Chapter 2


' That's right Michelle just two weeks ago, a man who was just off the coast of the Bay Area, heading home on a terrible stormy night, claimed that an unknown creature saved his life. Reports say, the man was driving his car when he suddenly lost control of his vehicle, and fell into a very slippery almost 6 feet ditch. Then, a large tree snapped off its roots and almost came crashing down on his car only for the tree to somehow miraculously not hit his car. The man says that's when the unknown creature must've saved his life— and helped him and his car get back on the road. When the man came too, the creature was mysteriously gone. Now reports don't have any information on this ' mysterious creature ' or if it's even true. But one thing is for certain from police, this man is very, very lucky to be alive. Back to you Michelle. Thanks— Randy, in other news— '

" Ugh, turn it off. " someone scuffled as they came out their bedroom as the other one was sitting on the sofa. The female grabbing the remote and turning down the television rather than turning it entirely off.

" And— good morning to you as well. " she would say casually, knowing this was a normal routine for them both to go through. The other one groaning as if they had bad sleep.

" Hmm, Im gonna guess and say, you had another terrible night? " the woman proclaimed, hearing the other in the kitchen opening the fridge.

" Ugggghh— my head it's pounding, bitch. " she would scuff once more, as she took a bag of ice to her forehead. The other would turn around from the couch, and eye the other with a judgmental expression.

" Don't give me that look.... "

" And why not. " she would say sarcastically.

" Because I already know what you're gonna say, bitch. "

" Annnnd what's that. "

" Oh I don't know, maybe something along the lines of Oh, Tiff I told you not to go out with Bradley again, but you didn't listeeennn — blah blah. " Tiffany would mock.

The other arching her brow, as she would roll her eyes a bit and continued to eye the other. " Well? Am I wrong? " she would reply.

Tiffany would smack down the ice pack before she would roll her eyelids and cross her arms over her chest. " Uggghhh, you know— you don't always have to rub it in my face that you're right! " Tiffany stated a bit irritably.

" Mmm I know, but I love too. " the other would say with a smirk, before slowly turning back around and sliding herself off the sofa. Eventually, getting up and stretching, as she would put a pep in her step.

" Now! Let's go. We have class. Let's not be late shall we. "

" You know what.. "

" What. "

" Go without me, I'll— I'll catch up... in a bit.. " Tiffany would say in a draining voice, reaching to grab the ice once more and slapping it back on her head again.

" You know. "

" No. I don't. " Tiffany would jump in to say, almost like she always did that.

" I would believe you, Tiff — if you didn't give me that bullcrap excuse every single time you do something I warned your ass not to do. "

" Ah! Swear word. " Tiffany teased.

" ..... I know. You end up making me say at least one... " she remarked towards Tiff along with a fake smile that disappeared instantly as it came.

" Now get dressed! ! " she would shout towards Tiff heading towards her room as Tiffany would groan louder as the other girl would clap loudly in a cheerful manner.

" Ugh..... sometimes I think she is way to damn excited for some fucking school. " Tiffany would mumble to herself while her friend would get ready.

It had been a long day already at school, and after several hours. The bell rang for break time in between class.

" And that's why I just think that cheering would be better for you guys. I mean think about all the hot sexy outfits you guys could wear? " a male would speak, walking backwards, speaking to two girls.

" Ugh... in your dreams you fucking loser. " Tiffany would say towards him, as she tossed her middle finger up.

" Aw, come on, hey— Kaylee help me out here. "

Kaylee shifting her eyes towards Tiffany for a second before looking back at him, and shaking her head as she awkwardly laughed. " Uh— yeah, no, I'll have to agree with Tiff on this one. "

" Pfff— smooth Jax real smooth my guy. " another guy would say, as he would grab Jax by his neck and hold him as they walked together. Jax would feel the tug and immediately turn around, placing his arm around his friend.

" What? Didn't I try? " Jax would whisper towards his friend as the two of them headed off in the other direction.

" Ugh. What fucking losers. " Tiffany would say shifting her bag back up on her shoulder, along with Kaylee laughing somewhat at her remark.

Tiffany slowly rotating her gaze, upwards, and smirking as she would nudge Kaylee a bit to also look. " Lookie lookie— here comes your boo. "

" Huh? who? " Kaylee would say in a confused tone.

Tiffany motioning her head to look up and over in the left direction, as Kaylee saw both of their male friends Justin and Mark. Kay looked back at Tiffany and gave her the dead look expression.

Tiff immediately started laughing, as she grabbed Kaylee's arm and started to walk them over there to meet the boys half way. " Don't forget to tell him how much you missed him girl. "

" Shh ! Shut up, he's just a friend nothing more, and would you stop with that already. " Kaylee would say in an embarrassing manner.

" Come on, when are you going to let Justin know how you feel. "

" There's nothing to tell Justin. " Kay would say immediately as the two of them got within ear shot of the boys, as Tiffany would start to wave at them, as they waved back.

" Hey girls. " Mark would speak.

" Hey. " both of them would exclaim.

Justin immediately started to smile at Kaylee, as Kaylee did back but looked away briefly as the two of them got quiet. Tiffany feeling the weirdness, rolled her eyes.

