Back on the ship, Bora stared at the air while smoke covered everything. Horace paused, while his gun reloaded itself.
Natsu struggled to pull himself to his feet, sweat dripping from his brow. He was glaring at Bora furiously. "Fai…ry… Tail…" Natsu snarled in a choked voice. "…You…"
"Did you get her?" Bora demanded to Horace, summoning purple flames in his hand. Horace had his gun aimed at the ocean, waiting for any sign of movement.
There was a moment's quiet as the smoke cleared, followed by a dull chuckle. Haruka slowly pulled herself to her feet, Magic pulsing around her body.
"Oh, that's better," she chuckled, sighing in relief. "I was worried there for a second."
The yacht was still pushing forward, slowly passing Haruka by. She could practically hear their jaws hit the floor as Haruka stood up straight.
"She's… walking on water…?" Bora muttered in shock, watching Haruka casual stroll over the light waves, walking after the ship. The water under her feet was pulsing upwards, forming an almost solid platform for her to stand on. The air around her glittered with Magic.
"She's a Mage," Horace murmured, his dark brow furling. He could feel the type of Magic she was using, but he just couldn't understand it.
With the weak wind, Haruka could easily keep pace with the yacht by walking. Bora's fire flared as he charged for another attack. Horace took aim with his gun. Haruka smirked.
Paddling furiously to stay afloat, Happy gaped at Haruka. "Whoa…" The cat stammered.
"Oh, this is just a bit of Aquarius's Water Magic," Haruka explained with a smug smile. Without the motion of the ship, her strength was already returning.
Horace's ears prickled at the name. "Aquarius?!" He exclaimed, staring at Haruka critically. He couldn't see any keys. "You're a Celestial Mage?"
Haruka slowly extended her hand. "Oh, you have no idea," she murmured, just before she clicked her fingers. The air shimmered.
Bora unleashed his flames in a furious blast. Horace fired his gun. Both explosions were suddenly blocked by torrent of water rushing protectively in front of Haruka. A figure burst of ocean; her long hair flowing freely and shimmering tail scales glittering in the sun. Aquarius glared with annoyance, water still gushing out her urn.
"Aquarius!" Haruka ordered loudly. The ocean started to swirl madly in huge typhoon. "Smash that ship against the coast!"
Aquarius snorted, but there was no arguing with Haruka's tone. Haruka's Magic meshed with Aquarius's and suddenly the waves were pounding from her body. The ocean roared as huge avalanches of water crashed into the yacht, tearing through the hull and heaving the boat upwards with a groan of wood.
The ocean spun upwards, spinning the yacht around like a toy before crashing it towards the marina with such force that the ship gouged a hole in the shoreline.
Debris went everywhere. The power nearly snapped the yacht in half. The harbour was devastated. Haruka grinned, floating to shore on a wave.
"Thank you, Aquarius," she muttered coolly, dismissing the spirit with a click of her fingers. "I'll take it from here."
She stepped on to the beach and walked three steps before realising her mistake. "Oops…" She said guilty, looking at the hull of the ship. There were several soaked women crawling out of a gash on the side of debris. "I forgot there were prisoners on-board. My bad."
Coughing as he pulled himself onto shore, Happy glared at Haruka in shock. She hung head in shame. "You monster!" Happy cried.
Bora staggered upwards, glancing around the ruins of his ship disbelief. He was standing on what used to be a wall, while around him the ship continued to collapse. Water soaked everything, ruining his fancy clothing and drenching his cloak.
"What's…" Bora gasped weakly. "… What's going on?!"
His men rallied around him, spilling out onto the beach. Already, the townsfolk were running out to stop and stare at the shipwrecked. Bora felt his breaths become shallow as he glared at his ruined ship, scattered in pieces on the coast.
"No…" He muttered in wide-eyed disbelief. "This is impossible, it can't happen like this…"
With a dull creak, a large piece of debris creaked upwards. "It stopped," Natsu muttered simply, heaving an enormous lump of wood out of the way. "The rocking stopped."
The beach turned silent. The sun was bright in the sky, but even birds went dead as Natsu focused on Bora with a dark glare. The fake Salamander looked panicked. Already his slaves were escaping. It wouldn't be long before the Rune Knights showed up…
"You!" Bora screamed at Natsu, fire flaring around him. "You did this! You and that girl are working together!"
Next to him, Horace scrambled to his feet. The short man was soaked to the bone, yet still managed to keep a hold of his keys. "Bora!" Horace shouted. "This wasn't part of the deal!"
"Shut up!" Bora snapped. "You're part of this too now! Help me fight my way out!" He paused. "And don't call me Bora! I am Salamander of Fairy Tail!"
Natsu's body stiffened. The henchmen were rallying around Bora. "You're a Mage of Fairy Tail?" Natsu demanded.
"That's right!" Bora screeched, just as two of his henchmen launched themselves at Natsu. "I'm a world-famous Mage, so you better run you brat—"
The anger flared from Natsu. The fury was so intense his shoulders were shaking. Two large men tried to jump him, but then Natsu's hand moved so fast it blurred. The swipe was so powerful it took them both to ground.
"I'm Natsu of Fairy Tail!" He bellowed furiously. "And I've never seen you before!"
The shock sent tremors through the group. The killing intent took weaker men to their knees. Involuntarily, Bora stumbled backwards. "I don't care if you're a bastard or a good person…" Natsu growled. " I won't forgive you for using our name!"
