Yuugi hadn't noticed, considering his eyes were closed, however he could feel something soft underneath him. His hues trembled as he seemed to be having a nightmare.
The younger male felt his heart growing with a fast paste, as he tossed and turned repeatedly, as he couldn't stop shaking. He felt overwhelmed with thoughts as his eyebrows twitched.
Slowly, his eyes opened hearing the sounds of pans, and glasses smacking. Along with water running and feeling a heat of fire coming towards his skin.
The multi-colored male opened his eyes, seeing it was completely nightfall, and looked up at the ceiling. He blinked a few times looking around and seeing the fireplace on.
Slowly sitting up he noticed he was in different clothes than his own ones. Yuugi saw he was in a thin tanktop, along with some briefs only.
Uncomfortable by that, due to everything that's happened he pulled up the covers and saw he was on a couch. Glancing over and seeing Honō in the kitchen realizing he must've came home.
Blacking out from everything he knew the rape wasn't a dream, simply due to he felt his anus still throbbing. However, he must've fell asleep in the car ride back to his apartment.
Honō was strong and carried him himself to the house, and even took off his clothes for him. He allowed Yuugi to stay asleep so he could get some rest from what happened a few hours ago.
Honō continued to clean and finished with the dishes, as he looked over to check up on Yuugi. He was sitting up as Yuugi shifted a gaze towards Honō and immediately laid down again.
Yuugi too embarrassed to be seen, and furthermore, too embarrassed by himself period. He wasn't prepared to tell Honō what had happened before he came.
When he thought about it, his soft purple orbs began to water up with tears, feeling completely compelled to speak. Yuugi gripping the pillow beneath him, and closed his eyelids tightly inhaling.
" Hey, it's going to be alright now. " Honō said softly as his green hues went hallow watching Yuugi. Yuugi didn't notice, as he felt Honō come over with a plate of food.
Yuugi gradually sat up realizing Honō wasn't going to leave him be. His purple dim orbs was filled with pain and desires to die. Even though Honō wasn't going to allow it because he felt it was not the right thing to do.
Honō put the plate down with an ease and looked at Yuugi as he sat down beside him. " W—why..? " Yuugi parted with dry lips, almost with a crack tone of voice.
His orbs staring at the crackling fire flames burning through the night. Honō eyeing him hearing Yuugi ask a question that was puzzling. " why what? " he questioned back.
Yuugi ghostly zoning out, didn't bother blinking at the flames in his crimson purple shimmers blazed. " why did you—come? " he asked Honō. Honō felt offended in a way, troubled even, gripping his own pants hearing him.
He then grabbed Yuugi's chin and rotated his head to meet his gaze. " what are you some kind of moron? " he asked Yuugi.
" I came —- because I knew something was going to happen. " he stated strongly. Yuugi eyes widened as he remembered everything and sniffed as the droplets from his cheeks fell.
" However, something did happen. I — I was too late to stop it, I know.. " Honō said feeling defeated. He looked down as he felt himself wanting to cry too, yet didn't.
" I should've never allowed that to happen to you. I didn't know he would— " Honō couldn't find the proper words for it. Honō felt it would make Yuugi more uncomfortable and suicidal.
" Look, I'm sorry I wasn't there for you, Yuugi— I shouldn't be upset, or angry, I guess I'm more upset and disappointed in myself than anything. I'm such a dumbass! I— "
".... Don't blame yourself, please... " Yuugi said cutting Honō off mid sentence. His tears continued to drop a little, but eventually they didn't anymore.
The male narrowing his gazes down at the fire pit once more and trying to relax himself. Honō watched him carefully, and went quiet to wait.
" Please— it wasn't your fault. The important thing is you got there, you came and— you saved me still. " he told Honō proudly in a sincere tone.
Honō felt his tears coming down from his own complexion, he hugged Yuugi tightly. Yuugi eyes opened with surprise, not knowing his friend being a hugging type of guy.
Nevertheless, he greeted it with open arms, hugging Honō back as the two hug one another passionately. Honō released him soon, and smiled gently wiping away Yuugi's tears.
" I don't ever wanna see you crying. " Honō commented with some serious tones. Then getting up from the couch, and turning off the television.
" You need to rest, but sleep in your own room. Don't worry about looking for a job any time soon. Just— relax and I'll work for the both of us. Eventually, I'll find you a job that's more dutiable for you. " Honō explained.
Yuugi got up from the couch as well, making the blanket wrap around him. He nodded agreeing with Honō's every word and headed to the bedroom.
He knew Honō would do as he was, — since he was more confident about it now. Honō has proven to Yuugi he was more trusting person than most friends and people.
He didn't have to worry about Mr. Zeo any more, but he did still think about what they've done. Him no longer being a virgin it was more so, unsettling.
Honō always told Yuugi, back when they video -chatted that tape wasn't even technically sex. If both partners didn't enjoy it, than was it really considered taking your virginity?
Yuugi wasn't sure, but they really did pondered about it throughout the night. If that be the case, than Yuugi didn't have anything to think on.
Though he believed that wasn't actual facts, he'd just assumed that was Honō trying to make him feel better about it. Yuugi went inside his room but had grab them plate of food Honō provided with earlier.
He took off the blanket and sat aside the plate of food. Sitting down on the bed, it was weird to him to say the least.
After the whole ordeal, he was more wishing that Yaami of all people would call him. He wanted him to check up on him, and see how he was doing.
It seemed every time they was getting somewhere in conversations, it ended so abruptly. Yuugi disliked that, and he wished Yaami would just say why he was busy all the time.
His purple hues slanted with a bubble of thoughts rambling. Why was it that Yaami was on his mind from time to time.
He supposed it could be that feeling of meeting someone new. Yuugi never really tried to speak to someone online before neither.
Normally, it was already his common friends but meeting someone new in the other side. Finding someone whom actually was modest and could consider being a friend as well.
Yuugi blushed thinking that way, and looked over seeing the time on his clock. It was now 2am and he'd hadn't gone to sleep yet.
He knew Honō would come in and ask why he didn't eat so, he better starting eating something. Yuugi reached over to grab the food, as he started to watch tv, clicking it on.
Once he did that, he heard noises outside as a thunderstorm was coming their way. Crashing down with a loud clap sound. It was now raining once again, Yuugi hated the rain.
He looked over out his window, and stared as the water droplets hit the window seal. His bubbly hues looked down back at his plate. Gripping the fork in his hand.
' Tomorrow is another day.... ' Yuugi tried to say calmly. He smiled softly, and sweetly now understanding it was finally over. He no longer had to be tired towards a terrible boss, but he also wasn't working.
He didn't know what to do now, how would he occupy his time. He knew Honō wouldn't allow him to work any time soon.
No doubts, for Yuugi that was inevitable, due to his work tenacity. He had to work, and he knew tomorrow he'd have to look for it eventually.
For now though he'd enjoy the small noises of the rain hitting the rooftop. He'd sit and watch tv as he'd go asleep, now thinking about something relieving.