Chapter 1 - Origins (1)

3 years ago —

I was a social outcast in University. It wasn't like I intentionally wanted to be left alone, but since I joined in the second term, everyone had already been allocated into friendship groups.

And it wasn't like I didn't try to interact with others, I'd be lucky enough for them to respond back when I waved or said hello. It was just how this University worked, no one connected with anyone outside of their friendship group unless they were forced to.

So I would be alone for the next 3 years, and I believe this helped me to be comfortable by being myself.

Although I don't think this was good, being isolated definitely did not "help me in the long-run".

Once I had graduated from University, I had nothing to do. 

I spent hours of my life trying to find a sales company that would take me in, I regretted that I hadn't done any work experience. My application was more likely to be rejected, everyone in this industry had greater qualifications compared to me.

A 21 year old, who had freshly came out of University.. someone would surely accept me in their company..

So I spent an hour scrolling on my feed until I stumbled upon a strange game teaser.

"Eternal Realm.." 

I mumbled, getting onto my computer.

I searched on multiple forums online to check the reviews.

[l0saer2: Eternal Realm recently came out, any thoughts on the game? I personally enjoy it, I'm excited for the future of the game]

[user1302193: eternal realm is really good, the mechanics and class system is generic, but it has a good spin on the enemies of the world and is a breath taking world. it's a really good RPG!]

Most of the reviews for the game were positive, it was there that I decided to download the game.

[Welcome to your new adventure traveller! Before starting in the game, please enter your details and username!]

I filled out my email and thought of a username.

[Please do not put your real name as your username! This is for safety regulations!]

In the display, I put the user "damsoyiu". I clicked confirm.

I clicked confirm.

[Welcome to your new adventure, DAMSOYIU! Would you like to start the tutorial?]

I clicked no, it's way more fun to play the game without understanding anything. In a way, it helps you learn gameplay quicker in my opinion.

There's customisation?

I clicked yes.

All the characters features were adorable, and I settled on a casual avatar.

Silky, fine, jet black hair that slightly curled on the ends with purplish hues, exuding a carefree and sharp energy. The clothing was generic, almost an exact copy of all those main characters in those common adventure games. A thin, black cloak extended out from a black tunic.

- Warrior

- Archer

- Mage

.. That's actually not a lot of classes.

I'll rule out warriors, a lot of people prefer melee weapons which I'm exactly not a fan of in a game. It just seems very generic. 

That only leaves a mage or archer..

- Summoner

- Sorcerer

- Necromancer

- Illusionist

- Warlock

- Cleric

There's a.. SUB-CLASS?

These all seem like.. decent options. I'll rule out cleric, I'm not a huge fan of healing.. there's always a lot of conflict surrounding healers in a party. I'm hung up on Warlock and Sorcerer..

I pondered over the option for a while, uncertain on which one would suit me better.

[Before proceeding with the game, there is a chance to become sponsored by a mythological deity or hero. Keep this in mind, on the game's website there are multiple sponsors. You are only allowed to choose one, so choose wisely.]

Sponsors? That's an interesting take for a game.. I'm assuming the sponsor allows you to use similar abilities from them.


Species: Human

Class: Warlock

Sponsor: __

Art: ___

Ability: ___

Once I spawned in, I explored the safe zone. There was a shop there for beginners, considering that the prices for weapons and potions were cheap. It was 100 coins for a potion of levitation, or for a 2* weapon it was 250 coins. Another interesting area of the safe zone was a trading hub, where most of the prices felt.. inflated. The economy of this game was definitely out of my reach.

The thing is that the game has only been out for a week and a 6* weapon costs 250,000 coins..?! How is anyone affording the price of that?

The final area of spawn that I enjoyed was the refinement area, where you could enhance your weapons to be stronger.

After exploring most of spawn, I decided I should check how large the map was, and fight some monsters to level up.

Objective: Defeat 50 Monsters

Reward: 500 coins

A display window popped up, but I barely had time to read—

I got killed in the first five seconds of leaving the safe zone!

Matter of fact..! I got killed multiple times, by a user under the name miseoynn!

Over.. and over again.

I died by the same user, miseoynn..!

With soft, poufy, pale grey hair cascading down his face, he had a playful expression that infuriated me more than anything else. He wore a large oversized sweater, paired with a thin, long, fairy-like cape. It was in the colour of white, it reminded of a doupeng, or traditional chinese wear.

Although, it didn't help the fact that this bastard wouldn't leave me alone the moment I stepped out of the safe zone!!

damsoyiu: WTF!?

miseoynn: whoopsie, my hand slipped >_o

How the heck does your hand slip multiple times, dumbass!?

damsoyiu: Why the hell are you killing me T_T

miseoynn: lololol, ur asking me why i'm killing you? its a killing game, is it a crime to kill???

miseoynn: js quit now!! lmfao~! r u tryna get my attention, srry!! im not going to boost a dead weight like u! keep whining loserrr ^_^

How does this guy type so fast?!

damsoyiu: I JUST joined, I don't know who you are?! 

miseoynn: lmfao, if ur not used to get killed js get a new hobby lil bro! (^~^)/


It's only been a minute since I've joined and I've been spawn killed 8 times! By YOU.

I need to calm down.

l0saer2: can you guys not send this in world chat.

