Chapter 24: Can’t Mess With Her

Dallas Television Station. 

"Is this a murder case?" 

"The police are investigating." 

"There were a large number of indecent photos found in the victim's home. Can it be confirmed that he was a pedophile?" 

"The deceased was a photographer. Whether he was involved in criminal activities still requires further investigation." 

"Rumor has it this was an act of revenge. Among the indecent photos in his home, there were pictures of missing girls, such as Donna Moore. Is that true?" 

"It's still unclear whether the deceased committed suicide or was murdered. However, yes, indecent photos of missing girls, including Donna, were found in his home. The police are currently investigating the connection between the deceased and these missing girls." 


Since Juno started acting mysteriously, Adam had developed the habit of checking the news from different regions daily. Recently, he saw something on a Dallas TV news report that had a familiar vibe. 

He immediately went to an internet café to gather more information. As expected, the internet warriors had already sprung into action. 

The victim was Jeff, 30 years old, single, and a photographer with some recognition in the industry. His ex-girlfriend, Jill, was the one who first reported the incident to the police. 

"Word is, this guy was a pedophile. Good riddance!" 

"Let's not jump to conclusions. It hasn't been officially determined yet." 

"What more do you need? Are those photos fake?" 

"He was a photographer and an artist. While taking such photos is inappropriate, it doesn't necessarily mean he was a criminal. Even if he was, only the law has the right to judge him." 

"Bullshit! Artist my foot! Would you dare tell the child protection agency that photographers and artists have the right to take such photos?" 

"Of course not! Just look at his username—'Photographer Edison.' Maybe he was just like the victim, another sick pedophile." 


"Breaking News! Don't Mess with the Mysterious Girl!" 

"Mysterious Girl?" 

"My uncle's wife's cousin's father-in-law works at the local police station. I heard that when they interviewed the neighbors, one said they saw a girl, reportedly the victim's niece, entering the house. The neighbor also heard noises coming from inside. 

The neighbor had long suspected the victim's inappropriate interest in young girls, so they went to check and saw this girl. 

Shortly after, the victim's ex-girlfriend arrived, and the victim jumped to his death from the roof. Before he died, he made eye contact with his ex, his expression twisted with extreme pain and despair, tears streaming from his eyes, clearly dying with unresolved grievances. 

Police investigations revealed signs of binding and struggle at the scene, but no fingerprints or evidence were found. It seems the mysterious girl was quite experienced. 

Furthermore, the victim hanged himself by jumping from the roof. The rope was precisely calculated to ensure his feet couldn't touch the ground while keeping him close to it. If his ex-girlfriend hadn't been too shocked to act, she might have been able to save him by lifting him slightly." 

"That's amateurish! If the ex-girlfriend had saved him, wouldn't the plan have failed?" 

"What do you know? Does the suspect fear exposure? If the neighbor's account is true, the suspect is just a young girl. What punishment would she face? Juvenile detention at most. She could even argue that she acted in self-defense after being tricked and harmed by the victim." 

"But she cleaned up all the fingerprints and evidence. Doesn't that suggest premeditation?" 

"That depends on whether the jury believes the girl or a suspected pedophile." 

"But why calculate the rope's length so precisely? Wouldn't it be safer to play it conservatively?" 

"That's the interesting part. According to a profiler's analysis, the suspect likely aimed to maximize the victim's psychological torment. 

The victim's ex-girlfriend was very important to him. By calling her to the scene, the suspect ensured the victim's darkest secrets were exposed to the person he least wanted to see them." 

"Ah, I get it now. The precise calculation of the rope was intended to force the victim to meet his ex-girlfriend's gaze, mentally breaking him before his physical death." 

"Damn! You think the victim jumped willingly? What if the mysterious girl threatened him, saying she'd expose his secrets to his ex if he didn't jump? Then, after he jumped, he realized she might've tricked him, which is why he died in despair." 

"Interesting theory!" 

"No way! That's too scary!" 

"It's entirely possible! The autopsy revealed signs of torture on the victim's lower body. Based on the crime scene cleanup, profilers believe the suspect might've staged it to appear as though the victim was forced to practice some bizarre martial arts technique, intensifying his psychological torment." 


"Is this a real-life Punisher?" 

"No, calculating the victim's psychological torment before death makes her far more terrifying than the Punisher!" 

"This might sound bad, but I don't want the mysterious girl to be caught." 


"Don't worry. Given her age and the lack of direct physical violence, even if caught, she'd face minimal punishment—probably acquittal." 

"Hah! Do you really think the police can catch her? Don't be naïve! The hyper-competent detectives on TV are pure fiction. In reality, countless cases go unsolved, especially high-IQ crimes like this." 

"Plus, if even we sympathize with the mysterious girl, don't you think others will too? Look at the sketch the police released based on the neighbor's description—it's so generic it's laughable. 

And let's not forget the victim was a pedophile. This case indirectly solved other missing person cases. Instead of chasing the mysterious girl, the police are more likely to thank her." 

"If this story is true, someone should make a movie about it. Let those creeps feel a chill down their spines!" 

Adam read the comments and glanced at the police sketch of the suspect. It looked nothing like Juno, and he breathed a sigh of relief. 

It seemed his daily 0.005 intelligence points were safe. Still, the internet theories left him uneasy. 

Having seen the movie *Hard Candy*, Adam knew just how cruelly this pedophile photographer must have been tormented by Juno. The psychological trauma inflicted was beyond measure. 

The pedophile saw himself as a cunning predator, but Juno, posing as an innocent Little Red Riding Hood, turned out to be a bloodthirsty hunter who annihilated him. 

Watching Juno laugh and play with them, showing no signs of guilt or unease after pulling off such a massive feat, Adam could only think: 

Can't mess with her. Can't mess with her. 

*(End of Chapter)*