Chapter 10

Without noticing Kaylee had fallen asleep, and when she jolted from her nap, due to hearing the front door close. Kaylee would sit up immediately, lean over and check her clock.

It was only 2:15pm, but she could hear bags and keys jiggling. She would sigh, with a deep breath and quickly climb out of her bed. Kay would open her bedroom door, and hear music coming from the kitchen.

While walking down the narrow hallway, Kaylee would slowly shift her orbs and see it was Tiffany as she was jamming to her music with AirPods in.

Although the AirPods was loud, nor did she even noticed Kaylee's presence as she was so into what she was doing. Kaylee would watch silently for a moment as Tiffany was digging into the shopping bags.

Pulling items out like cleaning supplies, along with new cleaning towels, and some bar of soaps. Gradually Tiffany would shift her gaze up and then back down before she jolted with a curse word as well.

" Oh fuck ! " she said in a panic as she pulled an AirPod out and immediately looked at Kaylee as if she had an heart attack.

" You scared the fuck outta me.... How long have you been here? " she asked. Kaylee shrugged a bit as she looked down at her phone and back up at Tiffany.

" A couple of hours or so... Justin had dropped me off earlier this morning... " Kaylee explained standing in the walkway of the hallway.

Tiffany stood there and listened to Kaylee as she would press pause on her music. " ... Oh... I see... " Tiffany would state not sure on what she should say next.

Kaylee looked down for a second, before sighing and looking up at Tiffany, slapping her hands down in defeat. " Are we gonna talk or.. "

" ... Sure. I mean— yeah... we can. " Tiffany told her in response as Kaylee walked in all the way to the kitchen as Tiffany looked on.

Kay would lean on the countertop before she would clear her throat and inhale a bit. She herself not knowing where to start, as she honestly didn't feel like she needed to apologize.

After all, she was the one who ended up leaving thanks to Tiffany and her boyfriend. In addition, Tiffany was also arguing with her, defending a man that shows no respect for other women.

It was truly insulting, and it made it hard for Kaylee to even admit anything, when she felt she didn't deserve that for Tiffany. Tiffany also was someone who didn't apologize a lot.

She herself felt she did nothing wrong, and that Kaylee should've just left and gave her and her boyfriend some privacy. Although, she somewhat felt guilty about how they ended things.

" .... Look... Tiff... " Kaylee would try and start to say knowing she'd have to be the bigger person like she usually was when it came to them.

" ... You and I — haven't always seen eye to eye on everything, I mean— after all you've told me before we are only friends because of the guys... and— "

" That's not true... " Tiffany said cutting Kaylee off, as Kaylee shifted her eyelids upwards to look at her when she said that.

" Well— not entirely true... I mean— I've grown to like you, and I mean duh— I gotta like you in order for us to even become roommates... " Tiffany begin to say.

" Let's just forget the whole ordeal... I mean— Bradley can be a dick sometimes I know, and I'm sorry you and him can't get along... but you'll find Bradley makes me happy. " she said softly.

Kaylee not wanting to chime in, as she felt like her eye wanted to twitch just listening to Tiffany speak. Although she kept her composer as much as possible.

" I just wanted you to understand that I wanted to spend time with him.... And it felt like you were being mean and didn't want me to do that. I mean that's the only reason I said what I said the other day. " she remarked.

" .... Yeah... " Kaylee replied.

Tiffany hearing Kaylee as she tilted her head a bit and started to pull out more supplies from the bags. " ... What? " she asked Kaylee.

" ... Tch... I mean... Tiffany you literally sat there and let him insult me and you said nothing... I mean if we're friends how could you let him do that to me? " Kaylee finally asked.

Tiffany looked on and shrugged a bit as she walked down the hallway to put the items away. However, she continued to speak to Kaylee as much as she could.

" I mean— I don't know, well— I mean I just ugh! Look— I didn't wanna be in the middle of you two okay? You can't expect me to choose between a friend and a boyfriend... someone will always get their feelings hurt. "

" .... Bradley didn't get his feelings hurt Tiff... how could me a woman, hurt his feelings, when he told me to leave my own apartment and I snapped because that was fucked up to say. "

" Look- you said some shit to him, he said some shit to you, You both said some fucked up things, even I did. We all just need to get along... " Tiffany tried to say as she went into the bathroom to put toilet paper inside.

" I don't think I can ever get along with him Tiffany, I'm not trying to be mean... but Bradley is a jerk... and I don't wanna be around him... " Kaylee replied as she looked at Tiffany dead on.

Tiffany sighed as she rubbed her eyes and screamed a bit in a muffle. " Ugggghhhh— okay okay, look— I'll talk to Bradley and try and make this right okay??? I'll tell him that he was being mean to you— and to stop being so rude. " Tiffany said towards Kaylee.