His in game character freeze, and another party invite was sent.

are you ignoring my party invite on purpose, u f*cker? be grateful that i actually invited u. hurry up and accept it. >_<

This guy.. he thinks he can threaten me in whispers? I don't have to listen to him!

I walk out into the monster zone, and he starts tailing behind me, continuously bombarding me with multiple whisper messages and party invites. I finally caved in and accepted the party invite.

I clicked yes.


Species: Samoyed

Class: Berserker

Sponsor: Miyamoto Musashi (Kensei)

Art: Nitō Ichi-ryū

Ability: Keen Instinct, Genius Mentality, Instant Edge.. [Hidden]

Hidden? Seems like you can private information you don't want other users to see.. interesting.

miseoynn: i can finally talk to u without talking in server-chat. god, ur pretty stubborn aren't u~?

damsoyiu: What is wrong with you.

miseoynn: are u acting dumb on purpose? 

damsoyiu: Fix your lame attitude, I don't have enough patience for people like you.

miseoynn: lmfaooo, have fun rage quitting~!

.. You're bound to meet some weirdos online, but this guy is the worst! Who the hell even is this weirdo!?

I groaned, touching my temples. I should ignore him and focus on fighting.

Venturing outside of the zone, I realised that as a warlock.. you mostly focus on dark spells to kill mobs. Using the beginner sceptre, I defeated the beginning slimes with , a spell that released an sonically, dark blast.

"I'll just take a break from gaming for a bit. I'm tired.."

I sighed heavily, leaning back into my chair.

I returned back to my phone, scrolling on the game forum for 'Eternal Realm'.

[hikaorea: Isn't the number 1 player in this game annoying?]

A comment under it read:

[uioriio: i agree, who tf js goes on a killing rampage, no wonder people quit this game.]

[puwash: Are you guys talking about miseoynn? That guy is trouble, haven't you heard the rumours about him?]

Rumours? I.. don't think I should find out, finding out about a stranger's personal life feels.. iffy to me.

I'll try play the game later..

I played for 9 hours on the weekend.

I practically celebrated once I hit level 125, I was almost halfway until the maximum level, 300.

I've learnt multiple spells, but I still haven't earned a sponsor.. 

.. The inbox limit for this game is 100.. who the hell is spamming in my inbox..!?

hey.. I apologise for spawn-killing you.. i didnt mean to! i was just having fun, and flaunting how powerful i was. can you forgive me..? i'll be a good guy, i promise!

All my mail is filled with this user spamming this exact message in my inbox..!

I scrolled on the game forum, trying to piece my thoughts together clearly.

[miseoynn: heard u all were talking s**t bout me, why dont u fight w ur weapons n not w ur words?]

.. He was arguing with the people on the post? Why was he apologising to me then?

I looked back up to my monitor.

are u TRYING to p*ss me off? accept my friend request plz!! u didn't accept it the whole time u were online.

miseoynn: no way u acc have a life

damsoyiu: I have a life. What do you want?

miseoynn: i want u to accept my apology msg i sent plz!! :,(

damsoyiu: The 100 messages you sent seem insincere. I'm not sure I want to.

miseoynn: .. stfu. PLZZ js do this 4 me~! T0T

damsoyiu: .. What's in it for me? ^^"

miseoynn: u f*cking piece of sh*t.. i'll give u 10k coins.

He can easily throw away 10,000 coins!? This must be an advantage of being the number one player of the game..

damsoyiu: Hand me over the coins.

miseoynn: woah, woah, woah buddy. how do i know that ur not going to scam me rn??

damsoyiu: You think I'd scam?

miseoynn: u… fine.

damsoyiu: Aand, get scammed.


damsoyiu: I don't remember saying I promise, I just told you to hand me the coins ^^

He froze immediately, possibly shocked about the situation he had put himself in.

Besides, I wasn't actually going to scam him, I was just having fun messing around with him.

damsoyiu: Just kidding with you, let's trade again.

miseoynn: eh? what 4 :?

damsoyiu: .. Do it before I change my mind.

miseoynn: kay kay kay, accept it!!

miseoynn: .. r u trying to tell me i'm broke? js take the coins u noob.

damsoyiu: That's why no one likes you.

miseoynn: im jk, im jk!! plzzz PLZZZ T_T

miseoynn: .. err r u sure u don't want anything..~? >.>

damsoyiu: Yeah, I'm ok.

He began to circle around me.

miseoynn: u sure u ok O_o?

damsoyiu: uhh, yeah I am.

miseoynn: hmm.. r u rlly ok

damsoyiu: .. Yeah? Why?

miseoynn: notthinnggg… >_<

He's just running away..!

haihaii, had to leave vry quickly bcz im moving somewhere else! ty 4 sending me back the coins i gave but like.. ik ur a newbie so.. just take em. kay?

<50,000 coins>

.. So that's why he sprinted away. He sent me 5x the amount of coins he originally gave me..

Agh.. he's offline as well! I'll just give it back to him when he comes online again.

  1. Samoyed = A dog breed
  2. Miyamoto Musashi = A Japanese swordsman, strategist, artist and writer with an undefeated streak of 62 duels.
  3. Kensei = "Sword-saint", or "Sword-master"
  4. Nitō Ichi-ryū = "The school of the strategy of two heavens as one", referring to the use of two katanas/swords in combat