Chapter 12

" ... I — I'm sorry? " she would finally reply.

The foreigner chuckled a bit as he pointed down towards her calculus book. His slender and yet rough muscular hands, tabbed the problem.

His fingernails cleaned, as well as he had sharp nails that were clearly his real ones. Indicating he didn't really clip his fingernails but allowed them to grow.

" Your book. It is A. The answer. " he would repeat.

Kaylee wanted to get a good long look at him for some odd reason. Noticing almost immediately his strange and unusual hairstyle.

How was it spiky, and almost multicolored? Did he use a certain type of dye? How is it staying up like that? Where is he from? What languages does he speak? How old is he? Is he a senior too?

She was so lost in thoughts, she hadn't realized she had been staring at him. That alone caused the male, to arch his thin and sharp eyebrows.

" .. Something wrong? " he would questioned, showing a bit of his white teeth, almost as if he had tried to form a small grin like laugh.

Kaylee blinked and felt a small blush from embarrassment. Quickly shaking her head, as she awkwardly laughed.

" Huh! Oh! N— no no. Sorry — ahaha.. it's just — uh well I — I'm sorry. " Kaylee tried to say, but it was clear she could only apologize.

The foreigner did nothing but listened and looked at the young woman before him. He shook his head and shrugged.

While doing so, the male decided to walk away from her side, and go to the opposite side and point to the chair.

" May I? " he asked.

Kaylee felt her throat close. Almost as if she didn't know what to tell him. After all it was a public place, not like she could really tell him no.

Although she truly wanted to do so, only because she was getting that same feeling again. It happened, with this man and she couldn't understand why.

" U.. uh... " she tried to say.

" .. If you wish to sit alone— I understand, I can just— "

" No! " Kaylee quickly say, motioning her hands with a wave.

" By all means.. sure.. go right ahead. " Kaylee finished telling him.

The male angled his head a bit, turning his face to the side just at small notice. Narrowing his orbs down at the woman as he replied.

" You sure? " he would ask once more.

" Yes! Of course— sorry— I just— you scared me. " Kaylee would finally come out and say. Though she couldn't think of any other excuse other than that.

" My apologizes then. I did not mean too. " he told her.

" Yeah.. no it's— it's fine. " she said with a relief sigh as she watched him taking a seat. Although the way he did it was a bit odd for her.

Unlike others that simply pull out their chairs a tad bit, the foreigner pulled out his chair completely with both hands.

Then proceed to sit down, and then move his chair all the way back up. She pretty much saw his entire attire before he would pull up close to the table.

It wasn't that odd, but for her it was. Kaylee would clear her throat, as she watched him carefully. Noticing he had a bag this time.

Nothing unusual about this bag, it looked like one of those bags that you could place over your shoulder. She watched as he pulled out his books, a cool looking glow pen, a calculator, his iPhone, and a notebook.

' Well, at least I know he's a real student. ' she thought to herself.

She cleared her throat again, as he took his fingers and opened his calculus book to a certain page. Indicating he had already knew precisely where to turn.

Then, slowly looked up at Kaylee, as she was once again staring at him. The male would tilt his head this time instead.

" .... Okay what is it this time? " he questioned. His voice still remaining calm, collect and nonchalant.

He didn't seem to mind her stares, but it was clear he also didn't like them.

Kaylee would blink once again, and shake her head rapidly. " Oh ! No — it's just— man I — I don't know what's wrong with me... " she said nervously.

" .... Studying difficult for you— when others are around? " the male would politely ask.

" No.. " Kaylee quickly remarked but then grinned her teeth a bit before speaking once again.

" Well, yes, I mean— it's just... " she would start to say as she pointed to her own neck, and then used her pen to point to something on him.

The male arched a brow, keeping eye contact with her, as Kaylee looked down at his unique and beautiful necklace.

The foreigner would finally break eye contact and look down at himself, seeing his necklace, as he looked back up at Kaylee. Touching it with his left hand, rubbing against it.

" .. Oh? This. " he said.

" Mhm. " Kaylee told him.

" ... Do you like it? " he would question.

" ... Yeah..... I do... " Kaylee would softly say, as she continued to stare deeply in the necklace. Seeing how it gleamed, and had something in the center piece.

It looked ancient, and priceless, indicating whatever it was is very valuable. The item alone was gold, with the center piece shaped like a diamond.

The exterior around the centerpiece had small carvings on it, and small studded diamonds dipped in crimson red. The center itself looked like a dark void, shrouded by mystery.

Kaylee couldn't keep her eyes off of it, making her question things about it without thought.

