chapter 2: the misunderstanding and Robby regrets

Robby spoke with guilt in his eyes, "Oh my god! You misunderstood my intentions. I just wanted to talk and rough him up a little, but yet you killed him, Justin. You shouldn't have done it even if it was on my behalf." Justin spoke with a sneer, "You got one thing wrong, Robby. It wasn't on your behalf. It was also for me since he hurt you; I wanted to kill him. Can't you see you had to kill him?".

Two days passed, and the news reported Khaled as a missing person. 

Khaled opened his eyes after a long while and saw Robby on his bed. Khaled's blood was all over Robby's clothes. Khaled screamed while panicking, "Is this my blood?" His voice grew louder. Robby tried to calm him, but to no avail, and then Khaled suddenly collapsed and remembered everything. Justin came to Khaled's house as Khaled's bodyguard. All his life, Justin had trouble trusting others since his mother, the only person he completely trusted, got ill, and he had to work multiple jobs to take care of her. Justin finally found the perfect job in a billionaire mansion working for Khaled's dad. When he finally found a place to belong, a coworker named Timmy framed Justin for stealing a diamond ring worth one million dollars, so Khaled's dad had no choice but to fire Justin. Fortunately, Khaled's dad didn't press any charges, considering the situation and his mother's well-being. After his mother's death, Justin had to take revenge for his mother by killing Timmy and the person who caused Khaled's dad to fire him, and his trust and good heart faded over time. He killed Timmy, and then he was out for the spoiled rich kid named Khaled. Justin knew he had to bring forth allies, so he sent a threatening letter to Robby to use him to get revenge. On that night, Khaled should have died, but Khaled's father arrived and saw Robby and Justin with the gun and his son lying wounded on the ground and lost consciousness. When Justin, leaving Robby behind, saw a terrifying father, he fled. Khaled's father explained to Robby the factual truth that Justin had hidden. Robby knew the real enemy and wanted vengeance on Justin, but firstly, he had to save the life of his once-best friend. He brought Khaled to the hospital with Khaled's dad, carrying the wounded Khaled on their backs. The doctor, Robby, removed the bullet and started the operation. Khaled showed signs of recovery. Robby quit his acting career and became a doctor at 22 years old. Robby was very skilled with his hands, so Khaled was in good hands. Robby and Khaled's dad reported Khaled as missing to confuse the murderer, Justin.

Khaled opened his eyes and saw his dad's face. Khaled spoke calmly, "Where is Robby? I saw him yesterday before I went into full panic mode. I guess he was trying to save my life after he shot me. What are you doing here, father? Did you come to beat the criminals and save me?"

Khaled's father replied considerately, "Look, I know that he hurt you, but Robby didn't shoot you. It was Justin, our former bodyguard." Khaled spoke staggeringly, "Right, I believe you, so when can I return home and recover?"

Khaled's father replied, "You will recover soon but can't go home since Justin is still out to get you. You will be okay here until we capture the criminal who hurt you."