Vangie felt like she was transported back in time as she rode on the back of Bert's motorcycle. She was still shy around him, so she only held onto his shoulder. But before he started the engine, he grabbed her hands and wrapped them around his waist.
"What are you doing?" Vangie asked, eyes wide. She felt awkward as her body pressed against his back.
"It's safer if you hold on here. Plus, you get free abs."
Vangie frowned and pinched Bert's stomach, but to her surprise, it was rock hard. It was like grabbing a stone. Bert flinched slightly, pressing against her even more. She froze when her chest touched his back, making her pull away in embarrassment.
"Y-You're so full of nonsense," she muttered.
"Just hold on properly. You don't believe me?"
Vangie sighed and adjusted her grip. It had been a long time since she last rode a motorcycle, so she finally gave in and wrapped her arms around his waist. She swallowed hard when she caught a whiff of his masculine scent. Something inside her stirred, making her heart race and her cheeks burn. She didn't understand why she was feeling this way—it was like Bert was bringing her back to her younger years.
She took a deep breath, trying to shake off her thoughts.
"Hold on tight," Bert said as he started the motorcycle.
Vangie didn't respond and just looked down. The sunlight was a bit too bright, and Bert didn't even offer her a jacket. She shook her head at the thought. Why was she expecting anything from him? She shouldn't let herself be swayed by his small gestures.
"Vangie," Bert called out while driving.
She lifted her head slightly and glanced at him. He's actually really handsome, she thought, now that she had a closer look. He kind of looked like a young Richard Gomez.
"If I courted you, would you say yes?"
Vangie's mouth parted in shock. Of all places, why was Bert asking her this now? She instinctively tightened her hold on him. Thankfully, he couldn't see her blushing from behind. She didn't answer. She didn't even know what to say. Would she say yes if he courted her? She had no idea.
It was too early to say she liked him. Sure, his teasing affected her, but that didn't mean she had feelings for him. So she stayed quiet until they finally reached her house. Bert stopped his motorcycle in front of her gate.
"Thanks," Vangie said as she took off her helmet, reaching for the basket hanging on the handlebar.
"Aren't you going to invite me inside?"
She paused and looked at Bert. He was smiling like he hadn't just asked her a serious question earlier. She sighed. She didn't want to seem rude.
"Fine. Come in," she said, taking the basket and handing him the helmet. "Behave yourself." She turned around and unlocked the gate.
"I'm always well-behaved."
Vangie rolled her eyes but didn't respond. She walked into the house, hearing Bert follow behind her.
"Wow, your place looks nice inside."
She glanced back and saw him sitting comfortably on her sofa. She let him be and went straight to the kitchen, placing the basket on the sink. She took out a cold juice from the fridge and poured a glass before bringing it back to the living room.
She saw Bert looking at the photos of her kids.
"Are these your children?" he asked.
Vangie set the glass on the table. "Yeah."
Bert nodded. "You've got good genes. Your son's really handsome. Maybe I should—"
"Don't even start," Vangie cut him off, already irritated. She was starting to feel comfortable, but his last comment ruined it. Did he think he could win her over so easily?
Bert laughed. "I'm just saying, I bet our kids would be just as good-looking. I'd love to have a son."
Vangie glared at him, then sighed in frustration. "Just drink your juice and leave," she snapped before marching to the kitchen. Did he think getting pregnant was that easy? She had already given birth to five children—she was done with that part of her life.
She stopped for a moment. Why am I even thinking about this?
"You're so serious," Bert called out.
She ignored him and started cleaning the fish she bought, washing it again before putting it in the freezer. When she came back to the living room, she was surprised to see that Bert was still there.
"Why are you still here?" she asked.
Bert pouted. "You're really cold to me."
Vangie rolled her eyes and walked toward her small store. How could she not be annoyed? He was too much. And earlier, he even stole a kiss from her.
Her cheeks heated up again at the memory. She shook her head to erase the thought.
"I'll help you," Bert suddenly said from behind her.
She nearly jumped in surprise. She was busy arranging her store items. She turned to him.
"C-Can you just open that?" She pointed at the big window of her store.
Vangie watched him go outside. She took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart.
"Relax, Vangie. Why are you so affected?" she whispered to herself.
She continued her work, hanging biscuits and chips on the wire mesh in front. She had to keep them away from rats and ants. She winced when the sunlight hit her face as Bert fully opened the window. He came back inside, and suddenly, the small store felt even smaller with him there.
Bert started helping her hang the goods.
"Vangie," he said. "I know I've been annoying you. Sorry about that."
Vangie glanced at him. His expression was serious as he worked. She looked away.
"You should behave. I'm too old for these things."
"But I mean what I say. I like you, Vangie."
She froze. Her heart pounded, and she suddenly felt cold sweat.
Bert stopped what he was doing and turned to her. He gently pulled her to face him.
"I like you, Vangie. I'm serious. It's not a joke. I think I fell for you at first sight."
Vangie swallowed hard, staring at him. His eyes were deep and sincere, and she felt like she was being pulled into them. Her gaze flickered to his lips, and she quickly looked away, pretending to focus on her work.
"L-Look, Bert. I'm too old for this. If you're just messing with me, stop it," she said awkwardly, trying to control herself. After her failed marriage, her heart hadn't felt this way in a long time.
"Love isn't about age."
She froze again.
She forced a small smile. "That's not love. Look, this conversation isn't going anywhere. Thanks for bringing me home and helping me. You can leave now," she said, avoiding his gaze. She had no time for this.
She heard Bert sigh.
"Okay. Sorry if I surprised you. But I won't stop. I like you, Vangie. And I'm going to court you."