Friday came that following morning, as Yuugi was still sound asleep inside the red room. He was exhausted and drained due to last night.
Yaami was inside his main throne room, as he called it. He was sound asleep inside there, as he was snoring lightly.
It was a few knocks on the door as Yaami continued to sleep deeply. He was just as exhausted as Yuugi was somewhat. Before the night was over between them, Yaami had to go back and do paperwork.
Another knock happened once more as the white tall doors opened. Ramsely came inside as he glanced over in the bedroom.
He saw master Yaami still sound asleep, as he motioned the maids to come inside. They had a steel plated breakfast tray. Ramsely went towards the curtains and drawn them open.
He slowly pulled back the drapes, and brought in some sunlight. The rest of them walked over towards the table, and placed the tray down.
They slowly step back and folded their hands gently on their laps. While Ramsely went over to another curtain close towards Yaami's bedroom.
He pulled the sheets back, as Yaami grunted a little as his eyes started to twitch. " Good morning! Master Sennen. " he said happily.
" Todays weather is sunny with no chance of rain. However, it will get partly cloudy, mid-day with a huge possibility of high winds. " he stated.
Yaami slowly rotated around, as he sat up in his bed. He wiped his eyes feeling the crust between them. Ramsely stood there watching Yaami as he glanced over at his food.
" Your food is right here. Master Yaami. Also you have a morning meeting today scheduled for 9am. Also another meeting phone call at 3pm.
To add more measures you have your presentation that's due today as well. The announcement for your new and improved state of the art advanced technology. " Ramsely explained.
Yaami listen to Ramsely ramble about what all he has to do for the day. He was already aware of the endure ordeal, which made him simply roll his eyes.
" I'm aware Ramsley. " he said firmly. He then watched his maids bow towards him and grab his plate. They took the top off and grab his fork and knife and handed them towards him.
He reached over to grab them, as they placed the plate gently on his lap. Yaami then went to start eating as he was eating with a small paste in his step.
" Very good sir. " Ramsely said hearing him. He leaned down to grab Yaami's clothes that was on the ground. He went over to the hamper to place his dirty clothes into them.
Yaami begin to cut up his food, smelling the sweet scent of freshly cut fruit along with wheat toast and eggs. Ramsely motioning other maids to come in and get the remaining stuff.
Opening more blinds so that the sun come shine its light through. Ramsely slightly turned to Mr. Sennen and spoke. " Should I go and fetch the young boy, Master Sennen? "
Sennen slowly starting to cut his fruit a tad bit, his eyes shifted towards his red room door. Before he blinked and looked forward again and spoke.
" No. let him rest. "
Ramsely nodded and continued to speak. " I would have you know that the boy seems to be ... adjusting to his new surroundings. "
Yaami listened as Ramsely was speaking, although he didn't keep eye contact on him.
" It shall not be long before the boy becomes possibly yet another— "
" This is not a discussion we are having... " Yaami would speak up cutting his butler off. The male's purple hues giving Ramsely an intense stare.
Ramsely however knew Master Sennen well and his stares always did make him feel uneasy. However it wouldn't keep him from speaking his truth every now and then.
" .... Forgive me your grace. I was merely trying to give hope to— "
" I do not need for you to give hope. What I need is for you to mind your fucking business, and do your fucking job. " Yaami would say in a sharp firm tone.
Yaami feeling his hands tremble a bit with the fork and knife in hand. Gazing down at his plate feeling his hands do such a thing.
Causing the male to place the utilizes down and pull his napkin from his lap before slamming it down on his breakfast.
" I've lost my appetite. " Master Sennen would speak as he got out of his bed, nude and bare. Before walking past Ramsely and his maids before making his way towards the bathroom.
Ramsely would watch in silence, before he would hear his door closed and his eyes looked down at the ground momentarily. He would soon clear his throat and motion the other maids to assist him in the kitchen.
" Grab your grace's plate. It appears he is done for the day. "
After some time, the time was now 9:30am and Yaami was already up, dressed and off to do his duties for the day. Meanwhile, maids quickly went into the red room.
" He's inside here. "
" Shh. Shh, wake him. "
" Pull the curtains to get some sun. "
Three maids would whisper towards one another as another would make their way over towards Yugi and touch his shoulder blade.
" Umm.. Mr. Mutou. " she would mumble.
As Yugi was sound asleep still.
" He's not waking— "
" Oh! For heavens sake ! " another would shout a bit as she would yank the blankets from the bed and speak aloud.
" Get up ! Mr. Mutou it's time to wake up and get the day started ! You've already missed two chores ! "
" Geez, Rebecca you didn't have to yank the blankets from the bed. " Sarah would claim.
" Uhhh yes, I did. " Rebecca replied.
" These need to be washed anyways, it's not like I'm not doing what already needs to be done. " she proclaimed with a slight eye roll.
Yugi had felt a coldness from the blankets being pulled from his soft hairless legs. Feeling a bit toss and a turn as he grumbled a bit.
Feeling the air on his body, as he was still naked as the four maids watched him a bit and stared over at him.
" And might I add— I didn't realize you were so — "
" hairless. " another maid would tease.
" I was more so looking at his cock. " another would chime in.
The girls giggled as Yuugi finally slightly opened his eyelids and seeing blurry vision before his eyes came into vision. He blinked a couple of times before his expression changed from calm to intense panic.
His face turning redder than a tomato as he immediately shrieked from being naked in front of them. Another maid came inside and saw the girls and immediately rushed in between.
" ah ! Ladies ! This is not the — oh my dear Mr. Mutou forgive me for my — give me that blanket child ! " she would speak as she rushed over towards Yugi to cover him.
