The lunch bell rings.
The first person to walk out was Kaylee with her head in the books. It was already tough for her as it was, and she didn't think she'd even want to go to college.
However, she had high hopes at becoming an actress one day, and also into meteorology. Which is also why, she even started paying attention to the news.
It was a break when she moved out here towards California, and close to the rocky mountain area. The college itself was like a dream come true, and thus coming from a small town like Tennessee this was a huge opportunity.
Kay didn't wanna mess this up, but she always couldn't help feel like something else out there was meant for her. She couldn't explain that feeling, but it wasn't something she could honestly explain anyways even if she wanted to.
While Kaylee's mind was in the books, she didn't hear someone calling her name from afar. After some walking, she found herself walking to a bench. Which she eventually sat down and continued to read her history book.
Eventually, the figure got louder and closer to the point where the person ran up to her and closed the book. " Hey! I was— " Kaylee was about to say, before she saw it was Tiffany.
" ... Nevermind. " Kaylee said annoyed before she slid her hand from inside the book. Tiffany smirking as she had some chips in hand, looking down at the book Kay was reading.
" Ugh. You're such a nerd. " Tiff teased.
" ... How? Because I wanna get good grades? And not.... what? fuck my way to the top? " Kay would remark taking a jab at Tiffany.
This was usually their thing though, although sometimes Tiffany would get butt hurt by certain things Kay would say, along with Kay doing the same.
It was their typical back and forth friendship, that somehow managed to stay intact for the time being. Tiffany narrowed her eyes down at Kay hearing those harsh words.
" Watch it hoe. " Tiffany remark with an eye roll before sitting down across from her. " Besides, for your information I have good grades, well— all except my French class. "
" French? " Kaylee questioned.
" Yeah... my professor is like, really fucking cute— sooo of course I wanna stay in there to stare at him. " Tiffany whispered as Kaylee smiled a tad before looking back down at her book.
" And, I need to learn an extra language if I'm going to go study abroad one day. It'll look super hot on my résumé. " Tiffany added on.
" Yet you don't know the first thing about French.... " Kaylee would comment, as Tiffany would shrug.
" That's why I'm learning, duhhhh... "
Kay would laugh a bit before hearing more footsteps, as the two girls would look up and notice that Justin and Mark walked up. " Ladies. " Mark would say.
" Hey. " Kaylee replied.
" Hey caramel lips. " Tiffany said.
Mark would sit down beside her and stare at her for a second as she would crunch down on her hot chips and laugh somewhat before shrugging. " Hm? What? What I say. " she mocked.
" Really? I mean... just really? " Mark replied.
" What? I mean you are mixed. " she said casually.
" That doesn't mean you need to go and make stupid nicknames Tiff— I mean I do have feelings. " Mark told her as Justin started to walk up and sit on the bench next to Kaylee.
" Awww— I'm sorry salty fries, is the black in you getting all tense? " Tiffany would jokingly state while Kaylee would give Tiffany the what the fuck look.
" Dude. I'm also sitting right here. " Kaylee would speak as Justin would laugh looking at them all arguing. Which only made Tiffany shrug once more, as she bit another chip.
" But you're not mixed, you're just fully black. " Tiffany pointed out so obviously towards Kaylee, whom also rolled her eyes in the process.
" Anyways... " Justin would start to say, as he was trying to break the tension. " Let's get back on the — Bradley going with us situation... "
" Agreed. " Mark added.
" Yeah... Tiff— I don't think— " Kaylee was starting to say before Tiffany eyes darted to someone whom caught her eye in an instant, making her cut everyone off.
" Wait— wait— wait .... Hold that thought! — who... is... that... ? "
" Hm? " Mark said looking around but not noticing whom she was referring to.
" Very funny Tiffany you think we're gonna fall for the ol ' someone's there and you run ' situation? " Justin remarked.
" Hm? What you talking about Tiff? " Kay questioned also turning her head to try and see. Tiffany pointing in their direction, as she watched as the male walked through the campus ground.
" Him! There! Right there? He's... cutttteee~ " Tiffany said finding herself staring at the male, as Justin, Mark and Kaylee finally managed to see whom she was referring too.
The male that they were all staring at was a male whom had on a black denim crop jean jacket, long black bootcut pants that touched the floor, with stylish brand black sneakers.
He was also wearing diamond earrings on both sides, fitted black shirt, black silk stylish gloves that covered his entire hands. His eyes were shimmering purple orbs with black permanent eyeliner.
However his hair was the most iconic thing of all, as it was spiky with yellow bangs that went in different directions, along with multi-colored streaks, having black and reddish purple mixed inside.
From afar the male didn't appear to be all that tall which was somewhat confirmed when he walked past others whom eyed him as well. He looked like an odd ball, and looked new.
Questions rosed in everyone's mind, but Kaylee's question was more so why would someone start the school year when it was about to end in less than two months. However, the only thing on Tiffany's mind was — him being single.
Kaylee for some reason couldn't help stare at the male walk through the campus as if he wasn't lost at all. He seemed to know where he was going as he went straight into the science building.
Oddly enough, that was the last class all of the group had together. Although it was lunch time now, they immediately noticed how he went inside. Mark arched a brow and spoke first breaking the silence.
" Well... that was.... Interesting.... "
" Yeah.... He's kinda weird looking hm? " Justin added in.
" I think he's hot. " Tiffany said still staring over there hoping he'd come back out for another chance to look.
" What about you Kaylee? " Justin asked as he noticed Kaylee continuing to also stare in that direction before breaking the eye contact and blinking.
" H-huh? Sorry? What? " she asked him.
" ... Nevermind.. " Justin said shaking his head.
" Yeah, you girls are such suckers. " Mark chimed in to say, as the bell rang for the last class to begin, and immediately Tiffany jolted up and rushed to the science building.
" Damn! We ain't never seen you this excited for classes Tiff. " Mark mocked as he watched her quickly get her stuff and throw her trash away.
" Well that boy went into the science building ! Meaning there's a good chance he's in our class hopefully ! So I wanna see him up close and personal for myself ! " Tiffany stated as she ran off in that direction.
Kaylee also got up and laughed a bit seeing how thirsty her friend is for any cute boy she sees. She had always been that way for an along as she could remember Tiffany.
" Tch. Your friend is such a— " Justin was about to say.
" Whore? " Kaylee finished saying.
" ... Yeah. " Justin finished answering, as the three of them walked over to the science building as well to head for the last class.