Episode 4 : College Arc


"I'm already awake mom."

Renji came down the stairs wearing a white jacket, a dark blue shirt, a red tie and white pants which was Kitagawa Daiichi's uniform. He sat next to his father and ate the lunch his mother had prepared.

R.Father: "Tighten your tie Renji, it's the first day you have to make a good impression"

Renji: "Yeah, yeah... it's still a day like any other" he said while tightening his tie.

R.Mother: "You remember the route well, don't you? And did you check if you have all your stuff?"

Renji (rolling his eyes): "YES mom, don't worry" he said with a sigh

R.Father: "Hahahaha!!"

R.Mother: "Okay now, eat quickly, Oikawa and Iwaizumi must be waiting for you"


"Goodbye" Renji said as he left the house

R.Father: "Be careful on the road"

R.Mother (with a tear in his eye): "Our son has grown up well"

On his way out Renji ran into Oikawa and Iwaizumi who were already waiting for him.

Renji: "yo..."

Oikawa: "Always lagging behind Ren-chan, we've been waiting for you for ages"

Iwaizumi hit him on the head: "you only just arrived"

Oikawa (with a tear in his eye): "Ouch, ow... why are you always violent"

Renji gave each of them a lollipop and the three of them left for the school.


[Kitagawa Daiichi College]

Renji, Oikawa and Iwaizumi were walking in the main area where people were invited to join the clubs. They continued to walk for a few moments before stopping in front of the volleyball club booth where many people were waiting.

Oikawa: "I told you the volleyball team was popular"

After a few minutes of waiting it was their turn.

Renji: "We would like to join the volleyball club please"

The man sitting behind the booth, had an imposing build and what seemed to be the volleyball club's tracksuit, he answered: "Hello, no worries here, fill out these registration forms"

The 3 boys took the registration forms and filled them out on the side.

[Renji Pov]

Kitagawa Daiichi Middle School – Volleyball Club Registration Form


📌 Personal Information:

Name: Sakamoto

First Name: Renji

Date of Birth: March 8

Age: 12

Height: 176.5 cm

Class: 6th 3


📌 Volleyball Experience :

Have you ever played volleyball? [ Yes ]

YOUR Position? [ Right winger ]

Have you ever participated in tournaments or competitions? [ No ]


📌 Motivations :

Why do you want to join the volleyball club? (A few sentences are enough)

[ I want to join the club because I have talent and I intend to become the best player on the team. Winning is my only goal. ]

------------------ ---

📌 Medical information (optional but recommended)

Do you have any allergies or health problems to report? [ No ]

Do you have a medical contraindication for practicing sports? [ No ]


📌 Commitment By signing this form, I agree to:

✅ Attend training sessions and matches.

✅ Respect my teammates, coaches, and opponents.

✅ Give my best to progress and help the team.

📝 Student signature: Renji SAKAMOTO


The 3 finished filling out the form and went to their classes. The three separated after a few minutes because Iwaizumi and Renji were in the same class and Oikawa wasn't. They arrived in front of their classes before going inside. Renji opened the door and looked inside, everyone's attention was focused on Renji and Iwaizumi.

That's when a guy with curly black hair and glasses approached the duo yelling: "Hey!! Guys!!! It's the first day of school so you should have s... "

Before he could finish his sentence Renji closed the door and left with Iwaizumi who was trying to hold back his laughter. Renji ignored the guy who had just spoken and went to sit at the back of the class near the window.

Iwaizumi sat down next to him and asked: "Ren do you think that idiot Oikawa will get away with this?"

Renji (smile on his lips): "I don't know, but at least we'll have some peace"

The door suddenly opened and the man from the volleyball club stand came in and everyone went back to their seats.

When everyone was seated, he introduced himself: "Hello, my name is Ikeda Anzai, I will be your homeroom teacher for this year, and I am also the coach of the volleyball club"

He said the last sentence while looking at Renji and Iwaizumi. The class started and ended in a flash, Renji and Iwaizumi finished packing their things and were about to leave when they were stopped by their homeroom teacher.

Coach Anzai: "You two are going to the volleyball club right?"


Coach Anzai: "Alright, follow me" As he walked towards the volleyball club, Oikawa had joined them.

Oikawa (whispering): "Yo guys, who's the man in front... he's scary with his build"

Renji: "He's our homeroom teacher and also the coach of the volleyball team"

Oikawa: "Ohhh!!! OK.... how was the start of class?"

They continued to chat as they walked forward until they arrived in front of the gym and entered.

"Ohhhh!!! It's the coach"

A black-haired man with glasses approached Coach Anzai and said: "Everyone is here and gathered"


Coach Anzai said before standing in front of everyone: "Hello everyone, I'm Ikeda Anzai, and I'll be your coach, although many of you want to join us, only a few of you will be selected and join the team. So give it your best shot so you don't have any regrets."

"Now, introduce yourself and give your position"

"YES SIR!!!!"

The first years came forward one by one and introduced themselves: "Baek Kai, I play setter!"

"Mitsushi Daiki, I play libero"

"Hajime Iwaizumi, Forward, Blocker"

"Toru Oikawa, Setter"

"Issei Matsukawa, Center ....

"Sakamoto Renji, I play Right Wing"

After the first years, it was the turn of the regulars to introduce themselves:

"Kirigawa Katsuki, 3rd year and captain, center blocker" seeing him renji thought of kuroo...

"Murano Hisoka, 3rd year, setter"

"Fukunaga Tatsuo, 2nd year, libero"

"Sakai Masumi, 2nd year, Right Wing"

And so on until the end ....

Coach Anzai: "very good first years, the Tests are about to begin"

"YES SIR!!!!"

The first years did many exercises, endurance, coordination, reception, service and attack to determine who would be selected. And in the end only 4 were selected to join the first team.

Coach Anzai: "the names I'm going to call stay on the field. Toru Oikawa, Issei Matsukawa, Hajime Iwaizumi, and... Sakamoto Renji"

While the other first years came out of the gym some sad, others dejected, the 4 chosen gathered in front of Coach Anzai.

Coach Anzai: "Well, you are the ones who stood out, but that doesn't reassure you yet a place in the team. Now you will have a practice match against your seniors as a last Test"



After the warm-up 8 players entered the field. The 4 first years were going to face Katsuki, Hisoka, Tatsuo and Masumi

Renji looked at the opponent and smiled, it had been a while since he had felt This pre-match pressure, without realizing it he released a pressure.

Katsuki (who was watching from afar): "It looks like we recruited a monster" "interesting... show me what you're worth"

he said with a smile on his lips