Chapter 23

Noon had arrived and Yuugi went into the house garden for his lunch break. He wasn't really friendly with the maids just yet, and he also assumed they wouldn't want him around anyhow.

After-all judging by what Yaami had stated many of these people came to him seeking assistance and most likely wanted his affection.

Yuugi couldn't help but feel as if he had a target on his back thanks to that decision. Especially the way the maids earlier this morning came in his room and woke him up.

Especially the one yelling at him and demanding him to get out of bed without even telling him he was naked. He clearly was housing enemies and unfortunately he was their primary elimination opponent.

Yuugi sighed eating away at his good decent lunch that honestly you'd find in a very elegant restaurant. He didn't realize he'd also be having food that was this exotic and delicious.

Yuugi also couldn't help but feel bad about the last discussion he had with Master Sennen. He couldn't help but feel he made have made him upset.

He didn't mean to do that — but after everything Yaami had put him through, he kinda felt right in that decision. He also didn't fully trust Yaami to tell him that.

However, the main reason was because he didn't trust his old boss. He knew a dangerous man when he saw one, and frankly he couldn't say the same for Yaami.

He didn't know that much about Master Yaami and truthfully didn't know if he should be afraid or skeptical about all his ' deeds. '

Regardless, the male sat quietly and chewed the salad he was finishing up. In the distance he heard men working in the gardens. Nurturing them up and watering down the plants.

Yuugi watched silently as the men continued down their daily paths. Although without notice he heard someone approach from the other side of him.

" ... Hey. You. " a woman's voice could be heard.

The male suddenly turned his head and jolted a bit from behind, causing the rest of his salad to fall out of its box and on the floor. Yuugi gasped and fell to the ground to try and pick it up.

" Aha- sorry, didn't mean to scare you. " she would say softly.

" .. Oh.. it's — quite alright, sorry— about that. " Yuugi would reply, as he continued to pick up the salad pieces. The lady would look down and around before she would speak again.

" I would help, but I was told a lady isn't suppose to get on the floor and in the mud and dirt. It's unsettling and also gross for her to do. " she told him sweetly.

Yuugi dusted himself off, unfortunately getting somewhat a bit of stains against his attire. The woman would shoot her eyelids open, in a somewhat panic state.

" Oh.. shoot ! Oh shoot! I — I'm so so sorry ! Please ! Please don't tell Mr. Sennen ! " she would say in a sheer panic.

Yuugi whom was confused and also trying to relax the woman, spoke as he shook his head with a smile. " Haha, it's fine don't mention it. I won't say anything— it's just a little dirty. " he said casually.

The woman being a bit confused, as she didn't understand why he was being so nonchalant about it. After all, Mr. Sennen made it very clear that his Aibou needed to maintain cleanliness at all times.

Furthermore, anyone who got him dirty without consent and or made him do something he shouldn't would receive the maximum punishment by Yaami.

To her understanding, that maximum punishment could be getting fired or much worse, seeing Yaami and him determining your fate.

Although with Yuugi he didn't understand the fear in her because Yaami never told him that information. He watched as the woman almost looked like she had seen something horrific.

" We must! Clean you. " she said determined as she quickly grabbed his arm and rushed him with her.

" Hey! W—wait ! What about — " Yugi was trying to say but was cut abruptly by her words. " No time ! Your afternoon duties will happen and the head maid will send me to Mr. Sennen. " she quickly explained.

Yuugi allowed the woman to walk them back into the mansion from the side— as she hush Yuugi and motioned him to stay where he was.

Yuugi covered in dirt stood still as the maid looked around the corner before motioning Yuugi to come on as he would try and cautiously move with her.

" I think everyone's still outside... come — come. " she would whisper to him as the two of them would try and tiptoe throughout the hallways.

As humming was heard coming down the stairwell, as the maid shrieked and pulled Yuugi down another way, making the male twist and the sound of a gasp escaped his lips.

The male that was humming was Ramsley as he heard small noises coming from another hallway. Stopping in his tracks he then walked all the way down the steps and turned in the direction of the noise.

The maid and Yuugi held into the wall trying to hold into their breath's so that Ramsley wouldn't come down the hallway at all. However, he started to do so, as his heels clicked a bit.

The girl started to panic once more and for once Yuugi tried to look for ways out, but the corridor they were down had no exit and only closets.

The closets being filled with cleaning supplies and other items around the house. " Ahh ! shit ! I am so dead ! " she screamed internally.

Yuugi held his breath, as suddenly a loud voice was heard throughout the mansion. " Ramsley!!! " someone shouted from afar as Ramsley whom almost spotted both Yuugi and the maid stopped.

