" Yeah, I know, but you are still coming right? " someone would ask on a phone pasting around their apartment.
" What?! - if you don't come ! I'll make sure you and I never have sex again ! Do. You. Understand. That. You. Dick?! " the female would scream in the phone before clicking the end button.
Slamming the phone down in a sheer of rage before tossing her long blonde flowing hair to the side. The other came out her room hearing the commotion and immediately leaned against the wall.
" ... Let me guess, Bradley ? " Kaylee would ask already knowing the answer.
" Ugh! He is such a fucking jerk. " Tiffany would say in frustration.
" Well then why do you put up with him? " Kaylee would ask confused by the decision to mess with someone she was irritable with all the time.
Tiffany sighed, and looked up at Kay and shrugged. " I mean. He's the hottest guy in our college right now. What's more— it's.... It's just complicated between us. "
Hearing that Kay knew something more was going on between the two of them. Although, she didn't know what— due to Tiff not telling her business all the time.
Tiffany and Kaylee had only become friends in college, and then started to speak towards one another in sophomore year of college. Therefore, they only knew one another for a good solid 2 years.
It wasn't a long time, but it was the longest friendship Kay ever had with anyone that was in the friend-zone. She also knew how troublesome boys could bring.
She didn't want to push that envelope with Tiffany not knowing what her reaction would be. Besides, she had to share an apartment with this girl until the end of the year, before Tiffany planned to move out.
" Look Tiffany... " Kaylee would start to say.
" I'm not gonna tell you what you should do, I can only make a strong recommended decision, and that would be to let. Mr. Hot shot go. He's nothing but trouble, and I barely know the guy. " Kaylee would explain.
Tiffany listening in as she would lean against the countertop in the kitchen. Kaylee started to walk over slowly, taking a few steps down to enter the kitchen as well, leaning down against a chair.
" I'm not an expert on men, but I've had my share of dating, and sometimes you gotta just— learn to tell yourself enough is enough. " Kaylee would continue to state.
" Ugh, I know.... " Tiffany would finally speak up and say. " It's just— " she would try and add on, but started to look away and stare into nothing.
Kaylee watching her friend's expressions, seeing the pain and sorrow in her tone and face. She felt bad for Tiffany more now than ever.
" I know.... It's complicated. " Kaylee would finish saying for her friend.
" Tch.... You know... sometimes I do think his stupid ass doesn't deserve me.... But other times.... Ugh— Kay, he makes me feel~ " Tiffany would start to say wanting to smile as if she was remembering it.
" No wait— let me be you. " Kaylee would say in a teasing manner trying to lighten the mood intentionally for Tiffany.
Clearing her throat she would try and speak like Tiffany using her exact words to describe how she feels about Bradley. Knowing that Kaylee had heard it a million times over.
" Oh my gooddddd girrrlll~ BraDlEy MaKes Me Sooooo LiKe WeT aNd GoOd~ hIs CoCk iS LiKe Sooooooo FuCkInG MaSSiVe KAyLeEeeee~ " Kaylee would say exaggerating with such white like tone of voice.
Tiffany would laugh and rush over to Kaylee whom was also laughing at how good she believed she did Tiffany.
" Haha, oh my gosh! I do not sound like that! " Tiff would proclaim as she hit Kay a bit jokingly but also feeling slightly annoyed.
" Ahaha— yes you do Tiff, you really do. " Kay would state and booty bump Tiffany in a playful manner.
" Alright! Alright! Ugh! Whatever just let it stop. " Tiffany would say shaking her hands and trying to change the topic to something else.
Kaylee would continue to laugh as her laughter grew softer and softer indicating she was finishing up. Tiffany would then turn her eyes towards Kaylee as she would speak.
" Enough about him. Let's talk about Mr. Foreigner instead. " Tiffany would say.
" Mr. Foreigner? " Kaylee questioned.
" Wait? You mean— Ivaander? " Kaylee would say aloud, her voice becoming more upbeat and interested.
" Ah— I see, so you like him too hmmmm? " Tiffany would tease.
" Huh?! W— what? No... I don't. " Kaylee would say immediately.
" Ahaha- you do! You really do! " Tiffany would continued to mock.
