Natsu groaned as he slumped up against a wall in a back alley covered in dirt. Happy stared upwards at him with a bright smile. Natsu clutched his stomach in pain.
"So hungry…" He gasped. They'd been stuck in for Hargeon for a whole day, without any money for food or a hotel. The guards had chased him away when he tried to eat the fire from the streetlights.
"Aye!" Happy said cheerfully. The small cat had been stealing fish from the stalls all day.
The 'Salamander' that they had heard about turned out to be the wrong person, and then after that the day had just gone downhill. After being assaulted by a gang of angry fangirls, Natsu had spent the rest of the day searching for something to eat. The night was rough, and the morning didn't look any better.
He paused to look at the card with the signature of 'Salamander' that weird guy had given him. It turned out that it was completely worthless. Natsu threw the card into the bin dismissively.
Natsu stretched out on the uncomfortable ground. "Come on…" He muttered eventually. "We've got to get back to Fairy Tail."
"Ok!" Happy grinned. "I like this town."
"This is a horrible, horrible town," Natsu groaned, walking down the street. He was tired, sore and miserable. "There's absolutely no one nice here."
"Well, at least we've got the train journey next!" Happy said cheerfully.
Natsu stifled a small sob. The very thought of the train was making him sick. "Can't we just fly back to Magnolia?" He asked weakly.
"Would take too long," Happy replied.
The pair walked through a long cobbled street, to the train station at the edge of the town. Natsu sighed. "I've got to beat up Krov for giving me this false lead."
Natsu was uncharacteristically subdued for a while, casting a glance over the town while they approached the train station. "We're going to find Igneel eventually, right Happy?" He asked finally.
"Of course!" Happy replied optimistically. "How many places can a dragon hide, anyways?"
"Yeah…" Natsu muttered, holding his scale-patterned scarf tightly. It had been seven years, but he had never forgotten the sound of Igneel's firm voice, or the way the earth trembled when the dragon laughed. Seven years and absolutely no trace of his adoptive father.
Every unsuccessful dragon hunt always made Natsu miserable.
Happy walked side by side with Natsu, staring at everything with wide, innocent eyes. When Natsu heard the whistle of the train, his face almost turned green with the thought. He sighed in resignation, collapsing on a bench while the train stormed into the station. With a screech, the train came to a halt, and the station filled with people.
"Did you hear about that party last night?" A girl said excitedly to her friend nearby, just loud enough for Natsu to overhear. "Salamander hosted this big party on his ship. I really wanted to go, but maybe we can still catch him today."
"Salamander?" Her friend asked with confusion.
"You don't know about him? He's that great mage staying in town," She answered enthusiastically. "He's from the famous guild, Fairy Tail."
Natsu's body stiffened. "Fairy Tail?" He muttered in confusion, thinking back to the obnoxious man he met the other day. He had been too disappointed to give him much thought afterwards. Perhaps he should have.
The station cleared as everyone departed on the train. Natsu never moved. "Fairy Tail…" He muttered with a frown.
"Hi there!" Haruka said brightly to the guards standing in front of the large yacht. "Is this Salamander's boat? I heard he's in town."
The two men shared a glance and a sly smirk. They were both big men, with bulging muscles. One of them had a scar over his nose and a slimy grin. The other was mostly bald with a hooked nose, licking his lips nastily.
"The party's over, darling," The scarred man sneered, blocking the gangway with his foot. "Scram…"
Haruka pouted. "Aww… Really? I really want to talk to Salamander. I think he'd want to talk to me, too."
The two men looked at each other, and then back at Haruka. She felt the hairs on the back of her neck prickle. Like most large breasted girls, she was used to men staring. It still bothered her when they gawked at her chest, but she had learned to live with it. Still, the way these two ran their eyes over her made Haruka feel like she needed a shower.
"Well, Salamander did say he never wanted to be disturbed…" The bald one muttered doubtfully.
