Chapter 4 - Game Start (1)

Reminiscing was fun.. but I currently have no time to think back.

Our world has turned brutal suddenly and I have to come to terms with the unnerving truth that I'll have to kill monsters.. or people with my new ability is eating at me.

I roamed outside, observing where the monsters could potentially come from.


A distant rumble emerged, and my eyes focused on the direction it was coming from.

A small window popped up.

<100 Monsters Incoming>

My eyes widened, is that-

A portal opened up, I couldn't believe it. 

The portal shrunk, then expanded. Legs started to emerge from it, and one creature came out.

Then, several more appeared.

Their appearance, I couldn't even begin to describe it. It was nothing like how I had remembered in "Eternal Realm". 

It was sized eerily like a human, but its features were melting off. An incision was made on the side of its mouth, and its jaw was unhinged abnormally. It rocked side to side with every sluggish move it made. Blood.. no. A tar-like substance dripped from its wound and mouth, with bones protruding out of the stomach. Such an incapacitating, nauseating smell.. you could visibly see the insides due to the substantial gaping wound, I felt ill when I realised what I was looking at, this creature had decaying, almost rotten organs.

It groaned, like a wounded animal, as if it was replicating the sound. It was done perfectly too, the pitch, the frequency. I couldn't believe it.

It was coming straight at me.

Quickly, I turned around and ran. My chest throbbed excessively, as if it was empty. 

Or so I thought.

I looked down to assess the pain, my stomach had ruptured. In its place was a hand. 

The hand was scarred and rough, with each of its fingers sized differently. A dirty green stained the fingertips, and the veins on the hand pulsed irrationally. 


The hand started to twist, and every fibre of my being felt agony, and pain. My heart squeezed, and pressure overwhelmed me from head to toe. I turned to see who the perpetrator was.

It was the same creature I had just ran from.

I had to act fast, before I would take my last breath.

And no way in hell would I die without fighting.




A continuous cycle of chomping and gulping commenced, as I began to digest the creature's hand. It was the worst thing I had tasted, experienced even.

The creature whined, exactly like an animal. It tried to escape, but it had firmly lodged itself inside my stomach.

A thick, gooey, black substance leaked from the missing pieces of flesh and I eagerly ingested each drop. I felt rejuvenated, this situation was strange but I couldn't resist.

Was this the reason to why I didn't mind drinking a monster's blood, or what should be it's blood? If that's the case.. can I replicate objects?


A sword manifested in my hands, with the blood coating my hands. I struggled to rotate, especially when the bones of the creature cracked everytime I moved. I looked down, and immediately felt ill. The bones in its arm were protruding outwards.

King Högni has made itself known!>

The sword burned bright, as the sparks enveloped my hands.

I put my left food forward, and held the sword adjacent to my face. The flickering flame of the sword scorched, and strangely it barely hurt. In fact, it didn't hurt at all.

With a rapid swing, I aimed directly towards the upper region of the creature.


The creature couldn't react in time, a clean, pristine slice separated the creature in half, with the upper half of the creature sliding off.

I felt like gagging, but the fight still wasn't over.

More creatures emerged from the portal from a far distance. 


I sliced the arm off the creature's body.


I heaved, my abdomen throbbed badly as I pulled out the hand from my stomach.

Quickly, the injury healed. Was this from consuming blood?

<1/50 Monsters Defeated>

Right.. I might as well try my best to kill the rest needed now..


I shifted my footing, focusing on where the sudden noise came from.

A little girl stood there, shivering and crying. Her face was covered in snot and tears, and my body tensed. It didn't matter, she was in danger and there was no sign of an adult around her.

I need to save her.

This feeling overwhelmed me, and my heart pounded violently at my chest. I had never felt this pain before, it was so intense.

"Hide, I'll fight them. Once I say it's safe, you can come out."

She nodded, shaking in place, "O-Okay, I'll count on you.."

She ran, shivering and stumbling with her moves, eventually she went far enough to where I could barely see where she was.

This was perfect.

[Hidden Skill Activated!]


My muscles spasmed, whilst my vision cleared up. The world seemed so much brighter, as if I could observe the world in a four-dimensional space, drift away from my consciousness, or warp spatial dimensions at will.

My fingers danced across the blade with such perfection and accuracy, I had trouble comprehending that it was me. As if an other-worldly external force was puppeteering my movements.

I flickered over to horde that was rapidly approaching. They had similar key features from the previous creature I had struggled against. With that same thick, gooey, tar-like substance oozing from their gaping wounds. I gripped the handle of the sword, feeling the wrath of a deity exploit my natural, predatoral instincts.

Each footstep I took echoed, ringing in my ears as I approached the crowd with a still-like composure. A formidable pressure sheathed me like a sword, and a creeping, maddening bloodlust started to corrupt my mind.

How many creatures are in that horde?

I don't have time to question that anymore.

There's no turning back now.

It's life or death.

  1. Dáinsleif = "Dáinn's Legacy", where "Dáinn" means dead.
    A blood sword from Norse Mythology.
  2. King Högni = A fearless warrior and king of Östergötland
  3. Hjaðningavíg = An indefinite battle that always continues