" Do you want me to do you now? And what you'd sound like with the foreigner man? " Tiffany added on as she picked up her phone teasing Kaylee.
" Ugh ! Tiff cut it out! I do not like him! How can I like someone I don't even know! You know me, or should— I'm a picky girl at the guys I date. " Kay would start to explain.
" Blah blah blah— " Tiffany would tease more and more as she started to clear her throat.
" Ohhh~ foreigner~ how I would loveeeee to kiss your sweet~ " she would start to say before feeling Kaylee rush over and grab her waistline trying to toss her on the ground.
" Ahhh!!! I said knock. It. Off !!!! " Kaylee would shout as the two would wrestle on the ground. Tiffany laughing at Kaylee's reaction, as she was seeing a more aggressive side of Kaylee like she had seen years ago.
The two of the girls grunted on the floorboard, as Kaylee would climb on top of Tiffany as Tiffany would laugh more and more.
" Besides you're one to talk ! You were the first person to spot him and drool over him immediately the second you saw him. Now what would Bradley think! " Kaylee would mock.
" Hey! Keep Bradley out of this and I was not drooling over him! " Tiffany would scream back as she would wrestle Kaylee more and more as the two continued to play fight.
Just then a knock was heard at the door as the two stopped laughing and chasing one another. Tiffany immediately looked at the front door, and Kay at Tiffany.
" What the — who's that? " Kaylee would ask puzzled.
" I— I don't know. " Tiffany would also say.
The knock got louder as the two of them jolted a bit from the aggression at the door. It almost didn't sound friendly, as the two girls stopped their footsteps and also their voices.
Knock Knock.
" Who the fuck is it?! " Tiffany would finally exclaim in anger as someone would respond at the door.
" Would you open the fuck up already? " a male's voice from the other side would proclaim.
Kaylee puzzled and also not liking the sound of someone's heated behavior from the other side. Although she knew Tiffany was a woman whom didn't like being told what the fuck to do.
What's more she'd make it known to that individual as well, as she aggressively walked towards the door as Kaylee grind her teeth together and spoke.
" No! Wait— Tiffany.. " Kaylee aggressively tried to whisper towards her as Tiffany ignored and would speak towards the asshole at the door while unlocking it.
" Hey ass hat ! I don't know who the fuck you think you are at our door, but you better watch who the fuck you're talking ! — " Tiffany would say swinging the door open only to stop mid sentencing seeing who it was.
Kaylee behind the door not allowing whomever it was to see her just yet, as she tried to get Tiffany's attention only to see her expression light up.
" Who is it?! " Kaylee whispered once more awaiting for the reveal.
" to... Ahhhh!!!! Baby!!!! " Tiffany would say happily leaping out the door and into Bradley's big strong muscular arms. The male catching her in his grasp as he spun her around with one arm.
In an instant Kaylee's face went from concerning, and fear to utter disgust and regret. The male chuckled a bit feeling Tiffany hug the life outta him as he started to walk her backwards into the apartment.
The two of them immediately kissing one another against the lips, as Tiffany would lock her arms around his neck. While Brad would hold the flowers in his right hand while gripping her ass with his left.
All the while Kaylee watching and crossing her arms feeling as if she wanted to throw the fuck up. Tiffany continued to kiss Bradley, sucking against his bottom lip, while Bradley started to move his hands around her body.
All this was making Kaylee uncomfortable so she started to clear her throat trying to get the two gremlins attention. To not avail however, she finally decided to say something.
" Hey! Jerk faces! I'm standing right here! " Kaylee would shout at the two, as the two stopped locking lips but continued to hold one another.
Bradley slowly started to lean up and show his real height, as he was standing firmly and tall over Tiffany in stature. Compared to him, she looked like an infant.
The male had blonde short stylish hair, with a curvy swoop cut. Broad shoulders, which indicated he played college football, in addition he was wearing a red leather jacket with black jean pants, and black boots.
To Kaylee he was screaming he reeked off cocky and arrogance, but to Tiffany this was her dream man. Something that Kay couldn't wrap her head around in the slightest.
Kaylee knew this night would bring trouble, and what's more Bradley didn't seem to mind that one bit.