Keifer's POV
Damn you Percy!
Now you're really back. Why does he take Jay-jay with hi? Where did he brought her?
"Rory!" I shouted. "... find him! Find Percy now!"
"I'm doing that!" He answered while holding his phone.
"Edrix! Any updates ?!"
"I'm having a hard time finding his car! Didn't anyone find his license plate ?!" He asks before typing through his keyboard on his laptop.
"Now you're scared. After hurting Jay-jay and letting her run away, you're searching for her like a mad man." David said that makes me irritated.
I immediately grab his shirt. "Stop your mouth if you don't want me to add your bruise."
"Even if Keifer did that, it doesn't mean he's going to leave Jay-jay." Yuri said and removed my hand from David's shirt."... We don't know Percy's plan for him. Unless you want to tell us."
David shook his clothes. "Even if I want to, I won't say anything. He doesn't tell me everything."
I really want to squeeze him to get information but It would be just a wast of time. Because as he said, he knows. And I know he's not lying.
My phone suddenly rings. I took it out of my pocket.
Demon Calling...
It was Angelo. I seem to know the reason why he's calling.
I walked away from them first before answering the call. "Angelo ..." I said upon pressing the answer button.
["What have you done Keifer?"] He calmly asks.
His calmness makes me nervous. It looks like a storm is coming but only the first wind is being felt.
"I followed your advice."
I heard him sigh. ["Let's talk about it. Same place."]
He ended the call and I put my phone back to my pocket. I need to find Jay-jay first. Percy might take her and take her away from us....forever with. Will hunt you down, Percy even until the afterlife. I will take you back to your grave if necessary.
"I saw that!" Edrix shouts and all of us walks towards him. "...they came out of the town. The CCTV footage was interrupted when it came to highway. "
"You did a great job." I said and patted his shoulder.
"I'm sorry Keifer. Percy didn't leave a trace. Looks like he knows you'll find him." Rory said.
"Fuck! Fuck you Percy!" I shouted and almost hit the wall.
Percy knew very well how I acted. Probably because of David. Bwisit! They enjoy knotting. And he really even used someone I didn't expect to follow him.
David has this boss instinct and attitude so it is vague that he will follow other people.
I still have to beat him to obey.
I noticed Felix in the corner. He's in silence for almost an hour now. Maybe he couldn't believe that his brother had already shown up.
"We can't just sit here and wait for nothing." Yuri said.
I knew he's worried as fuck just like me. I look at him. "Find them near the last CCTV footage. Use my car and the others at home if you have to."
"You're not coming?" Eman asks.
"I will talk to someone who can help us find her." I said and they all nodded.
They gathered their things and immediately walked out of our room. Ask Calix to go to faculty and talk to Sir Alvin. We will find the teacher when by chance. Although most of them doesn't really care. They left with my car. I waited for a taxi outside the school gate but a car stop in front of me.
Yuri ...
"Come in. I'll take you to him."
I didn't say a word. I get in and he drives the car like he knows where to go. While looking outside the window I kept thinking about her.
Not me
Believe I did that. I was able to hurt her in front of others and I was still calm during those times.
No other excuse.
I don't know how I said those words. How many times have I played in my mind not to continue but I can't.
I almost did
Stop my mouth from speaking but Jay-jay insisted to hear my answer. Those words...I used you. I feel like I'm stabbing myself with those harsh words.
I let go of those words. But what broke me the most are seeing crying... ...and I can't do anything about it because I'm the cause of her tears.
I really wanted to hug her during those times. I want to apologize, to her over and over again and say that I have long stopped that plan. I really wanted to shout to her how much I love her.
I badly want to... but I can't.
Only now have I seen her cry like that. I feel like I did too much. My conscience are knocking me down. Maybe I should done things on the other way. Maybe I should've break up with her just like a regular couple.
But that's bullshit. Definitely bullshit! We don't even have an official label. And one more thing, that won't work for me because I'm sure I can't stand her. She will also laugh at me and maybe she will just be angry with me.
Too much pain are the best recipe to push someone away and I got the perfect ingredients.
"We're here." Yuri announced as he parked his car.
I immediately get out of his car and he did the same. I faced him before I could enter the Kingsground door.
"It thinks you should search with them. I'm the only one to talk to Angelo." I said and about to walk but he stopped me.
"Why Keifer? Why are you alone with your problems again? When will you stop being like this? We're friends-no, we're best friends for so many years. Maybe we're rivals in some other things but we're still best friends." He said sounds so worried.
I'd like to tell him it's better not to. I don't want to touch him with the weight I feel. Right now he and my only friends are the ones I can count on.
Telling him my plan might ruin everything.
"Search for Jay-jay." is the only thing that I said before leaving him behind.
Yuri is the one I want to seek help for Jay-jay matter. Despite being my rival he still try his best to understand me. And if he is the one Jay-jay chooses because of what I did. I'm comfortable that Yuri will take care of her.
But of course I will make sure that it won't happen.
I went straight to Tiger's office. Angelo is talking to someone over the phone. He put it down when he noticed me.
"Why didn't you tell me?" He started the conversation.
"Someone saw Percy ... alive and driving a car." He said.
He's obviously overthinking about it. It looks like Percy meant to show up this time. Jay-jay has been talking to him for a long time but we never had a lead on him. Now, he no longer cares if people recognize him.
"Because we're not sure why he's coming back."
He points his finger on me. "You should know why! What if he will touch Jay-jay again? "
"They are together." I almost whispered.
He looks at me in shock. "What ?!"
" Yuri saw them —." He cut me by punching my face.
