" Mmm. " Kaylee would say chewing up the food that Justin made as the two of them sat at the dinner table together beside one another.
" Mm it's good ain't it. Ah-ha! Ha! " Justin would say confidently rubbing his hands together.
" You need some lotion? " Kaylee would tease.
" Ahhhh you got jokes. " Justin would say, as he got up from the chair sliding it out and walking into the kitchen once more grabbing a wine bottle.
Kaylee mood was starting to uplift thanks to Justin acting like a knight and shining armor man. She wanted to thank him for his kindness but she knew how Justin felt about that.
He didn't think she needed to do so, as he would simply tell her that himself. In addition, that's what friends were for, so there was no need for the thanking.
" Want some wine? " he asked her.
" Uhh— " Kaylee said feeling somewhat uneasy to say yes or even no.
" Imma take that as a yes. " Justin said finishing her sentence for her.
" Besides I think you need it, after all— you and Tiffany was arguing earlier remember. Get yourself to loosen up a bit more. " he explained, sliding her a glass of wine that was half filled.
Slowly he rose his own glass, as Kaylee took hers and looked inside it. Making Justin raise an eyebrow at her, as she looked back at him.
" Just making sure you ain't spike this. " she teased before sipping it gently.
Justin chuckled.
" Oh- it's like that huh. " he said with a joking tone.
" Mm- Yeah. " she said gulping down her sip as she eyed the male who took a sip of his own drink and sat back down.
" I mean you got us eating mashed potatoes, green beans, steak and some sweet pie all while it being 11:45pm at night. " she told him in a laughing manner.
Justin shrugged.
" What? I like being a bit fancy. " he told her.
" Ahaha- you call this fancy? " she said teasingly.
" Well what do you call fancy? Wait ! let me guess going out to dinner and eating at some nice good expensive restaurant huh? "
" Naw naw see I knew you were gonna say that. " she told him.
" Well, what then? " he asked.
" .... I think something is fancy, when you go out your way for someone, aren't late, showing interest in them. Cooking for them, and then ending the night on a personal note. " Kaylee told him.
Justin listening intently as he nodded and licked his lips gently before placing down the glass. " Hmmm okay, okay, not bad. " he told her, as he took another bite of his steak.
" Yeah, so what's your ideal ? " she questioned Justin, as the male chewed and looked up at his ceiling before looking back at her and swallowing his food.
The male taking his fork and pointing to the gravy bowl. " Pass me that bowl. " he told her, as Kaylee chuckled and looked at him. " Justin! " she called to him.
The two laughed together.
" Ight ight ight— " he said, although Kaylee still passed him the gravy bowl as he thought for a second and then spoke.
" My ideal, is— shit— what I'm doing with you right now... " Justin told her in a confident manner. One that made Kaylee stop in her tracks and look at him.
" What? Not what you were expecting. " Justin said as he eyed her back. Kaylee gulping down the food that was in her mouth, as she gradually reached for her wine glass.
Taking a sip as she wanted to clear her thoughts before she responded to him. She had forgotten how open and honest Justin could be sometimes. However, not all the time was Justin direct, it had to every now and then come naturally.
" I — well.. no not really... but— I mean— this setting is nice... for a woman. " Kay would respond to him.
" Nice for a woman huh. " Justin retorted back towards her.
" I'm sure one day, when you start dating— but speaking of which— what ever happened to Ashely? Or Crystal? " Kaylee tried to say making the subject something different.
" Oh! Them bitches— "
Immediately Kaylee frowned with her eyebrows hearing him say those words.
" Ah— sorry sorry— I mean— them women. " Justin corrected himself saying. " Well... Ashely and I just didn't connect good— she was too much well— shit like Tiffany. " Justin explained.
" And Crystal? " Kaylee asked.
" ... I don't wanna talk about that one. " Justin said quickly as he continued to eat his food almost practically done.
" ... Really? " Kaylee said in denial of his actual answer.
" Yeah. " Justin said with ease.
" That situation was too, intense for me— and honestly I don't even like mentioning her name truthfully. She was— yeah she was something.
