rings could not unite, and he broke his neck.

The impact was great and created a cloud of dust. It was heard by Damian and the guards. And they went to see what was happening. But when they arrived the 10 seconds were up and the rings were gone.

Damian saw and sent some of the guards to follow the trail of the fallen trees.

After a while someone came and said

"Sir, we've finally found Delirius. It looks like they were fighting each other. And something happened to the elf that he flew here "

"Take Delirius to the hospital right away! And the elf to an elf dungeon. Before the fairies catch him. Fast!"

"Yes, sir!"

Some time passed. Damian spoke to the doctor.

"And? Will he be fine? "

"He lost a lot of blood. But we managed to close the wounds. Fortunately, the hits weren't on very sensitive regions. But, he will be forever blind in one eye. As for the rest, It will take a week or two until he recovers. "

"I understand. Thank you."

Then Damian went to the bench in front of the room and thought to himself.

Josh woke up the next day. Damian slept on the bench. And went to the room as soon as he was informed.

"Where ... am I?" Josh looked around slowly.

"You are in the Hospital. Luckily your eye is the only permament damage. "

"What about the elf? Is he alive? "

"Yes. He will atone for what he has done. "


"Delirius. What?"

"Father. I know we fought...But please let him live. I have to ask him a couple of questions. "

"What? "

These eyes. He didn't sleep. A duke fell asleep here? Has he been waiting for Delirius all night? He loves his son very much. 

"Please let me ask him a few questions. Don't bother him while I'm away. Then we'll see what we're going to do with him. "

"Why do you persist on this Delirius? Is there something I should know? He dishonored our Family, and must die! " he said. 

"I cannot explain it father. There is something I want to ask him. Please…"

The Duke then saw the eyes of the one asking him. And said, "Alright. You can ask him a few questions."

Time passed. And Damian did what Josh asked him and left the elf alone. When he recovered, Josh went to the elven dungeon, limping. A special dungeon that is full of Thum crystals. They are dark and purple in color.

Josh went and looked around. 

The walls were cracked and old. Cockroaches crawled on the floor. And a stench, akin to something rotten, was in the air. It was dark and only the light from the crystals could be seen. He walked through the purple-lit corridors with the guards until he came to the lowest cell.

The elf raised his head. He was full of sweat. And his lips were dry, for the Crystals severed his link with the Fairies.

Josh then spoke to the guards,

"Please leave us alone."

"But sir! Your father ordered us to protect you "


The guards then retreated. 

And so they went. Josh then turned to Jolion.

"What do you want? Why did you ask him to spare me? I should have been dead by now" Said Jolion with contempt.

"I had a dream." 

This Dream wasnt an ordinary dream, it was a guidance from Zamanel. 

"A dream? Is that the reason? " Jolion laughed, but his laughter was slow and heavy.

"No. The reason is that I need you. "

"For what reason?"

"OK. Listen to me. It'll sound weird. But it is the truth. I come from another world. And I'm here to find someone. I have to find him and kill him. I only have one year in your world to do this. I am sure that you were sent to help me find this villain. After all, you were led to me by your own admission"

"I know it sounds crazy. But it is the truth. You have to help me."

Jolion looked at him.


"What? Just like that?"

"Of course not you fool. But you used a very archaic ability. Moreover, Lebans are known to not have any magical powers. Thus I know that you are not lying. So I will help you." 

Josh began to smile. For he thought, that a magical elf would help him and understand more than any Leban who hates magic.

"However...I don't trust you and I'll kill you if I ever suspect anything, but I have one condition"


"All the splinters we find will be mine"

"You still talk about splinters. What are they?"

"Because you only have one year, you can't do anything with them anyway. So I suppose I can tell you the legend.

Once upon a time, a thousand years ago, there was a man. And his name was Dragur. Nobody knows who he was or why he did what he did. But he was very powerful. One day Dragur made an armor. And with it he went to the height. "


"He became a god. But when the god of this world saw this, he got angry. And he took Dragur and destroyed him. Completely annihilating him. But the armor ... He couldn't destroy the armor. Just smash it and hide the pieces, the so calld splinters, everywhere. According to legend, the splinters cause many strange events. Even for magicians used to the bizzare. 

And this is where they are useful. The god of this world placed mighty creatures to protect the entrance to Dragur's tomb. Because there lies the secret and the power to fulfill a wish. But one has to defeat the guards and collect all 20 splinters to go inside.

That's why I want to collect them all. Nobody knows if the guards are still there. And I already have a splinter. "

"I understand. Good. Im in. Wait here and I'll get you out. "

In that moment Joshs eyes lit up. 

This is it. If this Dragur managed to be such a menace so as to have the god of the world want to kill him, then the Tomb will help me overpower this god, save Rebeka, and maybe even rule this world! Jolion probably thinks I have a splinter giving me abilities. Which is what he mentioned at the start, about that Dog thing leading him to me. Which is why he is sticking around. Good, let him do so. In a game of wits, I will come out on top. His Dog will come in handy!

But they were being watched. A silhouette. Looking like a young woman wearing a black hat and coat.

"So that's him ..." she whispered but when Josh said that and began to leave, she disappeared.