chapter 1: revenge gone wrong

Once upon a time, there was a college student named Khaled. Khaled had short, black, curly hair and black eyes. He was a rich kid, 21 years old.

Khaled went to his college graduation ceremony. After he quit acting in high school, he went to a computer science college. Khaled entered the ceremony confidently. Khaled entered the hall. 

Khaled looked at the smiling faces of the people attending the college graduation ceremony and noticed a young boy who wasn't smiling. He saw the boy's face as he looked at an empty wall. Then the young boy turned around, stopped looking at the wall, and looked Khaled in the eye with a smile. Khaled thought, "Well, I guess I was imagining it." Khaled was supposed to give a speech since he was the student representative. Khaled finished his speech about his plans for the future and gave an outstanding speech. Although he was frightened on the stage, the words came quickly to him since he had practiced his speech for days and pulled through. After Khaled finished the speech, he remembered how stage fright affected him in childhood and made him lose his composure in a school play. Still, despite that, Khaled pressed on but forgot an essential part in the play that ruined it for everyone attending, so Khaled lost his best friend because of a stupid part in the play. Khaled's friend Robby couldn't play his role in the play since Khaled's mistake caused his part to get skipped entirely.

He was supposed to say that a talking tree would guide the two adventurers through the castle ruins, but he didn't mention the tree's existence to the audience, so they skipped it entirely, and the other actors improvised. Khaled felt terrible, but to Robby, Khaled's mistake seemed intentional. Khaled never saw his friend Robby the next day at school and the days after until Khaled graduated high school. Robby transferred to another school to escape his so-called best friend.

Khaled's trauma of losing his childhood friend led to a void that haunts him to this day. So, he would always feel nervous when it was time for him to shine on the stage. Some valuable tricks and tips helped Khaled overcome his fear, but he couldn't entirely remove this feeling from his mind. The ceremony had ended, and the young boy, staring at the wall, approached Khaled from behind and slapped him hard. Khaled, frozen in shock, realized the boy's identity. Khaled exclaimed, "Robby, is that you?" Robby spoke coldly, "It is a while back, stabber. Did you miss me? I saw the smile across your face while you presented your speech on the stage. You had no guilt for ending my career."

Khaled spoke confusingly, "Ending your career, how, though?" Robby looked as if he were out for blood. Robby screamed angrily, "Don't play dumb! Because of you, Jeff, the play director kicked me out of the acting team, and a threatening letter arrived at my door saying that someone would kill me if I didn't leave school and end my acting career. The sender was you, Khaled. Seeing how panicked you are on stage, you know I would forgive you and not doubt you because deep down I knew you wouldn't do this to me, but you have no remorse for what you did to me because you brushed the fear, continued with your speech, and smiled thoughtlessly at me while I saw the blood stain on the wall. So, how many did you kill to reach fame? You backstabber," Khaled screamed. "It wasn't me. I didn't send it; you have to believe me, please." Khaled's voice disappeared and faded, and then Khaled was shot with a gun. Robby talked angrily with Justin, "Why did you shoot him, Justin?" Justin explained, "His lies were getting on my nerves."