Chapter 6

" Have a sit Yuugi. " Mr. Zeo said as he sat down and he looked at Yuugi. Yuugi walked in somewhat hesitant as he didn't know what was about to happen.

He was terrified with his heart beating rapidly against his soft chest. Slowly walking over as he looked directly at his boss. " lock the door behind you as well. " Mr. Zeo told Yuugi.

Yuugi unaware and frighten not to obey he decided to do as told. Locking the door and made sure he closed it gently. Sitting down on the chair as he saw Mr. Zeo stare at him.

He didn't know why, but he felt he wasn't about to leave here alive to find out. The timer on the clock was ticking and for moments that's all that could be heard.

" Do you know why I called you here? " he questioned sternly. Yuugi looked puzzled, and still stiff in his knees and arms.

He kept his hands within his legs making sure his legs were tight. Palms sweating, and droplets dripping down his frame. He wasn't about to remove them, due to not knowing why.

" N-No sir. " Yuugi replied, jolting a tad but as he spoke. His lips feeling dry and parched, he licked them all day, due to being dehydrated again.

He was working to the bone, and never got respected for it. No overtime pay or anything for that matter. He couldn't help but think about Yaami's messages the whole time.

The thoughts of Yaami ran through for a brief moment, and seconds later the manager got up from his chair. " I told you, that last night, I didn't like what you did. " he stated to him.

Yuugi felt he was overwhelmed with a crushing sensation, and remorse. He was practically feeling guilty about it in the end, and most people shouldn't.

" I—I apologized greatly Mr. Zeo for my behavior. I shouldn't have done what I did. " he told him. His boss chuckled and closed his eyes somewhat.

He then reopened them, and slowly walked to the edge of his desk to sit there. " oh, you will be. " he told Yuugi as he learned downward to his face.

Yuugi felt he should sit back, but to terrified to move his body, he stared as well at him. He felt Mr. Zeo grab his wrist tightly as he looked at it.

" You have beautiful wrists. " his boss said towards Yuugi, squeezing his wrist. Yuugi grunted softly and then squinted from the pain.

" o—ow. " he said softly as he then slowly tried to get up. He felt Mr. Zeo yank him back and pull him into his arms.

Yuugi unable to move, he felt his bosses hand go around his mouth, so he didn't have the ability to scream either.

Being slammed against the desk, his head bounced from the impact. Yuugi felt a throbbing ache through his body. Whining softly afraid of what was going to happen and didn't hear the unzipping sounds.

Mr. Zeo felt against Yuugi's slim, smooth hairless legs, as he felt the coldness or his fingertips. Yuugi felt him take off his pants and briefs as his waistline was bare.

Yuugi felt embarrassed, and without warning felt Mr. Zeo's cock insert inside him. Yuugi eyes widened as he wanted to scream but was unable too.

His hands rolled around his mouth, and his other hand holding into Yuugi waistline. The manager became to pound in and out of his tight anus. Yuugi whimpering and grunting, as he felt this sensation of horny kick in.

His fingers and toes curling, as his eyes got watery, as he felt himself being fucked. He never felt like this before, and it was his first time having sex.

The aching and throbbing pain of his anus, as he felt it being squeezed by the tightness of his walls. He felt the thickness of Mr. Zeo's member inside him, although it wasn't very long.

Yuugi continued to whine, crying in the process as well. Mr. Zeo grunting sexually and moaning as well. Hearing Yuugi's whines only made him go faster as he confined.

Yuugi felt his head being slammed against the table, as he felt a scare take form there. He knew he'd have a bruise when this was over and done with.

The slapping and smacking sounds if they're bodies against one another was all that could be heard. Inside the office as no customers were there to hear anything.

Yuugi nails driven into the table as he scratched into the pavement. He felt his boss pull his face up towards his own and kiss him deeply.

His saliva against Yuugi's as it made him wish to gag right then and there. Yuugi unable to do anything else but to close his eyes as he felt this.

" Your so fucking sexy, Yuugi. " Mr. Zeo said seductively in Yuugi's earlobe. Yuugi crying still, hearing those words, felt like poison gas taking inside his lungs.

He knew he only wanted Yuugi for his body, as he made that very clear in the car no doubt. He felt him rub against his member as it made Yuugi wench a little.

" Aa-Ah, please... " Yuugi exclaimed feeling him pounding often, as it wasn't enough for him to stop neither. Mr. Zeo eventually bent Yuugi down more to get a depth inside Yuugi as Yuugi wanted to scream even louder.

He couldn't feel the hand against his mouth, he wished he could bite his damn fingers off, but he knew he's die doing so. Yuugi tried to fight it, but to what end, only for him to die while being raped.

A few moments later, he had finally decided to stop as he came inside Yuugi's anus. The hot liquid dripping down from the hole, oozing down his legs.

Yuugi's legs as Mr. Zeo painted and leaned against Yuugi's back. He felt on his link hard nipples as Yuugi sensitive and tender there.

He bruised easier than most men, and if you gave him love marks they'd be very visible to the eyes. Mr. Zeo gradually pulled out of Yuugi and exhaled from exhausted.

The manager was tired but in a way Yuugi wasn't, nor did he come in return. Although, his boss wasn't necessarily focused on such terms anyhow.

