" In here. " the maid would tell Yugi as she pulled him inside and closed the door softly behind them. She checked once more to make sure no one was coming inside.
Yugi panted heavily as he didn't think the mansion as this big, but he was by far extremely wrong. The male turned to eye the girl, as she was shorter than him by only a few inches.
In addition she had long pigtails, blonde hair and looked like a toy doll. Her orbs were green, and she seemed like she was fragile and also gave off that shy aurora.
" Who... are you? " Yugi would ask her trying not to sound mean, but he actually realized he never knew her name.
The girl gradually turned back around and then bowed to him slightly. " My name is Daisy. " she told him. " It is very nice to meet you. " she said with a polite tone of voice.
Yugi watched as she did her gesture, and he smiled hearing her voice. She sounded like sweet candy, and had a friendly tone. Yugi could tell by just looking at her that she wasn't like the other maids.
It almost made him curious about how she ended up working for someone like Mr. Sennen in the first place. Although, he didn't know if he should ask her that type of question.
He didn't feel it was his business to know about any of the workers background history, and if they chose to tell him— than that was also alright to do.
Yuugi would nod and smile as he replied to her kind and gentle words. " Ah— Daisy— that's a very beautiful name. It is nice to meet you as well— and thank you— for— helping... "
Daisy would shake her head immediately and cut him off. " No— you don't need to thank me. I — I just don't want to see you or me get into trouble with Mr. Sennen— he can be very— " she would start to say and then stop.
" Very what? " Yuugi would ask as he got a bit closer towards her, which made Daisy shift back a bit more from him. She would then shake her head with a displeasing look.
" It is nothing— I — I shouldn't speak ill about him in such a way— please— forget it. I do not want you to get wrong idea. " Daisy told him gently.
' Huh? ' Yuugi thought hearing Daisy's words, which only made him more curious. It was true, that Yuugi didn't know much about Yaami, and frankly he started to think he should.
The only issue with that was Yaami had always been mysterious. Even from when they first met through that social app. He barely wanted to say his information, and came off extremely confident.
In addition he was rude back then, blunt and straight forward. Yaami even admit that towards Yuugi one day while they spoke. Yuugi orbs shifted down, lost in his own thoughts.
Daisy simply watching him in silence, thinking perhaps she had already messed up by even saying that bit of information. She tried to form a gentle smile at him.
" Please— Yuugi, do not be thinking too deeply about what I said. I simply just meant that well— Mr. Sennen can be very serious at times. " she went on to say.
Yuugi fixing his gaze to meet hers.
" Which to someone like me, it's intimating, because I am usually around people like myself, the quiet types. However that's how I feel about everyone around here. " she would finish explaining.
This made Yuugi understand a bit more, and nodded to her remark. " I see— I mean— you aren't lying— I as well am aware of how Master Yaami can also be serious at times. " Yuugi replied.
Daisy shimmering orbs looking at him, as her lips remained closed. Yuugi's orbs squinting down as he tried to remain calm and not tell Daisy everything that Yaami and him have done.
" In the end— I understand you. " was all Yuugi could eventually say towards her. This caused Daisy to smile and bow a bit towards Yuugi.
The male shook his hand and head towards her when she did so. " Please... I'm not Master Sennen there is no need to bow towards me. " he commented.
Daisy and Yuugi continued to stare at one another giving each other calm and smiling faces. Trying to both be reassuring towards each other, as the silence would gradually break with Yuugi.
" So— I assume something is in this room to help me clean myself up? " Yuugi commented eyeing his attire which made Daisy orbs widened.
" Oh! Yes! I sorry I almost forgot why we were both inside this room. " she proclaimed, before walking towards a closet door, and opening it up.
Seeing the cleaning equipment, towels, gloves, along with extra maid and butler attires. The only huge problem was, that none of these clothes were for Yuugi.
The girl started to feel a panic coming on, as her orbs dilated back and forth. Yuugi glancing over in her direction parting his lips to speak. " Daisy? .... Are you okay? " he asked.
She continued to stare into the closet, her orbs shifting from attire to attire— then turning back and looking at Yuugi's outfit as well. The outfit Yuugi had on was specifically designed for him.
Meaning, nothing that the maids, nor butlers wore was something Yuugi could. He was smaller, more petite, and had gem stones in his outfit which was the most visible.
