Chapter 3
"After all that, you pass out and you still say that you won? Well, I have to give it to you this time; I guess I did get a little bit rusty."
After waking up and looking around, she found that everything was okay. Breathing a sigh of relief, there were no signs of battle. She saw her master cooking something that looked like a giant boar.
"Master, you really love to eat, don't you?"
"Well, yes. What man doesn't? Love passes first through the stomach, so if a girl knows how to cook a good meal, then 99% of the battle is already won.
Computer, how good are your cooking skills?"
Looking around and whistling, she avoided her master's gaze.
"Master, when did you make this awesome camp so fast?"
Looking at her, he thought, I should have known.
"Master, how much of your power did you use?"
"I didn't use any of my powers. I am at –100% power level right now. If I were to raise my powers to –50%, this universe would collapse. And if I were to raise my powers to 0%—to be at my natural level without any sealing to keep my powers in check—all the 10 dimensions would collapse, and if i would rise my power level at +10% then all 100 dimensions would be destroyed."
The computer just looked at him with wide eyes, finding it hard to believe.
After all this time, I am not even able to make him fight at –99%?
"How is that even possible? How many powers do you have then? And what was that transparent film that you used to block the last strike?"
"It's the truth. I only fought with the abilities of my body just now. If I used any of my supernatural powers, you wouldn't even have been able to move from the spot where you stood. I have over twenty supernatural powers. I'll tell you the ones I like to use the most:
Magic: This is the number one power I use for almost anything because there's no limit to it. I don't need to use incantations or anything like that. I just think, and it happens instantaneously, no matter the size or power of the magic.
Will: I have infinite will, meaning I am immune to mental or curse attacks. And I can even bend reality to my will if I want.
Telekinesis: I have complete powers over telekinesis, from mind reading to universal manipulation and everything in between.
Soul powers: I can attack directly your soul if I want, and all the sub-powers that belong to this category, from A to Z.
Element Commanding: Not controlling, but commanding the elements. That means I only have to think about what I want the element to do, and that's what happens. If I say, "Lightning, strike her," it will chase you to the ends of the world until it hits you. And I have 100% immunity to all elements.
Laser Eyes: I can see the entire spectrum of light, from heat vision to X-rays to night vision.
And there are still a few others, but I'll tell you about them another time, and i faked that i was affected by your curses."
She short-circuited a little bit, but there was no time for that because the food was disappearing. So, she took a piece of meat and, while eating, said:
"How can we live next to you anymore? Is there even any meaning to going against you? Because you could kill them in a heartbeat. Oh, now I know why you said you wouldn't promise not to kill them."
"Hahaha. The transparent film is my spirit or fighting aura. It's the first defense of my body, and as you've seen, it's pretty powerful, if I can say so myself."
"Are you bragging right now? I can't believe you, Master. Ah, I feel sorry for whoever crosses your path. They won't even know what hit them."
"Master, do you even need me?"
"Of course, I need you. I know we haven't spent much time together since I made you my disciple, because I've been traveling to other dimensions with my soul and you've been protecting my body. And by the way, thank you. I'm going to need you even more from now on. Don't worry, you'll become my most powerful disciple once I finish training you.
Now, I need you to teach me the Uniakea language."
Smiling and eating with pleasure, she said:
"Of course, Master. I will teach you on the way to the city. If we don't hurry and walk there, in about three days we'll reach the city.
I have our identities prepared. Do you want to keep your old name?"
"I haven't used it in a very, very long time."
"Master, I think you should use your original name."
Looking at her and remembering his name—and all the memories that came with it: the good times, the sad times, the angry times, and the simple times when he was just a normal human, trying to survive another day at the job. If I think better, it was harder to do my job then, than it is now trying to conquer all the dimensions there are.
That says a lot about the old Earth and the system from back then.
"You can use my original name for our identities."
"Okay, and in my story, I'm your little sister, not your disciple. Is that a big problem?"
"It's no problem, but if you use my last family name, you'll really become my little sister."
"I would be glad."
"Master, do you want to hear a little bit about the city we're going to?"
"Sure, why not?"
"The city is called Hope. City of Hope. It was one of the first cities that humans managed to defend in the beginning. Now it's the center of the Third Empire. Oh, and empires are named after the place they were formed, like the First, the Second, the Third, and so on."
"Understood. Did you eat? We need to go."
"Yes, Master. Just a moment. I'm writing our names. I will be your little sister,
Melody Ember.
And you will be my big brother,
Ark Ember."