The other hearing Tiffany arched a brow and sighed as she turned her back around on her. Tiffany lifting her arms up in a confused expression. " What??? " she said a bit irritated.

" Dude— that's not good enough.... I'm not going to that trip if he's coming... " Kaylee replied. Tiffany squinting her orbs down, as she watched as Kaylee walked to her room, and she followed.

" ... Seriously.. ? " Tiffany remarked.

" Yes.. I'm so serious. I told you I don't wanna be around him Tiffany, if you and him won't break up, not even after how Mark, Justin and I have told you how we don't like him, I honestly don't know what more I can say. " Kaylee commented.

" Well it's not about what the fuck you all don't like ! I am dating Bradley not you all ! And that's really fucked up you all are basically mad at me simply because you don't like who the fuck I'm dating... as if that makes fucking sense.. " Tiffany said with anger as she walked out Kaylee's room.

Kaylee sighed in irritation, feeling as if the conversation and trying to come to a conclusion went no where with Tiffany at the end of the day.

Even minutes later, it seemed as though the conversation would never come to a solution as time continued to go on and Tiffany walked back and forth in and out the apartment.

Not saying one word to Kaylee, as Kaylee stayed mostly in her room and headed to the kitchen only to eat something every now and then. It was coming to the evening time as Tiffany had once again left the apartment.

Kaylee didn't care this time where Tiffany was, and frankly she had hoped she would stay out for the remainder of the night. Kaylee would get into her sleeping clothes, and checked the time, seeing it was now 8:30pm.

She decided she'd had enough of this stupid, and ridiculous Saturday. She wasted time with Tiffany earlier on, and unfortunately it gotten her no where. She sighed and closed her eyes to try and drift asleep.

An hour or so later, the sounds of a door slamming and crying could be heard which startled Kaylee a bit. She slowly rose from her bed lifting her head up to hear the commotion.

The sounds of screaming, and a bit of a tantrum was heard coming from Tiffany's bedroom. Kaylee slowly laid back down in her bed, but hearing Tiffany crying she would sigh, and slowly get up again.

She really didn't wanna know what happened, but an apart of her felt it was right to at least see if Tiffany would even tell her. She didn't want to be the asshole who didn't at least attempt to see what was wrong.

Wiping the sleep out of her eyes, she walked out her bedroom and knocked on Tiffany's door. The crying and sniffing continued to be heard, as Tiffany gave no response.

The door wasn't locked, as Kaylee found out by rotating the handle as it opened. Noticing Tiffany on the edge of her bed, with her make-up smeared and balls of tissue scattered around her floor.

Kaylee would stand in the doorway, as she watched on as Tiffany didn't bother to look up and see her. Kaylee crossed her arms, and spoke to see if it'll help.

" ... What's... wrong Tiff? " she would ask her.

" ... Nothing.. " Tiffany would lie.

" ... It can't be nothing if you're in here crying.. " Kaylee remarked.

" Why do you care... just leave me alone. " Tiffany stated.

Kaylee sighed, turning her body to the side a bit to close Tiffany's door and walk inside Tiffany's room some more. Looking around, and finding her soft fur chair as she would sit in it.

" ... I can't do that— because you're crying loud and it wouldn't do me no good trying to go to sleep with that noise. " Kaylee explained.

" And besides.... You're crying.. so... I'm trying to see what's that about. "

Tiffany red orbs lifted up gazing over at Kaylee, as Kaylee looked on with a nonchalant expression. Tiffany looked down once more once again not commenting.

Kaylee after a few seconds got up from the chair and this time sat beside Tiffany, as she grabbed her friend's shoulder and rubbed it. This made Tiffany break down more, as she cried again and again.

" .... It's okay... shhh— tell me what's going on... what happened... what Bradley did something? " Kaylee asked.

Tiffany sniffed and nodded not saying a word however.

Kaylee looking to see the gesture sighed, and already knew where this was probably going, however she wanted to find out from Tiffany.

" Okay so... what did he do... I mean did he— "

" He's not coming... " Tiffany said sniffing as she wiped her nose. Kaylee arched a brow a bit, as she continued to comfort Tiffany. " What do you mean he's not coming??? Coming where? " Kaylee asked.

" To the trip ! " Tiffany said a bit angrily.

Kaylee hearing Tiffany words, she stopped talking for a moment and soaked in that moment. She was actually thrilled about that, but curious to know why he changed his mind.

" ... Anddd why's that... " Kaylee asked her.

" Because..... he said he doesn't wanna go... "

Tiffany said.

" Yeah but... he didn't say why he didn't wanna go? " Kaylee questioned, with a curious tone of voice.