" Justin said vaguely as he got up from his chair, walking over to Kaylee.
" You done? " he asked her, as Kaylee listened to what he said so briefly about Crystal. Which made her wonder what ever happened between the two of them.
" U—uh yeah.. sure. " she stated allowing him to take her plate.
" I— I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bring up something like— hurtful or anything. " Kaylee felt the need to say, as Justin went to his dish washer throwing the dishes inside them.
" Ah naw naw don't mention it. I mean, how could you have known right. " Justin said shrugging it off.
Kaylee remembers Justin always having that demeanor, not wanting to show weakness in anything especially when it came to emotions.
He wanted people to think he was this solid rock man that didn't show any remorse or compassion for others, but in reality that's all he ever did.
He cared. It showed greatest in the moments that people needed it the most. Kaylee soon got up from her seat and tossed her napkins away in the trash.
Following Justin towards their living room, where she would sit down on the couch, as Justin would grab the remote and find something for them to watch.
Scrolling through the apps that he had on their television, as he would turn his head and glance back at Kay. " You in the mood for a movie? Or maybe a show? Oh! Have you seen Game of Thrones? " he asked her.
" No, no and no. I mean it's about to be midnight, my guy. After that nice full meal I think a bed and sleep is calling my name. " Kaylee remarked, starting to yawn.
" Maaan— I remember you use to stay up until 1am, without a care in the world. " Justin said shaking his head at her, as he smacked his lips together.
Kaylee shrugged.
" People change. " she said casually, as she watched Justin walk off and down his hallway. The male opened one of his closet doors and shouted back to her.
" Yeah yeah— but some people suck out their own fun whenever they do that. " Justin explained, while he grabbed a couple of blankets, closing the closet door back.
Kaylee didn't comment on the remark, as Justin sighed and slowly placed the blankets down on the couch for her to look at. " Take your pick, and then you can have the guest room that's beside mines. "
" Is there a television in there? " Kaylee would say as she placed her hand on the blankets. Justin shrugged and chuckled a bit.
" I don't know— why not just go look yourself? " he said towards her.
" Ain't this yo apartment. " she remarked.
" Correction. It's Mark's and my apartment. " Justin told her.
" Okay, and really? Guest room— so basically I'm taking Mark's room. Ew— gross I don't wanna sleep in his bed. Also that seems wrong... " Kaylee remarked a bit hesitantly.
Justin rolled his eyes as he shrugged his shoulders once more and slapped his arms down to his side. Turning his back towards her for a second before looking down at her on the couch.
" Look bruh— it's either his room, or the couch? I mean we don't have options like that— we're men after all... "
" Pfff what does that suppose to mean? " Kaylee questioned a bit confused and laughing a bit.
" Meaning, when we bring females over at the crib those bitches we kick them out after we get done- ain't no sleeping over here— so there usually don't be no room or place for them to sleep. " Justin said.
" .... Mmm, tell me how you really feel why don't you. " Kaylee said sarcastically.
Justin rolled his eyelids again at her remark and walked back to the couch and looked underneath it. Yanking at a lever that pulled the couch end out like a bed.
" The couch it is. " he stated as he slowly got back up from his knees. " I'll be in my room, gaming if you need me, and I'll probably pass out afterwards, I'll take you home in the morning. "
" .... Okay. " Kaylee would reply, watching as Justin would head down the hallway as he would eventually disappear into his bedroom closing the door behind him.
Kaylee would sigh, as she didn't know if Justin had gotten upset at her for the remark she made. Although, she couldn't really focus on that right now as her mind was so occupied with feeling drowsy.
She started to bend down taking off her socks and digging through the blankets that Justin provider her, finding two blankets she liked.
The rest of them she picked them up and placed them on one of the sofa chairs. Walking back to her spot and sitting and laying down on the couch.
Sliding herself in between the blankets to get all warm and cozy, before she would slowly try and drift asleep. She didn't know what tomorrow would bring, but she could only hope by that time Bradley would be long gone.