"Still, I think that for her he could make an exception," The scared man replied with a meaningful glance. Haruka's eyes narrowed. "Come on board, darling…"
He moved his leg out the way. Haruka hesitated before stepping onto the ship, but the boat was anchored and lashed to the harbour. She would be fine so long as it wasn't moving. Slowly, Haruka walked up the gangway.
One of the men left his post and escorted her, his large, sweaty hand dropping onto her shoulders. Haruka stopped. "I can find my own way," she said, darkly.
"Oh, what sort of gentlemen wouldn't escort a girl like you?" The man sneered. "I insist."
"No, I insist," she replied coldly. "Get your hand off me."
His grip tightened uncomfortable. The harbour was silent and empty. Haruka felt the distinctive feel of a metal blade against her back. "Get on the ship, darling," he whispered coldly, pressing the knife against her skin a bit harder.
Haruka didn't move. She turned around and smirked. "It's wrong to hurt someone so much weaker than you are, you know?" She muttered, ponderingly.
"I won't hurt you if you get on the boat," he promised with a snigger.
"I was talking to myself," Haruka retorted. "But I suppose I'll make an exception for you buffoons."
The first one didn't even have time to blink. Suddenly, Haruka twisted out of his grasp, and brought her leg upwards, her foot slamming into his crotch with such force his body lifted off the ground. He squealed with a high-pitched shriek that no grown man should ever be able to make.
His knife clattered onto the walkway. The second man reacted quickly, jumping towards Haruka angrily. His huge body crashed down on her, trying to force her to the ground. Haruka's hands were suddenly clutching his, effortlessly holding back huge men.
The shock was clear on his face. His huge muscles were screaming; trying to fight against the iron grip of a girl so skinny he should have been able to use her as a toothpick.
"You know, it's rude to manhandle a lady," Haruka growled angrily, slamming her knee upwards while dragging the man towards her like a ragdoll. Her knee slammed into his stomach so hard that his eyes bulged, just as Haruka easily heaved his body up and threw him into the ocean.
She was scowling as she walked onto the deck of the ship. This wasn't right. She heard rumours about Natsu Dragneel, the Salamander, of Fairy Tail. This wasn't him.
On the ship it was quiet. It was a large, decorative, blue yacht with at least four floors. There were still tables and drinks littering the deck from the party, but no one was around. Carefully, Haruka headed below deck, walking through the narrow corridors, searching for answers.
After a while, she reached a door, looking through the porthole at a large room with wood floors and light blue walls. There was one man sitting on a chair behind a curtain, and another standing in front of a fireplace. They were talking quietly, and Haruka inched closer to listen.
"So…" The man standing by the fireplace muttered. He was tall and slim with short, spikey blue hair, and a mildly rectangular face. His clothes were fancy and expensive, and he had a tattoo over his right eyebrow. "Care for a drink, Horace?"
"I think not," the other man muttered. He was short and stubby, with a black overcoat and a dark frown. "Is it safe to be here, Bora?"
A flicker of annoyance crossed Bora's face. "Don't call me Bora," he warned. "As far as anyone is concerned, I am Salamander, Fire Mage of Fairy Tail. And yes, it is perfectly safe. It will take these dumb town days to realise what happened, and even longer to suspect that it was actually 'Salamander'."
Horace grunted sceptically. Bora frowned and continued. "I called you here to offer you a job," he muttered darkly. "My men are all loyal, but this… enterprise needs to expand. I need Magical muscle, strong Mages that know how to follow orders. Are you interested in a job?"
"What's in it for me?" Horace said cautiously. Haruka had to press her body against the door to listen.
Bora grinned. "Right now, there are three dozen young girls sleeping peacefully in my hold," he said smugly. "All young, all beautiful, and all very… malleable. Can you imagine the profit we'll make when we reach Bosco? Join me now and a cut of it is yours."
Slavers, Haruka realised suddenly. Everything clicked into place. She could feel the outrage start to burn up inside of her.
