*"Yet again," Lui Feng thought to himself as the countdown to the new year began. Japan had shown him nothing but hell during his short stay.
As a Chinese man living in Japan, he simply did not fit in.
*"Happy New Year!"*
Celebrations erupted around him. People hugged, kissed, and indulged in all sorts of intimate interactions, leaving Lui Feng standing awkwardly in the middle of it all. He forced a fake, embarrassed smile. he was the only one without a partner.
"Fuck this," he muttered, slipping away before the loneliness could set in any deeper.
After what felt like an eternity of walking, he finally reached his home. For four years, he had lived in this building. The walls were subtly cracked around the edges, the decorations were outdated, and the roof barely shielded him from Japan’s unforgiving weather.
He checked his phone and let out a dry chuckle.
*"Not like I expected anyone to wish me a Happy New Year,"* he scoffed before hurling his cellphone across the room. But the instant it left his hand, regret hit him, and he rushed to retrieve it, he couldn’t afford a replacement in his current situation.
With a tired sigh, he collapsed onto his bed, letting exhaustion and frustration pull him into sleep.