Chapter 2 - Origins (2)

"Number 205, please come to the office."

I stared back at the number in my hand.


I stood up and walked over to the office. There I met the interviewer, who proceeded to ask me various questions about the job that I forgot to preparedbeforehand.

"Thank you for answering, Myo-nim. You may leave now."

I bowed, leaving as quiet as I could. I definitely failed that interview.

I failed it so bad.

I fumbled with the keys to my apartment, and collapsed onto my bed. 

"That's going to be the 6th failed interview.."

I mumbled, staring towards my monitor.

Should I play?

I sat on the chair, and started up the game 'Eternal Realm' on my computer. 

It had an update, what great luck.

The update took 25 minutes to fully get installed.

"My inbox isn't full this time, good.."

I murmured, clicking onto my friend's list.

"He's online?"

I clicked on my chat with miseoynn.

miseoynn: we both logged in at the same time, is it fate? we're meant to be!! >~<

damsoyiu: Don't joke like that.

miseoynn: wtvs.

damsoyiu: I'm going to unfriend you.


A flurry of pleading emojis spewed into my chat.

After a while, he got down on one knee and held up a ring.

What? This game has a marriage feature? Also, that was so out of the blue?

damsoyiu: Are you into men?

That's the only reasonable answer as to why he sent me a marriage request..

miseoynn: NO. this is the only way i can get you to stay with me. hear me out, u and i gain benefits if we're married.

damsoyiu: .. What benefits?

miseoynn: 25% extra exp for a whole week, 50% chance of rare boss drops, and ur str n' spd increase by 1.2%.

.. That does sound really.. really promising.. I could level up faster, and gain rare mob drops? That's a good deal.. all I have to do is to get married to this guy.


damsoyiu: I guess we can't get married then.

miseoynn: whoopsie.. myb i lied. i may.. or may not have 24 other rings in my inventory. ^_^

damsoyiu: You had 25 rings..? How much did they cost all together..?

miseoynn: if i calculate right.. 25 million coins! 1 ring costs 1 million. ;P

.. That's so many coins he spent just to get married.. what the hell..?

miseoynn: wowww, do u rlly hate me that much? i've already wasted 2 million :,(

[Welcome to the new lovebirds! Enjoy multiple benefits and continue to level your couple meter for extra benefits!]

miseoynn: we're married now!! >_<

damsoyiu: How nice..

miseoynn: wtv, i need you to lvl up quicker so we can fight harder bosses. ur lvl 125, and i'm lvl 300. ill help u lvl up. im the no.1 player, so that's my good deed!

damsoyiu: Alright, lead the way.

'miseoynn' lead me to.. the final boss of the game?

damsoyiu: Uh, isn't this the final boss in the game? Like the strongest?

miseoynn: yeah, i thought you'd gain more exp this way.

damsoyiu: How do I even access to it? You have to be the maximum level to fight it.

miseoynn: its a bug because we're in a party, so you can access it now. let's just fight it.

miseoynn: heh, im glad i have the sponsor from miyamoto, i cleared the debuff for both of us.

damsoyiu: It's pretty beneficial.

miseoynn: i do think that this boss is buffed.. it should be nerfed. the debuff is insane.

damsoyiu: I thought the number 1 player wouldn't care about that.

miseoynn: majority of the fanbase agree with me! D:<

After playing the boss dungeon for the 50th time, we decided that was enough. I checked my inventory and noticed I had a new item. I hovered over it, widening at the rarity. It was legendary!

Real question is.. what do I do with it? Maybe I'll ask on the game's forum.

miseoynn: what lvl r u at now?

damsoyiu: I'm capped at level 150 since I have to do an ascension quest.. but I'd be level 176 or something?

miseoynn: great job newbie ^^ do ur ascension quest. 

damsoyiu: I have to ask, what's up with your stats? You have the base HP for a berserker, did you not invest any skill points into HP?

miseoynn: yup yup! its sooOoOO much more fun, i put all my skill points into speed and atk~! i love beating the meta, and being a glass cannon is exciting! ^-^

damsoyiu: Sounds fun..

miseoynn: yup! hurry and lvl up so we can grind together and stuff. acc, r u in a guild?

damsoyiu: Nope, most guilds don't accept people under level 200.

miseoynn: well since i'm generous n stuff, why doncha join my guild? :3

I clicked on the guild above his head.

