Chapter 4

The commotion inside the classroom continued to get louder and louder, as Tiffany rushed down the hallways and past others. She wanted to be the first one in the group to see if her eyes were right.

Tiffany herself was always a cocky, and cheerleader lady. Whom actually was on the cheerleader team back in high school days. She was the perfect blonde chick many guys wanted to date.

Between her perky breasts, long blonde beautiful hair, and very curvy yet fitted body. She was also tall in stature, but not as tall without some heels on. She had gorgeous blue round orbs, and always had some makeup on to enhance her features.

She was wearing a mini skirt, with a button up crop top shirt on, some stockings, cute little small heeled pink shoes to go with her black skirt, white shirt and pink jacket.

If anything she always looked like a Barbie doll, and many boys have tried to ask her out. Although she would always brush them aside, unless they themselves had the look, the body, and the funds to match.

Immediately Tiffany moved people out the way and went into the classroom. Her face lit up more when she saw the boy she seen outside. " Ah! It's— it's him! " she mumbled to herself.

The spiky haired male whom she saw outside heading into this class. He was sitting in the middle row, with four empty seats beside him. He was looking directly into a history book, as if he was reading it.

She couldn't help but continued to eye him from afar, not realizing she was blocking the door for other students to enter inside. " Uhh— hey Tiff? Do you mind? " one student asked.

" Hey! What's the hold up! " another shouted.

" Who's fat ass is block the rest of us not being able to get inside?! " another exclaimed.

Tiffany hearing that last remark turned around in a heated anger shouting at the rest of them. " Hey! Who the fuck said that?! I'll have you know my ass is perfectly good looking! And if you call me that again— I'll smash your face in like a grape! Hmph! " she shouted with her fist.

Turning around as the rest of them shook in fear a bit at her anger. Her hair tossing a bit as she turned and walked into the classroom. The rest of the students coming inside followed by Justin, Mark and Kaylee as well.

Tiffany pushing a girl out the way and finding her self to sit in the middle row sliding down to the new male she'd seen. Clearing her throat, she found herself unable to speak.

' I— aaaaa- w—what's happening? W—why ? Why can't I — I — speak? ' she said in her mind, unable to say the words aloud towards him.

The male continuing to keep his gaze fixed on the book, before he slowly looked up. His narrow eyes piercing at the door and noticing others enter. Although his orbs locked on one person in particular.

" Hey, we better find some seats before they are all taken. " Mark told Justin and Kaylee.

Justin nodded and looked back at Kaylee whom once again found herself eyeing the new male, but when she did, her orbs widened not realizing that he was eyeing her.

In that instant their eyes locked, her brown orbs towards his, sharp intimating look. She felt herself frozen, in a horror, lost, puzzled, and anxious way. The feeling where she wanted to leave but also was intrigued.

He didn't seem to also care that he was staring, as he made it obvious he was doing so. Tiffany feeling herself frozen as well, but blinked out of her trans only to notice that he was staring at someone.

Tiffany turned her head and realized that someone was Kaylee. She scuffled her nose up a bit and cleared her throat trying to get the male's attention to the best of her ability.

Hearing this, the male slowly rotated his fix towards Tiffany without turning his head to see her completely. Once he did that, his eyes went back to Kaylee whom started to walk once more.

" Can I help you? " the male would ask Tiffany. His voice deep, mild toned, but having a very strong heavy foreign accent.

Tiffany already feeling annoyed, due to her thinking she was being ignored by the male, and him asking if he could help her as if she was bothering him.

She crossed her arms a bit before narrowing her orbs down at him while he didn't look at her still.

" Uh? Yeah! You can actually. If you don't mind moving your legs so I can sit in my seat. " she told him directly.

The male didn't move for a moment, hearing her tone and noticing how she was being displeasing. After a few seconds, the male rotated his head and gaze towards her completely.

This made Tiffany feel a sharp pain in her throat, along with a chill go up and down her spine. Almost like she wanted to take back what she said, but she tried her hardest to stay calm.

" .... I see. " the male would calmly say, his voice vibrating off his tongue with ease. " ... very well... " he would add as he would slowly move his legs so she could get past him.

Tiffany almost felt like she could sigh with some relief as she nodded a bit towards him and spoke as she started to walk past him. " ... Thank.. you. " she briefly and quickly stated.

Although the male didn't seem to care or acknowledge her remark. He immediately watched as Kaylee went down two rows below him and Tiffany as other students had filled up the seats next to Tiffany already.