"Alright," Horace agreed after a moment's hesitation. "I'm in. But I expect a large cut. I'm a first-class Celestial Spirit Mage with five units. My skills don't come cheap."
Bora frowned. "You're a Celestial Mage?" He muttered. "I thought only registered and legal Mages could form contracts."
Horace snorted. "That shows how much you know," he said derisively, spinning a large key ring around his fingers. "There are criminal Celestial Spirits willing to make contracts with criminals. It all depends on the user."
Haruka's eyes widened as she glimpsed the keys on Horace's fingers. She glimpsed silver, and bronze. Her mouth started to water. It's time to end this now, Haruka thought firmly, I'm going to beat these guys up and rescue the slaves.
And then I'm going to take those keys, she thought with a smirk, because I deserve a reward too.
Suddenly, there was a clatter from the room. "Boss!" A man shouted, pulling back the curtain and charging in from the other entrance.
"I told you I was busy!" Bora snapped angrily.
The man gulped. "Sorry, but it's urgent. Two of our guys were beaten out front. We've got an intruder on the ship!"
Bora's expression changed as he stormed upwards. Haruka slunk down behind the door. "What? Who would dare to break into—?"
The door Haruka was leaning against suddenly pulled open. Haruka was caught off-guard, and ended up tumbling into the room. Bora's voice vanished as the young girl fell at his feet. The room turned deathly quiet with shock and awkwardness.
It took a few seconds for Haruka to compose herself. Bora was staring at her with wide, bulging eyes. Well, that wasn't the entrance I wanted to make, she thought dumbly. Still she recovered quickly, mostly out of embarrassment.
"You!" Haruka shouted angrily, jumping to her feet and brushing her hair away to hide her humiliation. "I know what you're doing here!"
The men in the room shared an awkward glance. Bora forced himself to smile. "Heh, I have no idea what you're talking about," he said charmingly, looking Haruka up and down. "You must be a fan, right? Well, I'm the great Salamander of Fairy Tail, and—"
Haruka felt a weak Charm Magic wash over her. She swatted the sensation away easily. "Enough! You're a slaver!" She sniffed the air, just to make sure. "And you're not the real Salamander!"
Bora was quiet for half a second, before turning to his henchmen. "Get us out of here," he ordered.
"Already on it, boss."
"I'm going to take you down right now, and you're never going to…" Haruka proclaimed loudly, dropping into a fighting stance, but then her ears caught up with her brain. The dread was instant. "… Wait, what did you mean 'Already on it'?"
With a sudden lurch, she felt the anchor rise and the sails drop. Her stomach plummeted in fear. "Oh crap…" Haruka cursed, just as the yacht started to rock. The world started to spin. Her eyes became unfocused. Her body collapsed to the ground helplessly against the motion sickness.
Bora watched quietly. Haruka's pale skin turned green. It took a few seconds, but then the slaver started to chuckle.
"Well, that was weird," he announced loudly.
More of his henchmen were running into the room, lifting Haruka off the ground by both arms. They were laughing, and the yacht was rocking in the waves. Haruka tried to curse, but she was too busy stopping herself from vomiting. Her arms weren't working anymore. "Looks like we have an extra slave, boys!"
Horace was frowning as he stared at Haruka. The short man scratched his head, still fiddling with his keys. "She seems familiar somehow…" He mused, but everyone else ignored him.
Bora's hands clutched Haruka's face, examining her critically. Through the portholes, the yacht was quickly leaving the marina. "You're a pretty one," he said finally. "I don't know what you're doing here, but you'll fetch a good price."
As soon as the boat stops, Haruka promises herself angrily, unable to talk from motion sickness. Her teeth clenched furiously. There were two men holding her upwards tightly, her body struggling uselessly while the motion caused her head to spin. As soon as the boat stops moving, then I'll show you what I'm doing here…
"Get the chains ready," Bora ordered his men, strolling over towards the fireplace. "But first… a slave needs to be branded." He pulled out a burning iron from the fire, glowing red and steaming. Bora looked at Haruka unsympathetically. "It'll be a little hot," he admitted. "Just bear with it."
