Chapter 1 Enter Shio Nakamura

My name is Nakamura Shio, I leave in a world full of magic and have lived for about 700 years, actually I have lived, died, got reborn, lived, died, got reborn over and over again and everytime I die I remember everything that happened in the past and I also regain all of my battle skills.

The reason why I keep dying and getting born over and over again is because of my magical ability, I call it the 'System' basically everytime I kill someone I get their life so that once I die I get reborn with their life, so basically it means that for the amount of people I have killed I will get reborn for that exact amount and I can increase it but I can't decrease it.

I don't wish to live any more because I'm kind of tires after living for about 700 years, but for somebody who has killed over 10 million people I still have a long life ahead of me don't I.

Ten years after I got reborn I went on a journey and travelled around the world in hopes of finding a way of removing my system but I haven't been lucky at all.

Shio had falling hair that didn't pass through the neck, had deep blue eyes and he was wearing ordinary clothes to not drag too much attention to himself and his height was also normal and he carried a bag.

There were only two more cities I have left to explore and I'm already on the first one, but I still have no luck.

In a city full of middle wealth people Shio travelled around asking people about any magical mysteries or something close but there seemed to be nothing of that sort.

He then walked into a bar full of beers and many betting spots.

At first the security of the bar did not allow Shio to enter but after he looked at him with his menacing red eyes the security immediately allowed him to enter.

Inside the bar he saw a familiar face, it was the face of Kirio the man who killed him the last time he was alive.

"Kirio is that you?" Shio asked.

"Huh who said that?" Kirio said as he turned around and saw the face of Shio. "Who are you?"

"It is you, so you don't remember me huh, you don't remember your old friend Nakamura Shio, I mean the one you and your army of 800 people killed 15 years ago." Shio said.

"Wait what, who the hell is that?" He asked.

"Ohh right I forgot, back then I was Nakamura Isayama, does that ring a bell." Shio asked murderously.

"No! No way you're, you're lying I killed that guy long ago." Kirio said as he sweated. The people in the bar were confused as to what was happening but then Shio said, "I got reborn, I really don't wanna explain it many more times so I'm just gonna go ahead and kill you ok."

Kirio felt the really familiar commanding presence and immediately told his four guards to kill Shio, but then all of them had their heads seperated from their bodies as soon as they took a single step forward.

"Wha!" Kirio sweated more and began to ru away he quickly exited the bar and continued running away with all his might but then all the hope he had was all instantly shattered as he saw Shio in front of him.

"What are you?" Kirio asked trembling in fear.

"It doesn't matter what I am." Shio answered then in a blink of an eye he killed Kirio then left.

'This city is trash, you know I kinda promised myself that I won't kill anymore but now I have 10 million and five more lives to live, what a drag' Shio thought to himself.

The next day he had already reached the last city he hasn't been in called Lakhar the first area he came into was an area for poor people, he barely felt any magic mana in that city, he just thought that he was wasting his time with this city.

HELP! HELP! HELP! Shio heard as it seemed like a woman was shouting calling for help.

He quickly rushed to that area and stored on top of a house and saw the terrible scene, two thugs were busy mugging a cute woman about his age.

'Who are these people picking on a person my age, well she's only my physical age not mental age, so should I go help her or not. If I go help her I might end up killing those guys which would mean two more lives bit If I don't help her they might kill her, so I guess that I'll have to help her' Ship thought.

As the thug was about to hit the girl a hand grabbed the thugs wrist. "You know picking on girls is not cool." Shio said.

"Huh who's this pipsqueak, go home kid If you value your life." One of the thugs said.

"How nostalgic I was about to say the same thing to you, anyway if you just give the girl back her stuff we won't have any problems so go ahead, come on don't be shy." Shio responded.

"Let's teach this kid a lesson." The thugs said as they agreed.

The first one tried to punch Shio but Shio made a devilish grin that meant death, the woman quickly shouted, "WAIT! DON'T KILL THEM!"

The girl's words surprised Shio and what surprised him more was that he listened to the girl and decided not to kill them but rather just beat them up a little.

"Thank you for your help." The girl said full of fear as she left Shio.

Shio continued his journey in the useless city at Lakhar busy thinking about the strange girl he met, he was so lost in his thoughts that he forgot the fact that he was walking slowly and the fact that it was also night time.

He entered a liquor shop and same thing happened to the security in this one as well. Everybody stopped drinking as they saw Shio enter, he quickly ignored all of them and went to sit down.

Then a waiter came to him, "What would you like me to get for you sir." Shio looked up because he heard a familiar voice and saw the girl he saved.

She had long falling hair, purple eyes, she was wearing waitress attire and her height was average.

"You." Shio said unable to believe his eyes.

The waiter took a look at Shio at quickly recognised him but this time she wasn't afraid. "Uhm sir what should I get you."

"Well you can get me your name." Shio ordered.

The girl laughed then said, "Sir my name isn't on the menu and aren't you too young to be in liquor shops?"