"I knew it!" Haruka shouted loudly, rushing to Natsu's side. "You're Natsu Dragneel, the Fire Dragon Slayer, right?"
"Huh?" Natsu frowned, glaring at Haruka with confusion. "Do I know you?"
She shook her head. "No, but I've been searching for you for a while," she said happily.
Natsu looked confused, but Haruka just motioned to Bora and Horace. "Talk later, fight now," she said firmly, with a bright smile. "You take that Fire Mage. The Celestial Mage is all mine ."
Horace pulled himself to his feet, glaring at Haruka darkly. "All yours?" He growled. "Don't think you can take me, girl ! I'm a first-class Celestial Mage!" He stared at Haruka darkly. "And you have the Gate of the Water Bearer Key on you somewhere, don't you? I'm going to take that key!"
"Fool," Haruka mocked, sticking out her tongue.
He growled, thrusting a silver key forward. "Open! Gate of the Outlaw! Attack!"
With a flash of light, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him. It was a large Spirit dressed as cowboy, with a red tunic and large rattlesnake skin boots. The outlaw's face was hidden under a wide cowboy hat, and a dark balaclava.
"Kill her!" Horace ordered.
"Yes, boss!" As quick as lightning, the Spirit drew two pistols and pulled the trigger. Before she could even blink, two huge chunks of earth launched from each gun and exploded towards Haruka with pinpoint accuracy.
She was smirking even as the rocks smashed against her. Dust covered everything. Horace's face looked triumphant for a while, until Haruka's figure appeared from the dust.
"As if…" Haruka muttered, taking a step forward. Her clothes weren't even dirty.
The outlaw dropped his guns in shock. "It's her…" The Spirit muttered, his voice thick with fear. "I'm sorry, boss, but I can't beat her…"
With a flash, the Spirit disappeared. Horace gulped fearfully. Haruka kept on walking forward, her pace increasing. "What are you?!" He screamed.
Natsu looked at Haruka with shock, faint realisation in his eyes.
"The Celestial Dragon…" Haruka muttered, breaking into a run. "The only creature that cross freely between the worlds; who has dominion over all Celestial Spirits; the dragon whose roar can split dimensions…!"
Horace took a step backwards, fumbling as he picked out another silver key. "Open!" He proclaimed. "The Gate of the Shield!"
The air flashed. Another Spirit appeared, this one so huge it blocked the path. The Spirit looked like a huge teddy bear, but it was immensely fat, with a stomach made out of solid iron. Haruka never even seemed to notice the Spirit; instead she just kept on running. As she hit the wall of iron, her body shimmered. And then she just phased straight through.
Horace's eyes bulged as Haruka rematerialized on the other side of the shield. Haruka took a deep breath.
"Celestial Dragon's…" She screamed. Her body glittered with Celestial Magic. "… Roar!"
Brilliant white light spilled out of her mouth. There wasn't even time to scream. The beach exploded in light, so powerful it gouged a crater into the earth, cutting through the ruins of the ship. In an instant, Horace and a dozen men vanished from sight.
The light was still glittering around Haruka, as if there were stars twinkling on her body. Her red hair shone as she turned to a stunned Natsu. "Did you think you were the only one?" She asked with a smirk.
He didn't respond for a second. Natsu looked momentarily dumbfounded, but then Bora launched a furious fireball at Haruka and Natsu's battle instincts kicked in. With a blur of speed, he was suddenly blocking the path of fireball. The purple flames were so furious they scorched the earth.
Slowly, Natsu took a deep breath, swallowing the fire with one huge gulp. Bora's bottom jaw dropped open. Natsu's body shivered. Haruka grinned widely.
"Are you really a Fire Mage…?" He muttered with an angry glance to Bora. The fake Salamander looked like he was trying to say something, but his mouth just kept on opening and closing helplessly. "I've never tasted such awful fire…"
Natsu cast a lingering glance at Haruka, before drawing his body back with a huge breath of air. "Fire Dragon's Roar!" He screamed, and burning torrents of flames gushed from his throat.
Haruka burst out laughing. She had finally found another Dragon Slayer, someone else to help her search for missing parent. She felt like dancing. The flames exploded everywhere and Bora's men screamed, but a glance of instant understanding flashed between Natsu and Haruka.
His body was covered in red flames. Hers was still glittering in starlight. They looked at each and grinned madly. In a fluid motion, they both jumped forward, their fists pulled back as they leapt towards Bora.
Bora's skull collided with Natsu's and Haruka's knuckles so hard the man went flying into the distance, crashing through multiple buildings.
A large crowd had already formed around the coast, but kept their distance. The yacht had been pulverised into pieces and set alight, but the captive slaves had already fled out of the ruined hull. Pieces of debris littered the coast, while the shipwreck had taken a large chunk out of the marina.
The port had been absolutely pulverised. Natsu and Haruka glanced at each other, both of them burning with questions, but then they just exploded with laughter. It was the only reaction that seemed appropriate.
In the distance, there was shouting. Haruka glimpsed men in heavy metal armour force their way through the crowd, carrying pikes and shields.
"Crap!" Natsu shouted, grabbing Haruka's arm. Happy was suddenly by Natsu's side. "The military! Let's run!"
She didn't move. "Why? We're not the bad guys!"
He made a motion to the ruins of the harbour around them. "I don't think they know that!"
Haruka grinned. "Good point," she muttered, taking Natsu's hand and dragging him away. "Come with me!"