Chapter 6

Vangie tried to forget her conversation with Bert, but ever since then, he kept coming to her house. He never said much—just brought her food. Sometimes, he even helped her open her store. He was serious when he said he would court her.

She tried to ignore him, but after his confession, something inside her seemed to come alive. She had to admit it—she was slowly starting to feel something for Bert.

"So, this young guy is courting you?" Sheila asked again.

Vangie paused from repacking cooking oil and looked at her friend. "Yes! How many times are you going to ask that?" she replied, annoyed.

Sheila had asked her the same question five times. They were in Vangie's store, repacking supplies like cooking oil into small plastic bags to sell for five or ten pesos each. Sheila always helped her with this task.

They had been friends for over a decade, ever since Vangie was still studying and hadn't married yet. That's why she trusted Sheila enough to talk about Bert.

Sheila suddenly squealed and playfully hit Vangie's arm. "Girl! You still got it!" she teased.

Vangie and Sheila were about the same age, but Sheila still acted like a young girl. Maybe because she had been separated from her husband for a long time, and her kids were all grown up.

"What are you talking about?"

"You still got the charm!" Sheila laughed.

Vangie rolled her eyes. "Charm? I don't have time for things like that, Sheila."

"Oh, come on! Be honest. Don't you miss having a love life? Since you and Fredo separated, you haven't been with anyone. Now's your chance!"

"You're too loud, Sheila," Vangie scolded, embarrassed by her friend's words.

"But it's true!"

Vangie sighed. "I don't think about things like that anymore, Sheila. I'm forty-two! Do you really think I still have time for that?"

Sheila crossed her arms. "Tell me the truth. You still haven't moved on from that cheating husband of yours, have you?"

Vangie froze at her friend's question. She glanced at Sheila, who was raising an eyebrow at her, then quickly looked away. She and Fredo had been separated for years. Even though he hurt her deeply, she could never completely erase him from her life. He was the first and only man she ever loved. And on top of that, he was the father of her children.

"You don't just forget someone like that. I spent my whole life with him."

Sheila gave her a sharp look. "Vangie, come on. You've been separated for fifteen years! He's probably having the time of his life with his new woman. Don't you think it's about time you find someone to warm your bed too?"

Vangie pursed her lips. Her friend had a point. Her separation from Fredo wasn't pretty, but that was a long time ago. She had already forgiven him. She just chose not to seek out love again. Unlike her ex-husband, who had already moved on with someone else.

"So what do you want me to do? Let Bert court me?"

"No. You should go for it right away!"


Sheila rolled her eyes. "You know, since it's been so long, you're getting rusty. I mean, just go for it already!"

Vangie's eyes widened. "Oh my God, Sheila! You know I'm not like that. I've only ever been with one man my whole life."

"That's exactly the problem! You've only had one experience. There are plenty of fish in the sea—just throw your net and see what you catch!"

Vangie cringed at her friend's words. Sometimes, she wondered why she was even friends with Sheila when they were complete opposites.

"I don't just want to be with anyone."

"Oh wow, excuse me!"

Vangie frowned. "What?"

Sheila suddenly looked embarrassed. "Nothing! Never mind. Let's get back to this young guy," she changed the subject. "Just say yes already. The whole courting thing takes too long."

Vangie sighed. "I don't know." To her, romance was already a thing of the past. She just didn't understand why Bert was making her feel this way.

"Okay, let's test something. When you're near him, does your heart beat faster?"

Vangie cringed. "What kind of question is that?"

"Just answer it!"

She looked away. The truth was, even before Bert got close, her heart would start racing. Absentmindedly, she nodded.

"Ah-ha! And do you feel a spark when he touches you?"

"Sheila, those are childish questions."

Sheila smacked her own thigh. "Love isn't about age! Everyone feels the same thing!"

"Well—okay. Yes."

Sheila squealed again. "There it is! You're falling for him!"

Vangie grimaced. "How can you be sure just because of that? Maybe it's nothing…"

"Oh, please. You never felt that way with Fredo, did you?"

Vangie let out a deep sigh and stood up. "Ugh, whatever! I don't want to think about things like this. It's too early. And besides, I'm too old for this."

Sheila shook her head. "Fine. But don't be surprised if someone else takes him first. You should make a move! And be honest—don't you miss it?"

Vangie frowned. "Miss what?"

"Oh, come on! You know what I mean."

Vangie's eyes widened. "Sheila! That's enough! Stay here—I'll get us something to drink. You're making me uncomfortable with the things you're saying!"

"Just admit it!"

Vangie ignored her and walked toward the kitchen, refusing to look back. She didn't want to think about what her friend was saying—that she was already falling for Bert. Maybe she was, but she didn't want to face it.

She was afraid. Afraid that at her age, history would just repeat itself.

Vangie sighed. Whatever happens, happens.