The only other option was to try and clean his attire, but how would they go about doing that. The laundry was done at a certain time, and it was also all the way back across the mansion.
Daisy wasn't sure if they had multiple laundry rooms, she was probably sure they did, but the head nurses only showed them one that they could use.
She felt defeated, and leaned inside to grab some gloves along with whatever chemicals should knew and was told could get out tough stains. She didn't think she could go tell Lisa or the other maids about this.
She had to do this herself, as she walked back over to Yuugi whom continued to stand there. " Okay... it's — it's not much, but we won't be able to change your clothes. " Daisy told him.
" Oh? Why's that. I can wear something else and just tell someone I need my clothes cleaned. " Yuugi said casually.
" No ! " Daisy shouted a bit causing Yuugi to jolt a bit hearing her. Daisy shook her head at him, and looked up as she was bending down towards the stain area.
" I — I'm sorry, but you just— don't understand, it's not that simple. The attires you get from Master Yaami are exclusive, unique, very very delicate and extremely expensive. " she explained.
" Plus you are his amour— and we under contract are stated we are not allowed to touch, be alone with, or ruin any of your attires without penalizes... I mean— even now being alone with you is already breaking a big rule. "
Yuugi listening to her couldn't help but feel bad for her and the rest of the workers. Why would they wanna work with someone who seemed to be very strict.
It just seemed unfair, from what Yaami told him though Yaami made it clear and even towards him that no one was here under pressure, and could leave at any time.
Yuugi just didn't understand it all. Which only made him want to know the reasons for everyone coming here to begin with. He couldn't resist that anymore, and wanted to comprehend it.
" .... Daisy... " he would start off to say causing her to look up from her gentle rubbing against his thigh where the stain was.
" Hm? " she said.
" I'm sorry for asking but— why are you even here? " Yuugi asked her. " I mean— like working for Master Sennen.... You aren't like— trapped here are you? "
Daisy eyeing him as Yuugi looked down at her as she shifted her orbs away hearing him and then back up at him. Yuugi keeping eye contact with her the entire time.
That was until they heard a noise on the outside of the door, and immediately both turned to look in that direction. However, their reaction time wasn't fast enough as someone opened the door.
Yuugi and Daisy both orbs opened in a panic, as Rebecca had stepped into the room. A big devilish smirk appeared against her face, as she folded her arms.
" Ahaha— what do we have here.... " she said cocky.
" I mean not only are you in a room by yourself with him, but —- what's this? You're on your knees in front of him. " Rebecca pointed out and took out her phone and snapped a photo.
Causing Daisy to start tearing up, as Yuugi looked down seeing her, and then looked back at Rebecca. This was the same woman he remembered from earlier this morning.
She was just as mean and rude the first time, out of all the people to find them, why did it need to be her. " Re— Rebecca what are you— " Yuugi was about to say before she cut him off.
" Save it ! I already saw you both sneaking around the mansion from outside. I just wasn't sure what you both were up too. I had to see for myself, and man did I strike gold. " she chuckled.
" This— it's not what you're thinking, Daisy is just helping me, she made a mistake ! " Yuugi argued towards her as Daisy couldn't move a muscle her face and hands frozen in place.
She felt like a stone, lost and hurt by everything, and all she could think about is what Yaami would do to her when he found out. That type of anxiety was causing her to lose herself.
" Helping you? Why it seems like she is trying to cover her tracks. You let Daisy the stupidest girl in the world, take you to an isolated place. Haha. " Rebecca remarked laughing.
" She knew the rules... same as you. You can also get into trouble as well for even allowing her to do this. " she added with a smirk.
Yuugi grinding his teeth a bit, slowly balling his fist up in anger. " I don't know what your angle is here— but that's not very nice to say about her ! Can't you also get into trouble as well for being in here with us ! "
Rebecca looking at Yuugi with disdained emotion, as she walked all the way in the room, causing Yuugi to move back a bit. Daisy on the other hand couldn't move at all.
" .... You foolish boy... why would I — get into trouble when I have the evidence.... That was the entire point of taking the picture. Not to mention I have evidence of you to running down the hallway together.... With Daisy... holding your sweet hand. " Rebecca stated shaking her phone a bit.
