"Wait what the hell! Did you destroy this tunnel?" The girl knight asked Shio.
"Well Uhm yeah." Shio answered.
"No way, that tunnel was middle to high rank danger how did you beat it and why did you get in because nobody was supposed to get in until the the frozen dragon members appeared." The guy with the girl said.
"Frozen dragon members? Middle to high rank danger? What are you talking about?" Shio asked.
"Wait what, how come you don't know anything about them well then I'll gladly explain. I this country there are a group of people that protect others from dangers, those people are called Knights of Lakhar, the knights join divisions in order to get more missions, there are about 9 divisions and each division has one captain. All the knights are ranked using a ranking system, the knights rankings are: Firstly the is the low ranking knights, those knights are the weakest of all the ranking knights and they go to missions that suit their ranks. Secondly there are the middle knight ranks, those knight are average. Thirdly there are High ranking knights, those knights are one of the strongest. Fourthly there are the elite ranking knights, those knights are mostly Captain and there aren't many of them. The last one are the supreme ranking knights, they are the strongest but apparently there is only one person who is on this rank and he is the head master of all the knights." The boy knight explained.
"Wait Head Master, when you're the head master does all the information of magical things happen get reported to you?" Ship asked.
"Uh yeah." The girl knight said.
"Where can we join these knights?" Shio asked.
"Well you have to apply firstly and applications end next week, then the exam begins after two months." The knights answered.
"Where can we apply?" Shio asked, Annie looked at him at shock, then the knights said follow us. Shio and Annie followed them, till they reached the place where they should apply, Shio quickly applied, but Annie hesitated and finally applied after she thought of a good life.
After applying Shio and Annie went to where Annie was keeping her mother and took her to the hospital, then they spent the rest of the two months training and horning their techniques.
The day for the exam reached, Shio and Annie made their way to the exam, when they got there they saw a lot of applicants waiting in the gates, after the rest of the applicants arrived an examiner standing on top of the gate appeared.
"Hello examinees I'm excited to see you'll hear, My name is Noah and I will be your guide and if you really wanna become a knights than you better listen carefully." The examiner Noah said.
"Now then listen carefully here's what's going to happen, Firstly you all have to pass the entrance exam, then I'll explain the other test's inside. The entrance exam is simple, get inside the the exam hall that's it," Noah explained the left all the examiner's full of questions.
"Wait what! So all we have to do is get inside." One of the applicants said as he walked towards the gate, "Well then Imma destroy it."
The applicant used his magical ability red blast and created an energy blast which was shot at the gate but the blast was completely nullified.
"What!" The applicant shouted as he was angry, three more other applicants combined their magic and shot it at the gate as well but it was also nullified.
"This gate nullifies magic." The applicants said.
'Hmm this gate nullifies magic, well does it nullify physical strength, wait if I smash it then won't I be allowing the other applicants in as well, they are probably testing our magic so. I won't destroy it's Shio thought.
Three triplets stepped up and used a teleportation spell that sent them inside, Shio also remembered that he had a teleportation spell as well, then he also used it and he got inside then telepathically talked to Annie and told her not to give up.
Annie quickly thought of a plan then decided to use it, her plan was to use her telekinesis and get in by flying.
She activated her ability and flied up, four girls saw her plan and used a spell called: Wings of the bird, and flied up as well, all the other applicants filled as well.
As they seemed to reach the top of the gate it grew taller, they all stopped in shock and their faces were like WTF.
Annie continued to fly up and all the others followed, the gate got tall and larger the more they flied up, suddenly beams of lasers came down and shot at them, Annie and other applicants dodged the beams but some got hit and went down falling.
'This means that I'm close, close to entering I just have to dodge these beams' Annie thought.
More beams shot down but Annie decided to use a technique Shio taught her called: 5 METRES FREEZE ZONE, anything that enters the five metre zone will not move because she had focused her telekinesis to stop anything that enters.
She and many other applicants managed to complete the entrance exam and get inside.
Once they got inside they saw a place full of many small buildings.
The examiner Noah appeared once more, "Well it seems like out of 79 applicants only 65 made it in, but don't think that it'll be easy because now the toughness begins this is the second exam, there are many places marked targets, your job is to destroy them all, if you destroy less than 12 than you failed also the limit of how many you can destroy is 25.
The exam continued and this test seemed hard so Shio volunteered to go fist, he started and in a blink of an eye he had finished and and had a score of 100.
The other applicants started and they also had problems but they managed to finish it then Annie's turn began, she held her head high and started.
She used her telekinesis to control stones and send them to destroy the target, she tried her best and managed to destroy about 13 targets.
In 65 applicants only 52 completed the exam, there was no time to rest as the last exam and the hardest was about to begin.