Ch 2

Katie awoke holding onto Gina. As she looked up at her, she noticed that it looked like she had been crying as she was lying there looking at her. Katie started to ask what was wrong when Gina pressed her finger to her lips. Katie nodded, realizing that Gina didn't want to wake Mia.

Even though Katie was getting used to the three of them in the bed, she wished that it could go back to when it was just the two of them in there. Because there was more room, and if they wanted to lay there and chat, they could and would not have to worry about anyone else.

Katie nodded and signaled for her to go to the bathroom. So that they could talk, and she could find out what was going on.

It was not like they were trying to keep things from Mia, but it was just going to be a little bit easier for her to talk without having to worry about anyone else.

It was easy for Katie to slip out of bed since she was already on the edge of it. Katie had to smile when she looked into the bed and saw how tight Mia had pressed against Gina. Katie thought good luck on getting out from under her without waking her.

Katie let out a little giggle as she watched Gina slide over and then Mia threw her arm over her and started pulling herself back into Gina. Mia was trying to snuggle into Gina looking for the warmth and softness of her body she was using as a pillow.

Gina shook her head with a smile on her face and scooted over farther pulling out from under her. Mia rolled over at that point. It was a good thing that Mia was such a sound sleeper and moving around in her sleep normally didn't wake her all the way up.

Gina slid out of bed and joined Katie in the bathroom. Gina couldn't help but give Katie a hug and she said, "I saw you crying in your sleep it just made me so sad. Were you dreaming of things or is there something weighing on your mind?"

Gina already had an idea of what was going on, but she wanted to know for sure by Katie saying it herself.

Katie thought back to what she was dreaming about and said, "It was just my stupid dad. You know that his trial is coming up soon and I don't want to be involved. I don't want to have to relive all that again." Katie knew that she was going to have to, but she looked at Gina with pleading eyes.

Gina knew that it was just as hard for Katie if not worse than she had it. Gina's parents had been killed but they had more or less taken Katie in as a daughter and Gina knew that Katie loved them almost as much as she did. That was part of what made them so close, and the fact that Rodger Katie's dad played a part in their deaths was eating at both the girls.

Gina could never hold any of that against Katie, but Katie was still having issues dealing with the guilt that she was feeling. Katie had only felt a little guilt when they ran off together because they were both being hunted. It was not till Gina got washed overboard in the storm that everything got worse. While they started looking for Gina everywhere the guilt that Katie felt got really bad. Once they were reunited things got better, but the guilt that she started feeling from what her dad did to them both just seemed to grow worse.

Gina saw that even now Katie couldn't look her in the eyes. So, she said, "You know I don't blame you for what happened on the ship. I am just glad that we were able to find each other and get back together. As for what your dad did, he hurt you worse than he hurt me after all you have to live with the knowledge that he is your dad."

Gina didn't want it to sound like she was trying to rub salt in her wounds, but she was trying anything that she could think of to help make Katie feel better. Katie still couldn't look up into her eyes, so Gina moved in close gave her a huge hug, and said, "You know that I am here for you no matter what you are going through."

As Katie cried in her arms saying, "But dad helped kill your parents."

Gina was crying too at this point and said, "They were like your parents too."

Gina said, "At least with us getting forced to have to go to the trial we will get to hear everything that happened and how they died. Since all we heard was it was ruled as an accident at first."

Gina knew it was going to be hard for them both to hear what happened, but she knew that she was going to try and be strong for Katie. She knew that Katie was going to be needing her more than ever. Gina was just hoping that Miss Kathy was going to be with them to help them face all of the things that they were going to be going through.

Just then the door opened, and Mia stood there and asked jokingly, "What, I'm in bed and you both sneak off to the bathroom to hug."

Then she saw that they both were upset and crying, and her smile wilted, and she said, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt. I just saw the light was on." Then she went silent.

Gina spoke up and said, "It's just that we are getting nervous about the trial coming up and we are going to be questioned."

Mia nodded, she knew that they were getting worse by the day since they watched as the town guards grabbed both Rodger and Stan and hauled them away. Mia was saddened, she knew that she had not been part of it all, but she hated seeing the two of them sad. She knew that the only thing that she could do for them was just watch and be there for them if they needed anything. Mia looked at the time and got a little smile on her face. It was time for them to go down to help the chef start breakfast. That was the only thing that really cheered the two of them up now that things were getting so tense.

Mia asked, "Are you getting ready to go down to the kitchen to start breakfast? Do I have time to shower before we go?"

Mia already knew the answers to both questions, she just wanted to make sure that she was still being included, she was feeling like such a third wheel lately. They were not trying to exclude Mia from anything, it was just that the girls had grown up together since they were young, and Katie had only been around Mia for a couple of weeks now. Katie liked her and she could tell how attached Gina had become to Mia, and she knew it was just going to take time for her to feel the same way.

Gina reached over and pulled her into the hug and said you know you have time for a shower the alarm has not even gone off to get us up yet. Mia was just so happy to be included in the hug. It was not that any of them were jealous. It was just that Mia was very insecure about the way that she had been treated in the past.

Mia stripped down and hopped into the shower. Katie was able to get a good look at her back, ass, and legs. All three were covered by thin gray scars that had mostly faded away now. It showed that they had been caused a long time ago. Katie could tell that they no longer caused her any pain, but the marks of a whip would never go all the way away. Katie almost let out a gasp, but she held it back not wanting to draw attention to her and make Mia any more self-conscious than she already was.

Gina noticed her expression and took her by the hand and whispered in her ear so that Mia couldn't tell that they were talking about her and said, "Miss Kathy rescued her from some mean slaver. From what they told me she was a really pretty girl when she was little. Her father had gotten into some really bad debt to some really bad people. So, he sold her off to them to clear the debt. They used to whip her a lot and use her in all kinds of ways and it didn't even matter to them that she was young and little. That is why she seems really needy and clingy now, and that is why she is so skittish around most people, especially guys. No one had told me all the things that they did to her, but I think it was a whole lot of things that hurt her especially since she was so small when they started with her."

Katie couldn't believe that people did those things to such a small and pretty little girl, and she started thinking how lucky she was. The same thing was about to happen to them both. But the only difference was that they were older, and they ran away before it could happen to them. Witch made all the difference in the world on how they were.

Now she realized just why Gina and Mia had formed such a close connection in such a short time. Katie looked at Gina and thought about how she had told her that she had been sold to Miss Kathy at a slave auction. Katie wondered just how much of what Mia went through Gina had gone through as well. Or would have gone through if the wrong person had gotten ahold of her. Katie knew that would have just been the start of it. Because she knows that anyone else would have sold her off to Stan for a profit after they were done using her. Not caring what happened to her or what kind of life she would have had from that point on.

At this point, Katie decided that Mia was going to be as much of a sister as Gina was. Katie noticed that Mia was closer to Gina than she was in some ways. It was like Mia was attracted to her, and that didn't matter to Gina. In fact, Gina seemed to like it. Katie thought that if that was what Gina wanted, it was fine with her, but she liked boys more. She was not going to say anything unless Gina brought it up.

Mia stepped out of the shower and quickly grabbed a towel, seeing that they both were still in the bathroom. Mia wanted to hide more now than ever, knowing the hot water had given her skin color, making all her scars show up even more. She ran to the closet and asked, "Can we all dress alike again today?" She would say anything at this point just to make sure that they didn't notice the scars that she had.

They both giggled as they went to the closet and made sure that they had something matching to put on.

Once they were all dressed and looking just right, they made their way down to the Kitchen.