" Is it? — "

" Ancient? Yes. " the foreigner would finish her sentence remarking.

Kaylee could feel a small smile forming against her lips, as she stared at the item. The male seeing how intrigued she was, would decide to take a comment on it.

" ... Would you like to touch it? " he asked her.

This making Kaylee, immediately blink in a stunned look. Gulping a bit as she chuckled awkwardly in a way.

" ... R— really? ... " she asked him.

" .. Sure. " he stated, using his legs to move his chair back, and slowly rise from the seat. Walking over towards her as he would scoot out another chair and sit down.

He would lean in a bit towards her, as the silents between them would be the loudest thing. Kaylee keeping eye contact with him for a moment, before she would feel a blush.

The male would slowly extend his right hand towards her. Kaylee glancing down at his hand before looking back at him.

" Give me your hand. " he directed.

Without even a moment or more she would do so hesitantly at first but something about him, made her do so without question.

Once their fingers touched, she could feel a chill go up her spine, and then the warmth of his entire hand. His hand being like heated blankets, that you sighed relief into.

She felt a grin appear on her lips, gradually looking back up at him rather than his necklace this time. His narrow sharp and yet intriguing mysterious eyes.

That made you want to know everything about him. The male would slowly pull her hand towards the location of his body.

Kaylee feeling her heart rapidly beating, as she looked down almost immediately at where her hand was going. The male not breaking eye contact with her not even once.

Motioning his hand towards his chest, before he stopped and placed her hand on his necklace. Kaylee feeling the embrace of his necklace in her fingers, along with him holding her hand still.

He would slowly remove his hand from hers, as he did so, Kaylee felt her hand turn cold. Almost like she was out in a cold night. That alone, made her want him to hold her again.

It was as if she wanted them to hold hands for a bit longer, and she couldn't explain why. It couldn't simply be because her hand became colder could it?

Perhaps, she herself just liked the touch of his hand, as she had never felt that before. Sure others had warm hands, but something about his was very different.

Kaylee would smile, as she slowly lifted his necklace up to get a better view of it. The male would relax his left hand on the table, leaning inward a bit as she pulled his necklace closer.

" ..... It's..... gorgeous~ ... " she softly say, her words almost like sweet whispers.

" ... Yes .. it is. " the male would say, but looking at Kaylee rather than his item. Kaylee hearing him would break the gaze as she would look up at him instead.

Holding into his necklace still, as the two would stare at one another. A few inches away, as Kaylee started to admire his features. Not realizing how incredibly handsome he appeared to be.

He had not a scar on his face, no pimples, no wrinkles, no acne not even dry skin. His face looked like feminine beauty. Although, the most interesting thing was his eyes.

His eyes were a deep bright purple, that was extremely attractive and rare. She had never seen such a sight, as she found herself lost in his eyes.

Which seemed to be the same for him, as he stared into her brown ones, admiring something of his own. The two continued to sit there together lost in time.

As if nothing around them matters, not even others could break their attachment. It was if two lost friends had finally had found someone like themselves.

It wasn't long before the bell rang and once it did, Kaylee blinked and felt as if she stopped being in her trans. When that happened she felt a wash over feeling of deep sorrow, and anguish.

' Attention students ! Please report to your next class immediately ! Attention students ! Please report to your neck class immediately ! Thank you ! ' a woman on the intercom would say.

Making both Kaylee and the foreigner look up hearing the words and back down at each. This however was different as Kaylee would sigh and nod.

" .. I — well — yes. This necklace is very nice looking. " she said awkwardly with a laugh before she released it.

The male would slowly lean back upright and nod towards her remark. " Thank you. " is all he would reply back.

" There you are! " a familiar voice would shout as she waved towards Kaylee at the entrance. Entering the library all the way, and headed directly for Kaylee and the foreigner.

Kaylee hearing the loud voice turned her head as the male wouldn't. He was too busy eyeing Kaylee.

Kaylee would briefly grin at Tiffany, as Tiffany would smile and look over at the foreigner and back at Kaylee. She couldn't comprehend what was going on, but she did notice the table.

" Getting some help? " Tiffany remarked.

Kaylee would look confused before looking back down at the table. Realizing she was suppose to be studying but she seemed to have lost track of time.

" Oh.. I — " Kaylee was about to say, before Tiffany would jump in.

" Mmmmhmmm— well it looks like you got your own private tutor. " Tiffany would tease.

This caused the male to break the stare and glance up at Tiffany. His face keeping its first appeal, when he first came up to Kaylee.

Tiffany took this opportunity to extend her hand out towards the male, as she would have a big smile plastered against her face.

