Chapter Eighteen



Onezwa wipes away tears as she steps onto the sales floor, met with uncomfortable stares and whispers. She presses her thighs together, feeling Mcedisi's semen slide out.

Relieved to escape, she calls a cab and heads home. A soothing bubble bath calms her nerves, until the bathroom door swings open and Troy walks in.

Their eyes lock in a tense stare.

"I'm sorry," Troy says softly.

Onezwa forces a nervous smile.

"I hate fighting with you," Troy continues. "My past hurts make me project onto you. I love you, and I realize my jealousy will tear us apart. Forgive me."

Guilty, Onezwa nods.

"Am I forgiven?" Troy asks, smiling.

She nods again.

"Scoot over, let me join you," Troy says, shedding his clothes.

Onezwa tries to object, but Troy joins her in the bath.

Afterward, as they dress, Troy can't resist her curves.

"Let me help," he says, taking the moisturizer.

"You look incredible," he whispers, kissing her shoulder.

"I want you," Troy says huskily.

Onezwa tries to resist, but guilt over her encounter with Mcedisi makes her surrender.

Onezwa feels guilty, torn between her love for Troy and her attraction to Mcedisi.

Troy's gentle touch sparks conflicting emotions. As he gets intimate, Onezwa thinks of Mcedisi's passionate moments.


Mcedisi finally opened the door, and MaSibiya walked in, her eyes glittering with tears. The air was thick with the scent of perfume and sex.

"You have some woman in here," MaSibiya says, her eyes scanning the office.

Mcedisi looks at her blankly, as if he hasn't just committed adultery. "MaSibiya, what the hell are you doing here?" he asks, taking a seat.

"I came to surprise you as my husband, and I walk in on you having sex with another woman," MaSibiya's voice cracks. "Is that what you always do here? Sleep with random women?"

She has always suspected her husband is a cheat, but catching him red-handed is different. "Who is she?" MaSibiya asks, her voice raised as she fights back tears.

Humiliated, she recalls the stares and whispers from the staff when she arrived. Only when a staff member offered to show her Mcedisi's office did she understand why she is the center of attention – her husband is having loud, dirty sex with another woman.

"It doesn't matter, MaSibiya. I'm sorry you walked in on that," Mcedisi says dismissively, standing up and attempting to touch her. But she moves back.

"Don't touch me with those filthy hands," she spits.

Mcedisi sighs, shoving his hands into his pockets, aware of Onezwa's scent lingering on them. He glances down and spots Onezwa's lace thong on the floor. Looking up, he finds her staring at it too.

He tries to speak, but she storms out of the office, sobbing.


I feel absolutely horrible. I'm the one who suggested she surprise her husband, and now I regret it.

"I'm leaving him," MaSibiya says, wiping away tears.

"Don't make hasty decisions when you're mad," I advise softly.

She lets out a bitter chuckle. "I'm beyond mad. I should have picked up that thong and taken it to a sangoma to ensure that woman's...private parts never stop itching."

I allow her to vent her frustrations.

"I'm sorry I suggested the surprise," I say, feeling remorseful, and she nods in understanding.

Her pain is palpable, and I can sense her hurt. Men can indeed be cruel.

"No, don't feel bad, Carolina," she says reassuringly. "I'm the one who stayed in a loveless marriage."

Hours later, I decide to take MaSibiya to my home, concerned about her being alone.

As soon as we arrive, her face lights up, and her mood improves when I hand Nonka over to her.

"You dare not take sides," Nkanyezi warns, and I give him a stern look.

MaSibiya is in the lounge with Nonka while I'm preparing dinner in the kitchen.

"Your brother is a jerk," I say, and he heaves a sigh.

"I repeat, sthandwa sam, don't get involved. Soon they will kiss and make up, and you'll end up looking like the bad guy," Nkanyezi cautions, and I nod.

Just as we're talking, the doorbell rings. Nkanyezi goes to open the door and walks back with the culprit – Mcedisi.

Mcedisi's eyes lock onto MaSibiya, who's cradling Nonka in the lounge.

"Leave her alone," I warn Mcedisi, standing firm.

"I need to talk to her," he insists, his voice laced with desperation.

Nkanyezi intervenes, "Bafo, give her space. You've caused enough harm."

MaSibiya looks up, her eyes flashing with anger. "You have five minutes," she says coldly.

Mcedisi nods and approaches her

"Masibiya, I....."

"Save it," MaSibiya interrupts. "You've broken our vows, humiliated me... What do you have to say?"

He takes a deep breath. "I am sorry. I made a mistake. Please forgive me."

MaSibiya's expression remains blank


"I hear you, Mthethwa," MaSibiya says, her voice laced with disgust. "Give me time, because right now, I can barely look at you. You repulse me."

I sigh heavily.

"Bafo, can we discuss this in my office?" Nkanyezi suggests.

I nod and follow him upstairs to his home office.

"I know it's none of my business, but are you seriously sleeping with some woman in your office?" He asks, closing the door behind us. I collapse onto the couch.

"I thought you were done with that lifestyle after Khosi," he continues.

"She's not just anyone," I defend.

He pours himself a glass of whiskey, a hint of amusement on his face. "It was Onezwa, wasn't it?"

I nod affirmatively.

"Wow. And what about her boyfriend?" he inquires.

I shrug.

"Damn, it was perfect – her skin against mine, her soft moans..." My mind drifts back to the encounter.

He interrupts, "Too much information."

I chuckle.

"I don't even have her number. I tried calling her store, but they refused to give out her personal information," I admit.

He nods thoughtfully.

"We can get her number by tomorrow. However, bafo, you need to resolve this mess. MaSibiya deserves your respect. Consider taking a second wife." I hesitate, guilt resurfacing.

"I promised her I wouldn't after she lost our child."

"Figure it out," he urges.

"We must focus on the energy deal we're working on."

I nod in agreement.