" Hey— Kaylee... " Justin would say.

Kaylee smiling once more a tad bit, nodded at him and replied. " ... Hey, Justin... " the two of them got silent once again, with Justin staring at Kaylee as if he was locked in a trans. Tiffany giving a disgust face, as she spoke.

" Hey to you to asshole, Justin! " she would shout a bit.

" Oh! S—sorry, Tiff— hey... " Justin would speak unlocking his fixed gaze from Kay to Tiffany now, as Tiffany long blonde hair, was blowing slightly in the wind. The girl would tuck her hair slightly behind her ears.

" Jesus, next time take a fucking picture of her, it'll last longer. "

" Hey, hey— easy on my pal here ight— " Mark would say, as he patted Justin's shoulder. Justin looking down in an embarrassing way, before hearing the sounds of a bunch of other students.

" Well— we still on for that summer trip right? " Mark asked trying to break the awkward tension.

" Shit right. " Tiffany would say excitedly. " I cannot fucking wait— I have this entire trip planned out for us already, we're gonna turn the fuck up. "

" Mmmm have fun. " Kaylee would say already dismissing her involvement. The others would look at her, as Tiffany would roll her eyes and Mark would speak.

" Hey, don't say that— you should come with us. "

" Don't worry she's coming. " Tiffany would say.

" Am not. " Kay would reply.

" Are fucking too. " Tiff would demand.

" Yeah. Come on Kay, don't leave us. " Justin would chime in to speak.

" Yeah, I mean— this trip is suppose to be for the four of us. We should all go, I mean besides this is literally our last year in college together. Before we all end up going who knows the fuck where. " Mark explained.

Kaylee listened to her friends rambling on and on about how she should go. Trying to convince her as much as possible.

" Exactly— nappy box is right, Kay. " Tiff said about Mark, as Mark jaw dropped a bit hearing the insult that Tiff said to him indirectly.

" Hey ! " Mark proclaimed trying to intervene but Tiffany ignored and continued to keep speaking, as she grabbed Kay by her shoulders and looked into her brown eyes, with her blue ones.

" Don't leave me with these two dorks... please you absolutely have to come, I'll die! — I need a girl there! And you're my good friend— please please please— "

" Ahh! Alright ! Alright ! — make it stop. geez ! " Kaylee said feeling her head spinning from Tiffany's insistent pleading words. Tiffany cheered and hugged Kay deeply as Kay hugged her back with a pat.

" Ahaha alright ! " Justin cheered.

" Aye turn up! " Mark exclaimed happily.

" Eeep! I'm so happy this is going to be so much fun! " Tiffany said aloud at the group, as she felt her phone buzzing, meanwhile Kaylee looked back at Justin whom was already smirking at her a bit.

Kay feeling no choice but to do the same in return as Tiff broke the silence once more getting on the phone. " Ah. Hey Brad. " she would go on to say, as she walked off a bit to speak to him privately.

Kaylee immediately sighed hearing whom she was on the phone with, and watched as Tiffany walked over to a bench to speak to him on the phone. Mark slowly walked next to Kay, and folding his arms over his chest.

" ..... Let me guess, she's speaking to Bradley. "

" ..... Yep. " Kaylee would say with an extension of the word, and with a nonchalant tone.

" Ugh... man... what does she see in that asshole... " Mark would question, almost as if he was getting annoyed. Kay would shift her gaze upwards towards him and nudge him with her shoulder a bit.

" Oh? Jealous? " she would tease.

" Hm?? I— naw naw I— ya know I just— " Mark would try and fumble to say, as Kay would continue to look at him, giggling a bit from his expression and lack of wording.

" Well— I mean— naw. No fuck no. " Mark would finish saying.

" Mmmm- oh— yeah, you've explained, so - so much. " Kay would tease before watching as Tiffany came back over.

" Okay, so— I got some news, Bradley wants to come with us, and before you all jump down my throat about how you all don't want him to come. His parents have a yacht we can borrow— plus, there's an island next to Tifí where we're going anyways, so it's a win — win ! " Tiffany proclaimed.

The rest of the group staring in disbelief as Mark immediately shook his head.

" What? Tiff— no way. " Kaylee would say.

" Yeah, I agree. We don't want that loser coming with us. " Justin chimed in to add.

" I mean— you're coming... so, I'm not getting the difference? " Tiffany said towards Justin.

Justin giving Tiffany the look of annoyance.

" Okay, look whatever— let's just talk about this another time, mkay? " Tiffany said towards them all, as the speaker for the college came on.

' Attention students, the bell has rung once more please head to your next class ! Attention students the bell has rung once more, please head towards your next class. Thank you. '

" Ugh. Fine. " Kay remarked as she turned her heel and walked past them and headed for her next class.

" Yeah.. whatever ight. " Mark said showing visible irritation as he grabbed his book bag and headed off as well. Along with Justin shooting a look of disapproval as he walked with Mark.

The two of them heading for their class, as Tiffany went her own way as well, as the entire group marched off in directions for another learning session for the day.