Episode 3 : Training Camp

[Training Camp]

It was the blue team's turn to serve and Ushijima volunteered.

Ushijima (thinking of Renji's serve at the beginning): "if he can do it, then so can I"

He threw the ball, made his approach and launched himself into the air then hit the ball with all his strength, which flew away quickly. And while the ball was about to pass to the other camp due to lack of strength and precision it hit the net but still managed to fall on the red team's side.

Kamori reacted immediately and slid on the ground to save the ball. He managed to put it back in play and Oikawa immediately positioned himself under the ball and sent a pass to the left wing where Osamu was who was already in the air. Kuroo continued the pass and got ready to block Osamu. Osamu hit the ball trying to find an angle but Kuroo moved his hand and touched it.

Kuroo: "one touch"

Iwaizumi received the ball and sent it to Atsumu who sent a high pass to Ushijima.

Atsumu: "Come on!! Catch up"

Ushijima took flight against the block composed of Renji and Osamu. In the air Renji left an opening on the straight line, Ushijima having noticed it hit with all his strength, but at the last moment Renji moved his hand and managed to block the ball which landed on the other side.

Renji landed on the ground and turned to Ushijima with a competitive smile: "Try again"

Ushijima returned his gaze and turned around.

The match continued and despite their young age, each child demonstrated an incredible level and each point was disputed. The score was now [24-22] match point for Renji's team.

After a reception from Kamori, while Renji and Osamu positioned themselves ready to attack, Oikawa caught the block off guard and made a second hand

Oikawa: "Hahaha! I got you!!!"

But at the last moment Atsumu who had read Oikawa's game dove and saved the ball which rose from the right side where Ushijima was already making his approach.

Osamu: "Tchhh!! Not even time to breathe" he quickly sprinted to the left ready to block Ushijima.

Ushijima: "This time, I'm going to score"

Ushijima hit the ball with all his might, which passed through Osamu's block but slowed down, which gave Kamori time to receive the ball. Kamori sent it to Oikawa who this time without hesitation sent a high pass to the right where Renji was.

Oikawa: "Finish them Ren-chan"

Renji: "You can count on me"

He made his approach gathering all his strength and launched himself into the air in front of Iwaizumi and Kuroo's block. Renji analyzed the situation quickly and turned his torso to the right, Ushijima having noticed it shifted his center of gravity accordingly.

Renji: "you fell for it"

At the last moment Renji changed the orientation of his hand and sent the ball to the opposite side. Atsumu ran at full speed and tried to save the ball, but it was too late, the ball had already fallen, indicating that Renji's team had won.

[Score: 25-22] End of the match.

Everyone on the field let out a sigh and fell to the ground exhausted, but they all had the same thought:

"I want to play against these monsters again"

Coach Lucio (thoughts): "what did I just see... these kids are crazy..."

As everyone was trying to catch their breath, the coach came over and said: "great job guys, you guys really exceeded my expectations, especially you Renji Sakamoto" and pointed at Renji.

"this is going to be a really interesting training camp" He sent the players home.

But before they left the eight monsters gathered and Kuroo spoke up.

Kuroo (to Renji): "how did you get so good?"

Renji (with a wry smile): "talent and practice I guess"

Kuroo: "i guess that makes sense" he said scratching the back of his head.

Ushijima: "Renji Sakamoto, next time I'll beat you"

Renji (smiling): "Whenever you want" the two shook hands, and Ushijima left.

Atusmu (also shaking Renji's hand): "Anyway, let's play again someday"

Renji: "Yeah, sure"

Oikawa (excitedly): "Come on Renji, let's go home quickly, I want to learn how to do a jump serve" "You too Iwa-chan" he said as he clapped him on the shoulder

Iwaizumi: "Ouch!! My body still hurts"

Oikawa: "Oh sorry, hahaha!!"

After they left, Coach Lucio in his office was thinking about what he had just seen. "Renji Sakamoto... what a talent at such a young age, it's incredible... No it's really incredible, and there are also the other 7... it's really a generation of monsters in the making"

He smiled: "It seems that the future of Japanese volleyball is going to be bright"


Time passed quickly and the 3 months of training camp also ended.

Coach Lucio: "you have trained well and each of you has progressed. keep what you have learned and continue your path to the stars"

"YES SIR!!!"

Renji: "Do you want to go eat something?"

Kuroo: "I'm finally starting to like you, genius"

Oikawa: "Ren-chaaaannn, you're the best"

Everyone set off towards the restaurants and after an evening filled with laughter and anecdotes, the time to part had arrived.

Renji: "The next time we see each other we'll be at college, you know what that means"

he said as a smile appeared on his face. The others looked at each other, understanding very well what Renji meant.

"So we'll meet at college, and may the best man win"


The training camp had just ended and the time to go to college had finally arrived.