" He said why would he go when you don't want him to be there and he doesn't wanna hear you bitching.... and that because I hang out with you guys he would rather go to one of his games instead.... " Tiffany explained more as she got up from the bed dapping her eyes with the tissue.

' Really??!!! Bitching!?? That fucking!— ' Kaylee thought in her mind hearing Tiffany tell her what Bradley said about them and specifically her.

" He's such a fucking jerk! I had this trip plan more for him to come with me! We were suppose to do so much together~ and now he doesn't wanna go... like who does that ! ... God! " she said through her tears.

" I didn't even realize he had games over spring break too. " Kaylee stated a bit puzzled.

" If they go to the playoffs he'll be gaming on spring break and some of the summer for practices... ugh.. I can't believe he's choosing his stupid fucking game over me.... " Tiffany said crying as she collapsed in her bed.

Kaylee wanted to hit Tiffany with the I told you so expression, but she decided against it, and watched as Tiffany cried her little eyes out. She didn't know what to say or do at this point.

She didn't feel bad at all, and perhaps that's why she didn't think she should say anything. It was one of those moments that Tiffany needed to learn on her own.

Although, she felt not even this, would make her break up with Bradley, however anyone with a brain cell would've by now. She didn't know the history between them, and she honestly couldn't care less.

" .... Aww.. well I'm sorry Tiffany I mean— I don't— I don't know what to say... " Kaylee said softly.

Tiffany slowly turned her head to the side, still lying in her bed, curled up in a ball. Sniffing, as she looked up a bit at Kaylee as Kaylee had stood up.

" .... Forget him... he's a jerk... " Tiffany would remark.

" .... Yeah... I mean you still got us. Mark, Justin and I. We can all still have a good time all and ... if Bradley doesn't wanna go that's his loss. And maybe i don't know, he might change his mind and wanna come.. but only time will tell.. "

" .... You.... You think so... " Tiffany said sniffing looking at Kaylee. Kaylee was screaming internally as she briefly closed her eyes and sighed before looking back down at Tiffany.

" Yeah.. " she would say.

" .... T.. thanks... Kay... " Tiffany said with a weak smile, as Kaylee nodded a bit at her words. " But... wait.... If he comes... then you won't go.... " Tiffany said softly.

Kaylee scratched her hair, as she huffed out some air and shrugged a bit. " I ... I don't know.. maybe I'll still come if Bradley isn't gonna be a big ass jerk... if he comes being chill and just wants to hang.... That's fine.. "

Tiffany orbs popped open a bit more as she lifted up with a bit of cheer. " Really?! " she said happily, with her face stained with red cheeks and water tears.

" ..... I ... Yeah... sure... " Kaylee said a bit hesitantly.

Tiffany jolted up from the bed and hugged Kaylee tightly as Kaylee gasped a bit feeling Tiffany squeezing her. " Aaah! Okay! Okay! " Kay said trying to breathe.

Tiffany released her and smiled with a more upbeat tone of voice. " Aahh' sorry! Ugh— don't worry I'll make sure he is well behaved! I want everyone to come! My father already let us plan this trip with his money, we have 6 tickets so it doesn't make sense for two to go to waste ! " she remarked.

" I will try and convince him to come, and also tell him again to stay well behaved. I want everyone I care about to be there—and thank you Kaylee for pushing your dislike aside for him to let him come and you be there too. " she said cheerfully.

Kaylee wasn't delighted by her decision but that was the type of friend she always was. Putting others before herself, even if it meant she wouldn't have as much fun as others because of it.

She also wasn't a friend to disappoint, in addition she truly did wanna go on this Tifí trip. It was a remote island that was similar to Hawaii but better. Tropical weather along with beaches, drinks, water parks, nice expensive Air BnB, that is rented out for them to stay in.

Everything was already pre-planned and the boys along with herself have been waiting on this trip since last year. She didn't want to be the only one not going, as Justin already stated that he wasn't going to let Bradley ruined the trip for him.

Kaylee only hoped that — that same feeling to would happen for her as well. " .... Mhhhm, feel better now? " she asked her friend. Tiffany nodded and smiled as she hugged Kaylee one more time.

" ... I'm sorry we argued, you're a good friend. " Tiffany said as Kaylee rolled her eyes and replied. " I know... I hate it sometimes... " making Tiffany laugh at her remark.

After some time, the two girls went back into their separate rooms, as Tiffany got on the phone and started talking to someone. Kaylee on the other hand, turned off her night light and tried to drift right back asleep.

In her mind she knew she was going to regret telling Tiffany Bradley could come. That feeling alone was making her blood boil. She just hoped that it would all be worth it in the end.