2 years later —
"Myo-nim, have you completed your part on the recent project?"
"I have it right here San-nim."
"Ah! You're a life saviour Myo-nim, Sajang-nim would have killed me without it!"
I patiently, more like anxiously, waited for work to finish.
The clock ticked at 10pm, and I immediately clocked out of work. I had completed my part of the recent project, and only had to rely on my co-workers for their parts and get paid a massive sum!
I scurried my way back home.
Once I arrived home, I stretched for a bit.
I sat at my desk, and logged onto the computer. I booted up the game 'Eternal Realm', like I usually would do once I had free time, or I felt bored.
I'm level 300 now..
I couldn't really believe it.. this took me 2 years..
And I somehow managed to finally upgrade 'Soul Sceptre' to the fifth tier without it breaking.. what godly luck do I have?!
I think I nearly fainted once I got it to the final tier.
Grinding for coins was the most exhausting process throughout the game, and the EXP between the levels are massive.. It was even more painful between 200-300, since the EXP gaps increased significantly.
Species: Human
Class: Warlock
Sponsor: __
Art: Bael's Invocations
Ability: Nihilistic Delusion, Demonic Duplication, Hell's Whispers..
.. Huh. I just realised I've never received a sponsor.. that's embarrassing considering I've played this game for 2 years. How was miseoynn able to get a sponsor within a week.. AND become the number one player? He's still the top player after 2 years!
Oh? Speak of the devil, he's finally online. Has it been 2 weeks since I last saw him online? I think so. What is he going to say now? Something vomit-inducing?
[MARRIED] miseoynn: lol sorry for being offline recently, something came up in real life.
.. I don't really mind? Everyone has issues in their day-to-day life, it's not like I'd hold him to a different standard compared to others.
[MARRIED] damsoyiu: That's fine, I'm just glad you're okay.
[MARRIED] miseoynn: do u know what the meaning of life is?
I faltered slightly, hovering over my mouse before typing on my keyboard.
[MARRIED] damsoyiu: Wouldn't the answers be varied depending on who you ask?
[MARRIED] damsoyiu: But.. I believe the meaning in life is to have fun in everything you do. Even if the outcome isn't what you expect, you should make the most out of it.
I waited for his response.
[MARRIED] miseoynn: huh, fair enough..
He sounds distant.. this pretty unusual.
For the past 2 years, I would say that we became great friends especially because we talked to each other daily, or as frequently as we could.
But I truly don't know anything about him.
I somewhat know his age? I remember that he said that he was 'definitely' younger than me, and I'm 23. But that's all I know.
Although.. I can't say anything either. I haven't told him anything about me either, besides from my age since he kept begging me for it.
[MARRIED] miseoynn: aw wait. i gtg, cya.
[MARRIED] damsoyiu: That's alright, see you later.
I pulled out my phone from my pocket and began to scroll on the game forums.
[hikaorea: Did you guys see that exposed video on miseoynn?]
[uioriio: yeah, who knew that happened to him lmfao]
[puwash: ngl i think he liked it]
I looked back up at my monitor.
[MARRIED] miseoynn: sorry, i left.
[MARRIED] miseoynn: please respond back.
Huh? Is it just me or is he typing more frequently then he normally does?
I can't produce a response back without being spammed 3 messages by him. Why is he apologising so much?
[MARRIED] damsoyiu: Are you okay?
[MARRIED] miseoynn: srry, yeah im ok.
[MARRIED] damsoyiu: Alright..
He's seriously acting stranger than usual. I knew I wasn't thinking too hard on it.
Hang on, is it related to what I had just seen on the forums? That's.. concerning then. I should report it before I go to bed.
[MARRIED] miseoynn: sorry.. im in the dumps rn. something bad happened to me last week and im still.. y'know.
Something bad? I'm very curious.. but I can't expect him to open up easily considering we basically know nothing about each other.
[MARRIED] damsoyiu: It's alright, at least you're okay?
This is awkward. I've never had an 'awkward' conversation with miseoynn before. Normally we'd spend hours chatting about nonsensical things or whatever had happened in our life.. but today he's acting different.
[MARRIED] miseoynn: im really srry damsoyiu, i gtg.
That's strange. He just logged on..
Maybe I'll just have to give him some more space.
It's been a week and I still haven't seen him. There's no trace of him, it's like he's disappeared from of the face of Earth. I'm starting to think that he's trying to avoid me.
I made sure to report the post in the forum that discussed about miseoynn's real life. How did that post even make it through the moderation team?
I travelled back to spawn to upgrade my equipment.
Wait is that—?
A familiar avatar I had seen.. I had definitely seen before frequently stood far away.
But something was off.. was it the fact that the user had a different username then before?
damsoyiu: Is that you miseoynn?
moonnsiye: who tf is that.
I blinked.
What? Are you kidding?
damsoyiu: Do you think I'm stupid?
moonnsiye: no clue who you are pal.
.. This is so clearly him. Is this his alt..? If so, why is he on his alt?
I furrowed my eyebrows, hovering over the keyboard.
moonnsiye: what r u in love with this person or smthing?
I squinted.
"Did he seriously say what I thought he said?"
I rubbed my eyes.
".. He did."
I laughed slightly, unable to comprehend what was going on.
"This bastard.."
damsoyiu: Fine, stay like that.
I teleported out of spawn.
"Is he seriously going to be like this?"
I grumbled, killing ghouls out of frustration.
"This is his fault."
I muttered but my voice lacked the bitterness from before.
Look who's online..
I clicked on his chat.
[MARRIED] damsoyiu: moonnsiye was you, right?
[MARRIED] miseoynn: ??
[MARRIED] miseoynn: no??
.. He's actually acting dumb. I regret feeling bad earlier.
[MARRIED] miseoynn: i got the sorrow n whatnot out my system, seems like i just needed to recollect my thoughts!
He smugly put his hands onto his hips, displaying a pleased expression.
That's definitely the miseoynn I know.
[MARRIED] miseoynn: soooo.. what did you get up to these past 2 weeks?
[MARRIED] damsoyiu: Nothing much? I was mostly upgrading my equipment.
[MARRIED] miseoynn: .. did you miss me?
… Is that what he wants to ask me? Is this genuinely serious?
[MARRIED] damsoyiu: Figure it out yourself.
[MARRIED] damsoyiu: Yeah, why not.
I laughed a bit too loud, I couldn't contain my laughter.
Things would continue being normal.
I wish I would have focused on why he was so nervous.