" Hey! My friends were suppose to sit here! " Tiffany stated arguing with the students whom took the other seats. While mark had to sit higher up, and Justin was able to sit beside Kaylee.

Tiffany continued to argue with a few students before the professor walked into class and started to clap his hands aloud.

" Attention! Attention! Let me have your attention please ! " he would exclaimed.

The students would start to hush one another and calm down, as the male beside Tiffany would eye Kaylee from behind and then to the teacher once more.

Although even though Kaylee could not see the male, she could feel as though he had looked at her or continued to do so, and for what reason she was unsure. Perhaps, he never seen someone black before.

" First, I know you all are excited about this school year ending, but please—- your exams will determine a great portion of your progress. " the teacher announced.

" I'd also like to say that we have a new student who's not really new but is new for this class, if he'd be so kind as to stand and at least introduce himself to the class. " the teacher would say aloud eyeing the spiky hair male.

" Wait.... He's not new? " Tiffany would mumble to herself.

" ... He's not new? " Kaylee would whisper to herself as the male would gradually rise from his chair and Kaylee turned around to see him again along with all the other students.

The male would look directly at the professor as the professor would nod giving him the permission to speak. " Please tell us your name Mr? "

" ..... Ivaander. " the male would remark.

' Ivaander? ' Kaylee would say in her mind.

' Pfff what kind of name is that? ' Mark would mock in his thoughts.

' Ooo so, it's Ivaander huh? Sounds hot~ ' Tiffany pondered in her mind.

' Tch. Who does this guy think he is? ' Justin wondered in his brain.

" Ah. Well Mr. Ivaander welcome. We are glad you are here to join us. " the professor stated. " You may be seated. " motioning Ivaan to sit back down.

Ivaan looked down at Kaylee whom looked at him once more as he slowly started to sit back down, as Kaylee and the rest of the students turned back around and faced the professor.

It was hard to believe that this was happening, but the more she wondered about what was going on, the more she was curious to know. Time went on in class, and what felt like several hours— class was being dismissed.

It wouldn't be long before spring break would be here followed by summer and then followed by the dreams of becoming a famous actress. It seems like just yesterday she was in school and now it's coming to an end.

The students started to rise from their chairs, as Tiffany rose from hers. Watching as Ivaander sat there for a few seconds and then started to get up as well.

Tiffany looked on as he grabbed his books and saw that he didn't come with a bag. She thought that was somewhat strange, but perhaps he forgot it. Mark noticed the rest of them getting up and followed suit.

While Kaylee and Justin also rose and turned around to see Tiffany and Mark. Tiffany on the other hand had better ideas to do. She started to get closer to Ivaander and finally said something.

" U—Uh... H—hey.. new kid.. I — I mean.. Ivagan? " she would mispronounce.

The male would pause for a moment, before his entire body would turn along with his gaze fixed on the woman whom tried to say his name. His eyes kept their sharp gaze locked on her.

" .. I ... where... where you from? " she would come out and ask him.

The male would arch a brow, not knowing what she had asked him. Although she didn't realize it and assumed he was bluntly refusing to answer her. " Uhh? Do you not wanna tell me or what? " she questioned.

The male continuing to eye her for a few seconds, before seeing Mark, Justin and Kaylee also come around and hear the two in their awkward conversation. Ivaander, shifting his gaze between them all, and then back at her.

" ... I must go... goodbye. " he would say briefly and vaguely as he would walk down the steps turning his back on the group. 

" Wait-! H—hey wait! " Tiffany would try and say as Ivaander would keep walking and head out the class room leaving the group inside.

" Hmph. What a weirdo... " Mark said crossing his arms.

" Ugh! It's all you all's fault! " Tiffany exclaimed.

" Huh? What do you mean it's our fault?! " Justin shouted.

" If you all didn't come up and interrupt us ! He was about to tell me where he was from! " Tiffany sneered.

Kaylee rolled her eyes hearing Tiffany's blandly lie, making it sound as though he would have told her that information with them not being around. Kaylee knew it wouldn't be that easy.

Nevertheless, Kaylee was sure about one thing she was just as curious as Tiffany was. Just who was Ivaander and what foreign country did he come from. It was really interesting to have someone from a different part of the world in the class.

Although, she had a feeling that he wouldn't be so easily to speak to or get to know. Kaylee could only hope that she would see him again in the future that wasn't in school, so she could really get to know more about him.