The lengths I have to go through to speak to MaSibiya's husband, Jesu! I don't want to be smothered in my sleep or fed poison. Hence, I totally pretend like I don't even see her husband. Not that I'm looking at him in that way. I just want to find a quick solution and subsequently return to my life in Joburg.
I take a deep breath before knocking, and his deep voice invites me in.
"This is becoming a habit," he says.
"I'm sorry," I say, and he squints his eyes.
"For someone who ran away from me the night before our wedding, you sure can't keep away from me," he says with a smug look I wish I could wipe.
"Don't flatter yourself," I say, and his face instantly hardens. The look on his face is enough to make me shake.
"I'm sorry," I say, terrified. This man has a meaner look than Ice Cube. A pit bull has nothing on his angry stare.
"How can I help you, Onezwa?" he asks, his facial features a bit relaxed.
"Uhm... I want to resume work," I say, playing with my fingers.
"Do you know where the diamonds are?" he asks with a raised brow.
"Of course not. I don't know, but I can't live like this. Phil... I mean, my boss agreed to let me work from here, but I need to go to the office and get access codes and a laptop," I say.
He gets up before pouring himself a glass of whiskey.
"Fair enough," he says.
"So?" I ask.
"I'll send Nkanyezi to go with you, just to keep you safe," he says.
"Thank you so much," I say, getting up.
"Let me get going."
"Who did you come with?" he asks.
"Alone. Well, not alone alone; Thulani is outside," I respond.
He nods.
As I walk to the door, I almost fall when I collide with someone walking in, but he quickly catches me. Only when I lift my head up do I see the evil man who tortured me and plucked out my nails.
"The beautiful chubby queen. If I wasn't so in love with my wife, I would have kept you for myself," he says.
I run to hide behind Mcedisi, who already has his chest puffed up, looking like a cobra ready to attack.
It could be fear or my mind playing tricks on me, but the atmosphere has suddenly gone freezing cold.
"You don't scare me, Mthethwa. Calm down, because if we were to have a go right here and now, you would see that I'm more powerful than you," Kofi says.
Mcedisi scoffs. His hands are clenched into fists; I swear the poor suit jacket looks like it's about to tear from how big his muscles have gotten.
"Get out of here, Kofi, before I do something we might both regret," Mcedisi warns.
"I have indulged you Mthethwa boys for far too long. If I don't get those diamonds by next week, I swear I'll burn your entire family while you watch, and that pregnant wife of yours will vomit that useless baby while you watch. I am Kofi, and I have spoken. Now run to that weak witchdoctor of yours, and let's see who is more powerful," Kofi says. And my lood runs cold.
"Are you threatening me?" I say, about to charge towards him, but I feel Onezwa's hand touch me. I turn to look at her, and she's literally shaking with tears streaming down her face.
I take a step back and heave a heavy sigh, trying to calm myself down. She's too fragile to witness Kofi and I going at it.
"Get out of my office. Not here, not now," I say through gritted teeth.
He bursts into a fit of annoying laughter.
"Hmmm, beauty tames the beast," he says after calming down.
"Fuck out of here!" I roar.
"One week, Mthethwa," he says before walking out.
Onezwa bursts into tears. I take her into my arms and let her cry until she calms down.
I help her sit and call one of my managers to bring a glass of sugar water.
"Are you okay now?" I ask as she places the empty glass on the desk.
"I'm okay," she says softly.
"I don't mean to put pressure on you, but can you at least try to think where those diamonds could be?" I say gently.
She nods slowly.
"Tell me about your relationship with my brother. Maybe that can help trigger something," I suggest.
"I didn't know him for long, but in the month I spent with him, he used to send me flowers and gifts," she says in a low tone.
"What kind of gifts?" I ask.
"Expensive perfume, clothes, gadgets... and a beautiful pearl necklace," she says, smiling.
"That's all?" I ask.
She nods.
"Okay. Let me take you home," I say, grabbing my car keys.
After telling Thulani to drive behind us, we arrive at home, and I climb out of the car before jogging to her side and opening the door for her.
MaSibiya walks out of our hut and frowns when she sees me helping Onezwa out of the car.
"Saobona Baba," she greets, her tone off.
"Mkami," I acknowledge her before turning to Onezwa.
"Will you be okay?" I ask.
She nods before walking into the main house, ignoring my wife like a plague.
"So, are you two meeting in hotels now? Did you fuck? Wow, I knew she was up to something," she says as soon as we enter our hut.
"Would you just stop! Do you have any idea how crazy you sound? If I wanted that woman, I sure as hell wouldn't sneak around going to hotels with her. I'd marry her and fuck her right in this yard! Now stop acting crazy and help me take out my belts. I need to go to Bab Masoja," I say, taking off my jacket.
MaSibiya fumes, her anger simmering. In all her years married to Mcedisi, she's never seen him show such care to another woman.
"Will you be okay?" he'd asked Onezwa, his concern grating on MaSibiya's nerves.
She paces, plotting ways to eliminate Onezwa from her life. Mcedisi's departure to see his witchdoctor provides the perfect opportunity for her to go see her mother.
"Thulani, take me to my mother's," she instructs.
30 minutes later, she arrives at her mother's house.
"Mama," she cries, rushing into her mother's arms.
"Amadla, what's wrong?" her mother asks, alarm etched on her face.
"I think I'm losing my husband," MaSibiya sobs.
"Focus on your pregnancy, not stressing about Mcedisi," her mother advises.
MaSibiya shakes her head vigorously.
"Watch him fall for another woman? No, Mama!"
"What did I tell you are your greatest marital weapons?" her mother asks.
"Prayer and patience, but meanwhile, Onezwa will be worming her way into my marriage," MaSibiya replies.
Her mother sighs.
"Pray for your husband, your marriage. How will you hear God's warnings amidst all this noise? Create peace in your home, and God will handle the rest."
MaSibiya's mother pecks her cheek.
"Go home, pray, cook for Mcedisi, and trust God."
In a distant field, Mcedisi seeks Masoja's counsel, a powerful witchdoctor who has protected him since his teens.
"Unamadla lo weslisa. Ngixolisa mfanami, anginawo amadla aphezu ku awakhe," Masoja says (I'm sorry, my son, but I lack the strength to defeat him).
Mcedisi pleads, desperation in his voice.
"I'll do anything to keep my family safe."
Masoja chants, poking at small skeletons.
"A sacrifice is needed for ultimate power," he declares.
Mcedisi's eyes light up, but his smile falters at the price.
"Your wife's womb, including your unborn son," Masoja states, his face unreadable.