"You can get me five boozes please." Shio said ignoring the girls question.

The girl left and brought the boozes but before she could live Shio invited her to the table, she kept on refusing but after he asked many times she finally agreed and they chatted for a while.

Her name was Annie, she was 15 years old, a nice person who didn't know how to use her magical ability.

She left after Shio finished his booze but surprisingly he followed her, then asked her to take him to her boss. She brought him there and tried to leave but Shio stopped her.

The boss asked him what he wanted and he surprised both of them with his answer. "I'm here because I want to buy your waitress, Annie."

"Look I don't mean to be rude but you're just a teenager and also my waitresses are not for sale." The boss said.

"Are you sure?" Shio asked as he took out a gold coin from his backpack and placed it on the table, the owner was shocked at to how a kid could possess such a rare ore but then he stopped questioning Shio and gave Annie up to him.

After the owner gave Annie up to Shio, she asked why he wanted her but Shio responded with,"I'm just interested in your life style that's all."

After a while any ended up agreeing to tag along with Shio's system that only he can see appeared written:


NO[ ] YES[ ] ]

'Wait what I can add her to the system and if I do then all of my years will be split in half and given to her. But would she like that?' Shio thought.

"Hey Uhm Annie m, if you could would you like to be immortal?" Shio asked.

"Nope I wouldn't like it because that would mean I would get to see all of this over and over again and death is a face that every creature had to pass through." Annie replied.

'Well I can't make her immortal when she doesn't want to so I will have to decline' Shio decided.


After that they left and decided to spend the night at a hotel. In the morning they quickly got up and began their quest.

"Where are we going anyway?" Annie asked.

"I don't know I just usually go somewhere in hopes of finding magical items." Shio responded.

"Wait seriously so you just randomly walk somewhere in hopes of finding magical items. That's literally the dumbest think I've ever heard of." Annie placed her opinion.

"Well do you know of any place where we could find magical items?"

"Yes I do, it's called the tunnel of doom, it's a place full of mana filled items but it is said that anybody that enters never returns."

"Cool than where can we find it?" Shio pleasantly asked.

"Are you moron you can't just go there it's a really dangerous place, I may not like you but that doesn't mean that I hate you so I'm not just about to send you to your doom." Annie replied.

"You... You don't like me?"

"That's not what I meant."

"Then please tell me where I can find this tunnel." Shio begged.

"Fine follow me." Annie said, Shio followed her until they reached the tunnel.

At the tunnels entrance there were stairs leading down, "Well then let's go Annie." Shio said.

"Wait what! I don't have a death wish you idiot, I'm not just about to put my life on danger for no reason at all." She responded.

"Annie.... Please don't call me an idiot it makes me feel unwanted, maybe call me a moron cause that sounds better and don't worry I'll protect you or you'd rather stay there where nobody would be able to protect you if anything happened." Shio said.

After fully analysing the situation Annie saw that it was better to go with Shio. They walked through the the stairs going down and suddenly Shio asked, "Hey Uhm Annie what is your magical ability anyway."

"My ability is telekinesis but I can barely use it since I never trained." She responded.

"I don't want to get into your business but I have to ask why are you a waitress and where were you going the first time I met you?"

"I was going home, actually I was visiting my mother, she's sick and i don't have any money to pay for her hospital fees so she's at home, I joined you because I thought that maybe you could pay me with some of your gold coins and I would be able to get my mother some medical aid." Annie explained.

"Hmm don't worry once we live this place you're going to get your mother medical attention ok." Shio promised.

As they went deeper into the tunnel they stumbled upon traps and other things and survived all of them but then they entered a room filled with an army of skeleton monsters, and in order for them to continue they have to get through the door behind the army.

Annie trembled in fear and wanted to turn back but then Shio placed her at his back then pulled out his sword.

"Don't worry Annie I said I'll protect you and right now I'm doing that so just make sure to hold on tight." Shio said and Annie listened, he made one step and he was already behind the skeleton army with all of them lying dead.

"You can open your eyes now Annie." Shio said, and when she opened her eyes she was extremely shocked to see the skeleton army dead.

'No way this tunnel is a middle to high rank danger level and he instantly shattered all of these skeletons, how's She wondered.

They continued and reached the area where the magical item was but in front of it was a giant skeleton carrying a bone as a hammer.

Outside the tunnel a group of people called Knights of Lakhar who had received word that Annie and Shio were inside the tunnel and had lost hope.

The battle began and the giant skeleton ran towards Shio and Annie, Shio placed his blade back to its sheath and blocked the skeleton attack with only the tip of his finger, the skeleton was as shocked as Annie but then Shio swinged his arm and completely destroyed the skeleton.

He then went to take the magical item and it was just a golden staff that has really strong attack potency. "Ohh man I thought that I was going to find something useful but it's just a stick."

Annie got no chance to ask questions as the tunnel began to fall to them, Shio grabbed her and destroyed the top of the tunnel then jumped out of it.

When he got out with Annie he saw the strange people looking shocked.