Chapter 28; Don’t…

" What ?" Lisa found herself looking back at him.

" I said, You are so beautiful.." He spoke it again and to her ears it created more silence that the only thing she heard was his voice.

This made her feel strange and got up immediately.

" Canary, I think I should leave you to.." As she was still talking they saw Bianca come towards them.

She held her gown gently as she walked like a princess.

" Canary, I have looked for you from everywhere.." She said.

Canary got up and went to her.

" I am here. All yours.." He said.

Lisa heard them and pretended.

" Oh, You are with Lisa ?" Bianca asked with a smile and turned to face Canary and kissed his lips right before Lisa. Lisa swallowed hard wondering where their manners were.

" I came to say good night" Bianca said.

" Okay Good night !" Canary said and Bianca turned to Lisa.

" It was nice knowing you. You can keep the dress. It suits you." Bianca said.

" I am, Thanks for your kindness." Lisa said with a low bow.

" I should leave !" She rushed off to leave them not after what they just did before her eyes.

She went back to the hall where her friends were.

" Lisa, Come and drink with us " Nicky came and pulled her to them.

" You guys, I really don't take alcohol.." Lisa said.

" Sit down ! You will just take a glass. It won't be enough to get you drunk.." Nicky insisted and made to sit down.

" Okay.." She poured her a glass.

Lisa smiled and then took a sip. She stopped immediately.

" It's so sour. How can I take it ?" Lisa asked.

" You just take it in one gulp. It's sweater like that." Nicky assured her.

" Really ?" Lisa inquired.

" Just gulp it down !" Nicky said and gulped her's.

Lisa closed her eyes and took the glass at once.

" Good job !" Nicky clapped for us.

" It's too much, I need some water." Lisa got up and walked around to look for water and when she landed on a waiter who carried a glasses that had colorless liquid inside she just picked one and gulped it down at once.

" Wow.." The waiter smiled at her.

" Why does it taste like this ? Is it because of the glass I just took ?" She asked but the waiter seemed not to understand her.

" I don't know what you are saying but Ms, You are so strong. This is the strongest drink we serve here.

" What ?" Lisa couldn't believe it.

" Excuse me !" She excused herself and ran to the washroom immediately.

She wanted to puke.

She rushed inside the washroom and threw up all she could. After feeling better, She got off the toilet and went to the sink to rinse her mouth.

She begun feeling dizzy and her head begun feeling happy.

' My God, What is happening to me ?'

She begun talking in a tipsy voice and when she made a step to leave she staggered. She shook her head not believing that she was too weak to walk. She held onto the wall slowly and begun finding her way out.

She had just opened the door and staggered along the corridor.

' I can make it..' She held onto the wall and begun walking slowly.

The party was soon coming to an end and most of the guests had been departing.

After seeing off Bianca, Canary realized he was having her red lipstick stains on his neck.

' Gosh !' He cursed and decided to go to the washroom to clean it off.

He was in the corridor when he saw Lisa struggling to hold onto the wall while she tried to walk. She was still not in shoes and looked liked total mess.

" Hi…" Canary went over to her without a second thought.

When Lisa saw him she smiled stupidly.

" Hi, What are you doing here ?" He asked going back in his cold tone.

Lisa's smile widened as she struggled to open her eyes to look at him.

" ..So…it's…you…You..wicked man!.." she said with an antoxidated voice.

Canary frowned in disbelief. " You are drunk." He and tries to touch her to give her support but she pushed him away.

" Dont… touch me… I am.. not like those …..other…. girls you do ….eveything with …" She managed to tell him.

Canary smirked. " Indeed you classes below them. So don't you worry, I can't desire touch." He said not believing her guts.

Lisa smiled stupidly still struggling to hold onto the wall.

" She's so wasted !" He cursed and then forcefully carried her off the ground.

" Hi.., what… are you doing ?" She asked while he held on her and when his arms wrapped around her legs he felt the softness of her thighs since the dress was so short.

This forced him to look at her face again which was now inches from him as her head buried on his firm chest. Her eyes were closed because she could barely open them

and she looked so beautiful.

She finally passed out from his hands while he was still holding her like this.

He walked with her in his arms to his car where he made her lie in the back seat of the car and then sat in front to drive her off.

Lucy had been busy talking to her friends and business partners but most of them had left already.

When got to Wilson and looked for Canary he was no where to be seen.

" Ma'am His car gone.It's late. He must have gone back home." Wilson suggested.

" Okay..Let's go !" Lucy ordered.


Canary arrived at Lisa's place and parked the car. He went and carried her out of the car and when he reached the foot he remembered that there was no key.

" Hold on .." He said and put her down wrapping her hand along his shoulders for support.

" Hi, Is anyone around ?" He called out loud.

" Hello.." he called again.

Lisa who had passed out heard his voice and slowly opened her eyes.

" Why are you making noise for me ?" She asked in her drunk voice.

" Where are your keys?" He had just asked with a neighbor from the opposite room came.

" Hi, Why are you noise for us ?" The middle aged woman asked angrily.

Canary turned to face her.