My Suffering

By Biplob Kabiraz

How the days pass, I can't remember,An empty house, an empty heart, all layers torn asunder.The eternal shadow of my parents' embrace,Now they are far, but their love remains in place.Inside my chest, memories weep, my tears dry up,I am empty, where will I find peace? Where's the cup?In silence, my heart breaks, losing its final edge,They've gone down the path of death, I remain on the ledge.

Sitting in a house of want, weaving dreams with my mind,With a pen, I break paths, yet wealth I cannot find.Before the morning sun, I walk a long way,The road is not smooth, thorns at every sway.With back-breaking labor, the days pass by free,Yet I don't stop, my goal shines in front of me.This life is a battle, only the road ahead calls,At the end of the path, a golden shadow falls.

Caught in the web of love, I gave everything,In the end, it vanished, my heart an empty string.I don't forget them, with each breath I take,But they won't return, this truth I must forsake.With sorrow as a companion, I live the days,My heart bleeds, counting the pain in myriad ways.Walking the road of love, I've lost my wealth,Breaking the bonds of illusion, I live in stealth.

Walking the path of life, only pain in my chest,Wherever I go, every bend is like the rest.No peace anywhere, it all feels like lies,Searching for joy, only emptiness under the skies.This path full of suffering, yet I walk on and on,With every step, new grief is born.Bound by sorrow, the road is all I know,But still, no one halts, they carve out a new woe.