The girls continued to giggle as they got reprimanded for their behavior and went to do the rest of their chores in the red room. Rebecca however with the biggest cocky smirk as she walked off.
Yugi still his face warm and hot as he was flabbergasted and couldn't even think of where he was in the moment. " Come child. We need to get you dressed and ready for the day. " The older maid would tell him.
As time went on, Yaami was glued towards his office and was piled with work loads of print outs, posters, and mail from different organizations.
His maids went in and out his room to deliver him food and drinks every now and then. While Yugi was down in the kitchen finishing up on his own duties.
He had forgotten about the cleaning portion of his deal with this entire thing. Although, he believes he wouldn't have been better off in that apartment, he was still unsure.
He also felt a detection of perhaps jealousy from the other maids. These however, was simply speculation as he seemed to get cold shoulders from certain women.
It was a quarter til 12 as one of the maids came into the living room where Yugi was and a few others as she clapped. " It is a quarter til 12 ladies..... oh and gentlemen. It's time for a break. "
Everyone started to get up from their positions as Yugi would start to take off his cleaning gloves, as another maid came towards him. " Bring Master Sennen some herb sakura tea.. " she would tell Yugi.
Yugi nodded as the woman walked off, as Yugi made his way towards the kitchen to fetch the tea she told him too. Several minutes later the tea was made as Yugi made his way upstairs and towards Sennen's office.
He would inhale and exhale sharply feeling a tremble within his fingertips. He couldn't really explain why, out loud, but he knew it could've been from his simple ptsd moment.
The last time he went into an office, he had gotten raped. It was almost like experiencing déjà vu again, which was making Yugi's heart race again and again.
He tried to collect himself a bit more before his hand touched the doorknob and started to twist it open. Once he opened it he walked inside and immediately turned his back to close the door.
Yugi slowly turned his head around, as he saw Yaami sitting at his desk however he didn't even bother to look up. His mouth parted to speak aloud. " leave it there on the table. I shall get it later. "
Yugi watching as Yaami typed away, staring at the male not realizing he was doing so. Yaami feeling it within his chest that someone was eyeing him, slowly moved his face off the screen and towards Yugi.
Yaami staring at Yugi as the two continued to look at one another. Sennen feeling small chuckle coming along looked down in a shame. Yugi feeling a brow raise as he started to walk over and place the tea down.
" what? Is it? " Yugi said confused.
" You... and... this maid attire they have you in.
I — I didn't realize they'd put you in something so... "
Yugi slowly turned heel and looked back up, wearing a nice little maid revealing one piece suit with black and white coloring. His eyelids blinking a bit as he listen towards Sennen.
" revealing? " Yugi chimed in to ask.
Yaami would place down his pen and would move his chair as he would slowly raise from his desk and walk over towards the lounge area.
Yuugi seeing Yaami start to get up, noticing his attire how it was also a one piece but a jump suit that was entirely black and revealing with a zipper in front.
His nice flamboyant heels he had on that clicked when he went down the small steps to reach over towards Yuugi.
" Herb Sakura tea? " Yaami asked.
" ..... u—uh y—yes sorry yes, it is. " Yuugi said trying to gather his speech and thoughts.
" mm are you quite alright? " Yaami would ask him.
" I — yes.. Ya— I mean Master Sennen I am. " Yugi would say bowing a bit as his bow was a tad awkward and fumbling.
Yaami would smirk a small bit in a tease before he would slowly walk over towards the couch and would tell Yugi to join him through a hand motion.
Yugi would nod a small bit and would also sit down but in a chair as Yaami would sip quietly, for a few moments.
The male would soon turn his gaze towards Yugi whom was staring down at his hands, watching them shake a bit. Yaami arched a brow for a moment, remembering about what Yugi went through in the past.
His thoughts continued to contemplate before he would speak aloud. " do you wish to tell me about it? " Yami would bluntly ask.
Yugi would glaze in a trans before blinking and clearing his throat trying to remain standoffish. " I — I don't know what you mean... "
" ... I can see your hands trembling.... I'm guessing this must bring back some.... Haunting memory you would rather forget? "
" ... no... I'm fine... just.. "
" cold? "
" No... " Yugi would say quickly.
" then why tremble? Horny? " Yami would ask quickly again.
" ... No.. "
" Yet your trembling from? — "
" I do not wish to speak about it ! " Yugi said in a bit of a harsh tone with a slight risen in his voice. He didn't even realize he had done so.
The grip with his attire on his thighs, as Yaami orbs kept their narrow gaze, but it was more for Yugi's pain. His eyes looked away for a moment, before he put the tea down on the table on a coaster.
" .... Very well... "
" I — I'm sorry I — I just— " Yugi said feeling himself choked up a bit. Small tears started to come down against his cheeks a bit.
Yaami seeing this slowly getting up from the couch as he walked over towards Yugi and bent down a bit in front of him. " shhh— it's okay Mi Amor~ you do not need to say nothing more. "
" I entirely understand. " Yaami would speak.
Yuugi feeling himself cry more and more, as he closed his eyes holding his pants more and more tighter. Yami would slowly take his hands off him and make him hold his hands instead.
Yuugi looking down at Yaami, as Yaami would keep a calm expression before he would slowly rise from his position and kiss Yuugi's forehead. " Go for lunch. I shall see you in a bit. "
Yuugi nodded a tad before slowly rising from the chair and looking back at Yaami as Yaami didn't turn around. His back towards the other shorter male, as Yuugi couldn't think of nothing else to say.
Yuugi shifted his gaze and headed out the room again, as the door closed behind him. Yaami would hear the click sound and immediately his head turned around having a dark, vengeful look in his eyes.