Chapter 11

Monday, another college day for basic college students, that do nothing but go in and out of classes. This felt like a zombie day for Kaylee.

She didn't know what else to say, do or how to feel, and it could be simply because she allowed her own feelings to be overshadowed by friendship.

She hated when that happened, because it never seemed fair to her, but she never would confront that due to she disliked conflict. She also didn't want to listen to any more of Tiffany's crying.

The bell rang once again, and for the rest of the students they headed for lunch. While Kaylee stayed back in the class for a moment. Her eyes not blinking in the slightest.

She was lost— dumbfounded, and contemplating her decision over and over again. She couldn't think of any other outcomes? She felt compelled to give Tiffany the right answer.

" Hello! " someone shouted.

Kaylee blinked.

" Huh— what? " she asked as she looked up realizing it was Tiffany. Tiffany waving her hand in her face trying to snap her back into reality.

" What's with you? You've been quiet ever since Sunday. You're like a walking creep right now.. " Tiffany remark, shifting her hair behind her left ear.

Kaylee didn't want to be honest, as she didn't feel like dealing with the aftermath of her mouth. Instead, she would shrug and start to shuffle in the desk a bit.

" I'm just— tired. I suppose, I did stay up late last night studying... " Kaylee explained.

" Duh— I remember— you told me you didn't want to go out to the bar the other night, which by the way I told you— they had a special going on... " Tiffany told her.

Tiffany continue to talk endlessly, and for a moment Kaylee was listening, and then it soon turned into muffles. It was as if she had her on mute mode, as Kaylee orbs shifted to the door.

In that brief moment she had spotted that foreigner again last week. His aura alone was mysterious, as he walked past the classroom, and down the hallway.

His crop top jean jacket, along with his crop top like shirt, exposing his belly a bit, while having blue jean long straight pants. His dangling earrings, and one weird looking necklace.

Something Kaylee had never seen before, as fast as he came, he left just as fast. Kaylee gradually got up from the chair and stuffed her bag with her books.

Not knowing Tiffany was still talking towards her, as she cut her off quickly to speak. " Ah, yeah, listen I'm going to go get some more reading done in the library see ya. "

" H—huh? H- hey wait ! " Tiffany tried to exclaim but Kaylee rushed off and out the class room before she could finish talking.

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Kaylee did finally arrive in the campus library, and it wasn't crowded this time. Typically, she was shocked when it was, but overtime she realized it would be.

A lot of finals were coming up, exams and plenty of school projects. The campus library became the students personal study hall.

Kaylee looked around, noticing a few students in groups and others sitting alone with their books. Meanwhile, she started to head towards the front desk where the lady was.

" Hello, Kaylee, here for another study break? " she asked her.

Kaylee did a brief smile.

" Uh— yeah, I wanted to get some more books for my project I have in Mr. David's class. Do you have anything on anatomy? "

" Of course! Right down aisle 16 by that small little shelf there. " the lady remarked happily.

Kaylee nodded.

" Thank you. " she would reply.

Heading in the direction the lady told her, as she went down the aisle as required. Looking into the books, as she sighed a bit.

A lot was on Kaylee's mind, and the main thing she continued to think about was the trip coming up. She already was annoyed, that Bradley was going.

She tried to think of something positive she would be receiving out of it. However, it was quite difficult due to the fact that she didn't think any of them would have a decent time.

So long as Bradley was coming, there was no way that everyone would get along. She didn't want to waste her trip on a bunch of drama and nonsense.

Not to mention, Tiffany allowing her boyfriend to come would only mean Tiffany would hangout with him. Implying that herself, Mark and Justin wouldn't even be hanging out with her.

She would be far too deep with her boyfriend to even care about the trip that was suppose to be friends only.

' Dammit.. Tiffany why do you have to be so stupid sometimes... ' Kaylee thought.

Kaylee eventually found a few books she was looking for, and decided these would do for now. Examine the front of the books, before placing them in her arms.

Walking out the aisle, eyeing left and right looking around for a good spot to study. Exhaling a bit of air, she noticed a good spot in the middle of the library.

She didn't like being around other students, because they were sometimes too loud, making small talk, or was just really irritable while they were suppose to be quiet.

Sometimes it got too much, that Kaylee had to start putting her AirPods in. Simply to just start drowning out the noises they would made.

Nevertheless, she got lucky this time as no other students were using this table. She proceeded to head over and sit down. Placing the books directly on the table.

Lifting her bag up, and scooting in her chair, as she checked her phone. Noticing that Tiffany had texted her, along with Justin as well.

She rolled her eyes at both of their text messages, and placed her phone on do not disturb. Then, she placed her curly hair behind her earlobe, and opened one of the books.

A few long minutes went by, and then at least another few, as Kaylee was writing down some notes along with reading. Her chin in her palm, as she was so bored with what she was doing.

Even though that was the case, she refused to flunk any of her classes. She didn't want to repeat anything, and also she really wanted her degree.

She had goals she was trying to achieve, and like any college student she definitely wanted to walk that stage. Kaylee slowly looked up and around, just eyeing some of the others.

It didn't take long before she would look back into the book and begin tapping her pen. Somewhat confused by what she was reading, as she had grabbed another book.

This one wasn't anatomy, but it was her hard calculus book. Something she continued to avoid as she disliked math. She couldn't even believe she had calculus at all.

That was something advance, and she felt like she pretty much skimmed by each time. If anything, that would be the class that would hold her back.

All the other subjects wasn't too bad, but they also weren't something she took a strong interest in. Nothing besides English, was something she truly enjoyed being apart of.

That and her theater classes, which she always had a thing for acting. She loved opera, and learning also about space, and mythology.

' Uhhh— this is so boring... ' she pondered.

' I don't understand— '

" The answer is A. " someone said over her shoulder.

Making Kaylee jolt a bit hearing their voice, as she turned her head right — to see whom it was. Their voice alone, was deep, seductive and also unique.

It was clear they had some type of accent, but Kaylee couldn't comprehend where it originated from. What's more, she knew it was a guy, as she heard no woman's voice ever be able to get that low.

Kaylee orbs widened a bit, and her heart felt like it was about burst. She felt her mind begin to fumble instantly as if she didn't know what to say back.

For the first time in a long time, Kaylee felt flustered. Admiring the male whom was over her, realizing it was the foreigner.