[Electra] Guild

Requirements: Must be above level 200! 

Competitive guild, must take part in PVP leaderboards, and guild tournaments!

Join if you're not a noob X3

damsoyiu: .. I just checked out your guild. It also needs people over level 200. I'm going to do my ascension quest.

miseoynn: WAIT NO. this is a SPECIAL offer just 4 u!! ur my hubby >_<

damsoyiu: .. I'm actually going to kill you.

miseoynn: ?! WHY DID U LEAVE??

damsoyiu: I'm doing my ascension quest without having you interrupt me.



I shut his chat. Hopefully that shut him up for good.

It was surprisingly easy to complete my ascension quest, maybe it was the training from completing the game's final boss with miseoynn. I had actually hit level 180, not 176 like I had predicted.. looks like my math was off by a bit.

I clicked off 'Eternal Realm', going onto the game forum. I sent an image of the legendary item, and asked what this item could do.

After a while, I went to go take a power nap.

I woke up drowsy, and checked my phone which was bombarded by notifications.

"What the hell..?" 

I murmured, scrolling onto the game forum. 


I said, shocked.

Most comments said something along of the lines of;


[qupolia: how much are u offering for it?]

I scrambled onto my desk and logged onto 'Eternal Realm'.

[MARRIED] miseoynn: i saw ur post online! im assuming ur being flooded with trade requests?

[MARRIED] miseoynn: oh kool, we got the title thingy.

[MARRIED] damsoyiu: I didn't think it would turn into such a big issue..

I regret posting about it online.. the legendary item ended up being a mount. However, you can only access it through the newly-wed benefits, but it's hard to get as there's a 1/22500 chance.. even with that chance, you could still get a common, uncommon, rare, or epic.

But I reallyy don't want the mount. I mean, it's cute? It's a white swan, and has multiple hearts coming out of it. I just don't think I need it.

[MARRIED] damsoyiu: Do you want the item?


[MARRIED damsoyiu: Nvm then, forget I offered anything. 


.. What the f*ck?

[MARRIED] damsoyiu: I think you added too much..?

[MARRIED] miseoynn: lets js say i'm doing charity or wtvs.. js accept it ^^

[MARRIED] miseoynn: .. ur srs about this..? why is a newbie giving free stuff to me!?

[MARRIED] damsoyiu: .. Look I've gotten enough coins from you.

[MARRIED] miseoynn: are u stupid? later on, it gets more expensive to upgrade, enhance and refine. it's at like lvl 205 where u learn it. ur lvl 180, so you're gonna need to grind for coins now.

Wait. That's right!

Unlike any other RPG, Eternal Realm is notorious for its stupidly annoying enchanting system!

To make the game harder, the developers implemented a feature called re-enchanting.

For example, if you got a duplicate of the same item, you could combine both of them, to ascend it to the 2nd tier, and then you'll have to upgrade it again.


You now had to be careful whilst upgrading, as it would now be possible for the item to break or reset back to no tier! This impossible feature has gotten so many people mad in the forums.. but they're the same exact people to gamble on the chance of getting a 5 tier weapon!!

[MARRIED] damsoyiu: Do you have a 5 tier weapon?

[MARRIED] miseoynn: .. technically? i have 3 6*, 4 tier weapons, and duplicates of em but im too scared to upgrade it. T_T

Fair enough.. imagine grinding all that just for the weapon to break when refining it at the final tier.

[MARRIED] damsoyiu: Huh, I thought you didn't want the mount for free?

[MARRIED] miseoynn: OH. right. erm.. i want it but i dont want it 4 free.

[MARRIED] damsoyiu: .. Are you insane?

[MARRIED] miseoynn: we're married!! i have to do this 4 my hubby wubby~!

I appreciate the gesture.. but I despise the way he talks..

[MARRIED] miseoynn: YAHOOO!!! glad to trade with ya ^_^

[MARRIED] damsoyiu: Welcome..?

I logged out, and fell back onto my bed.