I fell to the floor. Actually, my face changes when he touches me.
"Look what you did? You felt sorry for him again!"
I wipe the blood from my lips. "Tss ... maybe you forgot Aries was the cause of the accident. So if you blame someone it's not me."
He didn't say a thing. He's obviously putting the blame on me by the way he looks.
"... it's not my trouble that sympathizes with Jay-jay. But his brother's trouble."
His expression suddenly changed. He's now looking at me in horror. Maybe he can't believe I know that thing.
"I'm being clever as fuck. Thanks to you."
He raised his both hand in the air as if he's surrendering.
"You really learn a lot from me." He smirked. "...but you're still weak."
"Just wait... one of these days I will be stronger than you." He looked at me with a challenge. "I will surely wait, Keifer. Will."
He didn't wait for me to say anything. He walked away and I was turned away. My fist clenched. I was planning to help him find Jay-jay but it doesn't seem like that will happen again.
"Damn you!" I shouted out of frustration.
My mind is confused. I no longer knew what to do.
If Percy continues his plan? What if he takes Jay-jay? I need to act. I took my phone out of my pocket and dialed
Rory's number.
["Keifer ... not yet—"]
I cut him. I wanted him to check all the airport scheduled flight.
"Percy will take Jay-jay out from the country."
["W-what? It's impossible for you to ask."]
"You're disappointing me Rory."
["You don't understand Keifer. Highly secured you want me to look. Even Edrix can't—"]
I'm desperate.
"Rory ... please." I said almost begging.
I heard him sigh. ["Let me see what I can do."]
"Thank you.'
["But I can't promise."] He ended the call.
I know he can do that. He's Rory Abejar, they own a private investigating company. Even though he himself is starting to be a part of it so I know he can.
I decided to leave Tiger's office and go straight to the exit of the Kingsground.
"Are you leaving?" Asked Tiger.
"Sorry. I'm in a hurry." I answered.
I didn't wait for what he would say and went out. Taxi is not really common in this area. This place is known as a hangout for addicts and holdups. I have no choice but to walk to reach the main road.
I quickly called a taxi and boarded. I delivered home. I took one of my car and drive it away. I have to search and I can't just keep quiet to one side.
Jay-jay was very upset with me. I just broke her heart. Maybe she did something she could regret later. Percy is still with her. Dammit!
I couldn't help but punch the steering wheel. What's playing in my mind. Especially now that they're together. Jealousy is boiling my blood.
Try to hold Jay-jay. I'll take you back to the coffin Percy! I don't understand what his plan really is. Why is it necessary for him to only show up to Jay-jay? It's very suspicious.
Revenge is the first thing that comes up in my mind. But if that's his plan, he should have shown up before, at the time when everything was not complicated yet.
For some time I was probably driving in search of hearing my cellphone ring. It was Yuri. I answered the call. "Yuri..."
["I received a text from Angelo. Someone saw Percy and Jay-jay at a fast food restaurant, it looks like he was also looking for Jay. Maybe he can't be bothered with idea that she and Percy were together.]
"Good. Let's meet at Angelo's house."
Ended the call. I drove as fast as I can to Angelo's house. I know I am not welcome in that house. But I'm willing to take the risk. I just want to make sure that Percy did nothing to Jay-jay.
When I arrived at their house, some of our friends were already there. I parked the car and got out. Rory is the first one to talk to me.
"I'm sorry Keifer. Someone stopped me from knowing the flight schedules. I think it's airlines security." He explained.
"It's okay. You try your best." I said and walked towards Yuri.
Rory and Edrix's gaze didn't escape me. I got him not doing my order. He may also be upset with me. Maybe they meant to worry or think about me.
"Keifer ..." Yuri started the conversation. "...there's nothing to do, Percy is with Jay-Jay, and he did nothing to Jay-Jay."
"How sure are you?"
He could not answer. I chose to enter Angelo's house. He was in the living room and talking on the phone.
He was next to his mother who was talking on the phone. "What the hell are you doing here ?!" Aries was annoyed with me.
He grabbed me by the collar and pushed me out.
"What did you do to Jay-jay?"
"I thought you didn't care about the cousin—oh wait! About you sister? Why are you so angry now?" He drew fear and shock on his face.
"H-how the hell..."
I shook his hand and left him stunned. I went in again inside the house and Angelo's mom opened up to me. "Keifer ... do you have any news about Jay-jay?" She asked me.
"I'm sorry but nothing."
"Is that so? Sit down first and Angelo is already looking for her." He said while pointing at the sofa.
I did what she said and Yuri followed me. I sat on their sofa. Angelo looks at me from time to time but we didn't exchanging any words.
"Let's call the police." Jay-Jay's grandmother said that just arrived.
"24hours are needed before the missing person can report." Said Angelo.
"What is that child doing?" It was Jay-Jay's mom.
Soon everyone who lived in this house also arrived including her new stepdad.
Aries still looking at me like his ready to kill me. I choose to ignore him. After a few hours of waiting I heard someone talking outside. I didn't take that long before that someone enters the door.
It was Jay-jay.
You make me so damn worried.
Her grandmother, aunt and mother approached her immediately. She was tired and crying so much. Sge has almost no life in the way she looks.
"Where did you go?" Her grandmother ask.
"Your classmates were still looking for you?" It was her aunt.
"What happened? Why did you suddenly leave your school?" Her mother.
She didn't answer them. She looks around until are eyes met. It broke me. seeing her like this, seeing her suffer because of me and seeing her avoiding me.
"Ma ..." she broke her silence. "... Am I an outsider?"
And that moment I realize Jay-jay will suffer more than I expected.