I Am Selfish

By Biplob Kabiraz

I am selfish, yes, that's right,Perhaps I think of nothing but myself,Even when your tearsTouched my heart,Did I ever stop?

I am selfish,Because I too had dreams,But no one stood by me,No one placed a hand on my chest,Did anyone say, "You're not alone"?

I am selfish,Because I hid my pain,No one wanted to listen,No one cared to understand,Could I have been the companion to someone's tears?

I am selfish,Because in loving, I became alone,For those I gave my all,They never looked back,Did anyone ever hear my cry?

I am selfish,I wanted to live with everyone,But no one kept me close,In everyone else's happy story, I was just a shadow,No one wanted me back, no one called me.

I am selfish,Because today I've learned,I have to love myself,I have to guard myself,Because no one stays,When the heart screams in pain!

I am selfish,Yes, I am saying it,Yes, yes, I am selfish.