" Once Master Sennen sees this— oh the things he's gonna do to you won't be pretty.... and as for Daisy... well.... Better say your goodbyes to her now. " Rebecca remarked causing Daisy to snap and jolt up from her bending down.
" N... no... I ... I can't ! " Daisy said in a panic as she rushed off and opened the other door and ran down the hallway. Causing both Yuugi and Rebecca to open their eyes and look on surprised.
" Hey ! Where the hell do you think you're going! " Rebecca shouted.
" Ah! Daisy! Wait come back ! " Yuugi remarked as he quickly rushed off to try and stop her as Rebecca followed suit.
Daisy continued to run up the steps, trying to get to the highest part of the mansion, as Yuugi and Rebecca followed her as quickly as they could. Yuugi shouted at her to stop and shouting for assistance.
" Help! Someone help! " Yuugi screamed.
Daisy with overflowing tears in her eyes, as she rushed into a room and closed the door. Locking it behind her, as Yuugi slammed into the door.
" Daisy ! Daisy ! Please come out we can talk about this ! " Yuugi said trying to get into the door. Rebecca watching from a distance, as she looked on.
Daisy on the other side of the door, crying deeply, as she finally dropped her arms to the side, still having the gloves on her hand. Seeing the stain she was trying to clean.
" I ..... I ... so.... sorry..... forgive.. me.. " she said softly, as she stepped back and further back.
Yuugi pounding on the door as he tried to jiggle the door knob, to enter the room, heard a loud thud. Which made both Rebecca and Yuugi go silent for a moment.
Yuugi blue eyes felt a rush of emotion he never felt before, the feeling of guilt, panic, and fear as he tried to continue to get into the door. Other maids started to come around.
" What is the meaning of this ! " Lisa shouted as she finally made it up the stairs.
" It's Daisy ! Someone help her please ! " Yuugi stated in a form of tears as he tried to continue to get inside, to no avail though.
Finally, Ramsley heard the commotion, and started to move the others out the way, as he slowly bent down and touched Yuugi's shoulder.
" It is fine. I will get the door open, please stand aside. " Ramsley said calmly, as the other maids looked on. Yuugi sniffing from his tears, as Ramsley slowly helped him to his feet.
" Daisy you're being a fucking baby! Come out already and take your punishment at least with some damn dignity ! " Rebecca shouted.
Ramsley taking out his master lock keys and finding the right key to unlock the door, twisted the door knob open and stuck his head through. Immediately seeing the room and closing it back without letting the others see.
Yuugi orbs widening as he quickly tried to look in the door but Ramsley blocking his path. " ..... What's going on? Is she alright ?? Please ! I need to see her. "
" I cannot let you in there, Master Yuugi. " Ramsley said, as Yuugi tried to move past him as the two fought a bit.
" Move ! Let me through! I need to see if she's alright ! " Yuugi continued to shout, as Ramsley continued with all his strength to hold Yuugi back until he called for help.
" Ah! Enough! Someone take him away ! " Ramsley commanded as the other butlers gripped Yuugi's arms and legs and picked him up as he was kicking and screaming for Daisy.
Ramsley eventually collected himself as he sighed and fixed himself looking at the others. " .... Lisa.. " he said clearing his throat a bit. Lisa nodded and turned to the other ladies.
" ... Ladies, go back to work.... " she told them all as Rebecca smirked a bit and stared down Lisa whom looked back. Both like poison towards one another as she turned her red hair and head away.
Once the females were and butlers were gone, Lisa sighed and looked back at Ramsley whom also did the same. " How bad is it this time? " she asked him quietly and only loud enough for him to hear.
Ramsley looked down a bit with his eyes, before twisting the doorknob open once more for Lisa to look herself. Lisa slowly begin to walk in the direction of the door.
Opening it carefully, and seeing nothing out of the ordinary happen in the room, except the window was open widely. She immediately closed her eyes before taking a long breath and walking in that direction.
She eventually got to the open window, and when she did— her orbs shifted down to the 5th long drop down, seeing a body at the very bottom in the gardens.
Lisa dropped down to the floor a bit, immediately her orbs turned red, as small tears dropped from her face, knowing that Daisy had jumped out the window.
Ramsley walked in the room, and placed his hand gently on Lisa's shoulder. Attempting to comfort her, as she continued to weep on the floor. Ramsley closed his eyes as the two of them silently griefed in peace.