Bora paused, and then glanced at Horace. The short man stood with hands in his overcoat, staying quiet. Bora handed Horace the burning iron. "You do it," Bora ordered. "Consider this your initiation."
Horace frowned but didn't complain. He took the iron from Bora quietly, looking at Haruka with bored, disinterested eyes. "Where do you want it?" He asked, holding up the brand.
"For her?" Bora mused. "Make it somewhere painful."
Horace hesitated for a second, and then settled on Haruka's right cheek. His hand was steady as the burning iron moved closer to her face. Haruka's heart was pounding, but the motion sickness left her helpless. "You…" Haruka spat through clenched teeth. "You are the worst Mage ever!"
Just as the iron was inches away from her cheeks, the room exploded. The wooden roof collapsed in a hail of splinters as a figure slammed downwards with furious force. Suddenly, Haruka felt herself drop to the ground, but she still managed to catch a scent that she recognised instinctively. The scent of another Dragon Slayer…
"…Natsu…!?" She gasped, struggling to focus on the man that had come crashing down from the sky. A cold killing intent filled the room.
"That brat from yesterday…?" Bora growled, aiming at Natsu as the debris cleared. For half a second, Natsu stood perfectly still, staring daggers at Bora.
And then, time reasserted itself. Natsu's cheeks bulged as he had to stop himself from barfing. "Nope, I can't take it," Natsu groaned, collapsing to his knees.
If Haruka had been able to move, she would have been face-palmed. " Come on! What did you expect to happen there?!" She growled, still clutching her stomach weakly.
"Wha-What's going on?" Bora shouted in confusion, looking up to the hole in his ship. "Why would a brat fall from the sky?!"
Horace was by his side, dropping the iron in the confusion. His Celestial Gate Keys were tightly in hand. "They just keep on coming! What's wrong with this ship?"
Natsu groaned weakly. Through spinning eyes, Haruka managed to glimpse wings and a small shape flying downwards. There was a flying cat hovering over the ship. Either Haruka was hallucinating or fate was just messing with her now. Either way, she was desperate enough to accept it.
"What's happening here?" Happy cried in confusion, looking between Haruka and Bora.
"You!" Haruka ordered, in a sickly voice. "Get me off this ship right now!"
"But what—" Happy squealed.
"NOW!" Haruka screeched, while everyone else was still trying to recover. Happy looked panicked for a second.
"Aye, ma'am!" The cat shrieked, wings blurring as he shot downwards. Suddenly, Haruka felt a tail wrap around her waist and her body lift off the ground. "Who are you?"
"Talk later, run now!" Haruka ordered.
Bora seemed to recover first. "I won't let you get away!" He screamed, raising his hand in the air. Purple flames blazed around his fingertips. "HELL PROMINENCE!"
Suddenly, the fire exploded from his arm in a huge, scorching-hot laser-like beam blasting upwards into the sky. The small cat shot through the air agilely, swinging Haruka so closely to the purple flames she felt the heat scold the back of her heels.
"Don't let that woman get away!" Bora screeched. "It'd be a problem if she reports to the council members!"
"I'm on it!" Horace shouted, selecting out a bronze key. Men were running everywhere in panic, but the Celestial Spirit Mage seemed perfectly calm. "Open! Gate of the Revolver!"
With a flash of smoke, a huge, oversized gun appeared in Horace's hand. The weapon was pitch black, and loaded itself while Horace took aim at the retreating shape of Haruka and Happy. Other men had pulled out ordinary pistols and were shooting at Haruka furiously, the bullets whizzing past her.
"Drop me into the water!" Haruka shouted, just as Horace pulled the trigger. Happy never needed to be told twice. His transformation effect was almost over, anyways. A huge explosion burst from the Spirit revolver, just as Haruka and Happy tumbled into the ocean.