Slamming Yuugi on the floorboard as Yuugi feel down hard, as he felt his arm. Holding against his own, he allowed his face to be covered by his yellow bangs.

" Now that—that's over. We can leave. " he told Yuugi and smirked as he did so. Pulling up his boxers and pants as well.

Mr. Zeo made sure he fixed himself just right, and grabbed his apron as he looked at the camera as well. He seeing a customer come inside he hurried up faster.

" Hurry up and get your stuff on. " he told Yuugi in a puff. However, Yuugi didn't move. He was too frozen and too invested by what Mr. Zeo just did to him.

He wasn't able to do anything, and he felt dying was more suitable than anything else. Blinking cluelessly he had cherish-able moments to feel accomplished about.

He felt washed up and resided, like a whore a cycle of women, this town was used too. He felt his grandfather would've been extremely disappointed in him as his face covered his tears.

" I said— get up! " Mr. Zeo shouted forcefully yanking Yuugi off the ground as he sniffed and turned to him. He didn't care about Yuugi crying as he felt disgusted by seeing him that way as he tossed him his clothes.

" Do you wanna die by me, I'll make sure your death is painful then. " he said to Yuugi angrily. Yuugi shook his head slowly as he slowly grabbed his clothes off the floor.

The boss closing the door behind him, as he made Yuugi stay inside the office to change. Yuugi gotten up and put on his briefs along with his shorts as well. He made sure he had them tightly on once again, and then fixed his hair.

He still wasn't decent he'd be traumatized forever, although he opened the door and left the office casually. He walked past everyone and everything, and went to the bathroom as he couldn't speak.

Yuugi felt no words escape his pale soft lips, nothing to give, he wish he could take his own life without question. He'd overdose on medication and that'll take him out of his misery.

He was suppose to be a pawn for someone's pleasure, yet that's the only thing he could provide to the world? He never thought he was good enough for anything, and now he was being raped by older men.

He cried inside the bathroom feeling helpless and not comprehending why this was going on. When he heard the sound of the door opening once again, he went into the stall.

Yuugi saw it was Mr. Zeo as he looked around, after he got finished with the customer. Yuugi pretend he was done using it. Flushing the toilet and coming out the stall as he walked to the sink.

He washed his hands as his boss watched him carefully and then crossed his arms. " what are you doing? " he proclaimed to Yuugi. " I.. I'm just washing my hands, I had to use the bathroom... " Yuugi said in a dead tone.

The young male finished and grabbed some paper towels and dried his hands off. His boss walked out the bathroom, leaving Yuugi looking down at the ground. He could feel his anus on fire and the come that still reminded inside him.

Yuugi walked out the bathroom himself as the customer left and Mr. Zeo and Yuugi was left alone again. The boss started to tell Yuugi that it was almost lock up time.

He knew that it only meant he'd be alone with him for awhile longer and then he'd be harassed on the way home. Yuugi decided he'd wouldn't wait around, he went to the back fast grabbing his belongings.

Unlocking his locker and gripping his stuff tightly taking it out quickly. Mr. Zeo raised an eyebrow seeing what he was doing. Yuugi closed it and made sure he put the lock away, before going to the front again.

" I'll give you a ride. " Mr. Zeo told Yuugi. Yuugi parted his soft full lips, as he said something, and didn't realize what he said exactly til the end. " I'll walk. " he replied.

His manager gave him a narrow vision that was almost deadly and sinister. " what was that. " he asked without really asking, as it was simply rhetorical. Mr. Zeo however repeated himself.

" I said. I'll give you a ride. " he told Yuugi again firmer this time. Yuugi nodded without a word. " Good. Let's close up. " he finally stated.

Hearing the sounds of the front bar door opening as Mr. Zeo quickly said we're close to the person. However it was Honō as he looked extremely upset and turned to Yuugi.

He could feel something happened as he looked back at the person who had to be Mr. Zeo. " That's fine. I'm just here for Yuugi. " Honō told him. Mr. Zeo was surprised and felt Yuugi had something to do with this.

Although Yuugi's face seemed to be surprised as well, unaware Honō came down here on his own. " What? I'm sorry I'm confused—" the manager said questionably. " I'll be taking my friend home. " Honō said once more.

" Oh well I was gonna give him a ride so—- "

" That won't be necessary, considering I can call his mother and let her know. " he stated as well, making himself sound more serious. Mr. Zeo glanced at Yuugi as Yuugi glanced back at him as well.

Yuugi walked over from the counter as he walked over to Honō as well. Honō then grabbed Yuugi's wrist gently as he walked them to the from door.

" Oh and by the way, Yuugi is quitting this job. If you come by his apartment again, I'll call the police myself. " he told him angrily.

At that moment Mr. Zeo was speechless, gulping hard was like swallowing a hard pill. Mr. Zeo eventually watches Honō's and Yuugi leave the bar. Yuugi unable to still speak didn't even blink at all. He had completely zoned out.

Honō helped him inside the car, as he climbed inside the driver side and started up the car. Turning his head towards Yuugi slightly, he knew he was too late in the end. He felt the need to come to the bar whether than wait until he got home.

Honō sighed and started the car again, as it didn't work the first time, slowly backing out of the parking lot and driving towards Yuugi's apartment. Every now and then, he'd turn to Yuugi's direction. He would see nothing inside his eyes but emptiness and pain. As he'd make sure Yuugi never worked there again.