His head turned around hearing the call once more. " Ramsley!!! " to his surprise it was Yaami whom was shouting for him. Ramsely immediately fixed himself and turned heel as he cleared his throat to respond.

" Coming, Your grace ! "

The older male walked off as the maid and Yuugi waited for his footsteps to grow softer and softer by the second.

She would sighed with relief and almost fall to the ground but Yuugi kept her afloat. " I — thank you.. " she would say nicely towards him. Yuugi would smile a bit and nod at her remark.

" How much further? " he would ask her.

" Just a bit more— we need to head down this east hallway and then we should be in the clear. " she stated as the two of them headed off in that direction.

Continuing to be slight and try and most past any workers they saw without being spotted in the slightest.

Meanwhile, the group of maids whom had Rebecca in it were all laughing and walking the grounds. Rebecca listening to the others discuss certain topics.

It really didn't interest her in the least, until one of them asked her something. " So Rebecca, what about you? " one of the girls asked.

Rebecca having her mind filled with dark and also ill thoughts wasn't really paying attention in the slightest. She hadn't even realized the other's stopped walking and she kept going.

" Rebecca? " Sarah one of the other maids said.

" ... H—huh? What? What is it. " Rebecca asked disdainfully.

" Do you think Lisa will remain the head maid or do you think she'll be leaving soon? " one of the maids asked again.

Rebecca sighed.

" Ugh— why bother me with such trivial matters can't you see I'm busy. " she scuffed.

The other maids looked at one another while Rebecca seemed too far into her own brain to care about what the other women were discussing.

" What's wrong Rebecca? " one asked trying to be there to support her. Rebecca could feel the consulting, and would roll her eyes in disgust.

" Ugh— don't cuddle me, like I need your help! I'm fine! I can't believe Master Sennen wants some look like ugly creep over me. What was he thinking letting that loser be his Aibou... " Rebecca scuffed.

The other maids started to hear her, as Rebecca begin to walk once more lost in her own mind. The female's treading lightly behind her, as they listened in to her without a word.

" Tch. That fool won't last long— I hope he eventually gets what's coming to him. Which is put in his place— and tossed aside like the real trash he is... " Rebecca said with a devilish smirk.

Slowly she would turn around and look at the other women with a bit of an intimating stare. "

I am Master Sennen's one and only understand ! And I won't let some newbie— short freak come in here and ruin that.. "

" B— but Rebecca— you're not even allowed upstairs— just like we are— I mean don't you think— " one of the maids shyly tried to state, before Rebecca eyed that girl with a deadly stare.

Walking up to the female and approaching her quickly, gripping her collar tightly. The other female feeling the grip and immediately her orbs widened in a panic.

All the while the other females looked on in horror as they watched Rebecca give that girl the threat of her life. The red haired woman, smirked down at the girl she was holding.

Her lips parting to speak the words that all the others heard her say. " If you, Lisa, or anyone including that little spiky haired punk— get in my way with Master Yami and I— I will not hesitate to make you bitches ...disappear... got it? "

The woman nodded quickly hearing her harsh and life threatening words, as Rebecca turned to eye the other women down with deadly gazes. The others would also do the same with nodding and staying slightly.

Tossing the girl away, as she would fall on the ground, causing the other girls to gasp and quickly rush to her side. Rebecca standing tall over the other girls— and smirking.

She would toss her red long hair to her back, as she closed her eyes to confidently speak aloud. " As for ugly Ms. Lisa— she is no matter— when I become head maid after her— I'll make sure that Lisa and Yugi aren't an issue— any—more.. " Rebecca remarked with a dark tone.

Eventually, the girls continued to stay silent gulping in their throats listening to Rebecca's dark and sinister thoughts and feelings. They didn't know what else to do, as they were all themselves terrified of her.

Rebecca gradually shifted her gaze and something caught her eye in an instant. Inside the window from the outside she noticed a maid pulling someone along.

It looked as if they were trying to be sneaky based off them crouching a bit and rushing along a pathway that they wanted to be hidden. Her orbs shifted towards the other who was being dragged and immediately her orbs shot open.

She had noticed that the maid was dragging along Yugi, and from that moment Rebecca smirked and laughed at the ordeal she witnessed. " Well— Well— Well, what do you think you two are up to hmmm. " she would say to herself.

Rebecca turned back around to the other maids and spoke towards them. " Get lost losers. I have some busy I need to attend. If fat mouth Lisa asks what I'm doing tell her I'm doing some cleaning... "

The other women nodded quickly as they rushed off in the opposite direction trying to rushingly get distant from Rebecca. The woman slowly turned back around where she saw Yugi and the other maid go.

" ... Well... this should be fun... " she said to herself in a devilish tone, gradually starting to head in the direction she saw them both go.