' Inside a vehicle a car radio could be heard: Earlier reports indicate a terrible incident just off highway 49. Local authorities recommend all residents to stay away from the area, as this is the worst incident they've seen in years. '
" Tch. Damn drivers. " the sound of a man scuffling under his breath, with the windshield wipers going back and forth. The rain coming down hard like hail hitting his window.
" Always something with this fucking state. Shit— can't wait until I get the fuck outta this fucking— " the man continued to rant until a loud bang, startled him so much he almost ran off the road.
Immediately the male hit his breaks, and stopped in the middle of the road. His heart pounding through his chest as his eyes widened with a shocked expression.
The sound came from outside— although it was hard to be very visible. It was almost like an earthquake happened, but the male didn't know precisely which direction.
Regardless, he continued to sit there, feeling his hands trembling on the steering wheel. The man was nothing more than around his mid 40's. Almost bald-headed, with a fur coat on.
He was wearing some working boots, indicating he most likely came from work. " The fuck was that ! " the male blurted out before unhooking his seat belt. Grabbing the door handle and opening his car door before stepping out.
The cold air hitting his face, along with the rain droplets coming down harder splashing against his skin and roof of the car. He turned around trying to pinpoint the noise.
Looking in each direction, and even glancing back, noticing not a car in sight. It was almost somewhat odd, considering he normally would see cars coming down the road.
This wasn't the first time he'd taken this route from work to his house. He always took this way and usually jumped on highway 49, straight back home. However, since the incident happened, he'd have to take another route.
After a few minutes of tossing his head around, he shrugged with a sigh of his breath before opening his car door again. However, a noise rustling within ear shot caught his attention once more.
" Huh?! — Hello? Is— someone there? " The male called aloud, hoping no one would actually answer him. It didn't take long before the noise grew, but almost like the sound of shrieking.
The man immediately jolted and rushed back into his car, only for the car to not start. His green orbs shot open in a panic. " A—What?!- What the fuck ! " he exclaimed.
Trying to start his car, although the sound of the engine being completely drained. He continued to turn his key over and over again. His heart racing with every passing second.
Looking back up and around, while he motioned his hand and screamed at his vehicle to start. " Come on! Come on! Work you piece of fucking shit! " he would shout continuously.
Nevertheless, the man had finally gotten his car up and running once more, before shooting his eyes forward to press on his gas. However, not before he would stare at a figure in the middle of the road.
Somewhat far away from his car, but he could see the outline of a shadow. Gulping his spit down his throat, as he narrowed his eyelids to try and see better.
It was extremely hard to tell what it was, or who it was. Although the man didn't wish to find out, as whatever it was started to walk towards the car. The male slammed his back against his seat in a frightened way, before slamming his foot on the gas.
" Ahhh! " he shouted as he turned his hand on the wheel to move past the figure and rushed off in the distance. Hoping that whatever it was wouldn't follow him.
Rushing fast down the road, his car started to slip and slide, as he placed both hands on the wheel. " Ahhh! No! No!!! " he said in a panic trying to hold into his wheel for dear life.
Unable to withstand the speed he was going, as he tried to break, but not in time enough before he spun out of control. His car spinning around and around, before he ended up hitting the side of his car into a tree.
Once again a loud bang was heard, but only this time it was thunder and lightening. The sound of the windshield wipers was the only noise making.
That and the man's car transmission sounds, along with his seatbelt noises. The side of his face was somewhat bleeding, as he started to come too after the crash.
Immediately the man blinked, and his vision started to come into focus. He remembered instantly about the figured and looked around in the darkness of where he was.
The tree that he crashed into somewhat badly damaged his vehicle, but it wasn't bad he couldn't drive away. The only issue was, he slid into a ditch, so he'd need to push his vehicle out.
The man slowly touched his face, and placing his right hand at the base of his forehead. Hissing a bit, as he knew he had been hurt. " Cock, sucking fuck! " he shouted in a rage.
The whooshing sounds of the wind, along with other sounds within the night, could be heard outside of his car. Sitting there he tried to think long and hard about what to do.
Eventually the man settled on calling for assistance. Frantically searching for his phone, as he looked down underneath the seats and between them. Noticing that his phone fell between the passenger side and his arm rest.
Sliding his hand down, trying to grab his phone with every fiber he could muster. " Come on!!! You fucking!!! — " he would angrily and aggressively scream before he eventually caught the base of the phone.
Carefully sliding it back up to him, and rushingly trying to dial 911, before he would hear a cracking sound. The man wanted to ignore it, and started to, before the sound continued and grew louder and louder.
The male, immediately looked at the front of his windshield and noticed a tree in front of him. Only this tree was somewhat tilted at an angle and what's worse tilted in his direction.
The man orbs shot opened, and dropped his phone in his lap in a sheer utter shock. " ... Fuck.. " he would say, before trying to open his car door only for it to be slightly jammed.
He didn't think he'd be able to move fast enough, as the crackling noise was so loud the tree started to fall right down into the car. The man screamed in terror as the tree was about to hit his car.
However, when the man had closed his eyes and suddenly reopened them. He noticed the tree didn't hit his car. The area around him was pitch black, and only the sound of rustling, movements, rain and thunder could be heard.
" H—Huh?! What the— " the man started to say, as he saw a shadow moving so fast his eyes couldn't keep up. The tree that was about to fall on him somehow, was gone.
Not only that, but the man felt a push from the ditch where he was stuck. " Ahh?! Wha—what's going on?! Someone! Help me! " he screamed frightened by this unknown creature.
Although the male still couldn't see anything, he felt his car on a solid ground. Indicating that whatever it was had lifted his car from the ditch and placed it back on the road.
The man eventually after a while sat there, trying to collect himself. Then gradually but in a rush stepped out the vehicle to get a glimpse of whatever assisted him, only for whatever it was to be gone.
The road was so bad, he couldn't still really see, but only rushed back into his car and started to fumble with his headlights. After getting those to work, he looked around once more, and noticed the edge of the road.
That ditch was a long way down, and he was so confused that he didn't know what got him out and how the tree was also gone. He should've been dead, but instead he was alive.
It wasn't long before the male heard noises once more, but it wasn't anything mysterious this time, only for another vehicle to finally come down the road he was on.
He sighed, waving down the person, in hopes they would stop. In the back of his mind the man wondered what could've or who could've possibly saved his life just now.
Although for now, the man himself was just thankful to be alive.