" Hi ! I'm Kaylee's BFF ! The name's Tiffany! " she would tell him. The male would look down at her hand, before sliding out from the chair and standing up.

He would use his left hand to shake and grip her right hand. Both of them greeting one another with a handshake.

" Hi. " the male would reply.

" Oooo, you're a cutie aren't you! " Tiffany teased at the male, causing the male to chuckle nervously at her words.

His eyes shifting down towards Kaylee giving her a funny expression. As Kaylee saw and chuckled at him.

" You a senior? " Tiffany asked.

" Yes. I am. " the male would state.

" Oh? I haven't seen you around before. Come! We must talk ! " Tiffany stated happily.

The foreigner arched a brow at Tiffany as Kaylee started to put her stuff back into her bag. She wasn't looking at the two but she definitely heard them.

Kaylee couldn't help but laugh at how awkward the male must feel speaking to Tiffany. Although she would be a liar to say, she didn't want to see how he'd get out of this situation again.

Tiffany continued to ramble for a bit, all while the foreigner cleaned up and placed his books back into his bag. Grabbing his bag and looking at Tiffany as she talked.

" I see.. " he replied remarking to something she had said.

" Mhm! And that's why I think that this campus wouldn't be able to handle me! You see I'm the most popular girl here— men just can't get enough~ " she would remark tossing her blonde hair.

Kaylee chuckled at Tiffany's remark before Tiffany glanced over at Kaylee.

" Well aren't I right? Kaylee! " she would say towards her as Kaylee shrugged.

" Sure. Of course.. as usual. " Kaylee would reply, as Tiffany smiled and gave a confident look. The male would shift his orbs between them, and back at Tiffany.

" Well— I should be going... " the male would finally say, as he extended his hand towards Tiffany once again.

" Nice to meet you.. "

" Tiffany. " she would reply, as she happily took his hand again.

" Tiffany. " the male would repeat, as he looked over at Kaylee.

" .. You as well.... Kaylee. " he would tell Kaylee, as Kaylee hearing his soothing voice would feel like time slowed down once again.

It was the first time she had heard her own name on his tongue, and that alone sounded heavenly towards her. The way he rolled his tongue with his unique voice.

Even with Tiffany's name it sounded lovely, but for her name alone it sounded breathtaking. She always wondered in the back of her mind what her name would sound like from his mouth.

It would seem she had finally gotten her secret wish. The male would turn his back towards the two women, as he proceeded to leave the library.

Tiffany would gradually stand beside Kaylee as the two of them watched him leave the library completely. Watching long and hard before the male was no longer visible to see.

" Jesus.... Ugh.. he even walks away sexy... " Tiffany would say aloud, only loud enough for Kaylee to hear her.

Kaylee would shift her eyes towards Tiffany.

" Don't you have a boyfriend... " Kaylee would say, making Tiffany remember.

Tiffany shrugged.

" What a girl can't have a backup plan? " Tiffany told her.

Kaylee shook her head at that response.

" Besides... if Bradley is going to be such an asshole... I might need someone much more cute.. and clearly will listen to me. " Tiffany stated.

" I mean he let me talk and talk— only a cutie and a respectful man would do that. " Tiffany told her as she wiggled her finger back and forth.

Kaylee shook her head listening towards Tiffany, as Kaylee knew that the male wasn't paying attention to all the rambling.

It would seem even he found her rambling to be annoying like everyone else. Though Kaylee did give him some props for even staying around for it.

" Its just kinda sucks because his hand was cold. " Tiffany stated with a shrug as she started to walk off, as Kaylee immediately felt her orbs widened a bit.

" Wait.. what? " Kaylee said as she followed behind Tiffany and eventually got beside her.

" Hm? " Tiffany asked.

" What did you say? Something about his hand? " she asked.

" Yeah, I said his hand was cold. He must be anemic or something— his hand was soft but kinda weird his hand felt like an ice icicle. " Tiffany remarked with a bit of a laugh.

Kaylee stopped in her tracks as Tiffany continued to walk and speak aloud towards herself. Kaylee looking down as her orbs shifted back and forth in thought.

If what Tiffany was telling her was true, why when she shook his hand was his hand warm and smooth? It was if she couldn't let go, and now she had Tiffany telling her something different.

Kaylee couldn't wrap her head around it at all, and what was more strange was the fact that he had the ability to do that. Perhaps, Kaylee was simply day-dreaming that his hand was warm?

As students walked by and past Kaylee — Kaylee slowly looked up and felt a small grin appear against her lips. Thinking perhaps, maybe— just maybe that's what he wanted her to feel.